A comprehensive study on the state of Digital Agriculture in Zimbabwe: Focus on Development Sector – Harare

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Posted 2 years ago


The digital agriculture mapping consultant will be tasked with conducting a comprehensive study of the Agricultural Technology space in Zimbabwe and produce detailed knowledge products as per scope of work. They will be expected to conduct desk research on presently available digital agriculture solutions across the whole value chain from production to consumption, assessing their strengths and limitations. They will also be expected to liaise with development partners, private sector firms, start-ups, and government agencies to map out their priority areas in digital agriculture in Zimbabwe. The consultant will function as the focal points throughout the project, maintaining professional working relations with all partners and providing routine progress updates to UNDP.


Specific responsibilities and duties will cover four main areas of activity:

 Area (1): Conduct comprehensive desk research on digital agriculture tools in Zimbabwe

Area (2):  Mapping of key players in the Digital Agriculture space in Zimbabwe  

Area (3): Production of a knowledge product on the state of digital agriculture in Zimbabwe

Area (4): Collaborate on the planning of a knowledge product launch workshop

Area (1): Conduct comprehensive desk research on digital agriculture tools in Zimbabwe

  • Develop a methodology to capture key insights from desk research and implement it to map past and present digital agriculture tools in Zimbabwe;
  • Create a library catalogue of all sources reviewed during the desk research;
  • Group solutions into three user categories- producer tools, distribution tools and consumer tools;
  •  Conduct a SWOT analysis for each solution and tabulate the findings;
  • Demo solutions when possible and document experience with using the digital tool.

Area (2): Mapping of key players in the Digital Agriculture space in Zimbabwe

  • Meetings (in-person or virtual) with solution providers of mapped AgTech solutions and digital projects to document opportunities and challenges they are experiencing;
  • Meetings (in-person or virtual) with solution users to get feedback on experience with using the tool;
  • Create online library of meeting notes and meeting recordings, pictures, and videos.

Area (3): Production of a knowledge product on the state of digital agriculture in Zimbabwe  

  • Synthesize findings into a report outlining tools and projects, players, opportunities sand challenges;
  • Use findings to conduct a foresight exercise and propose emerging technologies that could complement existing solutions;
  • Propose entry points for UNDP in all three user categories- producer tools, distribution tools and consumer tools.

Area (4): Collaborate on the planning of a lnowledge product launch workshop;

  • Compile a list of guests to invite to a technical level launch of the knowledge product;
  • Prepare a pitch deck of key findings and present during the workshop;
  • Perform workshop planning activities as assigned by UNDP.

This task require 1 consultant to focus on Development Sector. Applicants are to specify the Sector they wish to focus on the title of their proposal.


The consultant is expected to deliver the following:

  • A draft summary of the digital agriculture landscape in Zimbabwe outlining findings in each user category, challenges, opportunities, and potential entry points for UNDP;
  • Catalogue of all sources reviewed during the desk research;
  • Online library of meeting notes and meeting recordings, pictures, and videos etc;
  • Executive summary in form of a visual driven pitch deck;
  • A final report on the state of digital agriculture in Zimbabwe that should function as a source of programming and resource mobilisation intelligence for UNDP.


The consultant must send a financial offer based on the scope of work outlined above. The consultant shall quote an all-inclusive cost of conducting each of the four areas listed under scope of work. The term “all-inclusive” implies that all costs (professional fees, communications, consumables, etc.) that could be incurred by the national consultant in completing the assignment are already factored into the cost of each stage of the scope of work submitted in the proposal.

Payments will be made based on the agreed financial proposal and released upon submission of a certificate of payment request, indicating deliverables achieved to be verified and cleared for payment by the supervisor.

The qualified consultant shall receive his/her lump sum service fees upon certification of the completed tasks satisfactorily, as per the following payment schedule:

Payment will be based on deliverables as per the ‘Deliverables’ below. The assignment is expected to commence on the 15th February 2023  after the signing of the contract to the successful bidders.

Full payment will be made to the Consultant as Lump Sum upon completion of work of a specific task as broken down below. Bidders are supposed to indicate the number of days to be taken to complete each deliverable.

  • First installment of 10% after Presentation of inception report outlining the tools and methodology to be used by consultant to perform the assigned tasks which must be approved by UNDP Resident Representative or Designate;
  • Second installment of 15% after Submission of draft summarizing desk review findings together with a catalogue of all sources reviewed during the desk research which must be approved by UNDP Resident Representative or Designate;
  • Third installment of 25% after Submission of first complete draft incorporating information from meetings with solution creators and users. This will also include submission of online library of meeting notes and meeting recordings, pictures and videos etc. This must be approved by UNDP Resident Representative or Designate
  • Fourth installment of 30% after Submission of the final report on the state of digital agriculture in Zimbabwe that should function as a source of programming and resource mobilisation  intelligence for UNDP which mush be approved by UNDP Resident Representative or Designate;
  • Fifth installment of 20% Presentation of executive summary in form of a visual driven pitch deck approved by UNDP Resident Representative or Designate .


The principal responsibility for managing this assignment lies with the UNDP Country Office, Zimbabwe. The Consultant is accountable to UNDP under the direct supervision of the UNDP Accelerator Lab Head of Experimentation. The consultant will submit bi-weekly progress updates, detailing work progress, and any constraints that require UNDP attention. The Consultant should be available for subsequent   discussions   about   the   consultancy   work   with   UNDP.


The consultancy is expected to run between 15 February 2023 and 30 June 2023 during which the consultant is expected to provide 120 days of service. 


 Besides   paying   the   Consultant   for   the   work, the   Client   will   assist   the   Consultant   with   the   following:

  • Assist   to   convene   stakeholder   meetings   where   required.

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