Climate Change Mitigation Expert – Home-based

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago

C. Objectives and Scope of Work


The Climate Change Mitigation Expert will work with UNDP and its partners under the ACE Project, and collaborate/complement with other UNDP consultants/experts, in the performance of his/her duties towards the delivery of the following outputs. The Climate Change Mitigation Expert will have specific expertise in measuring emissions from various industries and circular economy approaches, and knowledge on the use of tools to estimate GHG reductions from avoidance arising from reduced production of plastics, use of alternative materials, and reduction in demand for materials due to recycling (that does not emit GHGs), reduced consumption, and other strategies.

  • Modelling of GHG emissions for key circular economy sectors
  • Undertake a desktop review of key industry reports in order to make an analysis of historical GHG emissions and on the basis of which come up with projected GHG emissions, identifying major emission drivers
  • Develop a GHG emissions scenario analysis comparing the business-as-usual or linear economy scenario with a circular economy scenario, establishing the mitigation potential of circular economy (i.e. GHG emissions reduction/avoidance required per sector to fulfill the 75 percent target for the year 2030 as outlined in the Philippine Nationally Determined Contribution)
  • Modelling of GHG emissions must include an analysis of the carbon footprint (CF) and material footprint (MF) of key circular economy sectors along the value chain, and must present recommendations in terms of mitigation strategies
  • Key sectors to be covered at the least are the following:
  1. buildings
  2. plastics
  3. food and beverage
  4. textile
  5. electronics
  6. healthcare
  7. cities
  • Calculation of GHG emissions of the ACE Project
  • Develop a methodology and monitoring tool for tracking the climate change mitigation indicators and targets of the ACE Project
  • Compute the GHG emissions, emissions reduction/avoidance of the various activities of the ACE Project

The Climate Change Mitigation Expert will consult UNDP and its relevant partners in the preparation of the above-mentioned outputs and will make a presentation of these outputs to them for comments/revisions and finalization.

D. Expected Outputs and Deliverables



Estimated man-days/ effort*

Target due date

Name and email address of designated person who will review and accept the output

Inception Report

2 days

03 November 2022

ACE Project Manager


Climate Action Programme Team Leader


In coordination with Impact Advisory Team, and Climate Action Programme Team

GHG emissions methodology and monitoring tool for ACE Project

10 days

18 November 2022

Draft GHG emissions modelling for key circular economy sectors

20 days

16 December 2022

Final GHG emissions modelling

10 days

06 January 2023

Report on GHG emission of the ACE Project

10 days

28 February 2023

*The person-days efforts are just estimation, consultants can propose as per their understanding of the requirement.


E. Institutional Arrangements 

  1. The Japan Supplemental Budget (JSB)-funded Accelerating NDC through Circular Economy is implemented by UNDP Philippines through a whole-of-country office approach, spearheaded by the Climate Action Programme Team and the Impact Advisory Team (IAT).
  1. The ACE Project Manager and Climate Action Programme Team Leader will jointly review the outputs of the consultant, in coordination with the Impact Advisory Team and Climate Action Programme Team.
  1. The Consultant is also expected to collaborate with other UNDP teams aside from the aforementioned ones, particularly the Peace Team on the work to be done in Cotabato City.
  1. The Consultant is expected to have his/her own provisions for workspace, communication equipment including laptop and mobile phone.  

F. Duration of Work 

It is estimated that the work of the Consultant shall involve a total of 42 days from September 2022 to March 2023. At least 1 week will be allotted for Designated authorities to review outputs, provide feedback, and certify approval and acceptance of outputs.

G. Duty Station 

The consultant is home-based, but may be requested by UNDP to report to the office for specific meetings and activities. Should there be any travel, the mission would be agreed with the designated authorities in advance and the travel cost would be at actual as in line with UNDP policy.

Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments 


  1. The Consultant should send the financial proposal based on a lump-sum amount for the delivery of the outputs identified below. The total amount quoted shall be “all inclusive” (professional daily fees X number of days, communications, etc.) that could possibly be incurred by the Consultant should be factored into the final amount submitted in the proposal. Travel, as deemed relevant by UNDP and compliant with government guidelines on community quarantine, will be arranged and paid for by UNDP and should not be included in the financial proposal.
  2. Medical/health insurance must be purchased by the individual at his/her own expense, and upon award of contract, the Contractor must be ready to submit proof of insurance valid during contract duration
  3. The contract price will be fixed output-based price. Any deviations from the output and timeline will be agreed upon between the Contractor and UNDP.
  4. Payments will be done upon satisfactory completion of the delivery by target due dates. Outputs will be certified by the ACE Project Manager and Climate Action Programme Team Leader prior to release of payments.






Inception Report

03 November 2022


GHG emissions methodology and monitoring tool for ACE Project

18 November 2022


Draft GHG emissions modelling for key circular economy sectors

16 December 2022


Final GHG emissions modelling

06 January 2023


Report on GHG emissions of the ACE Project

28 February 2023


H. Criteria for Selection of Best Offer 

The Offers received will be evaluated using a combined scoring method – where the qualifications and sample work will be weighted a max of 70% and combined with the price offer which will be weighted a max of 30%.

The review of CV will be rated using the criteria in the table below


Points Obtainable (70points)


  • Minimum masters degree in Environmental Studies, Engineering, Development, Energy or related fields.


14 points for masters degree; 3 points per additional degree




  • At least 5 years of experience in the field of climate change mitigation/greenhouse gas inventory
  • Prior experience in circular economy or solid waste management and experience in M&E an advantage


35 points for 5 years; 3 points for each additional year; plus 5 points for prior experience in circular economy or solid waste management and experience in M&E












To qualify for financial review, Offerors must obtain 70% scores from review of CV. Applications from qualified candidates will be desk reviewed by the UNDP Philippines’ section panel. Assessment of best offer will be via Combined Scoring method, where the qualifications will be weighted 70%, and the financial proposal (price offer) will be weighted 30%. 


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