

In Eswatini, 37.4% of the population is aged between 15-34 years, with a 50.7% and 49.3% ratio of females and males respectively. Evidently, the youth population is fast growing and offers a great opportunity for economic growth. If properly harnessed, young people could be a great resource for economic growth. Therefore, the high proportion of youth in a country where only few jobs are generated, might be a considerable demographic risk rather than an engine for economic growth.

Some studies have pointed to the education system and a mismatch between the skills required by industry and what the country is producing, whilst other studies have alluded the weak investment environment as one of the contributors to low economic growth.

The Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Development Policy was developed with the aim to encourage youth entrepreneurship by providing training, stimulating lending, and providing support to individuals wishing to establish businesses. According to the UN Youth Entrepreneurship Report (2013), youth in Eswatini are drawn to entrepreneurship out of necessity to escape unemployment and build livelihoods, and opportunity to realize their vision and contribute to their country and community. As a result, many of the businesses are not sustainable. Although entrepreneurship has been identified as the key in helping the youth out of poverty, there has been little focus and investment on youth that desire to pursue other career options, hence a need to provide support towards empowerment of Eswatini youth through skills development and linking graduates with local job opportunities.

According to the Eswatini national Skills Audit Report, labor market trends have only changed marginally in the last 14 years and are characterized by low labor diversity and dynamism. The service sector constitutes more than 60% of overall employment while agriculture is just above 10% and industry is under 20%. The advent of the covid 19 pandemic led to the decline a decline in industry employment rate due to forced company closure. The labor market in Eswatini is predominantly driven by the service sector and informal employment.

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In Eswatini, 37.4% of the population is aged between 15-34 years, with a 50.7% and 49.3% ratio of females and males respectively. Evidently, the youth population is fast growing and offers a great opp...


The Istanbul Regional Hub (IRH) is UNDP’s main knowledge and advisory hub for the countries serviced by UNDP’s Regional Bureau for Europe and CIS (RBEC). The Gender Equality Team at the UNDP IRH supports UNDP Country Offices in 18 countries and territories in the Europe and Central Asia region with a range of advisory services to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment. Specifically, IRH Gender Equality Team works to deliver opportunities and improve skills for women’s economic empowerment, especially in the future world of work, focusing on the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) sectors; address and prevent violence and all forms of discrimination against women and girls; support Country Offices to close gender gaps and deliver gender equality results aligned with the SDGs as part of their national programs, and monitors the gender-differentiated impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic; support UNDP Country Offices and interested partners to attain the Gender Equality Seal, a UNDP institutional certification programme that promotes gender equality both as a development goal and an integral part of organizational functioning. The Gender Equality Seal programme for RBEC aims to empower managers and accelerate changes needed to support national gender equality goals combining quality assurance with learning and capacity building of staffs with 14 participating offices for the year 2021-2023.

IRH Gender Equality Team also supports the design and implementation of regional and sub-regional initiatives to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment, and tracks and presents the results achieved by UNDP programmes and initiatives in the region in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment. Among others, STEM4ALL is a regional digital platform launched by IRH Gender Equality Team in March 2021 and this online platform has catalyzed widespread interest in knowledge exchange, community building and cross-sector collaboration to overcome systematic gender barriers, break stereotypes, and access networks and resources to advance girls and women in STEM education and professional careers.

UNDP also recognizes the role women play in empowering other women as parliamentary representatives, supporting the emergence of gender-sensitive parliaments, and adopting gender-responsive policy and legislative frameworks.  In 2020, the IRH Gender Equality and Communications teams launched an interactive online platform, #Equal Future. The platform allows users to actively observe the progress on women’s political participation in 57 countries and territories around the world since the 1995 Beijing conference. By doing this, the platform contributes to informing the audience, researchers and policymakers about recent changes in women’s representation in parliament, as well as providing an overview of the evolution in the past 27 years, and developing forecasts and showcasing stories of women parliamentarians from the region. The platform has been updated in 2021 and 2022 with new data, key events and stories of women parliamentarians.

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The Istanbul Regional Hub (IRH) is UNDP’s main knowledge and advisory hub for the countries serviced by UNDP’s Regional Bureau for Europe and CIS (RBEC). The Gender Equality Team at the UN...


UNDP has launched an updated Internal Control Framework Policy (ICF Policy) and Operational Guide to the ICF (ICF Operational Guide).

The ICF Operational Guide serves as a supplementary document to the ICF Policy. Given the complexity of UNDP’s activities, the purpose of the ICF Operational Guide is to bring together the key internal control requirements included throughout the POPP to help UNDP offices implement effective internal controls in both clustered and non-clustered environments. Specifically, the Operational Guide: (i) articulates the key day-to-day internal control roles and their associated authorities, accountabilities, and responsibilities; (ii) describes  at a high level some key process control points; and (iii) identifies the supporting technology related functionalities (i.e., ERP), rights, and available tools to affect and monitor the implementation of internal controls. A series of “Quick Views” have been added to provide more visual content, as requested by stakeholders. This version of the ICF Operational Guide provides guidance on who executes internal control roles (or elements) with respect to both clustered and non-clustered processes. Country Offices should follow the clustered or non-clustered guidance that is relevant to their clustering implementation status.

Under the overall guidance of the Resident Representative and close supervision of the Deputy Resident Representative, the Consultant will assist in undertaking a comprehensive review of operational and programmatic processes in alignment to the ICF.  

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UNDP has launched an updated Internal Control Framework Policy (ICF Policy) and Operational Guide to the ICF (ICF Operational Guide). The ICF Operational Guide serves as a supplementary document to th...


Instructions to Applicants: Click on the "Apply now" button. Input your information in the appropriate Sections: personal information, language proficiency, education, resume and motivation. Upon completion of the first page, please hit "submit application" tab at the end of the page. Please ensure that CV or P11 and the Cover letter are combined in one file.

The following documents shall be required from the applicants:

Personal CV or P11, indicating all past positions held and their main underlying functions, their durations (month/year), the qualifications, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate, and at least three (3) the most recent professional references of previous supervisors. References may also include peers.

A cover letter (maximum length: 1 page) indicating why the candidate considers him-/herself to be suitable for the position.

Managers may ask (ad hoc) for any other materials relevant to pre-assessing the relevance of their experience, such as reports, presentations, publications, campaigns or other materials.

Office/Unit/Project Description

UNDP is the knowledge frontier organization for sustainable development in the UN Development System and serves as the integrator for collective action to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNDP’s policy work carried out at HQ, Regional and Country Office levels offers a spectrum of deep local knowledge to cutting-edge global perspectives and advocacy. In this context, UNDP invests in its Global Policy Network (GPN), a network of field-based and global technical expertise across a wide range of knowledge domains and in support of the signature solutions and organizational capabilities envisioned in UNDP’s Strategic Plan. Within the GPN, the Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS) has the responsibility for developing all relevant policy and guidance to support the results of UNDP’s Strategic Plan. BPPS staff provides technical advice to Country Offices; advocates for UNDP corporate messages; represents UNDP at multi-stakeholder fora, including public-private, government and civil society dialogues; and engages in UN inter-agency coordination in specific thematic areas. 

BPPS’ Nature Climate and Energy (NCE) Team works with governments, civil society, and private sector partners to integrate natural capital, environment and climate concerns into national and sector planning and inclusive growth policies; support country obligations under Multilateral Environmental Agreements; and implement the UN’s largest portfolio of in-country programming on environment, climate change, and energy. This multi-billion-dollar portfolio encompasses: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services including forests; Sustainable Land Management and Desertification including food and commodity systems; Water and Ocean Governance including SIDS; Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation; Sustainable Energy; Extractive Industries; Chemicals and Waste Management; Environmental Governance and Green/Circular Economy and SCP approaches. This work advances crosscutting themes on innovative finance, digital transformation, capacity development, human rights, gender equality, health, technology, and South-South learning.

In addition to UNDP’s bilateral partnerships in NCE, UNDP is an accredited multilateral implementing agency of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Multilateral Fund (MLF), the Adaptation Fund (AF) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). As part of UNDP’s partnership with these vertical funds (VFs), UNDP provides countries specialized integrated technical services for eligibility assessment, programme formulation, capacity development, policy advice, technical assistance, training and technology transfer, mobilization of co-financing, implementation oversight, results management and evaluation, performance-based payments, and knowledge management services.

Marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity contributes substantially to human development, including via the provision of food security, transport, energy, tourism, and critical ecosystem services; ocean sectors contribute around $3 trillion per year to the global market economy. Due to governance and market failures leading to unsustainable ocean practices, the health and socioeconomic contributions of the ocean, and especially coral reefs, face significant threats including overfishing, pollution, habitat loss, invasive species, and climate change. These threats disproportionately impact SIDS and coral nations, where economic and community development is highly dependent on nature.

UNDP works with national and local governments, intergovernmental organizations, UN agencies, NGOs, academia, and the private sector to advance integrated, cross-sectoral, ecosystem-based approaches for the protection and management of marine and coastal ecosystems that help to create and maintain sustainable blue economies. Through UNDP’s Ocean Promise, the organisation commits to mainstreaming marine and coastal conservation and management targets into SDG-based national development and poverty reduction strategies and facilitating strategic partnerships and coordinated approaches to action and advocacy for marine and coastal resources management. This aligns closely with UNDP’s SIDS Offer—Rising Up For SIDS, which focuses on three interconnected pillars that can kickstart green and blue recovery and transform development: (i) enhance climate action; (ii) propel blue economies; and (iii) catalyse digital transformation, aiming to provide integrated development solutions specific to SIDS. On the ground, UNDP is redoubling its efforts to enable every SIDS and coral nation to access innovative and traditional finance that unlocks ocean-positive investment with benefits for local communities. UNDP is a founding partner of the Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR), which supports blended finance initiatives that unlock public and private investment for businesses and financial mechanisms that improve reef health and benefit communities. UNDP plays a leading role in the development and implementation of GFCR.

The Technical Specialist (TS) for Coral Reef and Island Ecosystems is primarily responsible for providing technical, policy, and programming implementation support and oversight across UNDP’s global Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR) and wider coral reefs portfolio, and delivering related knowledge, capacity development and solution sharing services. The Technical Specialist will support UNDP’s engagement with the Global Fund for Coral Reefs, including management of UNDP’s GFCR global project and programme portfolio, the development and implementation of the REEF+ Accelerator (a GFCR facility hosted by UNDP) and related fundraising. The TS is expected to support and oversee UNDP´s work with key partners in the coral reefs arena including UN agencies, governments and inter-governmental organizations, NGOs, donors (bilateral, IFI, foundations), the private sector and other stakeholders. The TS will also support corporate coral reef- and island-related policy and advocacy work.

Institutional Arrangement

  • The Technical Specialist will report to the Senior Technical Advisor (EBD/Marine and SIDS);
  • The Technical Specialist will be given access to relevant information necessary for the execution of the tasks under this assignment;
  • The Technical Specialist will be responsible for providing her/his own workstation (i.e. laptop, internet, phone, scanner/printer, etc.) and must have access to reliable internet connection;
  • Given the global consultations to be undertaken during this assignment, the Technical Specialist is expected to be reasonably flexible with his/her availability for consultations taking into consideration different time zones;
  • The Technical Specialist will engage regularly with the supervisor by email and Skype on a weekly and/or as needed daily basis;
  • The Technical Specialist shall submit to the Supervisor a monthly progress report on the status of the implementation of tasks.

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Instructions to Applicants: Click on the “Apply now“ button. Input your information in the appropriate Sections: personal information, language proficiency, education, resume and...

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Posted 2 years ago

Under the guidance of and reporting directly to the Deputy Director, Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development, the Administrative Assistant will be responsible for, but not limited to, the following key functions:

1) Efficient and effective administrative and logistical support:

- Coordinating and creating travel requests in the system, ensuring accurate and complete data entries.

- Coordinating visa application and hotel reservation processes as may be required.

- Liaising with the travel agencies on the ticket reservations, issuance, amendment, and cancellation.

- Verifying the accuracy of travel entitlements for travel advances and travel reports.

- Monitoring and following-up on the timely settlements of travel claims in collaboration with the HQ Travel Unit.

- Compiling and filing necessary travel-related documents for audit purposes.

- Keeping abreast of updates/changes in the Travel and Expense Module and making new/updated information available to staff.

- Supporting the collection of information for DSA, travel agencies and other administrative surveys.

- Supporting the organization of national and international conferences, workshops, retreats, missions as well as high-level and working level meetings, including venue reservation, arrangement of catering, ICT and interpretation services, etc.


2) Daily office management and coordination

- Arranging shipment of goods, publications and correspondence as may be required.

- Drafting routine correspondence, memoranda, reports, and meeting minutes in accordance with the diplomatic protocol and established procedures.

- Preparing informal translations and acting as interpreter when necessary.

- Maintaining contact list of strategic partners.

- Facilitating documents submission for visa and residence permit issuance by the Turkish MFA.

- Collecting and updating information on assets and non-assets management.

- Identifying office ICT and stationery needs and addressing them in a timely manner.

- Facilitating the onboarding of newcomers by sharing relevant information.

- Maintaining files and records related to the day-to-day office management.


3) Ensuring effective implementation of operational strategies:

- Ensuring full compliance of administrative and logistics activities with UN/UNDP rules, regulations, policies and strategies.

- Supporting the recruitment of local personnel (NPSAs, UNVs, interns, etc.) as might be required.

- Supporting the procurement of basic goods and services through market research and collecting quotations and proposals.

- Raising E-requisitions and creating PO receipts as per established Standard Operating Procedures.

- Ensuring timely response to the identified bottlenecks and operational issues.

- Contributing to the FSH knowledge management and resource mobilization efforts.

- Collecting and submitting relevant data inputs in response to HQ requests.

- Backstopping other team members and performing other duties related to this position as may be required by Supervisor.

The Administrative Assistant will work under the direct supervision of the IICPSD Deputy Director and will be in close collaboration with the other IICPSD and Project management Support Team members.

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Under the guidance of and reporting directly to the Deputy Director, Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development, the Administrative Assistant will be responsible for, but not limi...

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago

The following documents are required for submission:

  1. Personal CV or P11, indicating all past positions held and their main underlying functions, their durations (month/year), the qualifications, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate, and at least three (3) the most recent professional references of previous supervisors.
  2. A cover letter (maximum length: 1 page) indicating why the candidate considers himself/herself to be suitable for the position.
  3. One sample of research produced, report written, knowledge product, publication(s) and/ or other relevant materials.

Office/Unit/Project Description:

UNDP is the knowledge frontier organization for sustainable development in the UN Development System and serves as the integrator of collective action to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Within UNDP’s Global Policy Network, the Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS) leads the development of UNDP’s policy and programme guidance to support the implementation of UNDP’s Strategic Plan. BPPS plays a key role in strengthening strategic and policy guidance in UNDP including the coherence and quality of anti-corruption policy and programme support, which is coordinated by UNDP’s Anti-Corruption for Peaceful and Inclusive Societies (ACPIS) global project.

The ACPIS global project is UNDP’s main vehicle for providing policy and programme support on anti-corruption, and coordinating UNDP’s anti-corruption work both internally through UNDP regional hubs and country offices and externally with other relevant partners.

UNDP’s work on anti-corruption has been instrumental in advancing the transparency, accountability and integrity agendas at global, regional and country levels. The ACPIS global project contributes to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by integrating anti-corruption solutions in service delivery sectors, strengthening institutional capacity of institutions to prevent and address corruption, leveraging technology and innovation for integrity and anti-corruption, and leading anti-corruption knowledge and global advocacy on anti-corruption.

Institutional Arrangement:

The Research and Knowledge Management Analyst will work under the overall guidance and supervision of the UNDP Global Programme Advisor on Anti-Corruption and work closely with the ACPIS Programme Manager. The incumbent will also closely coordinate his/her activities with the ACPIS project team. The Research and Knowledge Management Analyst will be responsible for coordinating research and knowledge management activities implemented by ACPIS global project at the global, regional and country levels. S/he will also be responsible for coordinating with ACPIS programme partners, UNDP regional hubs and country offices for research and knowledge management support, including organizing training events, webinars, expert meetings, and special events on anti-corruption at country, regional and global levels.

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The following documents are required for submission: Personal CV or P11, indicating all past positions held and their main underlying functions, their durations (month/year), the qualifications, as we...


The following documents shall be required from the applicants:

  1. Personal CV or P11, indicating all past positions held and their main underlying functions, their durations (month/year), the qualifications, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate, and at least three (3) the most recent professional references of previous supervisors. References may also include peers.

Office/Unit/Project Description:

UNDP’s Strategic Plan emphasizes the critical links between environmental sustainability, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and broader efforts to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda and Paris Agreement. UNDP’s Nature, Climate Change, and Energy (NCE) Team promotes and scales up integrated whole-of-governance approaches and nature-based solutions that reduce poverty and inequalities, strengthen livelihoods and inclusive growth, and promote more resilient governance systems.

The NCE Team works with governments, civil society, and private sector partners to integrate natural capital, environment and climate concerns into national and sector planning and inclusive growth policies; support country obligations under Multilateral Environmental Agreements. The portfolio encompasses: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services; Sustainable Land Management and Desertification; Water and Ocean Governance; Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation; Renewable and Modern Energy; Extractive Industries; Chemicals and Waste Management; Environmental Governance and Green/Circular Economy. This work advances crosscutting themes on innovative finance, digital transformation, capacity development, human rights, gender equality, health, technology, and South-South learning.

Sound chemical and waste management could reduce the risks of exposure to hazardous chemicals and protect the human health and environment. UNDP Montreal Protocol/chemical Unit focuses on providing policy and technical advisory, design and implementation oversight to the chemical projects funded by GEF, MLF, and bilateral donors. Currently, UNDP supports 85 countries in meeting their obligations under the Montreal Protocol, Stockholm convention, Minamata convention, as well as strategic approach of international chemical management (SAICM). UNDP has been on the forefront of efforts to advance the Kigali Amendment to tackle the climate change and improve cooling efficiency by partnering with developing countries, MLF, GEF, K-CEP, CCAC, Cool Coalition, bilateral donors and private sectors. UNDP’s Chemicals and Waste Programme  helps client countries improve their capacities for sustainable production and consumption, clean air action plan, integrated waste management (healthcare waste, E-waste, plastics), sustainable and non-chemical development in SIDS, promotion of Green/Circular Economy, resource efficiency, good practice in Artisanal and Gold Mining sector (ASGM).

Under the Montreal Protocol, the Article 5 countries committed to phase-out its ODS consumption.  Furthermore, the Parties to the Montreal Protocol agreed under the Decision XIX/6 on the “Adjustment to the Montreal Protocol with regard to Annex C, Group I substances (HCFCs)” to “accelerate the phase-out of production and consumption of the hydrochlorofluorcarbons (HCFCs)”, and the Article 5 (A5) countries have been requested by the ExCom to adopt a staged approach to the implementation of their HCFC Phase-out Management Plans (HPMP). 

Furthermore, in order to further protect the climate and the ozone layer, in October of 2016, during the 28th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, more than 170 countries agreed to amend the Protocol.  The Kigali Agreement establishes specific targets and timetables to phase-down the production and consumption of HFCs, and carries an agreement by developed countries to help finance the transition of developing countries to climate-friendly substances, through a global commitment that will avoid more than 80 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions by 2050.

The International Expert in Polyurethane (PU) Foam will work with UNDP, under the direct coordination of the UNDP MPU Regional Programme Coordinator for LAC in supporting countries where UNDP implements the Montreal Protocol.

Institutional Arrangement:

  • The Contractor will work from home;
  • The Contractor will report to the Regional Coordinator for LAC, based in Panama City, Panama;
  • The Contractor will be given access to relevant information necessary for the execution of the tasks under this assignment;
  • The Contractor will be responsible for providing her/his own workstation (i.e. laptop, internet, phone, scanner/printer, etc.) and must have access to reliable internet connection;
  • Given the global consultations to be undertaken during this assignment, Contractor is expected to be reasonably flexible with his/her availability for such consultations taking into consideration different time zones.


UNDP will cover the cost of travel of the individual to the duty station, as well as their return to their home upon completion of their services. Travel costs are covered only in the event that the function will be undertaken physically in the duty station and excludes working from home arrangements.

Home based, with possible missions to Angola, Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Mozambique, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, St. Kitts and Nevis, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay. The expert may support additional countries not listed here

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The following documents shall be required from the applicants: Personal CV or P11, indicating all past positions held and their main underlying functions, their durations (month/year), the qualificati...


ONU Femmes, fondée sur la vision de l'égalité inscrite dans la Charte des Nations Unies, œuvre pour l'élimination de la discrimination à l'égard des femmes et des filles, l'autonomisation des femmes et la réalisation de l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes en tant que partenaires et bénéficiaires du développement, des droits de l'homme, de l'action humanitaire et de la paix et de la sécurité.

Parmi les 10 bureaux d'ONU Femmes présents en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre (WCARO), ONU Femmes Sénégal est basée à Dakar, au Sénégal, et travaille avec le gouvernement, les organisations de la société civile (OSC), les autres agences des Nations Unies et le secteur privé pour contribuer à atteindre l'égalité des sexes et l'autonomisation des femmes au Sénégal. Sur la base de la note stratégique 2019-2022 d'ONU Femmes Sénégal, l'organisation concentre ses efforts sur les thèmes clés suivants : i) la gouvernance, leadership participation politique des femmes ; ii) l'autonomisation économique des femmes et iii) l'élimination de la violence contre les femmes et les filles ; iv) les femmes la paix, la sécurité et l’action sécuritaire. En plus de ces domaines thématiques, dans le cadre du Plan-cadre des Nations Unies pour l'aide au développement (PNUAD) 2019-2023, le bureau d'ONU Femmes assume un rôle de coordination de premier plan au sein de l'équipe pays des Nations Unies au Sénégal en ce qui concerne les questions d'intégration du genre.

Sous la responsabilité de l’Analyste de Communication & la Gestion des Connaissances et en étroite collaboration avec l’équipe en communication du Bureau Régional le/la vidéaste/photographe est chargé(e) de développer du matériel visuel de haute définition et de haut niveau pour ONU Femmes, notamment pour le site Internet du Bureau Pays d'ONU Femmes, les publications, et pour les publics en ligne et hors ligne. Il/elle est chargé(e) de produire des documents d'information opportuns, précis et de haute qualité, tels que des photos, des vidéos, des histoires visuelles d'événements et du terrain, etc.

Les résultats ont un impact substantiel sur l'efficacité des communications régionales et des efforts de sensibilisation d'ONU Femmes, améliorant la visibilité, la prise de conscience et la compréhension d'ONU Femmes et de sa mission, contribuant ainsi à garantir que l'organisation atteigne ses objectifs stratégiques

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ONU Femmes, fondée sur la vision de l’égalité inscrite dans la Charte des Nations Unies, œuvre pour l’élimination de la discrimination à l’&e...

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Posted 2 years ago


Applicants to the UNDP internship programme must at the time of application meet one of the following requirements:

  • be enrolled in a graduate school programme (second university degree or equivalent, or higher); or
  • be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree programme (minimum Bachelor’s level or equivalent); or
  • have graduated with a university degree (as defined in (a) and (b) above) in a degree programme in a relevant discipline (digital marketing, web management, graphic design, social media, communication, journalism) and, if selected, must start the internship within one-year of graduation


  • Experience in website management, content creation, digital communications is preferred.
  • Experience in video and photo editing and design software is preferred. 
  • Experience working with social media – especially Instagram and Twitter - and good understanding of web metrics and experience producing analytics reports is preferred.
  • Experience in writing for web and social media is preferred. 


  • Fluency in written and spoken English.

Additional Information:

Financial Issues:
Internships within the UN system are subject to conditions the applicant must get familiar with before signing his/her internship agreement.
Starting from January 2020 interns will receive stipends according to UN rules and regulations.
Any further costs associated with the internship must be borne by the nominating institution, related institution or government, which may provide the required financial assistance to its students; or by the student, who will have to obtain financing for subsistence and make his or her arrangements for travel, accommodation and other costs.
Application procedure:
 The application should contain:

  • Brief Cover Letter (in English) stating interest in and qualifications for the post;
  • Current and complete CV in English;
  • Portfolio or work samples (such as video links, photographs, social media content/posts,)
  • Please group all your documents into one (1) single PDF document as the system only allows to upload maximum one document.

Candidates who are selected must submit the following documents:

  • Official letter from the University confirming enrolment in a graduate-level degree programme;
  • Proof of medical and life/accident insurance valid for the location in which the internship will be carried out. Selected intern must have medical and life insurance.

 UNDP only accepts interns for a minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of 6 months;
 UNDP accepts no responsibility for costs arising from accidents, illness or death during the internship;
 Interns are not staff members and may not represent UNDP in any official capacity;
 Interns are responsible to arrange for their own visa and residence documents, and need to plan for these well in advance; 

Subsequent Employment:
 The purpose of the Internship Programme is not to lead to further employment with UNDP but to complement an intern’s studies.
 Therefore, there should be no expectation of employment at the end of an internship.
 More information available at:

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Education: Applicants to the UNDP internship programme must at the time of application meet one of the following requirements: be enrolled in a graduate school programme (second university degree or e...



The national consultant will provide day to day guidance and capacity building support to DOP on the monitoring of the 9th NSEDP. The consultant will liaise with other development partners that are providing support to DOP on the M&E of NSEDP as much as possible. The consultant is expected to be responsible for the following areas:

1. Development and institutionalizing of data collection templates

The consultant will support the team at DOP to either develop and or improve the existing templates for data collection for M&E frameworks for the annual and five-year development plans. The developed or improved templates should be user friendly, while ensuring its functionality. The consultant will provide support to the DOP team to also tailor templates to suit the need of data collection from each line ministries and provinces as per DOP’s feedback. The consultant will engage with Lao Statistics Bureau as much as possible to seek their input and guidance on the template. In addition, the consultant will link the five-year NSEDP with its annual plan by mapping the annual NSEDP indicators into the five-year NSEDP indicators. Once the templates are finalized, the consultant will conduct a briefing for DOP and facilitate a discussion on the steps/method for effectively rolling out the data collection. During this presentation, the consultant would present options to DOP for institutionalizing and streamlining current reporting processes.


2. Roll out a systematic data collection and analysis process

The consultant will engage with line ministries and provincial governments to conduct orientation to line ministries in terms of reporting to DOP using the finalized templates. The consultant will pilot test the data collection process for DOP including providing standardized guidance to report progress toward the targets set out in the six outcomes of the NSEDP. At the end of this piloting of data collection, the consultant will organize a second briefing for DOP to facilitate a discussion on the lessons from the data collection roll out with recommendations for improving the accuracy and timeliness of data used for these indicators. The consultant will identify any capacity gaps and additional training that line ministries and provincial governments need for effectively reporting on the 9th NSEDP and will provide guidance to optimize the benefits of any planned capacity building initiatives including that on on results-based management.


3. Consolidate the progress report on the 9th NSEDP

Based on the data collected, the consultant will consolidate the information gathered into a draft progress report with in-depth analysis and corresponding narrative for the targets of the six outcomes of the 9th NSEDP. The consultant will then conduct a briefing with DOP, LSB, line ministries, provincial governments to validate the analysis and to seek any feedback. Based on the feedback, the consultant will finalise the progress report which will serve as a key supporting document for the mid-term review of the 9th NSEDP, which will be conducted in 2023.


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SCOPE OF WORK: The national consultant will provide day to day guidance and capacity building support to DOP on the monitoring of the 9th NSEDP. The consultant will liaise with other development partn...

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