
Max International – Health and Wealth is the Promise, What’s the Reality?

Max International came on the scene just under three years ago with two key products – MaxGXL and nFuze. Founder Steven K. Scott, known for his American Telecast company that has winning product introductions including Total Gym and Deal a Meal, brought together some heavyweight network marketing specialists to launch the world’s first over-the-counter glutathione accelerator – a supplement that helps the body increase production of this super anti-oxidant. So is MaxGXL and Max International just another ‘me-too’ organization, or does it offer something unique in the marketplace? As head of my own advertising agency for more than 20 years, I have worked with a number of organizations and have developed key ‘brand’ measurables that can help determine the difference between winning companies and those that will fall by the wayside. A key factor is differentiation – why would I want to work for, or be a customer of a given organization as opposed to another company. 1. Barrier of entry: what’s to stop ‘copycat’ companies from bringing similar products into the marketplace at a cheaper cost? In the case of Max International, the two key products are based in science and are backed up by patents pending that ensure these products will remain uniquely positioned in their own category for almost two decades. In other words, no other company is offering products that match the benefits of MaxGXL. It’s like the big pharmaceutical companies that can literally ‘own’ market categories until their patents expire. 2. How strong is the market? The wellness industry is in hyper growth with predictions it will top the $1 trillion sales mark this year, up from $600 million worldwide four years ago. Even poor products can perform well with this kind of consumer trend, so a well-marketed product that delivers on its promises is certain to flourish. 3. What are the trends? Everyone knows that the aging baby boomers are driving markets these days, and a product that meets this group’s desire to stay young will see favourable revenue growth. Positively impacting this trend is a poor economy that is forcing thousands to seek alternate streams of income, such as network marketing. There is a lot more to the story, but I believe Max International is uniquely positioned to undergo extreme growth in the years ahead. In a recent interview with the company’s CFO, former Wall Street lawyer Joe Voyticky, I was told he expects the company to become the first-ever Fortune 500 company with annual sales topping $1B. These factors should put Max International at the forefront of a burgeoning network marketing industry. Before making the leap into network marketing, people may want to consider how they will approach their new business. Diversification through varied marketing techniques, including Internet marketing, can help savvy marketers leverage product strength into multiple income streams. Source by Gordon Green

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Self Hypnosis, IQ and Genius

YOUR KEY TO GENIUS, HEALTH, MONEY, WEALTH, RICHES AND HAPPY RELATIONSHIPS. (Maybe a better title could be “How to become a Genius”) Most people fail to achieve a ‘state’ of genius because they do not have the right tool to imprint into their Subconscious minds all those useful, supportive beliefs and values that will allow them to easily and quickly access the ‘genius’ that is inside everyone alive. Most people fail to achieve a ‘state’ of great and permanent health because they do not have the right tool to imprint into their Subconscious minds all those useful, supportive beliefs and values that will make their bodies respond with radiant, youthful health. Most people cannot learn “How to Think like a Millionaire” because they do not have the RIGHT tool to imprint into their Subconscious minds the Millionaire Mind Secrets of the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires! Most people cannot develop wonderful, fulfilling relationships because they do not have the right tool to imprint into their Subconscious minds those useful, supportive beliefs and values that will attract those relationships into their lives. And YOUR GREATEST tool to help you accomplish all of the above and more is “SELF-HYPNOSIS, your ability to place yourself into a deep altered (trance) states and have your Subconscious mind totally open and ready to receive and accept your instructions and commands. Do you want to become an inventive and creative genius? Is your goal to make money, lots of money? Do you want to Become healthier? Do you want to Improve your relationships? Whatever your goal, YOUR Subconscious mind is the key to the achievement of those goals and the BEST and fastest tool to use is Self-hypnosis. Being able to function at will at the deepest alpha and theta levels, where YOU have quick and easy access to your Subconscious mind, is the MOST valuable tool you will ever learn. Are you ready to learn the method used by the world’s greatest geniuses, YOUR FASTEST way to financial success, money, wealth, riches, health and happy relationships? 1. WHY MOST MIND REPROGRAMMING METHODS FAIL! They FAIL because they do NOT teach you HOW TO use the deep altered (hypnotic) states to access and reprogram the contents of your Subconscious mind. Instead, they LIMIT you to use ONLY your Conscious mind, the same mind telling you that you are a failure, that it is hard to make money, that you will never be rich. Changes are superficial and temporary. And they seldom teach you HOW to identify and eliminate all the conflicting beliefs, values, rules, attitudes and behaviors blocking your financial goals — without your conscious knowledge. You can set all the creative, financial, health and relationship goals you want with your Conscious mind. But, if your Subconscious does NOT ACCEPT them (because of conflicting beliefs, values and rules), you will NEVER achieve them. 2. SELF-HYPNOSIS: YOUR KEY TO GENIUS,MONEY, WEALTH, HEALTH AND SUCCESS. Self-hypnosis is your fastest way to health, financial success and is definitely the KEY to genius. Many are familiar with the famous Napoleon Hill and his nightly ‘reunions’ with his Invisible Counselors, nine departed geniuses. In his imagination, he would hold conversations with these geniuses asking them for their help and inspiration in changing and reprogramming his personality weaknesses and pitfalls. Read the Chapter on “The Sixth Sense” in his best-selling book “Think and Grow Rich”. When performing this task, Napoleon Hill was in a deep trance (hypnotic) state – even though he did not call it that way most likely because ‘hypnosis’ had such a undeservedly bad reputation during those days. And even today, many people are still too superstitious to use self-hypnosis to achieve their goals. In what state was Albert Einstein when he was traveling on a beam of light while trying to formulate his “Theory of Relativity”? You guessed it. In a light or deep trance state. Nikola Tesla, one of the world’s greatest inventive geniuses, would go into that ‘twilight’ state known as deep hypnosis and would start all his electromechanical inventions working IN HIS MIND. He would come back to them days or weeks later and be able to see the wear and tear and whatever improvements were needed, ALL IN HIS HEAD. Leonardo Da Vinci used to concentrate on the wall until going into trance in order to connect with the Universal Source where supposedly all answers are stored. Thomas Edison was famous for his “catnaps” during which his Subconscious MIND would provide answers to his questions. He trained himself to operate in deep trance without falling asleep by holding a can, yes, a metal can. Mozart was not only great at putting himself in a trance state, he was also a great ‘channeler’. During trance, he would receive his music as if someone were dictating to him, and he was just taking notes. The great Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff lost his touch. He underwent hypnosis sessions. Following post-hypnotic suggestions, he wrote his Concerto #2, his most famous work, which he dedicated to his hypnotist. Frederick Chopin, Goethe and Metternich were serious students of Hypnosis at the University of Strausbourg, France. Many people are familiar with “The Treasure Island” and “Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde”, works of Robert Louis Stevenson. What you and they do not know is that every night at bedtime he would go into trance and instruct the little “brownies” inside his head to come up with stories that would make money for him. The famous financier J. P. Morgan had a special table in his yacht. Whenever confronted with a financial decision, he would get a deck of cards and play ‘solitaire’ games for about an hour. After that, the answer would be clear in his mind. During all that time, he was in a state of trance, totally concentrated on the card game, and his Subconscious was able to find the solution without the interference of the Conscious part of his mind. Famous financier Henry Kaiser would go into a deep

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The Mind Body Spirit Business and Life: 6 Key Questions Answered

Finding happiness in life isn’t easy. Most people will never find happiness in life because they don’t know what they want, and even if they do, they’re not sure what to do to achieve it, or they don’t believe it is possible. There are a lot of simple things you can do to change your life. It takes patience and time. Since 90 percent of our lives is habit, then the key is to focus on your habits and begin to change those habits one at a time. If you have residual baggage from your past, systems like the Healing Codes or the “How Your Mind Can Keep You Well” meditation will help you remove those blocks to achievement and allow you to heal. Understanding how this simple system works is crucial to getting the most out of it. Like anything else, what you put into it determines what you get out of it. If you feed your body junk food, fill your mind full of negativity and neglect your spiritual life, don’t expect to reap the benefits of a happy, joyful and abundant life. 1. What Is The Mind Body Spirit Business And Life? It is taking a total body approach to your business and life. When you develop a strategy to change your life in one of the three main areas: health, wealth or relationships, you take a mind, body and spirit approach. You approach each problem from three different directions and then have the mind, body and spirit working together, in tangent, to solve the problem. To successfully change, your body must take the right action. Your mind must believe the right things and your heart, part of your spirit, must agree with your mind. 2. What Are The Three Key Areas Of Concentration? The three keys to the system are the mind, body and spirit. You must have a healthy mind, body and spirit in order to operate at 100 percent capacity in your life. If you have baggage or issues, these things put a drain on both your resources, energy and your body. Get rid of the baggage and take effective action to deal with your issues, and you restore you energy levels and benefit your health. Also, it is much more effortless to try and attain your goals when you have peace, joy, love and focus in your life. 3. What Are The Three Key Areas Of Goal Setting? The three key areas of goal setting are health, wealth and relationships. Without good health, you don’t have the energy you need to accomplish your goals. Without true wealth, you don’t have the resources you need to to make the change necessary and finance your dreams. Resources can be anything from an education to financial resources and also the people in your life. Your success, as well as achieving your goals, is not dependent on having money. It is dependent on finding effective solutions to your problems and releasing your baggage and then taking action. Relationships are icing on the cake. What is the point of becoming successful if you don’t have someone to share it with? None of us operate in a vacuum, and if you want to be truly happy, the most important way is to have good relationships. We were born to love and be loved. 4. What Is The Basis Of The Concept? The Mind Body Spirit Business and Life concept is simple: every strategy you devise to change your life focuses on all three keys so you develop a strategy that is effective in helping you accomplish your goals. Since the mind, body and spirit work together, every change you make must include these three things. It is based on a concept I developed after reading “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles. Implementation of this three step system is based on what I learned from reading Jack Canfield’s “The Success Principles.” He mentions a suggested morning routine that includes 20 minutes of exercise, 20 minutes of meditation and 20 minutes of reading inspirational material. Although it is influenced by my study of Jesus’ teaching, Zen and Quantum Physics, as well as my time serving in the United States Army, it is belief system independent. It operates on the laws of universal human truth and the laws of the universe. Because of it, this system works for anyone regardless of belief system. It is about bringing your beliefs in line with the universe and how it works. 5. How Do I Implement This Strategy In My Life? The system is really simple. You spend 20 minutes a day on each focus: mind, body and spirit. That means 20 minutes of exercise, 20 minutes of meditation and 20 minutes of reading something inspirational to feed your mind and help you change what you believe. You choose what type of exercise you do, what you read and what meditation you use, so this is a custom program. 6. Where I Can I Get More Information? Read my book, “The Hour of Power: When Jesus, Zen and Quantum Physics Meet the US Army.” It is available for free to anyone that wants it. My mission is to help anyone who wants to change his/her life and achieve a life of health, wealth, prosperity and happiness. Source by Jinger Jarrett

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5 Tips to Healthy Living

Health is wealth the saying goes. The amount of wealth created or generated depends on the health of the individual generating it. You cannot be said to be generating enough wealth when you are ill. Therefore it is important to maintain a very healthy life style. There are some simple tips outlined below for healthy living. These are: 1. Feeding. The health of every man depends on what he feeds on. The man that feeds on balanced diet; rich in carbohydrate, protein, vitamins and minerals, fat and oil and water will definitely be healthy. His body will develop enough antibodies that will fight against any antigens that come into the body. All the cells and tissues that wear out as a result of daily activities will be replenished. One the other, the man that feeds on unbalanced diet will be ill from time to time. Also the man that consumed plenty of alcohol, smokes, takes hard drugs etc, will be endangering his health. Those things will break down the immune system, cells and tissues. This will result to illness such as cancer, high blood pressure, ulcer, diabetes etc. The question comes to you now, what do you feed on? What is you feeding habit? Think and act now. 2. Exercise. ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’. Exercise is very important for healthy living. It enables us stretch our muscles and tissues, burn up fat in our bodies, makes our blood circulatory, digestive, respiratory, and excretory systems work well. Exercise makes us sleep and rest well. The benefits derived from exercise are so numerous. There various types of exercise we can engage in such as: running, walking, jumping, dancing, jugging, circling, body work out etc. You can choose from any one. Try as much as possible to sweat very well. Exercise at least two hours weekly. No matter your tight schedules make out time to exercise. 3. Resting. The body is like a machine that can break down if not allowed to cool down after working sometime. The night was made for our benefit- rest. Resting helps us to refresh and be more efficient and productive. When we rest, the body metabolism is slowed down, and repairs are carried out in the cells and tissues. Some have abused their bodies by working all the year round and at the end the result is break down of their body system. So make out sometime to rest and relax. Take some time off for vacation; it is very good for your health. 4. Working. ‘Work does not kill, what kills is worry, so work and never worry’. Work is very important in order to maintain a healthy living. Work creates wealth, and wealth is used to maintain a healthy living. A saying goes that ‘he that does not work should not eat’. And we know the implication- ill heath and death. Never be lazy, there are many things to do to create wealth, engage in one today and be happy you did. 5. Environment. The place we live determines the state of our health. A dirty, mosquito prone environment, air polluted area will certainly endanger our health. Clean up your environment always, destroy all containers that could breed mosquito, and avoid a highly industrialized area. These areas will certainly be polluted with industrial waste. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Maintain a clean environment and hence maintain a healthy living. Our health can be maintained or destroyed depending on our life style. Therefore maintain a healthy life style today. Source by Okwuegbunam Francis E.

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What is Your Household Overhead

The first question I ask of any business owner is, “What is your overhead cost?” Most business owners know this answer. If you ask anyone off the street about his or her household overhead, I would receive a look of a blank face. What is your household overhead? The term “overhead” is used in business quite a bit. Overhead is the day-to-day cost and monthly/yearly cost of operating your household. You would be amazed at how many people do not know what it cost to “operate” their house. They think they know until they actually put pencil to paper and write out every cost. They are usually very surprised how much money is actually wasted and where it all goes. And it goes pretty damn fast. Just as business owners know their overhead the same should be for those who run a household. And we all operate a household whether you are one person or a family of four. You must operate your household like a business therefore you need to know how much it cost to operate your house. So let’s put paper to pencil. You need to know what you spend on the following: Groceries & Restaurant Purchases- This includes weekly grocery shopping, eating out at restaurants, take-out (pizza night, Chinese food night, etc), convenience stops at local grocer, WAWA, 7-11, Circle K, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, local bagel shop, etc. Automobile Costs – Monthly car payment – Gas & Oil (Shopping for the cheapest gasoline for your car is not the best move. Sometimes a cheaper gas can cause problems for our cars and in turn cost you more in the long run). – Oil Change (It is true you should change the oil every 3000 miles. It will make your car last longer). – Repairs (You should save $20-25 per paycheck for repairs) – Parking – Public Transportation Housing/Shelter Costs – Mortgage/Rent (If you are paying a mortgage, some folks take the advantage of bi-monthly payment. Bi-monthly payment means your mortgage company splits your monthly payment by two and they automatically withdraw the payment twice per month. This figures out to be one extra payment per year and in turn it could shorten the life of your 30-year mortgage loan to 21-22 years. Some folks do not want to give their mortgage company anymore than due and they would rather invest the money in stocks, CD’s, etc.) – Property Taxes – Utilities (Electric, Water, Sewer, Gas, Trash) – Telephone (Many people are considering dropping their land-line. This might be a good idea. If you are not in business for yourself yet (and hopefully you will be soon) why have more than one telephone. – Security/Alarm – Repairs Personal Costs – Haircuts – Toiletries – Laundry – Dry-cleaning – Childcare – Gifts given – Allowance for children – Clothing – Vitamins/Supplements Loans – Revolving charges, i.e. department store charges – Student loan payments – Alimony Insurances – Health (Add this to your budget even if your employer automatically deducts from your paycheck) – Mortgage Insurance (PMI-Private Mortgage Insurance) – Renters Insurance (I always recommend purchasing renters insurance. It is very affordable.) – Disability – Life – Long-term healthcare – Automobile Entertainment – Concerts/Movies/DVD Rentals – Books – Hobbies – Memberships/Dues – Vacations – Subscriptions – Toys – Cable TV Miscellaneous – Medical co-pays/co-insurance – Dental – Vision – Prescriptions – Accountant – Attorney – Bank charges – Educational Costs – Postage – Any other expenses Investments – Personal savings – 401K – Charities – Stocks/Bonds/Mutual Funds Now that you have a budget outline you should complete this form over a 3-month period. The reason for a 3-month period is because a one-month snapshot is not long enough for a proper analysis. After your 3-month analysis you will be able to see where you spend your money and the cost for operating your household and lifestyle, hence your personal lifestyle overhead. Armed with this information you will be able to make changes and hopefully begin to save more and spend wiser. Please keep in mind just as in business life changes. Sometimes the change is slow (paying off your school loan) or sometimes fast (becoming ill and needing your appendix out immediately). One should prepare for these changes to the best of their ability and one way is saving money in your bank, envelope, jar, etc. for the life’s little “Uh-oh’s”. It is easier than you think to keep/analyze your overhead. There are many computer programs that will do this for you. One such program is Quicken. There are many others. It will make your life much easier (and your accountant’s). You can learn more at I hope you enjoyed this article. Here’s to your Health, Wealth & Happiness! Source by MJ Kaye

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Vastu Tips For Wealth And Health – Part One

Sweet Home Every part of the houses has its impact on the wealth within. Front Door: – The main door is the main sources of flow of energy. A clean unobstructed entrance way is essential to invite good energy. It should be well connected to the rest of the house so that the pranic energy, entering through it, can reach to each and every corner of the house. Windows:-Windows contribute to a flow of energy within the house. Unlike doors windows may be kept open more often and may form the crucial link with the out side environment. Dining Room: – The dinning room is where people consume the food cooked in the kitchen. It should be in a calm and pleasing area. It should be away from the main door. Dining should also be well away from the toilet, otherwise this will spoil your stomach. Kitchen: – The kitchen is the centre of health in southeast sector. Stove should not be very near to the washbasin. Stove represents wealth and should be kept clean and in good working order to allow money to enter. Toilets:- Toilets are places from which an outflow is made from within the house. It is also a place, which, if not maintained properly can pollute the energy within. Since water is synonymous with wealth, a wrongly designed bathroom could cause an extraordinary drain of money. Bedroom: – Bedroom greatly affects our prosperity as one spends the maximum time here – almost one-third of a life. Bedroom should be selected according to your energy type, Vata (air), Pitta (Fire) or Kapha (Phlegm). There should be one entrance in the bedroom. The bed should not touch the walls. Keep centre of the room clean. Ceiling of the bedroom should not be slanted. Source by Diwakar Vashist

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Why Health is Wealth

Being health-conscious is important. Be aware of how to properly take care of your body. Teaching health education is aimed in promoting conscientiousness. This involves assessing the current lifestyle and mental state, both crucial in determining one’s overall health. Phases of health: A. Physical health – refers to the bodily condition itself. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, proper nourishment and enough rest all promote a healthy body. B. Mental health- refers to the person’s emotional and psychological condition. It involves the cognitive and emotional capacity of a person. The Four Determinants of Health: A. Human biology – An area in biology involving the study of the human body. This is also linked to primate biology. B. Environmental science – The study of substance, chemicals and natural components of the environment. C. Lifestyle – The totality of a person’s outlook, principles, and way of life. D. Self-care – Individual health maintenance and restoration. This involves decision-making in health matters in relation to one’s own body. Health Maintenance: Achieving a healthy state and staying healthy is a continuous process. The following are components of healthy living: 1. Nutrition – the study of the nutritional content of food, and the effects of these to the body. 2. Sports nutrition – The study of the relationship between dietary supplements and athletic activities. The primary objectives this study is to regulate glycogen levels, optimize energy levels and muscle tone. 3. Exercise – A physical activity involving sweat, that builds muscles and burns fat. 4. Hygiene – The routine of maintaining a clean body to avoid disease and sickness, and to prevent the contact of transmissible causes. 5. Stress Management – Includes methods and/or procedures in combating emotional stress. Stress is defined as a person’s physiological reaction to an inner or outer stimulus, causing temporary mental imbalance. 6. Public Health – The study of the neighborhood to ensure a safe living environment to its population. Source by David Urmann

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Power Bead that Beats Failure and Gives Wealth, Health, Success – Part II

The Indian Star System or Hindu Nakshatra system divides the ecliptic the apparent path of the Sun in the sky into 27 equal divisions of 13 degrees 20 minutes each. This system is a scientifically designed system. This mysterious system reveals all the present, past, future events of every man. These 27 nakshatras or stars are closely related to each and every man/woman. In India, the nakshatra at the time of birth is immediately noted for the newly born child. This is called birth star or Janma Nakshatra in Sanskrit. For every star there is a beneficial Rudraksha bead. The twenty seven nakshatras and the beneficial rudraksha bead are given below: 1)Ashwini – Nine faced 2)Bharani – Six faced 3)Krittika – Single faced or Twelve faced 4)Rohini – Double faced 5)Mrigashirsha – Three faced 6)Aardraa – Eight faced 7)Punarvasu – Five faced 8)Pushya – Seven faced 9)Ashlesha – Four faced 10)Maagha – Nine faced 11)Poorva Phalkuni – Six faced 12)Utra Phalkuni – Single faced or Twelve faced 13)Hasta – Double faced 14)Chitraa – Three faced 15)Swaati – Eight faced 16)Vishaakha -Five faced 17)Anuraadha -Seven faced 18)Jyestha -Four faced 19)Mula -Nine faced 20)Poorvaashadaa -Six faced 21)Uttaraashaada – Single faced or Twelve faced 22)Shraavanaa -Double faced 23)Dhanishtha -Three faced 24)Shatabhisak -Eight faced 25)Poorva Bhaadrapada -Five faced 26)Uttara Bhaadrapada -Seven faced 27)Revathi -Four faced Rudraksha has no side effects. The various types of rudraksha, different classifications which bestow wealth, health and other worldly pleasures are given in the first part of this article. However for the benefits of the new readers the list is given below again: A rudraksha of a single face bestows worldly pleasures and salvation. Very rarely one gets this single faced bead. A rudraksha with two faces bestows the fulfillment of all desires. This quickly makes one to control his mind. A Rudraksha with three faces always bestows means of enjoyment. As a result of its power all lores become firmly established. A Rudraksha with four faces instantaneously bestows the four aims of life namely, virtuous life, wealth, sexual enjoyments and salvation. It also represents Brahma the lord of creation. By wearing this, designers, engineers, interior decorators and artists can improve their power of creativity. A Rudraksha with five faces bestows salvation and all desired objects. Normally ninety per cent of the rudrakshas available in the market are five faced. A Rudraksha with six faces absolves all sins. This bestows health and wealth. A Rudraksha with seven faces bestows wealth and wisdom. Even a poor man becomes a great lord. A Rudraksha with eight faces bestows longevity. Man who wears it lives the full span of life. A Rudraksha with nine faces increases the energy. A Rudraksha with ten faces removes ill luck, poverty. More on Rudraksha secrets will be enumerated in the next article. Source by Santhanam Nagarajan

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Top Tips for Resilience

I was asked to contribute to the discussion on mental health in the workplace as we all start 2021. “What are your top tips for mental wellbeing in 2021?” Were you desperately waiting for 2020 to end, somehow thinking if you got to the end of it, the new year would magically make things different? The stress of working in constant change – remote, in the office, back to remote, schools open, schools closed, visiting family, bubbles, not visiting family, travel, no travel and so on – would all miraculously cease with the turn of the calendar. There should have been no surprise when we woke up on January 01 to find there were still restrictions on movement, the virus was still present, and we were just as concerned as we had been the day before. New year resolutions seeming even more futile than usual, unless it was to try and lose the ‘lockdown weight’. Studies done by the World Health Organisation (WHO), Deloitte, PWC and many more before 2020 highlighted the importance of mental health and well-being in the workplace. This was already a subject in the media, visibility in the UK with the “Virgin Media mental health marathon” in London 2017, supported by the charitable work of the Royal Family, promoting mental health charities such as MIND, Samaritans, CALM and many more. The subject of mental health has been raised and supported by charities, celebrities and social media for a few years now. Then came the unexpected, a global pandemic which changed everything and even those of us lucky enough not to have any issues with mental health in the past have been exposed to situations of immense stress. I speak from my experience as an IT professional, there are many other occupations that have been affected, but I will stay with what I know. For most of us of working age, in ‘good IT jobs’, in the UK, this is our first experience of such a worldwide crisis – we have experienced epidemics in the past, AIDS, SARS, Foot & Mouth, but none that has had such a global influence and caused such universal upheaval. We in the UK have not been affected by conflict and war (although many have across the globe); we have experienced some economic crises, but nothing on such a large-scale affecting us in all aspects of our lives. We have been safe, society has been protected, we are in the affluent ‘first world’ economy. I’m not implying there have been no struggles, but looking back with clear 20/20 hindsight, we have to recognise that we have, on the whole, been fortunate, perhaps even privileged. Those of us who have had good careers, good education and a generally comfortable lifestyle (by which I mean we have had access to clean fresh water, shelter and food), have been shielded from some of the horrors of the world. Then comes 2020 and COVID-19 Corona virus. We have had to deal with the changes and pressures of a volatile situation, affecting everyone in terms of work, social interactions, and grief. Losing contact with loved ones, being physically distant from family and friends, creating different relationships with our work colleagues. Some of us have relished the solitude (I have spoken about the introverts before), others have been frustrated by the lack of contact and stimulation (our extroverts) but all of us have had one thing in common – this has had an effect. Suddenly thrust into an even greater spotlight, IT provision suddenly became the glue that held the communication of society together. We became frontline staff, not in the magnificent healthcare worker way, but quietly in the background, managing the survival of businesses and education and families and worldwide communication. The pressure to succeed, to maintain the status quo, to increase provision to meet the new demands of our organisations has been intense. On top of that work pressure, new experiences of working remotely for some, or the need to continue to mix with others in the workplace have created their own personal challenges of safety and wellbeing. And it has been relentless. Whatever industry you are in, you will have experienced your own, similar challenges. Perhaps you have had to cope with having no work, no purpose, perhaps feeling that your role in life is superficial and worthless. Maybe your frustration has been that the perception of your role as worthless is incorrect and your valuable contribution to society has been ignored. Perhaps it has been more fundamental and has been an extreme economic crisis, with no work, no money or furlough wages not covering your requirements. Feelings of letting down your family, of being out of control and overwhelmed by the stress of money, family and work worries. Maybe you have been fortunate, been able to continue working, safely, unaffected financially but even then, you will have been affected by the changes in society and the safety and health of you and your loved ones. What is the impact of all of this – we ALL need to be aware of our mental as well as our physical health. What can we do? Should we just hope that ‘they’ (you know, the ones in charge) should do something for us? Organisations offering ‘point solutions’ of Monday Mindfulness, Wednesday Yoga and some lovely apps may make you feel like you are failing to manage your mental health because these things are not working for you. They are all tools we can use, but we need to have a comprehensive and encompassing approach as part of our organisational culture. That is a topic for another day. Until that happens, which you can help to make happen, by the way, what can we as individuals do for ourselves? We can develop resilience; we can work on our own mental health. This is a little like that instruction we all used to hear when we went on an aeroplane (remember those days?) – “please fit your own

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Health is Wealth & The Rule is Getting Mandatory

Dubai’s health economy is declared to be full of opportunities for locals & expats. The growing population & change of technology has brought the healthcare industry to extended leverage. There are around 20,000 health care professionals working out of which around 7000 doctors provides their service to private as well as government hospitals. Dubai has always been focused on state of the art facility in medical industry. Dubai is now internationally recognized city for quality healthcare & integrated excellence for clinical services. But with all these development and changes in Dubai, do they really extend their hands to the public? There have been cases of faulty operations, improper diagnosis & wrong treatments of doctors towards their patients. I know human makes mistakes but it’s serious if it can cost someone’s life… The T3 Technology & Media site live devices which are affordable only to grade A hospitals would have expensive Doctors as well. So to save Life, it’s now time to be broke because you are not going to afford that fee. So what does Dubai give to common man? So in that case only alternative to have benefit of the best medical facilities is to get required Medical Insurance to cover the expense of such facility at nominal fee of AED 25 – 5 0. But I am not talking in favour of Insurance Company. An Individual Medical Insurance coverage with the Best possible benefits costs around AED 4500/pa. For serious Medical Admission in hospital would cost you much much more than what you would be paying for whole year. But for some this amount is also not affordable to their pockets as it would be someone’s monthly salary in UAE. So it that case is it only the play of riches? And the answer is No! & let me tell you why? Immigration & Ministry of Labour has made Group Medical Insurance (GMI) mandatory for Free zone Companies. That’s the News! So cheer up… Majority of Companies in UAE are offshore companies. So to manage the workforce in the healthy manner, Quick Heal is the solution. Stronger & healthy employees would lead to stronger & healthier company. Value addition to your work force is an encouragement to push your company to success. I know you seem to be confused? Let me give you an example. Your Excellent Sales Person is in verge to close the Million Dollar Deal with the confirmed meeting to be held next day. And if he falls sick for couple of days, then what’s it that’s going to cost you? I know it’s really frustrating, even for a person like me. So investing in Group Medical Insurance just because it is mandatory by Government doesn’t make sense. GMI works & pushes two way process. 1. It benefits employee to work smoothly in an organization 2. It makes better impact on employees that they think company takes well care of you even at your sickness & difficulties. So what’s going to happen? The employee is really going to work harder for you despite of his difficulties. Insuring your employees is not going to cost you much but going to gain you millions from your employees. So I believe Group Medical Insurance has overall all star benefit to the employers & its employees. Source by Lalit Ahir

Health is Wealth & The Rule is Getting Mandatory Read More »