
Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Natural Detox Diets For Long Term Health

With so many chemicals in everything we eat, it is quite difficult to keep all the junk out of our systems and only eat the health stuff. The good news is that even after consuming unhealthy food, although many toxins stay in our bodies for a while, it is always possible to get rid of them. For clearer skin, increased energy, and better health overall detoxification diets are becoming increasingly popular. The idea is that these diets flush the system specifically, the liver, kidneys and colon of toxins that are received through a normal diet. Most detox diets typically last anywhere from one week to a month but for increased health overall, these diets can offer some great lifestyle advice to anyone, even those not committing to a full detox diet. Considering the number of chemicals in fast food, junk food, and even food and drink that may seem healthy, like milk for instance, toxins should be methodically flushed out of the body from time to time. The simple but most effective way to detoxify is by drinking plenty of water. Water flushes and purifies the body of any junk inside it. A good way to test for proper hydration is by taking note of the color of your urine. Clear urine means proper hydration but more yellow urine signifies that you should drink more water. A good way to ensure proper hydration is by carrying a water bottle and drinking from it whenever you are thirsty instead of opting for unhealthy drinks. Even drinks that seem natural, like apple juice, may have preservatives and artificial sugars so sticking to water during detox is the best bet. Drinking tea, specifically green tea also has many benefits for detoxification. Next, there is the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and natural grains. These nutrients are easily processed by the body and most detox diets include high consumption of these items. Red meats, dairy, and greasy foods should be avoided during the detox period. For protein during the diet, fish, chicken and nuts can be consumed. Green vegetables, lentils, and brown rice are also great options. Above all smoking, drugs, and the consumption of alcohol should be avoided during detoxification because these things should be considered toxins. Although the diet itself is key, exercise is also a very important part of a detox program. When exercising, the body sweats out certain toxins that it might not otherwise expel. The increased body temperature during exercise also helps purify the body. Exercising three times a week for at least half an hour every time is enough to purify the body, but more exercise is always good. The exercise itself doesn’t need to be strenuous; anything that increases heart rate and body temperature will do the job. There are several higher-budget options for detoxification as well, such as detox drinks and “internal body cleansers” but the tips above work just as well, if not better. The idea of the diet is simply to keep additional toxins out while flushing the body of anything harmful that already exists inside it. If detox diets are done regularly, the dieter will find himself or herself with increased energy, long term health benefits, and clearer skin. Source by Joel Gray

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Health Insurance Quotes Without Giving Your Phone Number

Getting health insurance quotes without giving your phone number is easy and something you should do right now. Whenever you are online do you stop when asked for your phone number and best time to call? I do…I can’t stand to be interrupted at home…especially by a salesperson. Asking for your phone number is an intrusion most people avoid. The bad news is they are unaware of market conditions in personal health insurance. Health insurance is an expensive, necessary evil but it should be something you should never overpay for. Asking for a phone number is a turnoff. But there is good news… You can get up to a hundred health insurance quotes without giving your phone number. You are asked for the following and the following only, for each person you are trying to insure: · Zip code · Gender · Date of Birth · Smoker or not · Student or not That is it…no phone number…no medical questions. My wife and I have used this free, no obligation service for 8 years. I hate to spend a penny on insurance of any kind. But I have the assurance that I am paying the very least amount for my policy. I filled this out just the other day…it took less than a minute…I received 112 different policy quotes to choose from…the quotes had the monthly premium, company name, deductibles, co pays, and a real plus…I could find out if my current doctor accepted this policy. You should know what kind of policy you are looking for. Since we are healthy, exercise and eat right, we look for high deductible catastrophic coverage. These have the very lowest premiums. But the prices vary greatly…I identified a savings of $684 per year over what I am paying now. So you should use this free service every several months. It is easy fast…and no one will call. Once you narrow down the policy that meets your needs you then fill out one application and one application only. Isn’t this better and far faster than talking to several dozen salesmen or saleswomen. That is what you would have to do to get the same amount of information with every other service on the web. Wouldn’t you rather get health insurance quotes without giving your phone number? Here’s how… Source by Gary Pierce

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

How the Health of Your Immune System Can Be Super Charged Thanks to Cannabis

The majority of people who use medicinal cannabis tend to use it for counteracting the symptoms of a long standing chronic condition, rather than as a method to look after their immune system to keep in good health. While research into the benefits of cannabis for the immune system is quite sparse, there are early indications which seem to suggest that there could be some benefits to be had. Research conducted in San Francisco seems to suggest that cannabinoids can help the ECS (endocannabinoid system) function. To make this as simple as possible for you to understand, this is a system of receptors (CB1 and CB2) which are located all around your body. The endocannabinoids are able to help keep the ECS functioning well, thus maintaining your health, as well as helping with counteracting any pain that you may experience as part of an ongoing chronic condition. If the immune system becomes out of balance for any reason, this is when problems occur which are detrimental to your health. For example, MS is an autoimmune disease which caused in part by an unbalanced immune system, so if the immune system can be balanced with cannabis, could we see a reduction in the occurrence of MS? It certainly seems possible. Cannabis also has long standing anti-inflammatory properties which are well known. This is why it is so good at lessening the symptoms of arthritis, according to Inflammation also occurs when your body is exposed to dangerous toxins, and cannabis is able to respond to the inflammation by binding to the receptors to reduce this inflammatory response. If you suffer from inflammation on a regular basis, you will quickly notice the benefits of using cannabis to manage and reduce these levels of inflammation. Researchers also seem to believe that cannabis can play a crucial role in the treatment of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, but also for more common conditions such as Crohn’s disease. Have you been using cannabis to help your immune system stay healthy? It may not be a viable way to maintain your immune system for some, but if you are in good health and willing to take the plunge, let us know how you get on. Also, we’d recommend you visit your local dispensary for help with selecting the best strain for your own personal use, if you are unsure of which strain to go with. They will be able to offer the best advice. Source by Kevin Jackson

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Fat Food Tax to Pay For Health Care? A Modest Proposal – Pros and Cons

Obesity, which contributes to several health problems like cancer, stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure has become epidemic and affects nearly half the U.S population. The number of obese people has doubled since 1985, which has led to a 30% increase in health premiums. The overall financial costs of obesity are greater than those for alcoholism or smoking. The annual cost of treating health problems related to obesity is estimated at upward of $100 billion. Reduction of health costs over time will not happen if obesity is ignored. Why more taxes? Two reasons; First and most obvious is to raise part of the money for what is being proposed as universal health care, a subject that carries with it a separate debate. The second and probably most import reason is to raise awareness of what we are eating and how it affects our bodies. The American public is woefully ignorant about nutrition. What to Tax There have been dozens of “sinful-food” tax proposals from a penny a can for sodas to 10% on all fast food items. It probably needs to be more inclusive than that. Packaged foods with a lot of sugar and starch probably contribute as much to the problem as the entire fast food industry. It could well be a sliding scale on all foods except fresh produce based on grams of fats and sugar per 100 grams or per serving. What is the Tax Rate? The Department of Agriculture has suggested that, for “sinful-food” taxes to change the way people eat, they may need to equal at least 10% to 30% of the cost of the food. It is estimated that a 10% federal tax on fattening foods would raise $530 billion over 10 years. There should also be a program of tax subsidies to encourage the purchase of healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetable. This of course would reduce the gross income somewhat. Opposition Response Most of us are opposed to more taxes, myself included, but there are other oppositions to a tax of this kind. Here are some of the most common. I,m not fat and I don’t want to pay for someone who is and I like my sodas and Dorritos. You can still eat whatever you like. Paying $1.10 for a 99 cent bag of Dorritos may well be the cheapest way for you to pay for this problem. It is inevitable because of the magnitude of this social problem that it won’t cost you in some way. The government must stop trying to legislate our behavior and picking our pockets. Sorry friend…too late. In a society this complex and generally prosperous, everything we do in some small way affects everyone else. “No man is an island.” The only way for the government not to do something is to completely drop the idea of universal health care. How good is your imagination on that happening? It’s a regressive tax that unfairly affects the poor. This appears to be true on the face of it. Low income people eat high starch and fast foods in an attempt to stretch their food dollar. As mentioned earlier there should be a tax subsidy for choosing healthy foods. More of the public health dollar needs to go to nutrition education and awareness. With the right information and a little assistance, low income people can have healthy diets. One of the glitches in pursuing a national health care problem is the political avoidance of personal accountability and responsibility. We have been lulled into reliance on government, a condition which is hard to reverse, and the government seems to cherish it’s role. Individual responsibility is the ultimate solution; until then everyone pays in one way or another. Source by Al Van Abbema

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Health Care Reform – Why Are People So Worked Up?

Why are Americans so worked up about health care reform? Statements such as “don’t touch my Medicare” or “everyone should have access to state of the art health care irrespective of cost” are in my opinion uninformed and visceral responses that indicate a poor understanding of our health care system’s history, its current and future resources and the funding challenges that America faces going forward. While we all wonder how the health care system has reached what some refer to as a crisis stage. Let’s try to take some of the emotion out of the debate by briefly examining how health care in this country emerged and how that has formed our thinking and culture about health care. With that as a foundation let’s look at the pros and cons of the Obama administration health care reform proposals and let’s look at the concepts put forth by the Republicans? Access to state of the art health care services is something we can all agree would be a good thing for this country. Experiencing a serious illness is one of life’s major challenges and to face it without the means to pay for it is positively frightening. But as we shall see, once we know the facts, we will find that achieving this goal will not be easy without our individual contribution. These are the themes I will touch on to try to make some sense out of what is happening to American health care and the steps we can personally take to make things better. A recent history of American health care – what has driven the costs so high? Key elements of the Obama health care plan The Republican view of health care – free market competition Universal access to state of the art health care – a worthy goal but not easy to achieve what can we do? First, let’s get a little historical perspective on American health care. This is not intended to be an exhausted look into that history but it will give us an appreciation of how the health care system and our expectations for it developed. What drove costs higher and higher? To begin, let’s turn to the American civil war. In that war, dated tactics and the carnage inflicted by modern weapons of the era combined to cause ghastly results. Not generally known is that most of the deaths on both sides of that war were not the result of actual combat but to what happened after a battlefield wound was inflicted. To begin with, evacuation of the wounded moved at a snail’s pace and this caused severe delays in treating the wounded. Secondly, many wounds were subjected to wound care, related surgeries and/or amputations of the affected limbs and this often resulted in the onset of massive infection. So you might survive a battle wound only to die at the hands of medical care providers who although well-intentioned, their interventions were often quite lethal. High death tolls can also be ascribed to everyday sicknesses and diseases in a time when no antibiotics existed. In total something like 600,000 deaths occurred from all causes, over 2% of the U.S. population at the time! Let’s skip to the first half of the 20th century for some additional perspective and to bring us up to more modern times. After the civil war there were steady improvements in American medicine in both the understanding and treatment of certain diseases, new surgical techniques and in physician education and training. But for the most part the best that doctors could offer their patients was a “wait and see” approach. Medicine could handle bone fractures and increasingly attempt risky surgeries (now largely performed in sterile surgical environments) but medicines were not yet available to handle serious illnesses. The majority of deaths remained the result of untreatable conditions such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, scarlet fever and measles and/or related complications. Doctors were increasingly aware of heart and vascular conditions, and cancer but they had almost nothing with which to treat these conditions. This very basic review of American medical history helps us to understand that until quite recently (around the 1950’s) we had virtually no technologies with which to treat serious or even minor ailments. Here is a critical point we need to understand; “nothing to treat you with means that visits to the doctor if at all were relegated to emergencies so in such a scenario costs are curtailed. The simple fact is that there was little for doctors to offer and therefore virtually nothing to drive health care spending. A second factor holding down costs was that medical treatments that were provided were paid for out-of-pocket, meaning by way of an individuals personal resources. There was no such thing as health insurance and certainly not health insurance paid by an employer. Except for the very destitute who were lucky to find their way into a charity hospital, health care costs were the responsibility of the individual. What does health care insurance have to do with health care costs? Its impact on health care costs has been, and remains to this day, absolutely enormous. When health insurance for individuals and families emerged as a means for corporations to escape wage freezes and to attract and retain employees after World War II, almost overnight a great pool of money became available to pay for health care. Money, as a result of the availability of billions of dollars from health insurance pools, encouraged an innovative America to increase medical research efforts. More Americans became insured not only through private, employer sponsored health insurance but through increased government funding that created Medicare and Medicaid (1965). In addition funding became available for expanded veterans health care benefits. Finding a cure for almost anything has consequently become very lucrative. This is also the primary reason for the vast array of treatments we have available today. I do not wish to convey that medical innovations are a bad thing. Think of the tens of millions

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

The Health Benefits of Curry

Basically curry’s medical benefits are derived from their spice rich ingredients; here is the break down of usual spices found in curry (and their benefits): Turmeric, curry’s main ingredient is recognized by its yellow color. A member of the ginger family, turmeric has long been associated with its healing properties. Used as a common antiseptic in India, turmeric is used regularly to treat damaged skin such as cuts or burns. It’s even being touted as a possible cure for Alzheimer’s disease. Cinnamon – Cinnamon is a natural antioxidant which is beneficial to the beautification purposes, not to mention cinnamon oil has antimicrobial properties which prolongs the life of the curry. Black Pepper – Black pepper has a very long history of medical benefits, the list goes like this: Alleviated hemorrhoids, Alleviates gas, helps constipation, improves digestion, improves appetite lost, promotes sweating (cardio workout), Promotes urination, anti-bacterial effects, natural anti-oxidant, and everyone’s favorite; helps in breaking down fat cells. Allspice – Allspice is also known as Jamaican pepper, Myrtle pepper. It’s beneficial attribute comes from folklore whereby it provide relief for digestive problems. Anise – Anise leaves in curry are used to treat digestive problems, toothaches and the oil extract can be used to treat lice and scabies. Asafoetida – the main medical usage for Asafoetida is for the aid of digestive system, mild cases of asthma, bronchitis and is traditionally used in the aid of children’s cold. Cardamom – Cardamom is used traditionally in Chinese medicine to treat stomach-aches, constipation, dysentery, and other digestion problems. Chili Pepper – Red chili peppers are very rich in vitamin C and pro-vitamin A. Additionally, peppers are a good source of most vitamins B, especially B6. Potassium in chili that are high magnesium and iron would really make up for those lazy days. Clovers – Clovers are reported by many people to be extremely effective in their struggle with nicotine cravings. Well, imagine having craving for curry instead (who’d complaint). Coriander leaves – Coriander leaves has been used as a folk medicine for the relief of anxiety and insomnia in Iranian folk medicine. Cumin – Cumin can be really helpful in asthma, common and a booster in immune system during cold and flu season. Capsulated Cumin can be beneficial to hair and nails, and if mixed with moisturized cream you can reap the benefits of a healthier skin. After listing only a fraction of the benefits for eating curry, the people that gave the word curry should really give it a new identity, not as a combination of different herbs, but a combination of different medical miracles that really taste GOOD. Source by Daniel Nickerson

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Non-Obamacare Short Term Health Plans On The Rise

American’s are looking for lower cost alternatives when it comes to their healthcare needs. Those who do not need a huge demand for medical services to be covered have other options. Even those with some medical requirements on a monthly or quarterly basis are OK with little less coverage if they are saving enough on premiums. The good news is alternative plans are here, and they will continue to grow in demand as 2018 continues. The Trump Administration signed off on an executive order in the fall of 2017 requiring that short-term health care plans be extended from the current 90-day restriction to the full 365 days as it once was. These types of policies are not there to replace the ACA plans, but to provide individuals and families with more choices for their healthcare needs. This is great news for millions of Americans who do not qualify for the federal health subsidies and really cannot afford the premiums for the ACA plans. By freeing up some of their hard-earned dollars, they can put it back into the economy, retirement, college or whatever they need. Short-term plans are non-ACA qualified health plans that are not required to cover preexisting conditions or certain ACA (Obamacare) mandated Essential Health Benefits (EHB), that are covered by ACA-qualified plans. These benefits include: Maternity and newborn care Mental health and substance use disorder services Specific preventive care benefits such as routine exams, mammograms, cancer screenings, etc Pediatric services (oral care and vision) The short-term plans are a great option without the above coverages in the policy. Insurance is supposed to be for sudden, expensive things that you usually could not afford on your own. Look at your homeowners and auto insurance. They provide coverage for the unforeseen, costly risks that you cannot afford to take on yourself. The short-term medical plans do just that. The short-term medical plan extension from the current 90-day maximum to 365-day maximum takes effect May 1st. After that date, you can apply with an insurance company that offers the short-term plan that does not have the 90-day maximum limit. One other drawback for 2018 is the individual mandate. The short-term medical plan is not an ACA-compliant plan according to the IRS and will be subject to the tax penalty when you file your taxes in 2018. There are other ways around this. You will need to seek out a professional in the field to get more information. For the tax year 2019, this tax penalty goes away. Source by Butch Zemar

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Health Clubs Fitness

Many people are aware that exercise is an integral part for the human body. It helps keep maintain a healthy body and also a sound mind. Millions of people are spending lots of money for this endeavor alone. The fitness center industry is booming. As more and more people are becoming aware of the potential benefits of a good workout, many more clients are finding their way into these fitness centers. It is easy to become a member, but how long are you going to be happy with them? Some of these fitness centers require their members to sign a membership contract, which in the end, can be difficult to cancel. Here are a few tips to help you decide. Be sure of what you want. Always be mindful of what your goals are for your planned exercise. These goals will determine what you particularly need in a gym. A very good example is that if you are more into sports fitness rather than a typical fitness gym, then your obvious choice would be gyms that have sports facilities, and not just treadmills or aerobics. Check out the competition. Just like when you are shopping, it would be better if you check out every fitness center that you can find and compare the services and prices they offer. Most importantly, also compare the equipment and the facilities of each center. By doing so, you will be able to choose the most affordable and best equipped fitness center suited for you. Check your budget and know what you are paying for. Having a lot of money does not necessarily mean that you get your money’s worth by becoming a member in a particular fitness gym. It is often wise to consider where you are investing your money and if you are getting your money’s worth. Do not just sign up immediately with the first fitness center you encounter. Always follow your budget. It may be healthy to work out, but it is even healthier to stay out of debt. Is it clean or not? Always check the health record of the gym. Make sure they have proper hygiene and safety with their facilities and equipment. You are working out to be healthy in the first place, so make sure the center you are planning to join is also healthy. Bottom line is that you do not have to look for the perfect fitness center. Chances are that the gym that you like will have some aspects that you dislike. It is your overall outlook that matters. As long as you are happy with the center and it helps you get the job done they why not join, right? Source by John O’Riley

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Juicing For Colon Health

The first thing to emphasize is that I’m not a medical professional and I’m not giving medical advice about any specific condition. Please consult your doctor or other health professional for medical advice. In terms of juicing for colon health I can only say what worked for me in my own search for health. I did not approach this from the angle of trying to cure a disease but instead attempting to gain vibrant health and letting everything else take care of itself. I juiced twice per day and consumed the equivalent of 4 pints of green juice, 2 pints in the morning and 2 pints at lunchtime. Although I wanted to juice cleanse specifically for colon health, I also wanted to juice for optimal kidney, liver and immune system health. The outcome is that rather than specifically focusing on the colon, you are in fact taking an all of body or holistic approach. My favorite recipe for a Colon Cleanse is:- 1 lemon 1 small to medium chunk of Ginger root 1 small chunk of turmeric ½ large cucumber 6 to 7 celery stalks 2 apples 1 fennel bulb Why did I choose these ingredients? All of these ingredients have massive health benefits when juiced. Lemon is the ultimate superfood and it also tastes great. Ginger and Turmeric have well documented anti-inflammatory properties and ginger gives the juice a fantastic kick to it. Celery and cucumber are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and are very healing and hydrating. Apples are another superfood, have many health benefits and sweeten the juice giving it a great taste. Fennel – has many health benefits and it great for colon health. If you don’t have all of the ingredients, it doesn’t matter. Just the fact that you are juicing at all puts you on a path to improving your health. Feel free to substitute new ingredients in as you see fit. For example leafy green vegetables like Kale and spinach are fantastic if your juicer can handle them as well as carrots and pears You may wish to go easy to start wish, especially if you are moving from an unhealthy diet to a healthier one that includes juicing. What does green juice do to your body? When you green juice, the nutrients are immediately absorbed into bloodstream and your body is saves considerable energy during the digestion process. Green juice also starts the detox, so toxins will be expelled from body. You may feel some detox symptoms such as headaches, flu-like symptoms and tiredness. This is normal and may vary in intensity depending on a number of factors such as how poor your lifestyle was beforehand and how hard you detox. You may need to rest a bit more to deal with these symptoms but go with it, the result is worth it. Other by-products of juicing for health are likely to be weight loss, increased energy, vitality and mental focus. Juicing is worth it. Keep with it and you will feel the difference and hopefully the result will be a better version of yourself. Source by David Faichney

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

10 Questions to Ask When Considering a Health Insurance Quote

When you are considering health insurance it is essential that you ask a number of specific questions about a health insurance plan quote to ensure that you get the right cover at the right price. Here we look at 10 questions that you need to ask: Question 1. What out of pocket expenses and deductible will you have to pay? No medical insurance plan is going to meet all of your medical bills and you will usually have to meet a deductible before your insurer will pay out at all and will also ask you to meet certain other expenses. Question 2. What health screenings and examinations does the plan include?Health plans vary considerably when it comes to preventative care and you will have to look to see what screening tests are covered. For example, does the plan cover all family members including babies, children and adults and provide such things as breast examinations, mammograms and pap smears? Question 3. Is specialist care and referrals covered? When you require a referral to a specialist this might or might not be covered and, if it is covered, might have restrictions placed upon that cover. Question 4. How is emergency care and hospitalization treated? Sometimes you will find that emergency care and hospitalization are only be covered if pre-approved and you must fully understand the circumstances under which such treatment is covered. Question 5. What prescriptions costs does the plan cover? You will have to examine any accompanying prescription plan with care to determine what drugs are permitted and the extent to which you may have to meet part of the cost of any prescription drugs. Question 6. Are both dental and vision care covered? In many cases medical plans will not cover dental and vision care and these then have to be covered under a separate plan. Question 7. Does the plan cover psychotherapy, psychiatric services or mental health services? Although many health plans will cover mental illness in various different forms such cover is frequently limited and you will normally find that there is a cap on the amount of cover provided. Question 8. Is hospital, home health and nursing home care covered? While most plans will offer fairly good hospital cover you will have to look at just what cover is provided for home health and nursing home care. Question 9. Is physiotherapy and rehabilitative care covered? Plans will frequently separate out initial treatment and follow-up rehabilitative care and physiotherapy and so it is vital to discover exactly what is and what is not covered. Question 10. Does the plan cover alternative care? As an increasing number of people are turning to alternative treatments like acupuncture or holistic treatments health insurance companies are increasingly including cover for such treatments. It is however still early days for alternative treatment and, if this is something that you want to take advantage of, you will need to look to see to what extent it is covered. The ten questions here should form the basis on which you consider any medical insurance quote but you may want to include other items to your own list like how much paperwork is required when it comes to making a claim under the plan and how wide is your choice when it comes to hospitals, doctors and other treatment facilities. The main thing however is to make sure that you completely understand exactly what cover you are being provided with and how much it will cost before committing yourself to a plan. Source by Donald Saunders

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