Coordination Consultant-Synthesis & Lessons – IPSA 8 – Home-based

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago

Scope of Work
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 (A/RES/70/1), are at the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The SDGs set ambitious targets for achievement within the current decade.

The IEO has recently launched a series of synthesis studies to systematically analyse evaluative evidence on key areas under the five pillars of the Sustainable Development Goals. These are: Peace, People, Planet, Prosperity and Partnership – known as the “5P”. The series will be delivered by a Global Coalition on Evaluation Evidence, and will provide policy recommendations to achieve the goals in the last five years before 2030, and beyond. As of October 2022, the “Coalition” consists of 23 United Nations agencies, six bilateral partners, and several evaluation networks, who inform the direction of the series and the conduct of the synthesis, and provide time, evidence and other resources to the exercise.

The first synthesis in the series – covering the Partnership Pillar – is currently underway, and the remaining four pillars will follow shortly after. All syntheses will be completed within 2023-2024.

UNDP seeks a Coordination Consultant to facilitate the 5P syntheses. S/he will support the 5P Steering Committee and management groups, helping to organise and track the inputs from the Coalition Members, and will work with the IEO 5P focal person to manage external teams conducting the syntheses. S/he will also support dissemination of the Synthesis findings, working closely with IEO lead evaluators and consultants to arrange events. The work of the Coordination Consultant will be guided by UNEG and IEO professional standards, guidance and manuals.

The specific tasks include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Run the secretariat to the Global Coalition for Evaluative Evidence for the SDGs. This will include: Implement the overall partnerships and engagement strategy for the initiative, convene regular meetings and handle communications with the management groups for each synthesis exercise, maintain meeting minutes and records, organize workplans and sequence calendars.
• Support data collation and preparation for synthesis: Identify relevant evaluations, research and studies, assess them for inclusion/exclusion, screen for quality, and extract relevant data.
• Upon request, help with synthesizing knowledge, comparing and contrasting the findings of impact evaluations and reviews, assessing their quality and the strength of their recommendations, and providing a summary of the evidence.
• Support the IEO Synthesis Manager and Lead Evaluators in monitoring their budgets and expenditures, preparing documentation for recruitment, payments and performance evaluation, and supporting budget revisions as needed.
• Prepare inputs for synthesis reports and annexes, providing formatting support and developing limited content relevant to processes.
• Support the planning and management of dissemination events for each of the 5 syntheses.
The coordination consultant will work as a member of the Synthesis & Lessons section, in support of efficient and effective execution of work planned through the Global Coalition for Evaluative Evidence for the SDGs and high-quality evidence syntheses.

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