The Leave No One Behind (LNB) Project builds upon the vast experience of the UN and UNDP in addressing social inclusion and the needs of vulnerable groups. It will support the implementation of the newly shaped vision of the social sector in Albania, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the country’s aspirations towards EU integration. LNB avails of technical expertise and know-how of UN agencies aiming at allowing for greater impact and outreach by focusing on the municipal level and its linkage to the national level. The objective of the second phase of the programme (2011 – 2025) is to empower vulnerable persons and groups to have equal access to public services and opportunities, to have a voice in public decision-making affecting their lives and hold the duty bearers accountable. The project’s second phase is designed to:
- strengthen the vulnerable population to request and receive adequate social services from local authorities that support their social inclusion,
- help municipalities to effectively manage the provision of social services and promote social inclusion,
- support national institutions to implement their policy framework for providing social services and adequately fund social services.
The project’s implementation is the responsibility of the four UN agencies UNDP, UNICEF, UN Women and UNFPA, and funded by Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC).