International consultant to build capacities of the National Committee on Climate Change (NCCC) – SAO TOME, SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE

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Posted 2 years ago

The consultant’s main objective will be to build technical capacities of the NCCC to undertake the
advisory, support, supervision and coordination role of the NAP process in STP and enhance its links with
the National Assembly through a three-day retreat.
The consultant will contribute for the development of the NAP project’s Component 1: Actors mobilized,
institutional framework stablished, and national capacity strengthened to successfully develop and
implement the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) in Sao Tome and Principe (STP); Sub-outcome 1.1: NAP
leadership, management and institutional arrangements established, and national adaptation process
launched in STP. He/She will be responsible for the derivable of Activity 1.1.3 (Build capacities of the
National Committee on Climate Change (NCCC) to undertake the supervision and coordination role of
the NAP process in STP and enhance its links with the National Assembly through a three-day retreat of
NCCC members including training key sessions delivered by experts) with the support of the Project
Management Unit (PMU) and under the supervision of the project Coordinator and UNEP Task manager.
Capacity of the NCCC will be strengthened in the following matters, among others to be defined
according to the needs and interests:
1) Understanding Climate Change:
• What is Climate Change?
• How does Climate Change impacts’ the environment, ecosystems and biodiversity, public health,
conflicts, society, economy and development.
• Climate Change in STP: assessing vulnerability, risks and impacts;
• National communications (NC), national determined contributions (NDC)and Biannual Update
reports (BUR) on Climate Change
• Distinguish between mitigation and adaptation.
• Adaptation: knowing adaptation principles, measures, and benefits
• Understanding first order and second order impacts of Climate Change.
• Equality versus inequality in climate change: what is social inequality and who are the most
vulnerable groups (youth, disabled and elderly as well as poorest and single-headed households,
women) and why.
• Mainstreaming Gender in to Climate Change
2) The NAP process:
• From project-based traditional modus operandi to an integrated approach to adaptation
• NAPs main objectives and gains for countries
• National Adaptation Plans: Design & Implementation
• Monitoring & Evaluation the NAPs
• Funding opportunities
3) The NAP process in STP
• Outcome 1: Actors mobilized, institutional framework established, and national capacity
strengthened to successfully develop and implement the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) in São
Tomé and Príncipe (STP).
• Outcome 2: Evidence base for adaptation planning developed through the production of
preparatory elements and gathering of background information for the NAP process.
• Outcome 3: NAP priorities operationalized into plans at local and national level and supported by
an iterative planning framework and monitoring process.
• Outcome 4: Access to resources and investments facilitated to implement adaptation priorities in
5) NCCC role and responsibility in the NAP process including PSC and working groups:
• How to engage stakeholders (governmental and non-governmental) in the NAP process;
• How to develop vulnerability and risk analysis;
• How to develop cost-benefits analysis;
• How to engage the private sector;
• How to look for funding;
The main tasks to be carried out during the consultancy are listed below:
Task 1: Prepare workshop content, tools and exercises
The agenda of the training will be developed by the consultant based on consultations with NCCC
members on their needs and interests as well as on a short assessment of past training delivered and
remaining capacity gaps. The goal will be to complement what has already been done while avoiding
duplication. Key resources for this work include the project document, baseline study as well as report
of last NCCC meetings, retreat and trainings. In advance to the workshop all content, tools, and
exercises to be developed and presented during the three-day retreat shall be prepared. In
particularly, exercises and the brainstorming sessions shall be developed with the support of the
project management unit.
Task 2: Three-days NCCC workshop (retreat).
The three-day retreat will be intended to the NCCC members. Parliaments will be invited to participate
to one day of the retreat to enhance the link between the NCCC and the National Assembly and
support NAP approval process. The retreat schedule has to be strategically developed to touch the key
matters most relevant to the parliaments.
Task 3: Workshop report of the three-day NCCC retreat
The consultant needs to present a report on the three-day retreat with special focus on lessons learned,
progresses made and remaining gaps identified during the retreat, feedback from the brainstorming
sessions and guidance on further capacitation of the NCCC.
This work will inform and feed in the Training and Capacity Need Assessment (TCNA) that will be
developed as part as activity 1.3.1.

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