Intern- 1 position – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago

In 2020, UNDP launched implementation of the Strengthening the Role of Local Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina Project, Phase 2 jointly financed by the Government of Switzerland and Sweden. The overall goal of the second Project phase is to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina through empowered, gender responsive local communities (mjesne zajednice-MZs) that facilitate active citizen engagement in public life, stand for people-centered performance of local governments and catalyze democratic transformation at the local level. The Project’s implementing strategy is empowerment of local communities, with changes envisaged at system level (improvement of the local government regulatory framework, rulebooks and practices, emerging policy and regulatory changes at the higher level) and behavioural level (change in attitude, perceptions within communities; change in traditional gender roles and stereotyping, pro-active engagement in local public life, restoration of trust in government and hope that change is positive etc.). A combination of these transformations is a pre-requisite for durable changes once MZs become agents of local change. In doing so, the Project places MZs and their communities at the centre of its work, while also relying on a broad range of relevant stakeholders to sustain and expand Project results and increase democratic accountability.


The key Project stakeholders are 41 LGs[1] and 199 local communities-mjesne zajednice.


[1] Banja Luka, Bihac, Bijeljina, Brcko distrikt, Breza, Centar Sarajevo, Citluk, Doboj, Goražde, Gracanica, Gradacac, Gradiška, Ilijaš, Jablanica, Kljuc, Kotor Varoš, Laktaši, Ljubinje, Ljubuški, Maglaj, Modrica, Mrkonjic Grad, Nevesinje, Olovo, Pale FBiH, Petrovo, Rogatica, Rudo, Sanski Most, Tešanj, Teslic, Trebinje, Trnovo, Višegrad, Visoko, Vitez, Vlasenica, Vogošca, Zavidovici, Zenica, Žepce.

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