
Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Health Risks of PVC Roofing Membrane

Many building owners and manufacturers have asked me why I don’t offer PVC membrane to my flat roof customers. I simply feel that PVC is too great of a risk to take. What is PVC? PVC, or Polyvinyl Chloride, is made from the polymerization of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM), a toxic, carcinogenic gas. It is a durable, economical material with many uses. 75% of all PVC consumption in North America is attributed to plastic pipes. PVC is also used as a membrane to cover flat roofs, and appears to the average person to look exactly like TPO membrane. What are the risks associated with PVC? Research shows that dioxin, which is the most potent carcinogen known to science, along with vinyl chloride and certain acids, are created and released during the production of PVC. These chemicals can cause severe health problems such as: cancer neurological damage immune system damage respiratory problems liver and kidney failure birth defects asthma These are problems that the public and roofing contractors have a right to know about. My story About 12 years ago, PVC was the primary material we used in our flat roofing division here at Brady Roofing. After we began installing PVC, I started to experience health problems. I have been healthy my entire life, so when these issues came on so suddenly, it made me wonder about the safety of PVC membrane. This led me to do some serious research on the material. I found that manufacturers actually know that PVC membrane is very toxic, but they were hiding these facts from me during our conversations. My personal health problems included severe respiratory issues and neurological damage. The neurological issues are actually getting worse, despite the fact that I no longer install PVC. I don’t want to go into my own health problems too deeply, but just to illustrate, my left lower body is experiencing a slow atrophy of the muscles due to neurological damage. My left calf is currently 1.25 inches smaller in circumference than my right. While I have no proof, I strongly believe it is caused from breathing the toxins found in PVC membrane. I have no genetic predisposition for such neurological issues. Is this research relevant? I approached our PVC manufacturer about the issue. They simply told me that there was no research to support my claims. In fact, there is a great deal of research done on the toxicity of PVC. The manufacturers can claim they are not relevant because these studies are done on the production of PVC rather than the installation risks. However, when you install PVC, you use hot air up to 1300 degrees F to melt the membrane and seal it. As the membrane melts, it can feel like you are breathing ammonia. The air can burn your sinuses, showing the presence of harmful chemicals being released, just as they are during production. Manufacturers will not provide this information to contractors and consumers. Their argument is that the roofs are installed in open air, so there is enough ventilation to keep the installers safe. However, when you are welding, your face is 18 inches from the fumes. In a large majority of flat roofs there are also parapet walls, keeping the wind from blowing and clearing the fumes out. A significant percentage of the time, the fumes will enter your sinuses instead. What can we do? All of my research led me to believe that PVC is not a safe material to handle. This is why we have refused to install PVC membranes. Though there are variations of PVC membranes created in an effort to distance themselves from the hazards associated with PVC, careful examination will reveal that vinyl chloride monomers and dioxins are still present in these alternatives. While I have not drawn any strict correlations between PVC health risks and the customers, I have drawn risks to the installers, and I refuse to take any possible risk with our customers health as well. We have chosen a new, innovative roofing alternative called TPO. TPO looks identical to PVC, but it comes without risks to the installer or customer. I believe that it is actually a better membrane because it does not get brittle like a dried up PVC pipe, as is characteristic of PVC sheets. TPO is flexible and highly energy efficient, along with being non-toxic. TPO is a younger product, it has only been around since 1991. However, it is showing indications that it will last longer than PVC membrane. Source by Amie Olsen

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Is Your Health Portfolio Balanced?

We are all aware of the need to balance our financial portfolio so that in times of hardship or when disaster strikes — stock market drops, pink slips, etc — we will be affected by financial challenges as little as possible. Having a substantial bank account allows us many opportunities that people with lesser financial savvy and preparation must for ego. Perhaps you are at a “comfortable” financial level, able to pay off bills and credit cards timely, and have enough disposable income to enjoy a good quality of life. Perhaps you enjoy an “extremely high” financial level, with unending “toys”, travel when and where you want, and other opportunities for the “good life”. Either way you are able to handle sudden financial challenges and able to take advantage of financial opportunities as they come your way. Feels good, doesn’t it? But what about your health portfolio? When faced with challenges such as a cold, flu season, children’s ear infections, etc. do you just accept them as part of life? What about when disaster strikes in the form of a serious health challenge to you or a family member. Is your health bank account equipped to fight back? In the United States, the average age of disability (when quality of life becomes so poor that you need help for daily activities of living) is 65 years old. Modern medicine is providing miracles in keeping us alive longer — increasing our “lifespan”. But what about the quality of our lives? If we want to continue our “healthspan” along with our “lifespan”, it is imperative to raise the level of our health bank account as well as balance our health portfolio. If you think the cost of health care has gone through the roof now, wait until the majority of baby boomers reach the “age of disability”. Now is the time to take a serious look at your own health bank account and ask “Do I have all the energy I need each day?”, “What is my ‘cushion’ in case of serious illness?” and “Does my health portfolio need balancing?” Source by Jan Barosh

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

How Excessive Exercise Might Negatively Affect Your Health

A great deal of people engage in cardiovascular and several other activities primarily in order to lose weight. Then again, carrying out excessive workouts of any kind could cause the body to begin reacting in a negative way. This brings to memory the proverb that says – too much of anything is bad. And workout is no exception here. Training is a great thing and it would appear that training even more ought to provide a lot more benefits. In the truest sense, it really does give a little extra gains, until it is taken just a little bit too far. At this juncture, your body may start responding otherwise. This is correct besides the fact that training is acknowledged to be more of a “healthy stress.” However, your adrenal glands are unable make a distinction between them. Stress and Cortisol Excessive physical exercise induces a hormone called cortisol. This hormone tells your body to hang onto its fat stores. The body secretes cortisol anytime it is under any sort of tension. The stress might be from the school, place of work, unhealthy eating, too little sleep, family issues, and a number of other things. They can easily stress your body and cause it to release cortisol. The regrettable thing is that the body also looks at physical fitness as a stressor. Consequence of Excessive Physical Exercise If you push the body way too hard for a long time it may result in higher cortisol levels, adrenal fatigue, and even elevated food cravings. Stress, regardless of its source, has a way of influencing neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters, including dopamine, GABA, and serotonin, are our feel-good, anti-anxiety brain chemicals. Stress and excessive extreme training reduces the quantities of these types of neurotransmitters. This usually brings about debilitating weariness, sleep disorders and also depressive disorders. Continually high amounts of cortisol may have detrimental impact on fat loss. It could also raise your associated risk of a range of health issues. Female Athlete Triad For the women, excessive physical exercise can equally result in the “female athlete triad”. This is a condition of, the likely stoppage of her menstruation, eating problems, and brittle bones or bone mineral loss. A mixture of workout and calorie restriction typically leads to these kinds of symptoms. Decreased Immune Effectiveness Moderate physical fitness helps to enhance your body’s immune system whereas too much physical exercise tends to suppress it. Excessive workout raises the body’s exposure to infections. Likewise, there is the elevated seriousness of minor infections and also the decreased production of immunoglobulins. Decrease of Testosterone Also, it is a reality that cortisol and testosterone clash with each other. Testosterone is important for the development and preservation of skeletal muscle, bone, and red blood cells. They equally assist in weight reduction as they are very metabolically active. Workout depth (which is over 50% of maximal oxygen intake) of extended period sets off the sympathetic nervous system and results in cortisol overproduction. On the flip side, this stops the discharge of testosterone. The reduced testosterone, for males, could easily cause decrease in libido. This might however be a combined consequence of both bodily exhaustion as well as the reduced testosterone levels. In the event that you have been working out too much, the very first course of action is for you to truthfully recognize and acknowledge this reality. You have to admit to yourself that you are really struggling with this problem. One other idea that may assist you to cut back on the amount of your training routines will be to stick to a training schedule. This schedule should vary your exercise load and equally incorporate obligatory rest periods. Nevertheless, it will be necessary to seek help from a healthcare professional for the treatment of both the psychological and physical symptoms. On the other hand, this is not suggesting that you should give up on performing exercises but rather that you have to get the right amount. Source by Marcus J Michael

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Five Tips for Choosing the Right Health Insurance Plan

One of the best ways of safeguarding your personal well-being is by having a health insurance plan. Due to the large number of companies that offer this type of insurance policy, choosing the right one can be a daunting task. Here are five tips to help you find the best plan on the market today. Check the Networks of Different Plans If you have a select group of doctors whom you prefer, ask them which insurance networks they are part of. You can also use one of the many accredited online directories to know the networks that each plan on your list has. On the other hand, if you just relocated to a new city and you do not have a preferred doctor yet, choose a plan that has a large network of health practitioners. Know the Maximum Premium Budget Consider your average monthly expenses to know the amount of money that you can spend on the policy without compromising your financial capability. Low premiums often result in high out-of-pocket costs. Hence, what appears to be the cheapest plan may really be the most expensive, as you will be forced to pay for most of the services. One of the best ways of choosing the right premium is by estimating the total amount of money that you spent on health care last year, including out-of-pocket expenses and premiums. Then, choose a plan that has similar monthly deductibles, copays, and premiums. A high premium plan will save you thousands of dollars on out-of-pocket costs if you require expensive procedures or frequent medical care services. Look for Additional Benefits In a bid to attract more clients, insurance companies usually offer policies that have additional benefits apart from medical coverage. Based on this fact, it is wise to check the summary of benefits of each policy on your list until you find one that has your preferred scope of services. For instance, some policies provide better coverage for mental health and physical therapy care while others have more comprehensive emergency coverage. Research Plan Structure Once you have an estimate of your monthly premium, your next step is determining your ideal plan structure. Some of the most common plans are HMO, EPO, POS, and PPO. The plan that you select will determine which doctors you can see and your costs. More often than not, plans that have referrals, such as POS and HMO, require that you first consult a primary care physician before booking an appointment with a specialist. If you already have a network of doctors that you prefer to see, eschew plans that they do not take. Compare Out-of-Pocket Costs Your preferred health insurance plan should clearly indicate the services that you will be required to pay for and the amount. The sum amount includes coinsurance, co-pay, and deductible. A plan that has low out-of-pocket costs is an ideal choice if you regularly need emergency services, take expensive medications, have scheduled upcoming surgery, or were recently diagnosed with a chronic condition such as cancer or diabetes. Finally, make sure that the health insurance company is legally accredited, reputable, and reliable to cushion yourself from any inconveniences. Source by Andrew Stratton

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Why Does My Health Insurance Want Me To Fill Out A Form After I’ve Been Injured In An Accident?

You have been sent the form because your health insurance has paid for medical bills which it believes may be the result of someone else’s fault. If so, they want to find out that information because they may have a right to be repaid or reimbursed if you obtain a settlement or recovery against the at-fault person, company or insurer for that at-fault person or company. This is called “subrogation”. Your health insurance policy will probably have a “subrogation” section or clause stating this. It is also in your best interest to complete and return the form to your insurer because if you do not and you get a settlement or recovery in your personal injury case, your company may come after you for the amounts they’ve paid. Under Pennsylvania Law, when you are injured in an accident, you may have to submit your medical bills to your health insurance. You may be wondering why you have to do that if the injury was caused by someone else and they have liability insurance. For example, If you are injured due to falling or being injured as a result of a dangerous condition to property, or as a result of an unsafe product, unless the liability insurance company has “med pay”, you have to submit your medical bills to your insurance. Your insurance may have a right of subrogation, meaning if you obtain a settlement or recovery against a third-party, your health insurance has the right to be repaid. So, in the end, the at-fault insurance company is paying the medical bills by being responsible to reimburse your health insurance company from a settlement. Your health insurance is simply fronting it and the form they want you to fill out facilitates that process. Source by David Schreiber

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Some California Injury Victims Receive Less Compensation Because of Their Health Insurance

People who suffer traumatic brain injuries, spinal injuries or other serious injuries as the result of the negligence of a third party must receive appropriate medical care. Victims who do not have health insurance typically obtain medical care on a lien basis, and their liens are resolved after settlement or a judgment is rendered in the case. To determine damages based on medical expenses in these cases the judge or jury must determine whether the treatments were necessary and the charges were reasonable. The entire medical bill is presented to the fact-finder (usually a jury) at the trial. This procedure is very different from that of cases involving medical expenses submitted to a health insurer. A victim whose medical bills are paid by an insurance carrier is only responsible for a co-payment or the deductible. And, insurance carriers almost never pay medical bills in full. Usually, a large portion of the medical bill is discounted because of rate reductions negotiated by the insurance company. As the law stands victims in California personal injury lawsuits who have health insurance receive less compensation than victims who lack insurance. How do the courts assess damages for a personal injury victim who pays medical bills with private health insurance. The cases that deal with this issue have emphasized the public policy of not penalizing victims who have medical insurance. Less emphasis has been placed on cases in which medical bills are written off or deeply discounted due to contracts between insurers and healthcare providers. The issue is important to victims in cases of traumatic brain injuries, spinal injuries, and other serious injuries in which the treatment is usually long and very expensive. The California Supreme Court has ruled that medical bills paid by health insurance should be included in the evidence given to the jury. The Court has stated that a victim should benefit from purchasing health insurance. A victim in a personal injury case can put forth evidence of all medical bills charged regardless of how the bills were paid. Those bills provide the jury with evidence of the amount of damages the victim should receive to compensate him for his bills. The bills also aid the jury as they assess the injuries of the victim. Presentation of the total bills assists a jury or judge in determining how much to award a victim for his or her pain and suffering. But, following a trial at which the full medical bill are presented the defense may request a hearing to reduce the amount of the damages awarded to compensate the victim for medical bills to reflect the write offs or reductions due to health insurance contracts with medical providers. The solution the courts have come up with is eliminating from damages the medical bills that have been written off. This is at odds with the original rationale for allowing the medical bills of insured victims to be introduced at trial. The rule was designed to prevent the negligent party from benefiting from the decision of the victim to purchase insurance. The idea was to encourage victims to have insurance. Reducing the recovery of the victim because of write offs or insurance adjustments benefits the negligent party. If the victim had no insurance the negligent party would be responsible for the full cost of the treatment. It seems logical that since the victim paid the premiums for the insurance, he or she should receive the benefit of any write-offs or contract reductions. Source by W. Galen Gentry

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

What’s the Career Outlook for Health Information Technology?

When you think about a career in medicine, you don’t immediately consider health information technology as one of the options. Yet, as medical systems are moving more towards being run by computers, IT professionals with a background in medicine or health are becoming more and more critical. Medical information technology careers are among the fastest-growing domains of study over the last few years. The supply of professionals in HIT fails to meet the demands of the industry. As a career, there’s a lot of room for advancement and promotion. What’s more, it allows an individual to perform valuable support in running a medical facility. Patient records and other crucial infrastructure are now moving to a cloud-based architecture, needing trained experts to help run them. Skilled IT is in Demand in All Areas The field of medicine isn’t the only one that needs skilled IT professionals. Several industries want the most qualified IT professionals in their support departments, leaving healthcare with a shortage. There’s also the glaring issue of having experts in IT that understand the healthcare system. Trained health information technology practitioners to work in this industry need to have specific training in the field. There are openings in the area for thousands of professionals as support staff in medical institutions. Lucrative Professions The most recent statistics demonstrate that HIT experts with experience below the two-year mark could command an annual salary of $62,780. On the upper end of the experience continuum, practitioners with over twenty years within the position could expect to make $122,663 annually. General IT knowledge is the same across all industries. Yet those who preferred to enter this field stood to earn as much as $22,000 more on average than those in other sectors. In healthcare, a background in IT sets you up to enter a highly in-demand field where trained experts are needed. Positions Available There are several distinct positions they may find themselves posted in for those looking at entering healthcare Information Technology. A clinical systems analyst has the responsibility of fixing issues that may occur with electronic medical records systems. They typically need an in-depth knowledge of coding and databases. Chief information officers are in charge of all digital patient records and serve as the head of the internal IT department, delegating jobs to other professionals. While these indicate a few of the industry positions, the demand for HIT specialists will continue to grow as time passes. With more and more medical facilities providing electronic-based data to each other, the need for skilled support staff has never been more critical. Source by George N Anderson

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Grasp How Health Plans Work – Part II

Some insurers have figured out this new model and are masterminding new designed plans that include high deductibles and also higher co-insurances to the degree many carriers are profiting. There are some carriers who have not profited so well with entering this new territory; due to the fact of miscalculating the risk involved with insuring people with chronic health conditions. For carriers who analyzed and targeted their profit margins accurately they are faring well in this market. In the beginning when the government first chose to have this mandate of insuring all people, their idea with the Bronze level plans would payout at a 60% co-insurance level. However, as time has progressed; carriers are designing plans to meet individuals budgets and to fit consumers lifestyle by having high deductible plans that appeals to those with higher incomes. Ask yourself this question; why should I have such a high deductible and pay high premiums at the same time, in order to receive a co-insurance of 80% after spending anywhere between five to six thousand dollars on a Bronze level plan? This does not make economical sense, but this is what is happening in the health insurance business. As long as you are healthy and have the finances to the degree where money is no object, then by all means, continue on with your Bronze level high deductible plan. As a consumer, it is important for you to do your homework and make sure the health plans you are considering purchasing are truly major medical coverage in the event you experience a devastating illness that could wreck your financial portfolio. A number of carriers are also creating indemnity type coverage’s; giving the American people a false sense notion of nothing is going to happen to me in their sales pitch, luring and offering lower premium dollars which are attractive, and though these types of plans will cover minimum medical expenses; however, they are not major medical insurance if a catastrophic event were to occur in your life and you found yourself hospitalized over a certain time period. Don’t be fooled, know the difference between the different type of plans in this health market. “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7. As an insurance professional in the health and life sector, I would recommend people take into consideration their household income to protect their income and assets when purchasing insurance products. None of us would want to suffer financially and on top of that, become physically unable to earn a paycheck for any given time period. As consumers, we are to be wise with how we purchase insurance; which is just as important if not more important as to the type of coverage we choose to have with our financial planning. When wisdom is applied to our daily walk then discretion should follow with every decision that we make. “When wisdom enters your heart, And knowledge is pleasant to your soul, Discretion will preserve you; Understanding will keep you.” Proverbs 2:10-11. Be encouraged and educate yourself on the topics of; different types of life and health insurance products, personal finance, and other information related to business that has to do with money and how money works. Source by Clark A. Thomas

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Pet Natural Health Care – Try This For Hot Spots

According to Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM, hot spots, or Acute Moist Dermatitis, are on the rise with more and more dogs, cats and various other species of pets needing help with hot spots. Dr. Jones verifies that the most common cause of re-curring hot spots is allergies. Weeding out the cause of the allergy can often take some time leaving behind the problem of hot spots. In the field of pet natural health care, this new natural remedy just may do the trick. Dr. Jones has been testing out this rather new hot spot natural remedy, putting it to the test and finding it’s potential one to be shared with all pet owners particularly those of dogs and cats. First, lets start with the basic pet natural health care for hot spots, how to care for the wound, and an already known natural remedy so that all readers can benefit from this information not only those who have been down this road before. It is important to know that when it comes to natural remedies whether for you or your pet, you may need to try several different remedies, and there are usually more than just one, as nature is full of medicinal valuable qualities. Each pet in it’s breed is unique and what works for one may or may not work for another. Therefore, always try more than just one remedy if the first doesn’t take hold. Signs Itchy, oozing, red painful area on the skin that has an odor. Causes A local area of bacterial infected hair follicles that mostly form in the summer months. The skin can become infected by any scratch or wound causing the hot spot to form. Most common cause is some type of skin allergy. PET NATURAL HEALTH CARE SOLUTIONS Remove hair Removing hair on and around the hot spot should be your first step. It is very important in order to let the skin breath, helping the hot spot to heal. Be sure to use a blunt end scissor such as nose hair scissors. Be as gentle as you can, because the hot spot area is painful and your pet will feel discomfort just from the hair being cut. Clean the Wound It is very important that you clean the wound by using a MILD, non perfumed antiseptic soap to clean. Use a cotton ball and gently dab the wound with the cleaner. Be sure to rinse well and not leave any soap residue behind. Tea and Aspirin The key to healing the hot spot is to get it to dry out and there are some very powerful natural aids that can do this and are probably already in your kitchen. One of them is black tea and the other is aspirin. Make a strong cup of black tea and dissolve an aspirin in it. Immerse a clean cloth in this solution and apply it to the hot spot for minutes. Do this four times a day. The New Remedy – Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and is used in quite a few other home remedies such as ear cleaning, of which it is highly effective. (I know because I recently used it to clean my dogs ears and it did a heck of a job – better than any ear cleaning solution I have ever purchased). It also houses potassium in high form, which is good for older pets, and can be consumed orally to boost the immune system. I use apple cider vinegar in my dog’s food on a daily basis. Soak a cloth in apple cider vinegar and apply it directly to the hot spot 4 times a day. If your pet is having re-occurring hot spots it is suggested that you begin to address the high possibility of allergies in your pet. Addressing the root of the problem will give you a cure to these hot spots, and for pet allergies Essential Fatty Acids is vital in your pets diet. Good pet wellness practices means getting down to the root cause of acute moist dermatitis by ensuring your pet is treated for allergies through Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) in his diet. In the mean time, or in the event your pets allergies act up, use this pet natural health care remedy of apple cider vinegar for pain relief and healing. Source by Michel Jayne

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Small Business Health Insurance Basics In Texas

Finding the right group health plan for your business can be downright intimidating: sorting through lists of insurance companies and plans; checking and re-checking the dollars and totals for deductibles and co-pays; making sense of plan limitations and exclusions; deciphering a dictionary’s worth of insurance-speak. It’s enough to make anyone feel like a high-school freshman again. Texas insurance law allows a wide array of health care coverage plans and packages. All group health insurance has its limitations and finding the right employee health plan at the right price can be challenging. In Texas, the term “small employer” is a special insurance designation reserved for businesses with two to 50 eligible employees. The law provides some added protections to these businesses, including a 15 percent annual cap on rate increases due to health factors, a state-enforced guarantee that carriers cannot arbitrarily discontinue coverage, and a cooperative purchasing provision that lets small employers pool their purchasing clout to negotiate lower rates. For employees of small businesses in Dallas, Houston and throughout Texas, the law provides several ways to maintain benefits after leaving a job and limits the waiting period before pre-existing conditions are covered. Beyond these requirements, small-employer carriers may offer a wide variety of plans, with virtually any combination of features and benefits. Small-Business Coverage Eligibility Texas businesses with two to 50 eligible employees may obtain small-employer coverage from either a traditional insurance company or a health maintenance organization (HMO). Eligible employees are defined as those who usually work at least 30 hours per week; are not classified as temporary, part-time, or seasonal; and are not already covered by another group health plan. A business’ owners count toward the employee total. The number of eligible employees — not total employees — determines whether a business is considered a small employer under Texas insurance law. For example, if your business has 60 total employees, it could still qualify if six of the workers are part-time and four have coverage through some other source, such as a spouse’s plan. If you decide to offer a group health plan to your employees, you must make it equally available to all of your eligible employees and their dependents. Coverage is available under a small employer health benefit plan if at least 75 percent of a small employer’s eligible employees elect to be covered. Carriers must always “round up” when calculating the percentage. For example, a five-person business with only three employees wanting to participate satisfies a 75 percent requirement by rounding up. However, in the case of a business with only two eligible employees, the law requires 100 percent participation. A husband and wife working in a business must be counted as two separate employees. Neither of the employees is eligible for coverage as a dependent of the other. If you provide a health plan, state regulations and a federal law called COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) allow employees to maintain benefits for a period of time after separation from the job. It is your legal responsibility to inform employees of their rights to continue coverage. Former employees who choose to continue their coverage through COBRA or state continuation must pay the full cost of the plan. You are not obligated to contribute toward their premiums, even if you previously paid a share. Ask your carrier for details about your responsibility toward former employees. Types of Plans Offered Health plans are classified as either “state-mandated plans” or “consumer choice plans.” A state-mandated plan provides certain required minimum features and coverages. A consumer choice plan is any plan developed by a carrier that excludes some state-mandated benefits. Generally, consumer choice plans that do not include all the state-mandated coverages will save you money on your monthly premium. Although consumer choice plans are sometimes called “standard plans,” be careful not to interpret the term to mean that the coverages provided are “standardized.” Each carrier’s consumer choice plan may be different, and a carrier may offer several different consumer choice plans. Some state-mandated benefits continue to be required for consumer choice plans, including coverages for: * Phenylketonuria treatment, if prescription drugs are covered. * Complications of pregnancy. * Minimum hospital stay after childbirth (federally mandated). * Reconstruction surgery following a mastectomy (federally mandated). Consumer choice plans may vary depending on the type of carrier offering the plan. For example, HMO consumer choice plans must pay for 20 outpatient mental health visits per enrollee per year, but that’s not a requirement in indemnity plans. In addition, unlike insurance companies, HMO consumer choice plans must include basic health care services, such as inpatient, outpatient, and preventative services. Carriers may offer optional benefits that vary widely from plan to plan. You don’t have the time for all this research and number crunching. But can you really afford to leave it on your “maybe someday” list? As the cost of medical care rises, the risks of not having health insurance are more apparent than ever. Today a single injury or illness –if uninsured– can leave a family in financial ruin. Moreover, health coverage is a key benefit of employment. You may not be able to hire and keep the best employees without offering it. Another alternative to group health insurance plans, which can be unaffordable for many small businesses, is to offer individual health insurance options to your employees. By law, an employer is not allowed to contribute to these plans, or that would be treated as group insurance under Texas state law. But you can still help your employees become insured in a good plan and improve their health and well-being and also improve employee retention in the process. If you’re a small business owner who would like to offer affordable health insurance plans to your employees, but can’t afford group health insurance, you should consider offering your employees the revolutionary, comprehensive individual health insurance solutions created by Precedent specifically for young, healthy individuals. Precedent offers affordable, individual health plans with catastrophic coverage, but without a high deductible, and

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