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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 18 September 2022

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Application Deadline: 18 September 2022 Source link


The Taliban takeover of Kabul on 15 August 2021 has had a seismic impact on Afghanistan. With the ascent of the Taliban, the future of women from all walks of life who have shaped the fabric of the country over the past 20 years, is unknown. The conflict dynamics in the country are multi-layered, and Afghanistan’s people are facing the devastating effects of a protracted conflict, increasing poverty and natural disasters, all of which are amplified by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the Taliban’s military offensive progressed throughout August, thousands of people fled to Kabul and other urban areas, seeking safety from the conflict and other threats. There are some 5.5 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Afghanistan, and approximately 80 percent of nearly a quarter of a million Afghans forced to flee since the end of May are women and children.[1] 2021 has to date been one of the deadliest years for Afghan women and girls, with more women and more children killed and injured than ever before recorded by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) for the first half of any calendar year.[2] More than 18 million people – fully half of the country’s population – are in need of humanitarian assistance, and almost a third of the country is facing emergency levels of food insecurity compounded by severe drought.[3]

Despite gains on women’s rights achieved over the past 20 years, Afghan women continue to struggle to avail themselves of their rights and to consolidate and advance their progress. In 2019, Afghanistan ranked 166 out of 167 countries on the Gender Development Index, an index designed to measure gender equality in three basic dimensions of human development: health, education and command over economic resources.[4] Women and girls face barriers to their participation and decision-making in the public, economic, social and political sphere. These include deeply entrenched patriarchal socio-cultural and traditional norms regarding the role of women; women’s lack of awareness of their rights, linked to low levels of literacy; a lack of access to education and economic opportunities; and harmful traditional practices such as honour killings, underage and forced marriages, and discrimination in public and private sector services delivery.

What progress has been achieved on the advancement of gender equality in Afghanistan in the past decades is now at risk of being erased - and at worst regressed. The Taliban have not yet articulated their vision for women’s rights and protection, stating only that “women’s rights will be protected under Islamic principles”. The Taliban military offensive has been marked by unlawful restrictions on the human rights of women and girls.[5] There have been reports that Afghan women and girls are already seeing restrictions on their access to health and education, freedom of movement, and freedom of expression. In a statement issued on 16 August 2021, just before the fall of Ashraf Ghani’s government, UN human rights experts warned that reports from almost half of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces show that the majority of women are experiencing the same rights violations as 20 years ago under the control of the Taliban.[6]

Many women human rights defenders and public officials who have been targeted or threatened by the Taliban now fear for their lives, and many are trying to get emergency visas and flights out of the country, though currently unable to due to closure of the airport.[7] The deterioration of security is adversely impacting the ability of women and girls to access life-saving services and realize their rights. The Taliban as de-facto authorities are using their armed fighters to maintain “law and order” in the country, but the corresponding frameworks and lines of command are unclear. Amidst the resulting security vacuum, there is a heightened risk of increased activity of other armed groups, such as the Islamic State Khorasan Province (IS-K) in the country.


[1] IOM appeal for Afghanistan, 26 August 2021 (; UNHCR, 13 August 2021 ( and OCHA, Internal Displacement in Kabul, 15 August 2021:

[2] UNAMA: Afghanistan. Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict Midyear Update: 1 January to 30 June 2021 (

[3] OCHA, June 2021 (

[4] Gender Development Index (GDI), United Nations Development Programme (

[5] Statement from the High Commission for Human Right, 10 August 2021:


[7] Informal Experts’ Group Meeting on Afghanistan to the UN Security Council, Thursday 19th August 2021.

The current security vacuum and instability in the country exacerbate pre-existing patterns of discrimination against women and girls, exposing them to heightened risks of violations of their human rights. Looking at the Taliban’s actions on the ground, two aspects are clear: (i) Oppressive gender roles are central to their governance vision and its implementation; and (ii) there is a direct link between the Taliban assuming control of a district and the imposition of rules that negatively impact the rights of women and girls and severely limit their access to protection, health, and education services.

Objective of the Assignment: In the context of a rapidly changing Afghanistan, there is a need to produce rapid gender analysis to leverage and optimize policy windows, as well guide UN Women’s engagement framework and operational priorities strategic framework and when they emerge, with the aim of ensuring that the international community does not compromise on or subordinate women’s rights to other agendas. Given the volatility of the context, a retainer expert is needed to support UN Women Afghanistan in producing analysis and reports to build evidence and understanding around the gender equality dynamics of the current crisis.

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The Taliban takeover of Kabul on 15 August 2021 has had a seismic impact on Afghanistan. With the ascent of the Taliban, the future of women from all walks of life who have shaped the fabric of the co...

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 26 September 2022

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Application Deadline: 26 September 2022 Source link

Application Deadline: 18 September 2022

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Application Deadline: 18 September 2022 Source link

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 26 September 2022

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Application Deadline: 26 September 2022 Source link

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Posted 2 years ago

The Driver/Clerk will be responsible for the following key functions;

  • Provision of reliable and secure driving services.
  • Proper use of vehicle
  • Day-to-day maintence of the assigned vehicle
  • Availability of documents/supplies
  • Clerical and logestical support
  • Assist with any tasks as requested by Hiring Manager  

aEnsures provision of reliable and secure driving services and supporting the administrative services by; 

  • Driving office vehicles for the transportation of authorized personnel and delivery and collection of mail, documents and other items
  • Meeting official personnel and visitors at the airport, visa and customs formalities and arrangements when required.

bEnsures cost-savings through proper use of vehicle through accurate maintenance of daily vehicle logs, provision of inputs to preparation of the vehicle maintenance plans and reports and proper use of the other office resource 

c. Ensures proper day-to-day maintenance of the assigned vehicle through timely minor repairs, a arrangements for major repairs, timely changes of oil, check of tires, brakes, car washing, etc.

d. Ensures availability of all the required documents/supplies including vehicle insurance, vehicle logs, office directory, map of the city/country, first aid kit, necessary spare parts.

e. Ensures that all immediate actions required by rules and regulations are taken in case of involvement in accidents

f. Provides logistical support by;

  • Photocopying and duplication service 
  • Assist with office filing 
  • Packaging/packing of material recieved for dispatch                    

g. Assist with any tasks as requested by the hiring manager



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The Driver/Clerk will be responsible for the following key functions; Provision of reliable and secure driving services. Proper use of vehicle Day-to-day maintence of the assigned vehicle Availability...


Interest candidate has to access procurement notice Ref: IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/073/2022 - Consultant to develop Resource Mobilization Strategy Document at the following link:

We encourage you to submit your application through this website and send the complete application to and cc to (only application with complete supporting document received in before or atthe closing date will be proceed)

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Interest candidate has to access procurement notice Ref: IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/073/2022 – Consultant to develop Resource Mobilization Strategy Document at the following link: https://pro...


United Nations Global Pulse was established within the Executive Office of the Secretary-General in late 2009 as a UN system-wide innovation project charged with discovering and developing the means to leverage real-time digital information on human wellbeing for more evidence-based and proactive global decision-making. New York serves as the headquarters of Pulse Lab, focusing on foundational research and global partnerships. It also provides a knowledge hub for country-level Pulse Labs (located in Finland, Kampala, and Jakarta), ensuring Labs can build on one another’s innovations.

Global Pulse operates with administrative support provided to its New York headquarters by UNOPS; both Pulse Labs function as UNDP Projects under the technical and strategic guidance of Global Pulse headquarters.

Pulse Lab Kampala (PLK) is developing together with the Ministry of ICT and another stakeholder a use case study of a tourism data exchange platform.

The Tourism sector was identified through meetings with the Government and 4IR Taskforce members as a potential area of data demand within the Uganda ecosystem. In addition, Uganda’s National 4IR Strategy mentions that access to consistent and quality data could have a huge impact on the tourism sector in Uganda, particularly to coordinate with various stakeholders in the industry, informing government investment, and attract new customers.

Engagements for this tourism use case started with a workshop in December 2021, then interviews of both national and global experts on data exchanges, then a stakeholder workshop in March 2022. So far stakeholders engaged include the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), National IT Authority of Uganda (NITA-U), Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU), Uganda Tourism Board (UTB), Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), Airtel Uganda, MTN Uganda, Ministry of Tourism Wildlife and Antiquities (MoTWA), Directorate of Citizenship and Immigration Control (DCIC), Ministry of ICT and National Guidance (MoICT&NG), Makerere University, square, Uganda Institute of Information and Communications Technology (UICT), Pulse Lab Kampala, and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 

During the engagement with stakeholders, PLK realized the lack of a joint vision and understanding of what data sharing is and why it is important. Hence, PLK initiated a dialogue with PLF to understand if a foresight project could complement the use case study to create a joint vision and to better understand and communicate possibilities and risks with data sharing

PLK and PLF have agreed on conducting a foresight exercise to develop a scenario about the future of tourism data sharing together with stakeholders. With the aim of establishing a joint vision and creating a sense of urgency about why data sharing and data usage is important. 

UNDP will hire an International  Individual Consultant to provide research, analytical and critical support for the development of knowledge products produced as part of UNGP’s work on the data exchange platform

Application Process

Applicants are requested to apply online at by 18th September 2022. The detailed application documents can be downloaded on the below link:

Candidates are invited to submit applications together with their CV for these positions. UNDP applies a fair and transparent selection process that will consider the competencies/skills of the applicants as well as their financial proposals. Qualified women and members of social minorities are encouraged to apply. Interested applicants should send an email to: for any inquiries.

Note: UNDP is an equal opportunity Organization, Women, Youth and People with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.


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United Nations Global Pulse was established within the Executive Office of the Secretary-General in late 2009 as a UN system-wide innovation project charged with discovering and developing the means t...


Instructions to Applicants: Click on the "Apply now" button. Input your information in the appropriate Sections: personal information, language proficiency, education, resume and motivation. Upon completion of the first page, please hit "submit application" tab at the end of the page. Please ensure that CV or P11 and the Cover letter are combined in one file.

The following documents shall be required from the applicants:

Personal CV or P11, indicating all past positions held and their main underlying functions, their durations (month/year), the qualifications, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate, and at least three (3) the most recent professional references of previous supervisors. References may also include peers.

A cover letter (maximum length: 1 page) indicating why the candidate considers him-/herself to be suitable for the position.

Managers may ask (ad hoc) for any other materials relevant to pre-assessing the relevance of their experience, such as reports, presentations, publications, campaigns or other materials.

Office/Unit/Project Description

The Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy (BERA) is responsible for UNDP’s external relations and advocacy functions. The Bureau leads and supports the organization in cultivating, building and nurturing strategic relationships and alliances that are essential for advancing and successfully achieving the mission of UNDP. These relationships encompass a wide range and number of key constituencies and development partners, that includes programme countries, existing and prospective donor countries/emerging economic powers, multilateral institutions such as the IFIs, the European Commission, civil society, the private sector, foundations, academia and think tanks, the wider UN system, various UN inter-governmental bodies, as well as global, regional and national media.

The UNDP Nordic Representation Office (UNDP NRO), which is one of seven representational offices in BERA, plays a critical role in managing and further expanding UNDP’s important partnerships with the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden). Its main office is located in Copenhagen, with liaison offices in Oslo, Stockholm and Helsinki. UNDP NRO is responsible for building strong relationships with strategic audiences in the Nordic countries to ensure strong core contributions to the organization and promote new collaborations in areas of mutual interest. To do so, the office raises awareness about UNDP’s mandate, including on-the-ground development results achieved, promotes UNDP’s thought leadership products through public events, and organizes a range of engagements with key audiences.   

Under the overall guidance of the NRO Directorate, the Communications Analyst is responsible for coordinating efforts to position UNDP’s work and knowledge products in the Nordics across priority areas through media and digital platforms. S/he works closely with relevant country team leaders to develop and implement communications, advocacy and outreach strategies and monitors and evaluates results and impact. The Communications Analyst works on campaigns, organizes regional press briefings, produces and edits communications materials and performs other editorial functions in addition to contributing to events and other external engagements.    

The Communications Analyst will work in close collaboration with colleagues in the Nordic Representation Office, UNDP HQ, regional and country teams, as well as national and international media contacts, and when required, communications experts in other UN Agencies, Government partners, civil society and other key stakeholders.

Institutional Arrangement

The incumbent of this post will report directly to the UNDP NRO Directorate.

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Instructions to Applicants: Click on the “Apply now“ button. Input your information in the appropriate Sections: personal information, language proficiency, education, resume and...


Interest candidate has to access procurement notice Ref.: IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/074/2022 - Resource Mobilization Innovation Finance Consultant at the following link:

We encourage you to submit your application through this website and send the complete application to (only application with complete supporting document received in before or atthe closing date will be proceed).


Indonesia's biodiversity is an important asset for national development. Diversity at the level of genetics, species, and ecosystems provides great benefits in various aspects of life, especially food, health and energy, as well as industrial basic materials, which aim to meet human needs. Based on the results of a study by Bappenas (2012), the contribution of the Indonesian economy to biodiversity and ecosystems reaches no less than IDR 2,053.8 trillion.

As one of the countries with the richest biodiversity in the world, Indonesia plays a major role in supporting efforts to manage biodiversity at the global level by strengthening its commitment to sustainable biodiversity management as the basic capital for national development. In strengthening this commitment at the national level, Indonesia has designed the Indonesia Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (IBSAP) which is an important guide in planning for biodiversity management policies as well as the integration and mainstreaming of these policies in national development plans.

The Government of Indonesia has periodically compiled the IBSAP document since 2003 as a follow-up to the 1993 Indonesia Biodiversity Action Plan (BAPI).

As the 2015-2020 IBSAP implementation period ends, the Government of Indonesia in 2022 is carrying out the formulation of the Post-2020 Biodiversity Management Strategy and Planning Towards Indonesia's 2045 Vision which is formulated in the framework of the Post-2020 IBSAP Document. The formulation of these strategies and action plans will in the process be harmonized with international agreements and other global issues, including the UN-CBD Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, SDGs, climate change issues, the Covid-19 pandemic, and are mainstreamed into the Long-Term Development Plan document (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang/RPJP) and the Medium-Term Development Plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah/RPJM).

One of the big challenges faced by Indonesia as a mega-biodiversity country is in terms of providing funding needs for ideal biodiversity management amid limited conventional funding sources such as the national state budget (Anggaran dan Pendapatan Belanja Negara/APBN). The existence of support for sustainable biodiversity funding resources is very much needed to overcome the problem of the lack of funding capacity for biodiversity management within the framework of achieving national development targets. Meanwhile, in the long term, the implementation of sustainable funding is urgently needed to increase the effectiveness of biodiversity management and to create alternative funding solutions to reduce dependence on government funding sources. Therefore, optimizing the involvement of the support of funding resources from various stakeholders to actively contribute to ensuring the sustainability of funding for biodiversity management, both inside and outside the conservation area becomes very important.

To provide input for the Government of Indonesia regarding sustainable biodiversity funding policies within the post-2020 framework of conservation of biodiversity, a Funding Resource Mobilization Strategy will be carried out as a supplement to the Post-2020 IBSAP Main Document. In particular, this activity will include the synthesis and formulation of strategies for mobilizing funding from various sources, both government and non-government through a series of coordination carried out in a participatory consultation in-line with the process of compiling the main IBSAP Post-2020 document.

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Interest candidate has to access procurement notice Ref.: IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/074/2022 – Resource Mobilization Innovation Finance Consultant at the following link: https://procurement-notic...

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