109305 – Digital Application Associate- (for Indonesian Nationality Only) – JAKARTA

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago

1. Provide support to cloud Azure server environment

• Create staging for cloud deployment and migration

• Deploy, maintain, and manage cloud system

• Migrate applications to the Azure cloud server

• Create technical documentation includes of build, release, and configuration management


2. Create application or Upgrade existing applications to prepare for future adoption, include the following results:

• Design and implement new systems and features 

• Modify and maintain existing systems for adaptation to business and/or technology changes. 

• Change request design, 

• database design, 

• development, 

• bug fix,

• and testing procedure


3. The Digital application is expected to upgrade framework system, include the following results:

• Improve its algorithms and report, 

• Using front-end framework and codes (HTML, CSS, Laravel,  PHP)

• Improve of search speeds function

• Revamp applications appreance (responsive design desktop, Tabs, Mobile phone)


4. The Digital application  is expected to upgrade and tune up the database, include the following results:

• Boost the framework system

• Improve its algorithms and increase data search speeds, send data to the server (submit) and improve the UI/UX.



5. The incumbent of the position should avoid any kind of discriminatory behavior including gender discrimination and ensure that:

• Human rights and gender equality is prioritized as an ethical principle within all actions;

• Activities are designed and implemented in accordance with “Social and Environmental Standards of UNDP”;

• Any kind of diversities based on ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, class, gender is respected within all implementations including data production;

• Differentiated needs of women and men are considered;

• Inclusive approach is reflected within all actions and implementations, in that sense an enabling and accessible setup in various senses such as disability gender language barrier is created;

• Necessary arrangements to provide gender parity within all committees, meetings, trainings etc. introduced.

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