UNDP Bhutan supports the Royal Government, CSOs, Private Sector, other development partners and the people of Bhutan in pursuit of equitable, inclusive and sustainable development. Bhutan will be graduating from the Least Developed Countries status by 2023 and with the transition into the new era of lower middle-income country, the developmental challenges faced by the country will become more complex, which could compromise the achievements made thus far. UNDP Strategic Plan 2018-2021 embraces the complexity of development and commits the organization to helping countries find faster, more durable solutions to achieve Agenda 2030. Important development trends like urbanization, climate change, and inequality pose significant challenges on our path to achieve the 2030 agenda of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The challenges faced by the Country in the 21st century is different from the ones experienced in the past, it has become highly complex and interdependent, which requires a shift from a linear, single bullet approach to a more holistic approach in Systems Thinking /Design.
To support government in addressing complex 21st century issues/challenges, UNDP Bhutan Country Office has embarked on a new development pathway, to be more proactive, agile and flexible in providing relevant solutions to its partners. UNDP CO as part of the new approach has formed a joint initiative comprising ofthree units (Accelerator Unit, Governance Unit and Economist) within the Country Office. The joint workplan will assist the country office in advancing its strategic priorities of youth unemployment, development finance, public sector innovation, supporting 13th Five Year Plan and justice sector.