National consultant on Mine Action – YEREVAN

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Posted 2 years ago

Explosive Ordnance (EO) contamination in Armenia is the consequence of Nagorno Karabakh (NK) conflict in early 1990s. The outbreak of the conflict and military hostilities in NK in September 2020, resulted in additional EO contamination patterns in the conflict-affected regions, including border areas of Armenia. Large scale military hostilities on 13-14 September have resulted in a significant contamination in 3 borderline regions. The extent of the new contamination remains yet to be assessed.  This contamination is a direct threat to Armenian communities living along the border areas and creates an obstacle to the gradual return to peacebuilding and reconciliation. During the last 10 years, a total of 829 people have been killed or wounded by EO in Armenia. The proposed action aims at responding to this serious security and safety challenges for Armenian communities and fundamental rights of the citizens living in the border areas in target regions (Syunik, Vayots Dzor, Gegharkunik and Tavush).

At the apex level, the Project aims at increasing safety and security for women, men and children in the communities affected by the EO contamination, increased preparedness and protection of the communities and strengthening national mine action structures to address the EO contamination in compliance with International Mine Action Standards (IMAS).

The overall objective of the consultancy is to facilitate the development of National Mine Action Strategy, Operational plans for upcoming 5-year period, as well as revision of National Mine Action Standards, ensuring the compliance of the developed strategic documents with IMAS.

The specific objective of the consultancy is to act as a mentor and key technical resource person for the national mine action authority in Armenia – Centre for Humanitarian Demining and Expertise (CHDE) along the project implementation.

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