There is still a “way to go” in the clean-up of Storm Éowyn, the Northern Ireland Secretary has said.
Homes have been damaged and about 60,000 properties in Northern Ireland remain without power for a fourth day after high winds battered the UK and Ireland last week.
Specialist engineers have arrived from England to help restore power, but Northern Ireland Electricity (NIE) has warned it could be 3 February before all properties are reconnected.
On a visit to Northern Ireland on Monday, Hilary Benn said the UK government is “working very hard” to help meet the requests for support for Northern Ireland, including through the mutual support aid.
“This is a practical crisis, and what people need is help – engineers, helicopters, bottled water, generators,” the NI Secretary said.
“These are the things that make a difference to people on the ground while they’re waiting for their lives to get back together and for the electricity supply to be restored.”
Benn said the quickness of engineers arriving in Northern Ireland to help repair the electricity network shows that mutual aid “is the foundation of our country”.
“We will continue to work hard to see that that is the case,” he added.

Earlier on Monday, the first and deputy first ministers called for Northern Ireland’s electricity distribution company to provide compensation to those affected by Friday’s storm.
Responding to whether the UK government would be pledging financial support, the NI secretary said if the executive found itself in the position that it could not cope with costs, the finance minister should make the request to the Treasury.
“Down the line will be a moment to consider cost and the position is as it has always been,” Benn said.

At its peak, 30% of homes in Northern Ireland were without power following extensive damage to the electricity network caused by the storm.
However, NIE Networks managing director Derek Hynes has said it will be “around 10 days by the time we complete the repairs needed to get power back to everyone”.
Ronan McKeown, NIE future networks director, said it’s been “an extremely challenging situation” with their staff working “flat out”.
He estimated the majority of customers will have power back by Thursday.
‘Goodwill’ payments
Earlier, the first minister and deputy first minister called on Northern Ireland Electricity (NIE) to “step up” and provide support to those still without power.
Michelle O’Neill and Emma Little-Pengelly were speaking after a meeting with NIE and an Executive meeting which discussed storm damage response.
Specialist engineers have arrived from England to help restore power, but NIE has warned it could be 3 February before all properties are reconnected.
O’Neill said they “made the case very strongly to NIE that we believe there should be a goodwill payment”.
Little-Pengelly added that “these companies make significant profits every year” and it was important that support was provided in people’s “time of need”.
Little-Pengelly said that it was “unacceptable” that some are still without power.
She said NIE was due to respond shortly to the compensation proposal.
The deputy first minister said they had highlighted how Scottish energy companies “have been stepping up” with similar compensation for customers.
O’Neill added: “This is a difficult time for people – we’re into day four [without electricity] for some.
“We are pushing as hard as we possibly can in terms of getting everybody connected as quickly as possible.”
O’Neill also commended the multi-agency response to the storm and said there was “a very constructive conversation” over the weekend with the UK government about seeking additional support.
Schools closed
Meanwhile, 10 schools in Northern Ireland closed on Monday due to structural damage caused by Storm Éowyn, the education minister said.
The Education Authority (EA) maintenance helpline has been operational throughout the weekend and received 154 reports of damage to school buildings.
It ranged in severity from missing roof tiles, fallen trees and serious structural damage.
Emergency contacts
NIE has said there are 11 Community Assistance Centres and more than 60 drop-in centres open until 19:00 GMT to help those without power.
Facilities offered range from showers, food, hot drinks, and work-from-home hubs. NIE Networks reps are available for support.
To report faults or emergencies you should contact:
Northern Ireland Housing Executive: 03448 920 901
Openreach Damages to Network: 08000 23 20 23 (Individual faults must be logged with Communications Providers)
Gas networks: 0800 002001
NI Water: 03457 44 00 88 or visit niwater.com, external
Flooding Incident Line: 0300 2000 100
NIE Networks: 03457 643 643 or visit nienetworks.co.uk
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