


The digital agriculture mapping consultant will be tasked with conducting a comprehensive study of the Agricultural Technology space in Zimbabwe and produce detailed knowledge products as per scope of work. They will be expected to conduct desk research on presently available digital agriculture solutions across the whole value chain from production to consumption, assessing their strengths and limitations. They will also be expected to liaise with development partners, private sector firms, start-ups, and government agencies to map out their priority areas in digital agriculture in Zimbabwe. The consultant will function as the focal points throughout the project, maintaining professional working relations with all partners and providing routine progress updates to UNDP.


Specific responsibilities and duties will cover four main areas of activity:

 Area (1): Conduct comprehensive desk research on digital agriculture tools in Zimbabwe

Area (2):  Mapping of key players in the Digital Agriculture space in Zimbabwe  

Area (3): Production of a knowledge product on the state of digital agriculture in Zimbabwe

Area (4): Collaborate on the planning of a knowledge product launch workshop

Area (1): Conduct comprehensive desk research on digital agriculture tools in Zimbabwe

  • Develop a methodology to capture key insights from desk research and implement it to map past and present digital agriculture tools in Zimbabwe;
  • Create a library catalogue of all sources reviewed during the desk research;
  • Group solutions into three user categories- producer tools, distribution tools and consumer tools;
  •  Conduct a SWOT analysis for each solution and tabulate the findings;
  • Demo solutions when possible and document experience with using the digital tool.

Area (2): Mapping of key players in the Digital Agriculture space in Zimbabwe

  • Meetings (in-person or virtual) with solution providers of mapped AgTech solutions and digital projects to document opportunities and challenges they are experiencing;
  • Meetings (in-person or virtual) with solution users to get feedback on experience with using the tool;
  • Create online library of meeting notes and meeting recordings, pictures, and videos.

Area (3): Production of a knowledge product on the state of digital agriculture in Zimbabwe  

  • Synthesize findings into a report outlining tools and projects, players, opportunities sand challenges;
  • Use findings to conduct a foresight exercise and propose emerging technologies that could complement existing solutions;
  • Propose entry points for UNDP in all three user categories- producer tools, distribution tools and consumer tools.

Area (4): Collaborate on the planning of a lnowledge product launch workshop;

  • Compile a list of guests to invite to a technical level launch of the knowledge product;
  • Prepare a pitch deck of key findings and present during the workshop;
  • Perform workshop planning activities as assigned by UNDP. 


The consultant is expected to deliver the following:

  • A draft summary of the digital agriculture landscape in Zimbabwe outlining findings in each user category, challenges, opportunities, and potential entry points for UNDP;
  • Catalogue of all sources reviewed during the desk research;
  • Online library of meeting notes and meeting recordings, pictures, and videos etc;
  • Executive summary in form of a visual driven pitch deck;
  • A final report on the state of digital agriculture in Zimbabwe that should function as a source of programming and resource mobilisation intelligence for UNDP.


The consultant must send a financial offer based on the scope of work outlined above. The consultant shall quote an all-inclusive cost of conducting each of the four areas listed under scope of work. The term “all-inclusive” implies that all costs (professional fees, communications, consumables, etc.) that could be incurred by the national consultant in completing the assignment are already factored into the cost of each stage of the scope of work submitted in the proposal.

Payments will be made based on the agreed financial proposal and released upon submission of a certificate of payment request, indicating deliverables achieved to be verified and cleared for payment by the supervisor.

The qualified consultant shall receive his/her lump sum service fees upon certification of the completed tasks satisfactorily, as per the following payment schedule:

Payment will be based on deliverables as per the ‘Deliverables’ below. The assignment is expected to commence on the 15th February 2023  after the signing of the contract to the successful bidders.

Full payment will be made to the Consultant as Lump Sum upon completion of work of a specific task as broken down below. Bidders are supposed to indicate the number of days to be taken to complete each deliverable.

  • First installment of 10% after Presentation of inception report outlining the tools and methodology to be used by consultant to perform the assigned tasks which must be approved by UNDP Resident Representative or Designate;
  • Second installment of 15% after Submission of draft summarizing desk review findings together with a catalogue of all sources reviewed during the desk research which must be approved by UNDP Resident Representative or Designate;
  • Third installment of 25% after Submission of first complete draft incorporating information from meetings with solution creators and users. This will also include submission of online library of meeting notes and meeting recordings, pictures and videos etc. This must be approved by UNDP Resident Representative or Designate
  • Fourth installment of 30% after Submission of the final report on the state of digital agriculture in Zimbabwe that should function as a source of programming and resource mobilisation  intelligence for UNDP which mush be approved by UNDP Resident Representative or Designate;
  • Fifth installment of 20% Presentation of executive summary in form of a visual driven pitch deck approved by UNDP Resident Representative or Designate .


The principal responsibility for managing this assignment lies with the UNDP Country Office, Zimbabwe. The Consultant is accountable to UNDP under the direct supervision of the UNDP Accelerator Lab Head of Experimentation. The consultant will submit bi-weekly progress updates, detailing work progress, and any constraints that require UNDP attention. The Consultant should be available for subsequent   discussions   about   the   consultancy   work   with   UNDP.


The consultancy is expected to run between 15 February 2023 and 30 June 2023 during which the consultant is expected to provide 120 days of service. 


 Besides   paying   the   Consultant   for   the   work, the   Client   will   assist   the   Consultant   with   the   following:

  • Assist   to   convene   stakeholder   meetings   where   required.

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OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSIGNMENT The digital agriculture mapping consultant will be tasked with conducting a comprehensive study of the Agricultural Technology space in Zimbabwe and produce detailed ...



The digital agriculture mapping consultant will be tasked with conducting a comprehensive study of the Agricultural Technology space in Zimbabwe and produce detailed knowledge products as per scope of work. They will be expected to conduct desk research on presently available digital agriculture solutions across the whole value chain from production to consumption, assessing their strengths and limitations. They will also be expected to liaise with development partners, private sector firms, start-ups, and government agencies to map out their priority areas in digital agriculture in Zimbabwe. The consultant will function as the focal points throughout the project, maintaining professional working relations with all partners and providing routine progress updates to UNDP.


Specific responsibilities and duties will cover four main areas of activity:

 Area (1): Conduct comprehensive desk research on digital agriculture tools in Zimbabwe

Area (2):  Mapping of key players in the Digital Agriculture space in Zimbabwe  

Area (3): Production of a knowledge product on the state of digital agriculture in Zimbabwe

Area (4): Collaborate on the planning of a knowledge product launch workshop

Area (1): Conduct comprehensive desk research on digital agriculture tools in Zimbabwe

  • Develop a methodology to capture key insights from desk research and implement it to map past and present digital agriculture tools in Zimbabwe;
  • Create a library catalogue of all sources reviewed during the desk research;
  • Group solutions into three user categories- producer tools, distribution tools and consumer tools;
  •  Conduct a SWOT analysis for each solution and tabulate the findings;
  • Demo solutions when possible and document experience with using the digital tool.

Area (2): Mapping of key players in the Digital Agriculture space in Zimbabwe

  • Meetings (in-person or virtual) with solution providers of mapped AgTech solutions and digital projects to document opportunities and challenges they are experiencing;
  • Meetings (in-person or virtual) with solution users to get feedback on experience with using the tool;
  • Create online library of meeting notes and meeting recordings, pictures, and videos.

Area (3): Production of a knowledge product on the state of digital agriculture in Zimbabwe  

  • Synthesize findings into a report outlining tools and projects, players, opportunities sand challenges;
  • Use findings to conduct a foresight exercise and propose emerging technologies that could complement existing solutions;
  • Propose entry points for UNDP in all three user categories- producer tools, distribution tools and consumer tools.

Area (4): Collaborate on the planning of a lnowledge product launch workshop;

  • Compile a list of guests to invite to a technical level launch of the knowledge product;
  • Prepare a pitch deck of key findings and present during the workshop;
  • Perform workshop planning activities as assigned by UNDP.

This task require 1 consultant to focus on Development Sector. Applicants are to specify the Sector they wish to focus on the title of their proposal.


The consultant is expected to deliver the following:

  • A draft summary of the digital agriculture landscape in Zimbabwe outlining findings in each user category, challenges, opportunities, and potential entry points for UNDP;
  • Catalogue of all sources reviewed during the desk research;
  • Online library of meeting notes and meeting recordings, pictures, and videos etc;
  • Executive summary in form of a visual driven pitch deck;
  • A final report on the state of digital agriculture in Zimbabwe that should function as a source of programming and resource mobilisation intelligence for UNDP.


The consultant must send a financial offer based on the scope of work outlined above. The consultant shall quote an all-inclusive cost of conducting each of the four areas listed under scope of work. The term “all-inclusive” implies that all costs (professional fees, communications, consumables, etc.) that could be incurred by the national consultant in completing the assignment are already factored into the cost of each stage of the scope of work submitted in the proposal.

Payments will be made based on the agreed financial proposal and released upon submission of a certificate of payment request, indicating deliverables achieved to be verified and cleared for payment by the supervisor.

The qualified consultant shall receive his/her lump sum service fees upon certification of the completed tasks satisfactorily, as per the following payment schedule:

Payment will be based on deliverables as per the ‘Deliverables’ below. The assignment is expected to commence on the 15th February 2023  after the signing of the contract to the successful bidders.

Full payment will be made to the Consultant as Lump Sum upon completion of work of a specific task as broken down below. Bidders are supposed to indicate the number of days to be taken to complete each deliverable.

  • First installment of 10% after Presentation of inception report outlining the tools and methodology to be used by consultant to perform the assigned tasks which must be approved by UNDP Resident Representative or Designate;
  • Second installment of 15% after Submission of draft summarizing desk review findings together with a catalogue of all sources reviewed during the desk research which must be approved by UNDP Resident Representative or Designate;
  • Third installment of 25% after Submission of first complete draft incorporating information from meetings with solution creators and users. This will also include submission of online library of meeting notes and meeting recordings, pictures and videos etc. This must be approved by UNDP Resident Representative or Designate
  • Fourth installment of 30% after Submission of the final report on the state of digital agriculture in Zimbabwe that should function as a source of programming and resource mobilisation  intelligence for UNDP which mush be approved by UNDP Resident Representative or Designate;
  • Fifth installment of 20% Presentation of executive summary in form of a visual driven pitch deck approved by UNDP Resident Representative or Designate .


The principal responsibility for managing this assignment lies with the UNDP Country Office, Zimbabwe. The Consultant is accountable to UNDP under the direct supervision of the UNDP Accelerator Lab Head of Experimentation. The consultant will submit bi-weekly progress updates, detailing work progress, and any constraints that require UNDP attention. The Consultant should be available for subsequent   discussions   about   the   consultancy   work   with   UNDP.


The consultancy is expected to run between 15 February 2023 and 30 June 2023 during which the consultant is expected to provide 120 days of service. 


 Besides   paying   the   Consultant   for   the   work, the   Client   will   assist   the   Consultant   with   the   following:

  • Assist   to   convene   stakeholder   meetings   where   required.

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OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSIGNMENT The digital agriculture mapping consultant will be tasked with conducting a comprehensive study of the Agricultural Technology space in Zimbabwe and produce detailed ...


Instructions to Applicants: Click on the "Apply now" button. Input your information in the appropriate Sections: personal information, language proficiency, education, resume and motivation. Upon completion of the first page, please hit "submit application" tab at the end of the page. Please ensure that CV or P11 and the Cover letter are combined in one file.

The following documents shall be required from the applicants:

Personal CV or P11, indicating all past positions held and their main underlying functions, their durations (month/year), the qualifications, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate, and at least three (3) the most recent professional references of previous supervisors. References may also include peers.

A cover letter (maximum length: 1 page) indicating why the candidate considers him-/herself to be suitable for the position.

Managers may ask (ad hoc) for any other materials relevant to pre-assessing the relevance of their experiences, such as reports, presentations, publications, campaigns, or other materials.

Office/Unit/Project Description  

The Office of Audit and Investigations (OAI) reports to the Administrator and is responsible for internal audit and investigation services to UNDP and its affiliated entities. OAI provides independent, objective assurance on the effectiveness of risk management and the effectiveness and adequacy of internal controls. OAI also responds to allegations of misconduct by conducting and reporting on investigations.

The Investigations Section of OAI is responsible for conducting investigations into allegations of misconduct, such as procurement fraud, corruption and bribery, theft and embezzlement, retaliation on whistleblowers, workplace harassment, abuse of authority, reckless or grossly negligent disregard of UNDP regulations, rules, and administrative instructions, that involve UNDP staff, contractors and other applicable persons. The Investigations Section is also tasked with investigating allegations against parties external to UNDP of financial irregularities committed to the detriment of UNDP. In addition, OAI undertakes proactive investigations in high risk areas that are susceptible to wrongdoings, fraud, and corruption.

OAI conducts investigations in accordance with the Uniform Principles and Guidelines for Investigations, the UNDP Legal Framework for Addressing Non-Compliance with UN Standards of Conduct, and the OAI Investigation Guidelines.

OAI needs to engage a suitably skilled and experienced International Personnel under the International Personnel Services Agreement (IPSA) to support OAI/Policy, Quality Assurance, and Special Investigations Unit.

Institutional Arrangement

The IPSA holder will be tasked by or on behalf of the Investigations Advisor, Head of the Policy, Quality Assurance, and Special Investigations Unit. The work performed by the IPSA holder will be submitted to the Investigations Advisor, Head of the Policy, Quality Assurance, and Special Investigations Unit.

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Instructions to Applicants: Click on the “Apply now“ button. Input your information in the appropriate Sections: personal information, language proficiency, education, resume and...


UNDP is aiming to organise a Balkan+ Energy Efficiency Knowledge Symposium is to help countries to scale up improvements in energy efficiency in buildings through sharing of best practices, policy and implementation options, case studies and plans. The regional symposium is planned to take place in Q2 of 2023 in Serbia and shall shed light on the pathways, their effectiveness and common challenges to reach net zero in public and residential buildings in the Balkan+ region. The symposium aims to bring together not only the governments, financial institutions and international organizations but also academia and the key experts (also from other regions) to share their lessons learned and analysis of the current trends and innovation on the above topics to help the countries advance and implement their near and longer term strategies on energy efficiency. As a knowledge focused symposium, the event will aim to extrapolate and build on the vast UNDP and partners´ experience with energy efficiency and move beyond a usual conference after which the results of the discussions, key knowledge and take away points are often not disseminated systematically or codified as knowledge to support the countries (see more details in the knowledge management strategy for the event).  

The targeted countries are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Kosovo. The symposium is called Balkan+ (Balkan plus) as it also recognizes that other neighbouring countries, often facing the similar energy efficiency market barriers might be also interested to join the symposium, namely Moldova. Key target audience will be the main actors in the energy efficiency sector of each country, including  government (national and sub-national level), municipalities and cities, and national financing institutions. One segment of the symposium will be also focusing on a wider public to raise awareness about energy efficiency in the context of household energy consumption, to bring the topic also closer to the citizens of the participating countries.  
The symposium is expected to take 2.5 working days and is proposed to be split into two broader thematic blocks/questions which the symposium will aim to answer through its individual sessions (and sub-topics):  

I.  Why buildings are the foundation of an energy-efficient future in the Balkan+ region? 
II. How can we accelerate energy efficiency in buildings as a key for lowering energy demand quickly? 

One of the sessions aims to focus on the topic of nearly-zero energy buildings: setting the scene in the context of current challenges and opportunities. This session shall discuss the state of play vis-a-vis the nearly – zero energy buildings - the state of readiness of the countries in the Western Balkans, approaches taken by different countries to reach near-zero targets.  
Nearly zero energy buildings concept combines energy efficiency and renewable energy generation to consume only as much energy as can be produced on site, through renewable resources and within a specified time period.  The EU has introduced this standard and allows each country to define it at the national level in order to have a buildings with very high energy performance. The amount of energy required for such buildings is nearly zero or very low and should be covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources, including energy from renewable sources produced on-site or nearby. According to the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, all new buildings constructed in EU Member States must be nearly zero-energy buildings. As the countries in the region, strive to join the EU, they need to adapt to this new legal framework.  
In this context, UNDP is seeking to engage two Energy efficiency and knowledge management experts to lead drafting of a roadmap for the transition of Balkan+ countries towards net/nearly-zero pathway focused on public buildings. This roadmap shall (1) outline the rationale for net zero/nearly zero energy efficiency in the building sector as an element in the overall clean and just energy transition as well as to help enhance the  energy security of the countries in the region; (2) outline national approaches to defining net/nearly zero in the building sector in the region and other countries (such as those in the EU/other regions) and analyse/present methodological or policy related challenges in the definition of net/nearly net zero buildings the countries in the region face as compared to the EU definition; (3) assess market, institutional, financing and other barriers for the Balkan +5 countries/and the Balkan region as a whole when it comes to reaching net zero energy efficiency in public buildings; (4) recommend concrete steps/approaches to be taken at the national/sub-national (and possibly regional) level for the countries to be able to reach net-zero for public building (to overcome the identified barriers),  and (5) support capacity building, supply chain innovation and other market enablers. The roadmap shall be based on the concrete examples and best practice within the region as well as from other countries (including the EU) and extrapolate knowledge from the UNDP projects/reports; other partner projects, where possible. This roadmap will be completed before the symposium and will provide input for discussion in the Symposium.

The Lead Expert will:

a. Provide oversight in and lead in the drafting of the roadmap of the net and nearly net-zero pathway for public buildings.  
b. Strategically work with internal and external colleagues and organisations to gather the data needed for the Roadmap.
c. Work with the other Expert

  • to analyze, develop strategies, and identify opportunities to integrate the net zero program roadmap into the Balkan+  partners’ plans, objectives, and goals. This specifically includes evaluation of county officers’ plans to drive net zero decarbonization.
  • to define what net zero means for each of the Balkan+ countries.

This assignment is planned to commence in January 2023, subject to agreement with the consultant. A proposed content outline for the roadmap shall be presented to the Regional Energy Policy Specialist, after the start of the contract as per agreement. The consultant is expected to work effectively with the other consultants/UNDP staff and collect/coordinate information to ensure high quality outputs. The consultant might be also engaging with government and other entities at the national level, as required. The roadmap shall focus/consider all countries targeted by the UNDP Balkan+ symposium to the extent possible. The consultant is expected to conduct research on the given topic and comprehensively present the findings, The roadmap is expected to target national policy makers. UNDP will provide comments/feedback, which the consultant is expected to consider/incorporate to the extent possible. 

All deliverables are subject to clearance by the Regional Energy Policy Specialist.

Expected Deliverables of the assignment:

The deliverables to be provided under the assignment include the following:

Output 1: Content outline for the roadmap (max. 2 pages) and methodology outline
The content outline shall describe the key topics and sub-topics/concepts that are proposed to be discussed in the roadmap, as well the methodological approaches and data to be used. The content outline shall be discussed in detail with Regional Energy Policy Specialist and Global Technical Specialist – Energy as a basis for agreement on the level of detail and content for the roadmap. During the content outline creation, the consultant is encouraged to liaise with the Balkan+ UNDP country offices to access project and other relevant datasets (this communication will be faciliated by Regional Energy Policy Specialist and/or Global Technical Specialist) upon signature of the contract.

Output 2: 1st draft roadmap
The first draft of the roadmap will be shared with country offices for commenting/inputs. These inputs shall be considered/incorporated during the finalisation stage of the roadmap. The consultant is expected to consider also inputs received from other UNDP staff/consultants and partners. 

Time duration: the assignment should be implemented during the period of 15 January 2023 – 31 May 2023, with 34 consultancy days and at least two in-country visit. 

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UNDP is aiming to organise a Balkan+ Energy Efficiency Knowledge Symposium is to help countries to scale up improvements in energy efficiency in buildings through sharing of best practices, policy and...

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 6 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 6 January 2023 Source link

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 14 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 14 January 2023 Source link

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 6 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 6 January 2023 Source link

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 12 January 2023
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Application Deadline: 12 January 2023 Source link

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 6 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 6 January 2023 Source link

Application Deadline: 12 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 12 January 2023 Source link

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