National Consultants – Associate ICT Experts to conduct ICT Assessment (2 positions) – Home-Based and Vientiane

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Posted 2 years ago


The ICT Assessment team will comprise an international ICT Development Expert and two national Associate ICT Experts to conduct the Assessment.  The Associate ICT Experts will be responsible for:

  • Providing inputs and insights for the international expert (based on the socio-economic context of the PPAs)
  • Arranging and participating in meetings with stakeholders, primarily members and staff of the PPAs and NA.
  • Providing support and assistance to finalize the field mission agenda, meetings logistics and required visits
  • Providing inputs towards the deliverables outlined below
  • Providing interpretation and translation between Lao and English during meetings and as required.


The assessment team is expected to produce the following outputs:

Task 1: Conduct an ICT survey as the basis for the ICT Assessment of the PPAs.

  • Provide inputs for the international ICT Expert into the design of an (electronic and/or paper-based) ICT survey of all 18 PPAs.
  • As directed by the ICT Expert, assess the Lao PDR ICT market, focusing on the ICT infrastructure connectivity and hosting services

Task 2: Conduct an ICT Assessment (field mission).

  • With the ICT Expert, develop an ICT Assessment schedule and sample visit agenda
  • Conduct interviews with senior staff of all PPAs (DDG, heads of departments/units responsible for legislative information management, public communications, research, library and archives) regarding: 1. current state of ICT; 2. ICT vision; 3. gap analysis, and 4. short-medium-long term ICT development priorities 
  • Together with the ICT Expert, conduct field visits to 4 PPAs to survey ICT conditions in detail
  • The consultant will produce a database of interview notes and provide update briefings as necessary to UNDP on progress.  Any gaps in data sources will be identified and supplementary data gathering undertaken as required and as agreed with UNDP
  • Provide inputs for the ICT Expert to present the preliminary assessment results to senior staff of the PPAs, most likely in Vientiane and online.


Task 3: Develop an ICT assessment report

Provide inputs for the ICT Expert to develop the ICT assessment report, which will include: a first section on the background, rationale and approach to the ICT assessment; a section detailing the findings of the ICT Assessment itself (the state of ICT in the PPAs, True Cost of Ownership, assessment of the various parliamentary information services for the plenary, legislative documentation, public information, parliamentary library and research; the ICT readiness of the PPAs), and; recommendations for the way forward.


Task 4: Develop an ICT Development Strategy for the PPAs (field mission)

This document is effectively a proposed ICT development plan for the PPAs as a whole and is structured as follows:  a first part provides an assessment of the current state of ICT in the PPAs.  This is followed by a description of the future state of the use of ICT, based on an analysis of the current state including external and internal factors, and inputs from the field visit.  The third part presents the actual ICT development roadmap, and the fourth part outlines key implementation principles.  The ICT Development Strategy could be presented online or in person.

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