The national consultant will provide day to day guidance and capacity building support to DOP on the monitoring of the 9th NSEDP. The consultant will liaise with other development partners that are providing support to DOP on the M&E of NSEDP as much as possible. The consultant is expected to be responsible for the following areas:
1. Development and institutionalizing of data collection templates
The consultant will support the team at DOP to either develop and or improve the existing templates for data collection for M&E frameworks for the annual and five-year development plans. The developed or improved templates should be user friendly, while ensuring its functionality. The consultant will provide support to the DOP team to also tailor templates to suit the need of data collection from each line ministries and provinces as per DOP’s feedback. The consultant will engage with Lao Statistics Bureau as much as possible to seek their input and guidance on the template. In addition, the consultant will link the five-year NSEDP with its annual plan by mapping the annual NSEDP indicators into the five-year NSEDP indicators. Once the templates are finalized, the consultant will conduct a briefing for DOP and facilitate a discussion on the steps/method for effectively rolling out the data collection. During this presentation, the consultant would present options to DOP for institutionalizing and streamlining current reporting processes.
2. Roll out a systematic data collection and analysis process
The consultant will engage with line ministries and provincial governments to conduct orientation to line ministries in terms of reporting to DOP using the finalized templates. The consultant will pilot test the data collection process for DOP including providing standardized guidance to report progress toward the targets set out in the six outcomes of the NSEDP. At the end of this piloting of data collection, the consultant will organize a second briefing for DOP to facilitate a discussion on the lessons from the data collection roll out with recommendations for improving the accuracy and timeliness of data used for these indicators. The consultant will identify any capacity gaps and additional training that line ministries and provincial governments need for effectively reporting on the 9th NSEDP and will provide guidance to optimize the benefits of any planned capacity building initiatives including that on on results-based management.
3. Consolidate the progress report on the 9th NSEDP
Based on the data collected, the consultant will consolidate the information gathered into a draft progress report with in-depth analysis and corresponding narrative for the targets of the six outcomes of the 9th NSEDP. The consultant will then conduct a briefing with DOP, LSB, line ministries, provincial governments to validate the analysis and to seek any feedback. Based on the feedback, the consultant will finalise the progress report which will serve as a key supporting document for the mid-term review of the 9th NSEDP, which will be conducted in 2023.