National Inception Phase Technical Team Leader LBN-CO-IC-29-23 – Beirut

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Posted 2 years ago

The 4 August 2020 explosions dramatically showed the close interlink between security and development. The event was a tragic result of years of malpractices and corruption that have nourished a negligent attitude in properly addressing evident safety and security problems, including the risks posed by the trade of dual use goods in a port built in the proximity of a densely populated area. The sense of impunity also made the port and the sea a privileged spot for illegal trafficking and smuggling activities. The magnitude of the event exposed the vulnerability of the national system as well to prevent hazard, manage crisis and conduct complex investigation to identify timely the culprits and make them accountable before the justice.

Survey activities ongoing at the port and as well around the city of Beirut indicates presence of asbestos and revealed that poor storage of dangerous material is a widely spread dangerous practice; industrial sites also represent a potential risk for the health and life of the population. Radioactive waste, along with the growing industry of sealed radioactive sources in medical, industrial and research fields, poses a serious problem for authorities due to the lack of an adequate national store for disused radioactive sources. Assistance from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is ongoing and a national store for radioactive sources at the Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission (LAEC) is being established. Proper storage of imported dangerous material, its disposal and detection of illicit entry of CBRN materials is also a key priority and law enforcement agencies and Customs officials play a key role in ensuring border and supply chain security. Adapting cargo information systems is essential to strengthening monitoring and risk-based controls of international supply chains to ensure that CBRN material are not illicitly entering; additional measures to strengthen dual-use trade controls are also required. The national CBRN team has also prioritized potential actions to enhance CBRN capabilities and particularly the need to reinforce the operational capacity of the first responders in the field, specifically the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), the Internal Security Forces (ISF) the Civil Defense (CD) and the Beirut Firefighters. UNIFIL, international donors (EUMS and USA) and national counterparts have commended the EU for the vision in starting a much-needed strategic assistance in drafting an Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP).

The modernization of the port infrastructure must be accompanied with critical improvement in its governance structures and management for economic recovery. Adequate control of people entering at the port and cargo control are lacking alongside with fully established governance structures, if Lebanon wishes to guarantee the proper management, security, and safety of the site. Staff operating at the Port must be aware of the peculiarities of the working environment and its inherent risks and be prepared to intervene in case of accident also in view of securing sensitive data to allow operational continuity. Such expertise might also apply to offshore oil and gas exploration sites, which are an important source of revenues, but also represent a risk for the safety and security of workers and proxy population. The Navy received consistent support from the UNIFIL MTF and EUMS (particularly France, Italy, and Germany), but other agencies (GS, ISF and Port Authority) with a key role in ensuring the rule of law at sea, on the coasts and at the seaports are lagging behind. This situation creates a gap in the security system, which can be easily exploited for criminal activities at sea, on the coast and within the seaports premises.

This project aims at contributing to mitigate the impacts of the current crisis; supporting a people centered recovery and improving human rights, while strengthening relevant systems and reinforcing the role and oversight of civil society in line with the priorities outlined in the Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Framework (3RF) for Lebanon.

This action has as overall objective (Impact) to contribute to a secure and safe environment in Lebanon through accountable institutions. As such, the main objective of this action is to improve the governance of the Port of Beirut, with focus on improving the CBRN risk governance and security and risk governance structure and institutional and operational capacities.  By doing so, it is envisaged that the project would also strengthen institutional systems to manage multi-dimensional risks and shocks at national and sub-national levels.

In particular, the interventions will contribute to achieve the following outcomes:

1.Reinforcing governance and effectiveness in the management of port and maritime affairs, in line with the rule of law and international conventions.

2. Strengthening effectiveness in Disaster Management.

Through the provision of expertise, supply of equipment and infrastructural support the action will assist Lebanon in promoting better governance of national administration and guarantee efficient operational capacity of military and civilian actors in charge of safety and security. The project will build the capacity of relevant stakeholders to operate in a transparent, accountable, and coordinated manner to prevent, respond to and investigate security threats by enforcing the rule of law according to international standards. Efficient control and improved risk analysis and sharing of information at national and international level will facilitate the control and safety of critical economic infrastructure and support the legal cross border trade thus contributing to improved economy and long-term development.

In view of the above, and according to the EU COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 14.12.2021 on the financing of the individual measure “EU response to the multiple crisis and support to a people-centered recovery in Lebanon” in favor of Lebanon for 2021, the UNDP is seeking the technical support of a senior expert to lead the implementation of the inception phase during which a detailed assessment will be conducted by a team of experts on Port security and risks management.

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