Job Archives
Application Deadline: 27 September 2024 Source link
Application Deadline: 27 September 2024 Source link
Application Deadline: 27 September 2024 Source link
The Greater Tumen Initiative (GTI) (originally known as the Tumen River Area Development Programme –TRADP), is an intergovernmental cooperation mechanism in Northeast Asia, supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with a membership of four countries: People’s Republic of China, Republic of Korea, Mongolia and Russian Federation.
In 1995, member governments signed formal agreements to establish the intergovernmental cooperation mechanism, aimed at strengthening economic and technical cooperation, and attaining greater growth and sustainable development for the peoples and countries in Northeast Asia and the Tumen River area in particular.
Since its creation, the GTI has remained a unique intergovernmental platform for economic cooperation, fostering peace, stability and sustainable development in Northeast Asia. It is playing a significant role in expanding policy dialogue and strengthening a business-friendly environment in the region, therefore contributing to the improvement of living standards through the development of infrastructure and the promotion of trade and investment.
In 2005, the member countries agreed to assume the full ownership, and focus on the promotion of regional cooperation in the key sectors of economy: energy, transport, tourism, trade & investment, environment and agriculture.
In recent years, GTI member countries recognized the importance to expand cooperation in wider areas, and agreed to establish the new mechanisms under the GTI framework. In this connection, the Northeast Asia Local Cooperation Committee, NEA EXIM Bank Association, GTI Research Institutions Network, and NEA Business Association were established.
Currently, GTI is in the process of legal transition to an independent international organization. The discussion on legal texts is undergoing.
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the supervision of the Finance and Admin Associate of the GTI Secretariat, the incumbent shall coordinate and assist in preparing and organizing GTI events and activities, communicate with stakeholders, and provide support on administrative matters.
Scope of Work:
1. Events organization:
- Manage logistic arrangements for organizing GTI events including Consultative Commission Meeting, annual Sectoral board/committee meetings, and project workshops/seminars, such as the 13th Transport Board Meeting, the 12th Energy Board Meeting back-to-back with UNESCAP-GTI Webinar on Energy Cooperation in North-East Asia and 10th Environmental Board Meeting.
- Managing overall logistic plans for participants in cooperation with the hosting party, including flights, accommodations, meeting venue, airport pick-up and send-off, meals, technical tours, visa, etc.
- Communicating with various suppliers and meeting participants
- Supporting programme officers in preparing invitation letters, meeting materials, meeting minutes, and e-news, etc.
2. Administration support:
- Make travel arrangements for the staff of the Secretariat, including visa, flights, hotel, etc.
- Support in office operational procurement when needed.
3. Other Responsibilities
- To perform other duties as required by the supervisor.
- Interest and knowledge of Northeast Asia, particularly that of GTI activities would be preferred.
- Effective team player with excellent interpersonal skills; highly self-motivated and detail-oriented.
- Ability to perform in a multicultural environment.
Required Skills and Experience
Education and Experience
- Minimum with a Secondary education, preferred with a Bachelor’s degree or above in international economy, public and/or business administration, English and/or interpretation, and International Relations.
- Event organization or Programme assistance working experience, preferably with international organizations, and experience in organization of international meetings and events, would be preferred.
- Excellent computer skills with MS Office (e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook).
Candidates must meet one of the following educational requirements:
- Enrolled in a Master's or in a PhD programme
- In the final year of a Bachelor’s programme;
- Or within one year after graduation from a Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD programme,
- Or be enrolled in a postgraduate professional traineeship program and undertake the internship as part of this program
Language and Skills
- Excellent communications and drafting skills in English and Chinese. Skillful language skills of other GTI member countries’ languages (Russian, Mongolian or Korean) would be an asset.
Please submit your application with below documents in one PDF. For people who apply from UNDP Jobs, please note that the system will not accept the uploading of more than one document so please merge or scan all your documents into one prior to uploading.
a) CV and letter of motivation
b) Copy of school transcript
c) Indicate if you will be financially supported by any institution or programme, such as a university, government, foundation or scholarship programme, and the financial amount.
*Candidate who didn’t submit required documentation will not be further considered.
- Interns must provide proof of enrolment in health insurance plan and medical certificate of good health prior to starting the internship. Any cost arising from accidents and illness incurred during an internship assignment will be the responsibility of the intern.
- The stipend will be paid monthly. Interns will have 1.5 days of leave per month.
- Interns are responsible for obtaining necessary visas and arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed; Cost and arrangement for travel, visas, passports, accommodations and living expenses are the responsibility of the nominating institution, related institution or government, which may provide the required financial assistance to its students; or the intern.
- Interns must not apply for or be appointed to a position that should be encumbered by a staff number during the period of their internship. Interns are expected to fulfil the terms of their internships. Therefore, the internship must not be foreshortened for the purposes of allowing an intern to apply for a position.
- Interns are not staff members and may not represent UNDP in any official capacity.
Scam warning
The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.
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Job Features
Background The Greater Tumen Initiative (GTI) (originally known as the Tumen River Area Development Programme –TRADP), is an intergovernmental cooperation mechanism in Northeast Asia, supported ...
Application Deadline: 27 September 2024 Source link
Application Deadline: 15 September 2024 Source link
Application Deadline: 27 September 2024 Source link
El Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo – PNUD– trabaja en más de 170 países y territorios, dando asistencia para desarrollar políticas, habilidades de liderazgo y asociación, capacidades institucionales y construcción de resiliencia, fomentando el desarrollo. En Colombia, trabaja en 28 departamentos y 319 municipios. A nivel programático PNUD Colombia está organizado en 2 Clústeres y 5 Portafolios: El Clúster de Desarrollo Sostenible Inclusivo que agrupa a los portafolios de Desarrollo Sostenible y Reducción de la Pobreza e Inequidad y el Clúster de Construcción de Paz y Gobernabilidad Inclusiva que reúne a los Portafolios de Gobernabilidad Democrática, Construcción de Paz y, Respuesta a Crisis y Estado de Derecho.
El PNUD hace parte de las 26 Agencias, Fondos y Programas de las Naciones Unidas en Colombia aportando al logro del Marco de Cooperación de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Sostenible. El Documento Programa País del PNUD 2021-2024 busca apoyar los esfuerzos del gobierno de Colombia para la transición hacia la paz y la consolidación de su posición de país de renta media-alta; con tres prioridades de trabajo: 1) Estabilización: “Paz con Legalidad”; 2) Migración como factor de desarrollo; y 3) Asistencia técnica como acelerador de la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible catalizadores.
El Sistema Nacional de Cuidado se creó en el artículo 6 de la Ley 2281 de 2023 mediante el cual se articulan servicios, regulaciones, políticas y acciones técnicas e institucionales existentes y nuevas, con el objeto de dar respuesta a las demandas de cuidado de los hogares de manera corresponsable entre la nación, el sector privado, la sociedad civil, las comunidades y entre mujeres y hombres en sus diferencias y diversidad para promover una nueva organización social de los cuidados del país y garantizar los derechos humanos de las personas cuidadoras.
Así mismo, la Ley 2294 de 2023 Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2022-2026 “Colombia Potencia Mundial de la Vida”, en su artículo 106 instó al Ministerio de Igualdad y Equidad a que en el marco del Sistema Nacional de Cuidado cree, fortalezca e integre una oferta de servicios para la formación, el bienestar, la generación de ingresos, fortalecimiento de capacidades para personas cuidadoras remuneradas y no remuneradas, así como servicios de cuidado y de desarrollo de capacidades para las personas que requieren cuidado o apoyo, a saber: niños, niñas y adolescentes, personas con discapacidad, personas mayores y demás poblaciones definidas por el Ministerio de Igualdad y Equidad.
El Programa Nacional de Cuidado de la Dirección de Cuidado del Viceministerio para las poblaciones y territorios excluidos y la superación de pobreza, tiene como objetivo contribuir al desarrollo de una sociedad del cuidado donde el Estado garantice el derecho a recibir cuidado, el derecho a cuidar en condiciones dignas, y reconozca y fortalezca las formas comunitarias de cuidado para posicionar el cuidado como centro de la sostenibilidad de la vida.
Modelo de gobernanza para garantizar la coordinación y articulación intersectorial, así como la participación social y comunitaria en el Programa Nacional de Cuidado.
Acompañamiento y asistencia técnica a entes territoriales para la materialización de acciones que garanticen el derecho al cuidado y los derechos de las personas cuidadoras en los territorios; que se incluyan en la formulación e implementación de sistemas, planes, programas y proyectos locales de cuidado, a través de la formación en economía y trabajo del cuidado, cuidados comunitarios, sistemas integrados de cuidados, planeación y acciones afirmativas para incrementar la valoración social del trabajo de cuidado comunitario a nivel nacional, tales como estrategias de transformación cultural para democratizar el cuidado, el fortalecimiento político de mujeres cuidadoras y asistencia técnica a entidades territoriales para consolidar el sistema en el nivel local.
El proyecto para implementar se estructura a partir de 3 líneas de trabajo:
1. Apoyar en el desarrollo de acciones conjuntas para el diseño y pilotaje de la estrategia de cambio cultural del Programa Nacional de Cuidado.
2. Apoyar en el desarrollo de acciones conjuntas para el diseño y pilotaje de la escuela de fortalecimiento político para personas cuidadoras del Programa Nacional de Cuidado.
3. Apoyar en el desarrollo de acciones conjuntas para el diseño e implementación de la estrategia de asistencia técnica a entidades territoriales del Programa Nacional de Cuidado.
Tendrá una cobertura nacional, a nivel de gobernaciones y ciudades capitales.
Dado todo lo anterior y partiendo de la convergencia de intereses entre el Ministerio de Igualdad y Equidad y el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo con respecto al fortalecimiento institucional y la territorialización del Programa Nacional de Cuidado, se propone integrar un equipo territorial de consultores que desarrollen productos orientados a la territorialización del sistema de cuidado específicamente en los temas de transformación cultural y fortalecimiento político en el marco del proceso de asistencia técnica a los territorios.
Establecer un roster de consultores para apoyar la implementación de la Estrategia de Cambio Cultural y de la Escuela de Fortalecimiento Político para personas cuidadoras, en el marco del Convenio de Cooperación entre el Ministerio de Igualdad y Equidad y el Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), para fortalecer la territorialización del Programa Nacional de Cuidado.
El formato debe ser subido en el espacio denominado "Attach CV" que aparecerá en la segunda página del formulario de aplicación.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Cuando el PNUD tenga interés de adelantar una consultoría, los candidatos que hacen parte del roster tienen la responsabilidad de informar sobre su disponibilidad; por lo tanto, deben asegurar que sus datos de contacto estén vigentes.
- Cuando un consultor hace parte del roster y es contratado, el consultor es responsable de seguir y cumplir los procedimientos administrativos dispuestos para su contratación, en línea con las normas y procedimientos del PNUD, durante las etapas de postulación, presentación de propuesta, contratación y ejecución del contrato, manteniendo los más altos estándares éticos y profesionales.
- Facilitar el proceso de referenciación cuando el PNUD esté evaluando propuestas para consultorías específicas, así como la presentación de documentación requerida para la elaboración de contratos.
- Los contratos que se deriven del roster especificarán términos de referencia particulares sujetos a los términos generales de la organización. Es responsabilidad del consultor cumplir con las disposiciones de cada contrato.
Competencias Corporativas:
Actitud inclusiva en la toma de decisiones
- Busca y reconoce los aportes individuales.
- Motiva el diálogo y actúa en consecuencia con los aportes de los equipos.
- Anticipa y resuelve los conflictos.
- Acoge la diversidad de opiniones y las considera oportunidades de mejoramiento.
- Reconoce el crédito a los otros.
- Determina los recursos, métodos, socios, información y soluciones apropiados.
Analiza y recomienda
- Analiza materiales técnicos complejos (incluida información) y realiza recomendaciones concisas y pertinentes.
- Aporta a la producción confiable de servicios y transferencias de conocimientos.
- Identifica y aborda los posibles desafíos de manera rápida y desarrolla planes de acción.
- Considera oportunidades específicas de mejora inmediata en su propio campo.
Busca oportunidades para aprender y compartir
- Manifiesta conductas como trabajar en equipo, compartir conocimiento y mantener las relaciones.
- Identifica obstáculos que puedan afectar la realización de las tareas y busca orientación de los supervisores para tratar los asuntos.
- Con base en la retroalimentación formal e informal recibida, adopta medidas para abordar áreas de mejora y crecimiento.
- Incentiva el compromiso del equipo.
- Produce ideas y enfoques nuevos asociados a su función.
- Distingue objetivamente las personas con alto desempeño de aquellas con escaso desempeño.
- Expresa su aliento a aquellos que se esfuerzan por desarrollarse o que muestran mejoras.
Escucha a fin de desarrollar sensibilidad hacia las necesidades del cliente
- Respeta las diferencias de opinión.
- Encuentra elementos en común para resolver problemas.
- Se gana la confianza de colegas, socios y clientes.
- Presenta a las demás ideas conceptuales complejas en términos prácticos.
- Adapta las comunicaciones a cada público específico.
- Construye redes informales interna y externamente y las considera parte del proceso de construcción de valor.
- Desarrolla la comprensión detallada de las necesidades, problemas y prioridades del cliente mediante la solicitud permanente de su retroalimentación.
- Conoce cómo se desempeña el equipo respecto a las expectativas del cliente.
- Reconoce y recompensa logros.
Adapta e implementa
- Asume la responsabilidad para enfrentar situaciones críticas.
- Demuestra compromiso hacia los clientes y calidad.
- Trabaja según las metas acordadas, enfrentando los desafíos de manera constructiva.
- Responde por la implementación de proyectos o resultados del equipo.
- Asume responsabilidades y se esfuerza por planificar metas, superar obstáculos, contratiempos e incertidumbres.
- Actúa siempre de manera cumplida y utiliza los recursos con responsabilidad.
Competencias Funcionales:
- Demuestra interés en continuar su aprendizaje profesional y en aplicar nuevas habilidades y mejores prácticas.
- Promueve la gestión del conocimiento y un ambiente de aprendizaje en la oficina a través de liderazgo y ejemplo personal.
- Demuestra capacidad para realizar una variedad de tareas especializadas relacionadas con la gestión de los resultados.
- Capacidad de programación, planificación y trabajo por resultados.
- Habilidad para recopilar información de monitoreo, elaborar informes y documentos técnicos.
Required Skills and Experience
Para aplicar al Roster los candidatos debe cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:
- Perfil: Profesional en desarrollo social y comunitarios
Requisitos | |
Título profesional | Título Profesional del núcleo básico del conocimiento NBC en: Educación o Antropología o Ciencia Política o Psicología o Sociología o Economía o Trabajo Social o Administración o Derecho o Pedagogía (con tarjeta si aplica). |
Experiencia Específica
Sólo se tendrá en cuenta la experiencia a partir de la fecha de grado. No se aceptan traslapos para la misma experiencia. | Veinticuatro (24) meses de experiencia profesional específica en temas relacionados con gestión pública o fortalecimiento político o formulación de política y proyectos o sistemas de cuidado. |
Idioma | Español |
El formato debe ser subido en el espacio denominado "Attach CV" que aparecerá en la segunda página del formulario de aplicación.
Source link
Job Features
Background El Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo – PNUD– trabaja en más de 170 países y territorios, dando asistencia para desarrollar políticas, habilidad...
Application Deadline: 25 September 2024 Source link
Application Deadline: 25 September 2024 Source link
Application Deadline: 26 September 2024 Source link
Application Deadline: 26 September 2024 Source link
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is currently implementing a project that requires the services of an individual to perform the work described in this document.
Should you be interested and decide to submit an offer for this assignment, kindly submit directly in the online supplier portal no later than 26 Sep 2024.
Offers must be submitted directly in the system following this link: using the profile you may have in the portal.
In case you have never registered before, you can register a profile using the registration link and following the instructions in guides available in UNDP website: Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration. If you are new registered for IC, the company name should be the name of individual.
Once you login the supplier platform, Click-View Active Negotiations, Search with Negotiation Number: UNDP-CHN-00118-2, then Create response.
Please note that only the application submitted in UNDP online supplier portal is accepted!
If any discrepancy between deadline in the system and in deadline indicated elsewhere, deadline in the system prevails.
We look forward to your favourable response and thank you in advance for your interest in working with UNDP.
The UNDP-Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) was initiated at the CBD COP 11 in response to the urgent global need to divert more finance from all possible sources towards global and national biodiversity goals. UNDP-BIOFIN supports countries to develop and implement evidence-based Biodiversity Finance Plans (BFP). The BFP aims to present a coherent and comprehensive approach to biodiversity finance, encompassing a full suite of priority finance solutions. The plan is a national document engaging the public sector, private sector, and civil society. Under the IKI TNFD project, UNDP BIOFIN proposes to start activities in 2024 and 2025 in four countries that have already completed the readiness study: Mexico, Costa Rica, India, Indonesia and South Africa. Based on the results of the studies, and the related engagements created with relevant regulators and financial institutions at national level, these countries are well-positioned to support the concrete uptake of the TNFD framework. It is proposed also to start a first activity in Kenya , which is a new BIOFIN country, by performing a national readiness for nature-related disclosure study in line with previous studies implemented. In addition, BIOFIN proposes to start activities in China-Shanghai, which has already started to develop its national readiness study for nature disclosures, and has demonstrated high interest in TNFD capacity building activities through stakeholder consultations with the People’s Bank of China, the new established National Administration of Financial Regulation, and the China Banking Association. UNDP BIOFIN will invite UNEP FI, WWF, IFS, and other partners to work together on TNFD relevant work.
Duties and Responsibilities
Under this Term of Reference, BIOFIN China seeks a part-time (home-based) project national consultant who will provide technical and virtual administrative support to the National Coordinator of BIOFIN China in coordination and facilitate the activities and meeting organization, capacity-building activities organization, experts coordination, consultation, liaison with relevant line ministries and national institutions, and reviewing nature-related finance disclosure studies and progress reports, to ensure the TNFD activities implemented smoothly.
The national project consultant will support the National Coordinator of BIOFIN China and the team in the following tasks: - TNFD mainstreaming and capacity building - Aligned with Facilitating training and education activities and Market Engagement Facilitation. The consultant will support in facilitating the meetings with relevant stakeholders, in facilitation the establishment of a committee of experts from finance, investment, insurance, budgeting, biodiversity, marine, climate, etc., to provide technical support to the NCG. Coordinating with other partners to co-organize NCG regular meetings, capacity building activities, communication activities in 2024 and 2025. - Translation of TNFD additional guidance. The consultant will facilitate experts in the TNFD additional guidance translation work. - Provide support in scaling up TNFD in different sectors and provinces and prepare the reports and feedback the lessons learnt.
Duration The target date of commencement of the contract is 23 August 2024. The entirety of these activities and linked deliverables is projected to be accomplished within one and half years, with estimated 90 working days. Duty Station The work will be conducted online and onsite in China, in coordination with Programme and Partnerships Specialist and Regional Integration Specialist
5) Expected Deliverables
Working under the supervision of the National Coordinator of BIOFIN China, the project consultant will facilitate outputs below: 1. Support to co-organize two preparation and consultation workshops for establishing the TNFD National Consultative Group (NCG) in China 2. Support to organize one NCG launching meeting. Organize NCG regular meetings (3 meetings) 3. Co-organize two face-to-face capacity building activities and two online capacity building activities with partners, including UNEP FI, WWF China and others, for officials, bankers, entrepreneurs, NGOs, media, etc. 4. Facilitate the connection with experts from finance, investment, insurance, budgeting, biodiversity, marine, climate, etc., to provide technical support to the NCG and facilitate some of the experts to review and translated TNFD Chinese materials. 5. Co-organize communication activities through 1 campaign and 1 side event with other partners. 6. Summarize all the outputs and impact of the TNFD activities.
Deliverables/ Outputs | Target Due Dates (No. of wkd) | ||
Outputs 1 | 1 | Two preparation and consultation workshops for establishing the TNFD National Consultative Group (NCG) in China in 2024. | 30 December, 2024 (10 days) |
Outputs 2 | 2.1 2.2 | Organize one NCG meeting in 2024. Organize two NCG meeting in 2025. | 30 December, 2024 (5 days 30 September, 2025 (10 days) |
Outputs 3 | 3.1 3.2 | Conduct one face-to-face capacity building activities and one online capacity building activities in 2024. Conduct one face-to-face capacity building activities and one online capacity building activities in 2025. | 30 December, 2024 (20 days) 30 September, 2025 (10 days) |
Outputs 4 | 4 | Facilitate the experts to review the translated TNFD materials. | 30 December, 2024 (10 days) |
Outputs 5 | 5 | Communication activities through 1 campaign and 1 side event | 30 September, 2025 (10 days) |
Outputs 6 | 6 | Prepare a summary report. | 30 December, 2025 (5 day |
The National Consultant will be directly reporting to the National Coordinator of BIOFIN China. Regular meetings (every 2/3 weeks) will be scheduled for the duration of the contract.
1. The minimum level of education acceptable is a master’s degree in the economic, management and environmental science or relevant fields.
2. Proven 4 years working experience in sustainability, environment, economy, finance, or international development cooperation is required.
3. Proven experience in activities organization, finance institution and private sector engagement, experts and multi stakeholders coordination and reports preparation.
4. Demonstration experiences in working with international agencies, governments, finance institutions.
5. Ability of working under pressure.
6. Fluency in English and Chinese is required.
7. Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office software package (MS Excel, Word, etc.).
Please indicate any special payment terms for the contract: Lumpsum
Payments will be based on work completed/ progress certified by National Coordinator of BIOFIN China in coordination with TNFD Global Manager. The consultant would need to attach a progress report/ field travel costs (receipts) if applicable, when requesting payment.
Installation | Deliverable | Expected due date |
1 st payment (50 %) | Output 1, 2.1, 3.1, 4 (45 days) | 30 December 2024 |
2 nd payment (22.22%) | Output 2.2, 5 (20 days) | 30 September 2025 |
3 rd payment (27.78%) | Output 3.2, 6 (25 days) | 30 December 2025 |
Required Skills and Experience
Evaluating offers will be based on Combined Scoring method – where the qualifications and methodology will be weighted at 70% and combined with the price offer which will be weighted at 30%. The award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as a) responsive/compliant/acceptable; and b) having received the highest score out of set of weighted technical criteria (70%), and financial criteria (30%). Financial score shall be computed as a ratio of the proposal being evaluated and the lowest priced proposal received by UNDP for the assignment. Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 0.49 points (70% of the total technical points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation. Incomplete proposals may not be considered.
Interested candidates must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications: •A brief workplan/action points on the methodology. •Personal CV or P11, indicating all experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (2) professional references (with email address).
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is currently implementing a project that requires the services of an individual to perform the work described in this document.
Should you be interested and decide to submit an offer for this assignment, kindly submit directly in the online supplier portal no later than 26 Sep 2024.
Offers must be submitted directly in the system following this link: using the profile you may have in the portal.
In case you have never registered before, you can register a profile using the registration link and following the instructions in guides available in UNDP website: Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration. If you are new registered for IC, the company name should be the name of individual.
Once you login the supplier platform, Click-View Active Negotiations, Search with Negotiation Number: UNDP-CHN-00118-2, then Create response.
Please note that only the application submitted in UNDP online supplier portal is accepted!
If any discrepancy between deadline in the system and in deadline indicated elsewhere, deadline in the system prevails.
We look forward to your favourable response and thank you in advance for your interest in working with UNDP.
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Job Features
Background The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is currently implementing a project that requires the services of an individual to perform the work described in this document. Should you be...
Application Deadline: 27 September 2024 Source link
Application Deadline: 25 September 2024 Source link