

Interest candidate has to access procurement notice Ref.: IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/074/2022 - Resource Mobilization Innovation Finance Consultant at the following link:

We encourage you to submit your application through this website and send the complete application to (only application with complete supporting document received in before or atthe closing date will be proceed).


Indonesia's biodiversity is an important asset for national development. Diversity at the level of genetics, species, and ecosystems provides great benefits in various aspects of life, especially food, health and energy, as well as industrial basic materials, which aim to meet human needs. Based on the results of a study by Bappenas (2012), the contribution of the Indonesian economy to biodiversity and ecosystems reaches no less than IDR 2,053.8 trillion.

As one of the countries with the richest biodiversity in the world, Indonesia plays a major role in supporting efforts to manage biodiversity at the global level by strengthening its commitment to sustainable biodiversity management as the basic capital for national development. In strengthening this commitment at the national level, Indonesia has designed the Indonesia Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (IBSAP) which is an important guide in planning for biodiversity management policies as well as the integration and mainstreaming of these policies in national development plans.

The Government of Indonesia has periodically compiled the IBSAP document since 2003 as a follow-up to the 1993 Indonesia Biodiversity Action Plan (BAPI).

As the 2015-2020 IBSAP implementation period ends, the Government of Indonesia in 2022 is carrying out the formulation of the Post-2020 Biodiversity Management Strategy and Planning Towards Indonesia's 2045 Vision which is formulated in the framework of the Post-2020 IBSAP Document. The formulation of these strategies and action plans will in the process be harmonized with international agreements and other global issues, including the UN-CBD Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, SDGs, climate change issues, the Covid-19 pandemic, and are mainstreamed into the Long-Term Development Plan document (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang/RPJP) and the Medium-Term Development Plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah/RPJM).

One of the big challenges faced by Indonesia as a mega-biodiversity country is in terms of providing funding needs for ideal biodiversity management amid limited conventional funding sources such as the national state budget (Anggaran dan Pendapatan Belanja Negara/APBN). The existence of support for sustainable biodiversity funding resources is very much needed to overcome the problem of the lack of funding capacity for biodiversity management within the framework of achieving national development targets. Meanwhile, in the long term, the implementation of sustainable funding is urgently needed to increase the effectiveness of biodiversity management and to create alternative funding solutions to reduce dependence on government funding sources. Therefore, optimizing the involvement of the support of funding resources from various stakeholders to actively contribute to ensuring the sustainability of funding for biodiversity management, both inside and outside the conservation area becomes very important.

To provide input for the Government of Indonesia regarding sustainable biodiversity funding policies within the post-2020 framework of conservation of biodiversity, a Funding Resource Mobilization Strategy will be carried out as a supplement to the Post-2020 IBSAP Main Document. In particular, this activity will include the synthesis and formulation of strategies for mobilizing funding from various sources, both government and non-government through a series of coordination carried out in a participatory consultation in-line with the process of compiling the main IBSAP Post-2020 document.

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Interest candidate has to access procurement notice Ref.: IC/UNDP/BIOFIN/074/2022 – Resource Mobilization Innovation Finance Consultant at the following link: https://procurement-notic...

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 18 September 2022

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Application Deadline: 18 September 2022 Source link


Interest candidate has to access procurement notice Ref.: IC/UNDP/RRU-RESTORE/075/2022 - Consultant for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion at the following link:  

Please do not send your application through this website and send the complete application to (only application with complete supporting document received in before or at the closing date will be proceed).

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Interest candidate has to access procurement notice Ref.: IC/UNDP/RRU-RESTORE/075/2022 – Consultant for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion at the following link: https://procure...



Application procedure:

Application with a CV must be submitted online via this website. Please click on “Apply Now” Tab and complete required fields and upload CV. Please note that website accepts only one document therefore, if you would like to upload more than one document, please make sure to combine it into a single one. Financial offer (for national consultants only in BAM) in a form of completed and Signed Offeror’s Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and availability - - Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability.docx - to be sent to e-mail with Subject: Job ID 109038.


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN’s global development network, working in 177 countries and territories. In Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), UNDP is committed to helping the country through strengthened national and local capacities to carry out political, economic and social reforms and promote development. In the programmatic period 2021-2025, United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework will guide the work of authorities in BiH and the United Nations (UN). Commitment to work together and achieve priorities in BiH is expressed by: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and selected Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), future accession to the European Union, the Joint Socio-Economic Reforms (Reform Agenda) 2019-2022, and the human rights commitments of BiH, including other agreed international and regional development goals, and treaty obligations and conventions.


As part of the UNDP BiH’s Good Governance’s portfolio, the Local Development Portfolio seeks to make a tangible contribution across a host of thematic areas critical to the quality of life in BiH local communities. It is currently made up of the following interventions: i) Sweden-funded Project for Improving the Performance of Local Services (PIPLS); ii) Norway-funded Economic Governance for Growth Project (EGG); iii) Multi-donor Country Infrastructure Development Initiative (CIDI); iv) Norway-funded Public Enterprise Integrity Project; v) World Bank Emergency Covid-19 Project, implemented on behalf of the Government of the Federation of BiH.


Considering the change in management arrangements under the Local Development Portfolio, a Local Development Expert will be engaged to provide interim quality assurance and technical backstopping, as well as to advise on programming and resource mobilisation efforts.

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NOTE Application procedure: Application with a CV must be submitted online via this website. Please click on “Apply Now” Tab and complete required fields and upload CV. Please note that we...

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 24 September 2022

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Application Deadline: 24 September 2022 Source link

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 13 September 2022

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Application Deadline: 13 September 2022 Source link


The ‘Skills Development for Employment (SD4E) programme – consolidation phase’ is supporting the Government of Albania in the national VET and Employment reform through a comprehensive approach of institutional capacity building on a macro/policy level, enabling key actors (MFE, NES/NAES and NAVETQ) to deliver coordinated and demand-driven services. Responding to national priorities and the objectives of the National Employment and Skills Strategy, this Swiss funded intervention has the ambition to make a systemic contribution where the Albanian VET system and Employment Service supply the labour market with a skilled workforce that contributes to sustainable and inclusive economic development of the country.


To achieve the programme purpose and finally the programme goal, the programme focused its efforts in three strategic fields that aim to improve the governance and quality of service provision in VET and employment promotion in Albania.


Outcome 1: The institutional capacity of key actors in VET and Employment (Ministry, NAVETQ, NAES) is strengthened

Outcome 2: The employment service portfolio is based on a balanced demand-and supply-side oriented approach

Outcome 3: A standardized Quality Assurance (QA) framework is in place that improves the image of VET and fosters linkages between school and world of work.

The project, financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Coordination (SDC) is implemented by UNDP in partnership with the Ministry of Finance and Economics, through a participatory and consultative approach of development cooperation, fostering the sustainable development of national capacities. At the core of the intervention is the ambition to strength national key institutions in VET and Employment Promotion, through multilayer capacity building plans, the introduction of multiplier training elements, the collaborative development and roll-out of effective instruments for service delivery and innovative tools for Quality Assurance of day-to-day policy implementation.


The SD4E programme aims to support the National Agency for Employment and Skills (NAES) in optimizing its EPPs portfolio and provision, as set out in the objectives of the National Employment and Skills Strategy. The NAES aims to develop and deliver a service portfolio that is based on a balanced demand and supply oriented approach, recognizing and fostering the potential of various groups of job seekers through tailored action plans and mediation measures. 


After a thorough review of the Employment Promotion Programmes (EPP) in 2019, in terms of the degree to which they addressed the needs of the client base of NAES and the implementation procedures, in 2020, the SD4E team worked together with the working group of MoFE and NAES to finalize the legal and operational framework for the implementation of the reformed EPP packages. The five programmes proposed and approved by the Council of Ministers in 2020 are:


  1. On-the-job Training, which targets jobseekers who do not have any qualifications, and trains them at the workplace, providing a subsidy for the duration of 4 months period for all types of professions, based on an approved training plan, and supervised by a trainer of the employer; (DCM approved)
  2. Wage-subsidy, which is a one-year subsidized employment contract, where the needs of the jobseekers are matched to the profile of the employers, the wage is defined based on the market salary rate, and the duration of the subsidy is defined based on the vulnerabilities of the jobseeker. (DCM approved)
  3. Internship programme, which ensures quick transition to the labour market of the recent graduates, in the same of similar area of study of recent graduates, for a duration of 6 months. (DCM approved)
  4. Self-Employment Programme, which is a start your business programmes that provides financial grant and support for unemployed jobseekers, who have a proven, viable and marketable business idea and plan; (DCM approved)
  5. Community employment, which is a programme with a clear focus on workforce training and is designed to place the work experience offered near the labour market, and in line with the local employment opportunities, implemented in partnership with community and NGO/voluntary organizations. (DCM approved – implementation not started)


The SD4E has provided support to NAES to draft all the necessary operational guidelines and forms which will aid the implementation of these programme by the Employment Offices. During the second half of 2020, SD4E supported NAES with the implementation of these programmes.


More recently, the SD4E programme has supported the MFE to design new employment promotion programmes which target those who have recently become unemployed due to the COVID-19 crises.


This assignment relates to the review of the implementation process and approach of the reformed EPPs portfolio, in close consultation with all the internal implementation structures of NAES, the employers, the jobseekers, and non-public bodies who represent vulnerable groups of unemployed jobseekers. The review is expected to provide evidence-based information that is credible, reliable and useful for the On-the-job training, Wage Subsidy, Internship programmes and the programmes which target the recently laid-off workforce due to COVID-19, namely, DCM nr. 17 and DCM nr. 608.


The scope of this evaluation will include an examination of the process, i.e. the way the EPP was implemented and the main focus will be to review operational and implementation issues to answer the following questions: Are the programmes implemented as per the guidelines? And Are there better ways of approaching the implementation issues. The evaluation will try to identify conceptual and operational bottlenecks and weaknesses and make recommendations for improved performance. The process review will also determine whether the EPPs were implemented as designed, assess implementation and suggest amendment.


The process evaluation will focus on the following main areas: 1. Eligibility criteria and targeting efficiency for both employers and unemployed jobseekers; 2. Type and level of financing; 3. Information and application procedures 4. Matching and approval procedures; 5. Financing procedures; 6. Monitoring procedures. During the evaluation process, the consultant is expected to conduct desk review, in-depth interviews with the main stakeholders and quick surveys with the beneficiaries of the programmes (employers and jobseekers)


In relation to this assignment, under the guidance of the Programme Specialist and the Programme Coordinator, the consultant is expected to carry out the following tasks:


  1. Desk-review of the regulatory and operational framework which guides the implementation of the EPPs in Albania: The Decisions of the Council of Ministers, the approved operational guidelines etc.
  2. Draft and present the methodology for conducing the process evaluation, identifying all the relevant stakeholders to be involved and the tools to be used for collecting the necessary information.
  3. Organize meetings and quick surveys with all the relevant stakeholders, including the staff of the employment offices, regional structure of NAES, the relevant department in the headquarters of NAES, employers, jobseekers, organizations that represent vulnerable groups of jobseekers etc.
  4. Draft the initial process evaluation report, which will include the following: methodology, evaluation findings and recommendations.
  5. Present the initial finding to the working group of Ministry of Finance and Economy and the National Agency for Employment and Skills.
  6.  Finalize and submit the report based on the comments received by the relevant institutions.


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The ‘Skills Development for Employment (SD4E) programme – consolidation phase’ is supporting the Government of Albania in the national VET and Employment reform through a comprehensi...

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 24 September 2022

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Application Deadline: 24 September 2022 Source link

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 23 September 2022

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Application Deadline: 23 September 2022 Source link

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Posted 2 years ago


UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub delivers a full range of policy, programme, and operations support to 24 Country Offices (COs) in the Asia-Pacific region.  As a part of BRH, the Global Policy Network (GPN) Asia-Pacific team aims to be a cutting-edge provider of timely development advice, providing support to COs and programme countries in an integrated and coherent manner— to instantly connect countries to the world of knowledge, resources and networks of best practice they need to achieve development breakthroughs. GPN Asia-Pacific team performs these functions in collaboration with the Country Office Support and Quality Assurance (COSQA) team also part of BRH.


Gender equality is a non-negotiable priority for UNDP globally.  This commitment is articulated in UNDP’s Strategic Plan 2021-2025 and its accompanying Gender Equality Strategy (GES) 2022-2025.  UNDP is committed to help governments shift systems and power structures that generate gender inequalities and women’s disempowerment.  UNDP addresses gender equality as integral to all its development interventions, to expand people’s choices, realize a just and sustainable world, and achieve the vision for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Programme translates the global commitments for the region and offers gender-integrated solutions to the region’s complex development challenges.  Furthermore, UNDP GES establishes measures for UNDP’s institutional transformation.  Meaningfully integrating gender quality across UNDP’s work starts with the everyday decisions, actions, and behaviours of its personnel.  Such efforts will require leadership that fosters listening and learning and calls for courage and new ways of working.  UNDP Gender Equality Seal Certification Programme is UNDP’s key corporate initiative that is designed to facilitate the Organisation’s institutional transformation for gender equality.


To support this aspiration, Sub-regional Gender Specialists are outposted in selected UNDP COs to support a portfolio of 5-6 countries each in strengthening UNDP’s contribution to gender equality. Under matrix reporting lines to the Bangkok Regional Hub and the COs in their respective portfolio, the Sub-regional Gender Specialist based in the UNDP Country Office in Tehran, the Islamic Republicof Iran, will advise and provide technical support to CO management and staff in Iran, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Myanmar and Pakistan on their gender equality programming and institutional transformation efforts, including their participation in UNDP Gender Equality Seal Certification Programme where applicable.   The Sub-regional Gender Specialist will enure strategic advice and oversight for the implementation of the existing gender-focused projects, while also ensuring the effectiveness and impact of UNDP’s gender-integrated interventions in all areas aligned with UNDP Gender Equality Strategy. The Sub-regional Gender Specialists will also work closely with CO senior management, and collaborate with CO Gender Specialists and CO Gender Focal Team members, and CO programming and operations staff, as well as local stakeholders as required.


As an outposted member of BRH Gender Team,  Sub-regional Gender Specialist will bring the global and regional perspectives and experiences to COs and vice versa, in alignment with UNDP’s corporate Quality Assurance standards and accountability mechanisms.  Sub-regional gender specialist will also support the delivery of gender equality results through regional initiatives at the country level. 


The alternate recommended candidates from this recruitment process will be  kept in the roster for future positions which may arise for Maldives, Laos and Samoa or other locations.



Under the overall guidance of Asia-Pacific Regional Gender Team Lead / Advisor and with the country-specific supervision of the respective CO senior management, the Sub-regional gender specialist will be responsible for the following scope of work relating to COs in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Myanmar and Pakistan:


a) Advice and support to CO management, , equality programming involving both gender-focused and gender-integrated initiatives,  in collaboration with the CO Gender Specialists/gender focal points and BRH Gender Team Through:

  • Hands on support and advice to CO management, programme, operations and project staff on the implementation of the UNDP Gender Equality Strategy and the development of gender-transformative Country Programme Document,Analysis, monitoring and reporting and capacity building relating to UNDP Gender Marker  application.
  • Mobilization of regional support to the COs, if and when needed, including designing training modules and support regional webinars to enhance COs’ gender equality results,.
  • Identification and facilitation of strategic partnership building opportunities for gender equality ,
  • monitoring and assessing  political, economic and social development trends and issues affecting women’s equal rights in the assigned countries, to inform strategic response to opportunities and challenges, in the context of the countries’ Country Programme Documents and government priorities,
  • Support to COs on the effective application of gender mainstreaming throughout CO’s programme and project cycle , monitoring and evaluation frameworks, communication and advocacy,  results reporting and quality assurance of results.


b) Support the creation of strategic partnerships for resource mobilization,through:  

  • Support CO senior management in identifying and following up on strategic opportunities for resource mobilization for the acheivement of the CO’s gender equality targets,
  • Provision of technical inputs into the formulation of concept notes and programmatic offer on gender equality and women’s empowerment to build strong partnerships with donors and in coordination with government, and design project documents of gender-related programme interventions for resource mobilization,
  • When requested, provide substantive inputs for UNDP’s representation in exchanges with government, donors, UN agencies, private sector and civil society advocating for the integration of key gender equality and women’s empowerment perspectives into policy dialogues.


c) Facilitate knowledge management, capacity building and coordination across the Cos and across the region, through:

  • Organization and facilitiation training for CO staff on gender advancement, gender equality perspectives building, and the development of gender equality culture at workplace,
  • Identification and formulation and exchange of lessons learned and recommendations to strengthen UNDP’s gender equality efforts, through co-learning and co-creation,
  • Contribution to regional initiatives, regional and global knowledge networks, peer to peer exchanges, communities of practices, and regional and intra-regional exchanges.


d) Contribute to the global Gender Community of Practice from the regional perspectives, and support RBAP to comply with UNDP’s accountability and quality assurance requirements for gender equality results, through:

  • Timely provision of inputs to corporate communications and reporting requirements relating to the implementation of the Gender Equality Strategy,
  • Support to RBAP senior management to ensure its accountability for gender mainstreaming and for reporting to the Gender Steering and Implementation Committee,
  • Support to the monitoring of RBAP KPIs relating to gender equality,
  • Participation in BRH-Country Office planning and monitoring dialogues to ensure adequate inclusion of gender equality and women’s empowerment.


Institutional Arrangement

The Sub-regional Gender Specialists will be assigned a portfolio of 4-5 countries, to support through remote and in-country support, with frequent travels travel.

With close coordination to the regional gender team in the Bangkok Regional Hub, reporting lines will be to the Cluster Lead in COSQA, Bangkok Regional Hub.

a) Briefly describe the functions/ activities (scope, location, results expected, etc.) and other information that will help to understand the nature of the work 

b) As applicable, include any relevant data/information/policy framework that may be required for each activity.   



Achieve Results:

LEVEL 3: Set and align challenging, achievable objectives for multiple projects, have lasting impact. 

Think Innovatively:

LEVEL 3: Proactively mitigate potential risks, develop new ideas to solve complex problems. 

Learn Continuously:

LEVEL 3: Create and act on opportunities to expand horizons, diversify experiences.

Adapt with Agility:

LEVEL 3: Proactively initiate and champion change, manage multiple competing demands. 

Act with Determination:

LEVEL 3: Think beyond immediate task/barriers and take action to achieve greater results

Engage and Partner:

LEVEL 3: Political savvy, navigate complex landscape, champion inter-agency collaboration

Enable Diversity and Inclusion:

LEVEL 3: Appreciate benefits of diverse workforce and champion inclusivity


Cross-Functional & Technical competencies 


Cross functional

System Thinking:

Ability to use objective problem analysis and judgement to understand how interrelated elements coexist within an overall process or system, and to consider how altering one element can impact on other parts of the system.

Knowledge Generation

Ability to research and turn information into useful knowledge, relevant for context, or responsive to a stated need.


Technical Competencies


Gender and Institutional Development 

Gender Issues & Analysis 

Gender Mainstreaming 

Women's Economic Empowerment, including labour issues 

Women's Leadership (Political, Public Admin and Private Sector) 

Climate Change and Risk Management of Disasters with a Gender Perspective 


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  UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub delivers a full range of policy, programme, and operations support to 24 Country Offices (COs) in the Asia-Pacific region.  As a part of BRH, the Global Policy Ne...

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