“When we are brave enough to tend to our hearts, our messy emotions can teach us how to be free—not free from pain but free from the fear of pain and the barrier it creates to fully living.” ~Kris Carr…
Day: 25 January 2024
By KIM BELLARD We’ve had some cold weather here lately, as has much of the nation. Not necessarily record-breaking, but uncomfortable for millions of people. It’s the kind of weather that causes climate change skeptics to sneer “where’s the global…
Multiple sclerosis (MS) often strikes between the ages of 20 and 40 — during your prime working years. And more often than not, the disease affects women. Over 70 percent of women with MS who were surveyed said they feared…
At 27 years old, Julie Stamm was a young woman in the world of finance. All of the exciting young adult milestones lay ahead of her. But with a new diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, the unknown effects of a chronic,…