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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 23 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 23 January 2023 Source link

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 22 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 22 January 2023 Source link

Application Deadline: 23 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 23 January 2023 Source link

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 23 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 23 January 2023 Source link

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 24 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 24 January 2023 Source link


Applicants to the UNDP internship programme must at the time of application meet one of the following requirements:


  • Be enrolled in a postgraduate degree programme (such as a master’s programme, or higher);
  • Be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree programme (such as bachelor’s degree or equivalent);
  • Have recently graduated with a university degree (as defined in (a) and (b) above) and, if selected, must start the internship within one-year of graduation;
  • Be enrolled in a postgraduate professional traineeship program and undertake the internship as part of this program.

In addition, the following would be desirable:

  • Be familiar with data syntheses, qualitative and quantitative research and analyses;
  • Be familiar with digital platforms for business purposes, content management and community engagement will be considered as an asset. 

Field of study: law, information technology, mathematics, economy, social sciences, or other related field.


Language requirement:


Excellent knowledge of written and oral English and Serbian. 


Internship Conditions




Interns are not considered as having the status of a staff member. During the internship with UNDP, interns are subject to the Regulations Governing the Status, Basic Rights and Duties of Officials other than Secretariat Officials, and Experts on Mission (ST/SGB/2002/9). 


Interns must not represent UNDP in any official capacity or commit resources on its behalf. 




The normal duration of internship is no less than six weeks and no more than six months. Internship assignments are available on a part-time and full-time basis throughout the year, depending on the availability of meaningful assignments and the needs and capacity of offices to receive and supervise interns.

The envisaged duration of this Internship is 3 months at 80% part-time working status with possibility of extension for additional 3 months.


Medical Insurance


Interns are responsible for securing adequate medical insurance for the duration of their internship with UNDP and must provide a medical certificate of good health prior to starting the internship. UNDP will not reimburse the medical insurance of the intern. Any costs arising from accidents and illness incurred during an internship assignment will be the responsibility of the intern.




Where an intern is not financially supported by any institution or programme, such as a university, government, foundation or scholarship programme, a stipend intended to help cover basic daily expenses related to the internship, such as meals and transportation at the duty station, will be paid by the receiving office.


Subsequent Employment


There is no expectation of employment with UNDP following an internship.




The internship can be terminated by either UNDP or the intern for any reason upon giving two weeks’ notice. 


Responsibilities and obligations of the office and the supervisor:


The receiving office and supervisors must create a working environment conducive to interns’ substantive learning and professional development. 


Offices must:


(a) Ensure that an intern’s assignment is at the appropriate level of complexity and variety;

(b) Ensure proper supervision of the intern;

(c)Ensure that the intern is informed of UN’s policy on Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Abuse of Authority and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

(d) Prepare terms of reference describing the tasks of interns in the office; and

(e) Provide constructive feedback to the intern regarding their performance.


The shortlisted applicants will be required to submit the following documentation: 


  • Copy of his/her most recent resume or curriculum vitae.
  • Letter from his/her university confirming current enrolment and graduation date or copy of diploma if already graduated.
  • Copy of his/her school transcript.
  • Endorsement letter or letter of reference in English language from a faculty member with University heading, signed and stamped.

The successful candidate will be asked to provide, prior to commencing work, the following documentation:


  • A signed UNDP Internship Agreement.
  • Medical Certificate of Good Health.
  • Proof of medical insurance valid for Serbia throughout the duration of the Internship.

Applications not in accordance with the mandatory requirements will NOT be considered.


UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

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Applicants to the UNDP internship programme must at the time of application meet one of the following requirements:   Be enrolled in a postgraduate degree programme (such as a master’s prog...

Application Deadline: 19 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 19 January 2023 Source link



UNDP is looking to contract a National Expert on Strategic Planning (hereinafter referred to as “Consultant”) to design the Development Strategy for Poltava Community (further – Strategy). The consultant will also elaborate the Implementation Plan of the mentioned Strategy (IPDS), as well as the evaluation and monitoring system. The consultant should also adapt the Strategy to the sustainable development goals in close cooperation with local administration, UNDP and other relevant stakeholders.

It is envisaged that the Consultant will perform their duties according to the following framework:

  1. Related workplans, timeframes, methodologies and relevant data assessment should be agreed with UNDP.
  2. The elaboration of the Strategy, as well as the IPDS of the mentioned strategy will be provided according to the methodology. This also should consider the relevant legislation of Ukraine governing the decentralisation processes, as well as international standards and regulations, including the integration of UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030. Integrate human rights and gender equality into the analysis and development of targets, baselines and indicators in the Strategy.
  3. Final documents and presentation of the Strategy and IPDS should be approved by the UNDP.


The Consultant is expected to perform according to the suggested scope of the work framework, however, the Consultant may suggest their own methodology. The framework is as follows:

  1. Preparatory activities.
  2. Assess the socio-economic situation of the target territory.
  3. Develop and agree with Coordinator on Strategic Planning UNDP a complete methodology for the assignment implementation (elaboration of socio-economic development strategies) in selected community, including: 1) integration of gender-based and vulnerability-based data; 2) a mechanism of sharing the planning results at local, regional and national levels.
  4. Draft a "situational analysis" as part of the strategic planning process based on existing UNDP analytical documents (document analyses on local socio-economic development) in selected communities.
  5. Conduct strategic sessions and workshops with stakeholders, resulting in a strategic plan that is widely accepted by the stakeholders.
  6. Finalize activities.


1st stage: Preparatory activities

The Consultant will develop and agree with the UNDP on detailed methodology of the strategy designing process of Poltava Community together with the IPDS, while taking into account gender-based aspects and approaches aimed at ensuring human rights and environmental safety. Additionally, the Consultant will develop an expert work schedule with specific activities, expected results and success indicators.

The Consultant will conduct desk research and prepare an analytical report on the socio-economic situation of the community (at least 10 (ten) pages of A4 format in 10 Calibri font, Ukrainian language) as well as an overview of existing programs and plans for local development (at least 5 (five) A4 pages in 10 Calibri font, Ukrainian language).

It is also expected that the Consultant will provide all necessary support to the local authorities in the official launching and approval of the project`s activities in the hromada (i.e. the preparation of all necessary documents, letters, provision of technical support, etc.).


2nd stage: Assessment of the socio-economic situation of the territory

The Consultant will perform desk research and several rounds of interviews (offline and/or online depending upon methodology offered) with key stakeholders to understand the current profile of the territory and draft a long list of potential improvement ideas.

The following activities will be performed during this stage:

  1. Performing in-depth analyses to define the current hromadas` profile:
    • Current plans of the territory (current budget, perspective directions, existing planning documents and development programs);
    • Economy and job structure;
    • Demography;
    • Infrastructure;
    • Major habits prevalent in the territory;
    • Other.
  2. PESTEL (Political, Economic, Social, Technical, Environmental, Legal) analysis, including:
  • Political cluster analysis to map precise authority regulations and policy;
  • Economical cluster study to identify people’s income and the ways it is generated; assess authority’s financial capabilities; analyze the structure of the hromadas` economy and jobs, skills available by workforce, and the wealth/income situation of citizens;
  • Social cluster examination to specify demographic and cultural aspects (i.e., living conditions, education, consumer debt and labor, tourism development, and cultural offerings, such as heritage);
  • Technological analysis to determine the level of technological developments and assess the status of infrastructure and industrial structures;
  • Environmental cluster study to consider the local, national and international environmental issues in terms of infrastructure advancements.
  • Legal cluster analysis to understand national legislation in terms of city development.

        3. Creating a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threads) profile of the territory;

        4. Creating a long list of new ideas for the territory for the next five years, including ideas on potential mission/vision statements.


3rd stage: Conducting strategy sessions/workshops with stakeholders to come up wtih a commonly accepted strategy.

During the third stage of the project the Consultant coordinates Working Group on Strategy Development (WGSD) in the community, which will consist of all relevant stakeholders.

At least 7 (seven) meetings of the working group will be conducted to:  

  1. formulate and discuss the results of the current social-economic situation and formulate and discuss forecasts and scenarios of community`s development;
  2. formulate a strategic vision of the community;
  3. prepare a draft structure of strategic and operational goals and objectives of the Strategy;
  4. prepare a list of the priority development projects that meet the objectives of the Strategy, as well as the draft project forms;  
  5. develop a draft of IPDS of the community;
  6. elaborate Strategy’s monitoring and evaluation system;
  7. approve the final versions of the Strategy and IPDS;

Minutes of the WGSD meetings, including a descriptive report of the events and list of the participants, will be submitted to specialist UNDP.

Due to the restrictive/preventive measures connected with COVID-19 pandemic and war or any other possible tough conditions, the WGSD meeting can be conducted online.

However, any replacement of the meeting with a similar one in remote mode (online) should be approved by UNDP in advance.

If the remote mode is applied, all the video records of WGSD meetings should be submitted to specialist UNDP


4th stage: Finalizing activities

The Strategy will be compiled and presented to the community at public hearings. It is expected that the Consultant will provide all necessary support to local administration in conducting the aforementioned public hearings. The consultant will organize the collection of the feedback. After the feedback will be collected, needed changes (if any) will be implemented in the document.

Additionally, the Consultant will develop and provide the UNDP with written guidance for the Strategy’s implementation/monitoring (at least 5 (five) A4 pages in Calibri 10 font, Ukrainian language) and provide technical and methodological advice and recommendations in the initiating and institutionalization of appropriate strategy implementation and monitoring structures (at least 3 (three) A4 pages of Calibri font 10, Ukrainian language).

The Consultant is expected to provide all necessary support to the local authorities in approval of the documents according to the relevant legislation.


5th stage: Elaboration of the short version of the Strategy.

The Consultant is expected to elaborate the short version of the Strategy for printing and submit it to UNDP for approval.

At the end of assignment, the Consultant shall prepare a final report with clear description of fulfilled tasks and achieved results, including recommendations on the next steps for further support and development of Poltava Community to achieve sustainable development. The report must be reviewed and approved by the UNDP’s designated supervisor.



  • During the implementation of objectives, the Consultant shall strictly comply with the COVID-19 requirements provided by the Ministry of Health.
  • The incumbent will promote UNDP’s mandate as a gender-responsive organization with zero tolerance to any kind of discriminatory and abusive behavior, including sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and apply the UN System Code of Conduct.


  • Consultant is responsible for ensuring his/her proper security. It is recommended to consult with UNDP on security in the region, especially before the field phase of the assignment.




                                                                         Task description

        Due date

          No. 1

  • Detailed methodology of strategy designing process of Poltava Community together with the IPDS with consideration of gender-based aspects and approaches that aimed at ensuring human rights and environmental safety (at least 5 (five) pages in 10 Calibri font, Ukrainian language) was developed by Consultant and approved by UNDP Specialist.
  • Work schedule with specific activities, expected results and implementation indicators was developed by Consultant and approved by UNDP Specialist.
  • Initial desk research was performed, which includes:

- Collecting and assessing the state and local statistical information on social-economic development of the community;

- Analyzing the existing sociological assessments and analytical reports about the community, which had been elaborated under the international technical assistance.

Based on the desk research, the Analytical report on the social-economic situation of the community (at least 10 (ten) A4 pages of Calibri font 10, Ukrainian language) as well as an overview of the existing local development programs and plans for local development (at least 5 (five) A4 pages of Calibri font 10, Ukrainian language) were prepared by the Consultant and approved by UNDP Specialist.

  • Meetings with representatives of local authorities with the involvement of the UNDP Specialist were conducted. Joint action plan for the elaboration of Strategy and IPDS was approved.
  • Members of the working group on strategy development were agreed with UNDP and approved by local administration according to the relevant legislation.
  • Inception Report clearly explaining the accomplished tasks (methodology, work schedule, analytical report, lists of participants of each event, scan of the official local council document about the initiation/start of the community strategy development procedure in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine) was provided by Consultant and approved by UNDP Specialist.


4 weeks from the start of the contract

           No. 2

  • At least first 2 (two) meetings of the working group were conducted, which should result the following:
  • strategic analysis to define the current community`s profile is conducted. All received data is systematized and processed and added to the Analytical Report;
  • PESTEL and SWOT analysis added to the Analytical Report;
  • creating a long list of repositioning ideas for the territory for the next 5 (five) years, including first ideas on potential mission/vision statements.
  • presentation of the achieved results of the analysis to wide range of stakeholders
  • Analytical Report was finalized by Consultant and approved by UNDP.
  • 1st Interim Report clearly explaining the accomplished tasks including Analytical report and materials for presentation, list of participants of presentation as well as photos and publications in media prepared by Community was provided by Consultant and approved by UNDP Specialist.


14 weeks from the start of the contract

           No. 3

  • At least next 3 (three) meetings of the working group were conducted, which should result the following:
  • formulate and discuss forecasts and scenarios of the community`s development;
  • formulate a strategic vision of the community;
  • prepare a draft structure of strategic and operational goals and objectives of the Strategy;
  • prepare the list of the priority development projects that meet the objectives of the Strategy, as well as the draft project forms;
  • other relevant topics.
  • 2nd Interim Report clearly explaining the accomplished tasks with the lists of participants of each meeting, photos, publications in media prepared by Community was provided by Consultant and approved by UNDP Specialist.


22 weeks from the start of the contract

           No. 4

  • At least next 2 (two) meetings of the working group were conducted, which should result the following:
  • develop a draft of IPDS of community;
  • Strategy’s monitoring system;
  • approve the final versions of the Strategy and IPDS;
  • other relevant topics.
  • Final versions of the Strategy and IPDS are approved by local authorities and UNDP.
  • Public hearings to discuss the Strategy were prepared and conducted.
  • Necessary support to the local council`s session on approval of the Strategy and IPDS is provided. The copies of the approval documents are attached.
  • Guidance for the effective Strategy’s` implementation/monitoring (at least 5 (five) A4 pages in Calibri 10 font, Ukrainian language) was prepared by Consultant and approved by UNDP Specialist.
  • Technical and methodological advice and recommendations in the initiating and institutionalization of appropriate strategy implementation and monitoring structures (at least 3 (three) A4 pages of Calibri font 10, Ukrainian language) were prepared by Consultant and approved by UNDP Specialist.
  • 3rd Interim Report clearly explaining the accomplished tasks with the lists of participants of each meeting and hearings, photos, publications in media prepared by community was prepared by Consultant and approved by UNDP Specialist.


30 weeks from the start of the contract

           No. 5

  • Short version of the Strategy for printing was prepared by Consultant and approved by UNDP Specialist.
  • Final report with all the results of the assignment was prepared by Consultant and approved by UNDP Specialist.


31 weeks from the start of the contract



The Consultant will work under the overall guidance of the UNDP Social-Economic Development Specialist. The consultant, through weekly meetings, will report directly to both the UNDP Social-Economic Development Specialist and Programme Coordinator.

The consultant will regularly participate in Project meetings (by Skype, ZOOM) and will share his/her work progress. Moreover, the consultant must provide one Inception Report, three Interim Reports and one Final report - in accordance with the schedule covered in these Terms of Reference. Interim Reports will include work progress, as well as issues to be addressed, while the Final Report will include the achievements, lessons learned, and recommendations for further actions.



The UNDP will pay the negotiated amount in five tranches according to the following payment schedule:

  • the first payment upon completion of Deliverable 1 and approval of the Inception Report (20% of total contract amount);
  • the second payment upon completion of Deliverable 2 and approval of the 1st Interim Report (20% of total contract amount);
  • the third payment upon completion of Deliverable 3 and approval of the 2nd Interim Report (20% of total contract amount);
  • the fourth payment upon completion of Deliverable 4 and approval of the 3rd Interim Report (30% of total contract amount);
  • the fifth payment upon completion of Deliverable 5 and approval of the Final Report (10% of total contract amount).

The payments will be paid upon the full completion and acceptance of the contract’s obligations, whereupon the Programme Coordinator signs the certification of acceptance.

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2. MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSIGNMENT UNDP is looking to contract a National Expert on Strategic Planning (hereinafter referred to as “Consultant”) to design the Development Strategy for Po...

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 26 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 26 January 2023 Source link

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 20 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 20 January 2023 Source link

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