The Benefits of Navel-Gazing: Your Way to Health, Wealth and Happiness?

If you dive into one of those colourful ‘Made in China’ shops, that look and feel like an Aladdin’s Cave, in London’s Chinatown, one of the little treasures you’re likely to find in there, is a small golden statute of the ‘Laughing Buddha’. This image is not in fact of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, on whose teachings Buddhism is based, but rather of a figure from Chinese folklore, who had achieved his Buddha-hood or enlightenment and was known for his wisdom, generosity and contentment. The Laughing Buddha statue is therefore a good luck charm and the popular belief is that by rubbing the protruding belly one attracts wealth, prosperity and happiness. This connection between well-being and the stomach is further brought out in traditional Chinese Medicine. There, it is said that there exists a vital point in the lower abdomen called ‘Dan Tien’ (familiar to Chinese and Japanese martial artists) and variously known as ‘Field of Elixir’, ‘Sea of Qi’ (Qi being the vital energy of life). When this storehouse of Qi, in the abdomen is cultivated through the more meditative aspects (‘the navel-gazing’) of martial arts such as within ‘Tai Chi’ (derived from Taoism) then it greatly powers the vital organs in the stomach which is said to be the axis or centre of gravity of the individual. The obvious equation seems to be that the more vitality (health) an individual possesses, the more ‘life success’ they achieve, which manifests as wealth and happiness. So does this mean that you have to receive training in traditional Chinese medicine or achieve a 10th-dan black belt in Tai Chi in order to stop worrying about the mortgage or the rent? Luckily, the answer is ‘No’. In the Indian traditions of Yoga and Meditation this so called activity of ‘navel-gazing’ corresponds with putting one’s attention on one of the seven indwelling chakras, or wheels of energy-consciousness. At the level of the navel or stomach it is understood there exists the subtle third chakra which has the name, Nabhi or Manipur Chakra. Many qualities and ideas are associated with this third energy centre. It is said to be the source of peace and contentment within us and also the seat of generosity. I guess you might reflect on the feeling of satisfaction enjoyed after a nourishing meal. Alternatively, when our sense of peace and contentment is disturbed in some way, we might say we feel: ‘Sick to the stomach!” or ‘that we are worried sick’. Whilst it is true that our stomach is responsible for sustaining our physical sustenance, through the food we ingest, perhaps it is not to great a leap to consider that this third centre might in some way be looking after us in other more subtle ways, supporting our subtle sustenance and well-being, even prosperity and wealth. One thing is sure, as with all things subtle, we might need to look after ourselves in ways not apparent in the hustle-bustle busy world of modern living. If indeed there are subtle chakras, or ‘wheels of consciousness’ within us, as ‘wheels’, should they be turning in some way? Should they be turning clockwise or anticlockwise for example. How can you get them moving? Will it help me feel better, healthier, more in control? How do you jump-start this inner system of subtle energies and chakras? I guess if it were possible it would be good if there was some natural, organic, spontaneous way to bring about the awakening of such a system by some how switching it on or getting it plugged into the mains, so to speak. After all if we have all this innate computer software within us it’s of no use unless it’s switched on, plugged in, connected. What’s more, we should be master of it! That’s where Yoga & Meditation come in. If one can indeed achieve Yoga, this connection is said to be accomplished. Yoga after all means union or connection. When through ones own desire or striving the ‘inner system’ switches on, the maternal indwelling Kundalini energy is said to arise and awaken, connecting all the chakras together, causing them to rotate. As they rotate they throw off and release unhelpful accumulated energies and attract in helpful healing, cleansing energies. The Nabhi Chakra itself is said to suck in positive energy to nourish the entire system. A bit like subtle food for the body and soul. Such positive energy or ‘vibrations’ or you could say ‘grace’ flows around the system to wherever it is most needed. It is said to spontaneously work out whatever is needed, nourishing all the organs in a natural and organic fashion. As the energies continue to become established they are understood to overflow into our inner system, and as the chakras are often depicted in art as ‘padme’ or lotus flowers, they are said to open out and blossom. Like Jungian archetypes, the subtle chakras represent different potential energies within us and it is said: ‘all life is energy’! So, perhaps there is more to this ‘navel-gazing’ then first meet the eye. Perhaps our genuine well-being on all levels; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual might be well served if we to, found time for a spot of ‘navel-gazing’. One such opportunity to put these ideas to the test in 21st century Britain can be found at free meetings run by UK Charity where volunteers will be happy to guide you and answer all your questions: Check it out at: http://www.sahajayogalondon.co.uk Source by Geoffrey J Godfrey

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Feng Shui’s Cosmic Blueprint For Health, Wealth and Happiness

We all know that our environment can affect us positively or negatively. We recognize it on the most mundane and obvious levels, such as feeling bad-even frightened-if we’re subjected to a dark, damp, dilapidated building. We also know how exhilarating it can feel to be in a sunny, sweet smelling room with breathtaking views. But this could be seen as just a temporary, emotional reaction. Does our environment influence our lives and well-being, even our financial potential or chance for marriage, in a long term and predictable way? The answer is yes, according to the ancient Chinese natural earth science, popularly referred to as “feng shui.” Feng Shui literally means “wind-water,” and these words are a catch phrase or consolidation of a whole concept: energy which dissipates in the wind, gathers at the location of water. The basic principles of feng shui maintain that: • We are affected by our immediate interior and exterior surroundings in predictable ways • Unseen forces (called ch’i) or air currents can be manipulated by our choice of furnishings, the color scheme of a room, its architecture, as well as landscaping • Those forces can alter events and circumstances in our lives • We can even have a unique relationship with a home or office, distinct from someone else sharing that same space, based on our birth date. THE BEDROOM This is the most important room in any home because we spend a majority of our lives in this one spot. The only other room that can compete with the bedroom is an office that someone might literally sit in for eight hours per day. Here are some basic feng shui guidelines for the bedroom: 1. The shape of the room should be a stable square or rectangular shape. If the room has an odd shape, then try to position furnishings in a way to help square-out the shape. 2. The room should not be overly large because that can undermine feelings of coziness and protection that are desirable for sleeping. 3. The ceilings should be flat for the smoothest flow of energy in the room. 4. If the ceilings are sloped, then there is a greater chance for sleep disturbances. 5. False ceilings and canopy beds are one way to resolve the sloped ceiling dilemma. 6. Sleeping under exposed beams should be avoided at all cost because the beams create a chaotic boomerang effect that can undermine health. The exact health problem can even be predicted based on where the beam hovers over your body. For example, if you sleep with a large exposed beam hovering over your abdominal region, this could affect your digestion and even your fertility. 7. Avoid sleeping with your head too close to a low, drafty window. This will consistently drain you. 8. Arrange the bed to be out of direct alignment with the room’s door. Sleeping directly aligned with the door can cause health problems eventually. 9. Cover up or remove large mirrors in the bedroom. This is a challenging recommendation for many people because mirrored closet doors are so very common. The only way to test out if your mirrors are causing sleeping problems for you is to cover them up for a week or two and see if you feel more rested and calm. Most people do report feeling better. 10. By referring to traditional feng shui books, you can even find out what your best personal sleeping directions are, based on your birth year. 11. Advanced, traditional feng shui can also determine the best colors for a room. It’s unique to your specific home and floor plan arrangement. THE OFFICE Whether this is a home office or an office within a commercial space, you can also micro-manage this environment to suit your needs and enhance your productivity. Some people use their office to concentrate, while others use their office to hold meetings with business partners, employees, patients or clients. In a commercial work space, you should: 1. Avoid sitting at your desk with your back to the entrance door of the room. Psychologically you will feel very vulnerable and on edge, knowing that people could come into your office from behind you. 2. Avoid sitting with your back to any protruding interior columns or file cabinets that would be pointing towards your back as this can cause back pain. 3. If you have any disturbing views out of your window, mask the bad view with window treatments, partition screens or tall plants. 4. For a windowless office, get yourself some full-spectrum lighting because it will be less tiring than working all day under fluorescent lighting. 5. Put up pictures of landscapes or large mirrors to give the room a feeling of depth or the illusion of more space. 6. Don’t go for extreme colors in your carpet, such as hunter green or maroon, unless you have had a traditional feng shui consultation to find out if your individual office needs that much of a certain color (which vibrates a certain element.) THE ENTRANCE The main door to your home is referred to as the “mouth” or “ch’i-gate” in feng shui terminology. You pass through this area potentially many times per day and this is one of the main ways that the energies of the outside world enter into your private space. The main door that you use the most should be: 1. Free of clutter or congestion. It should not be hard to get through this area. 2. There should be plenty of light because dark entry ways can trigger depression and contribute to lethargy. Use artificial light if you cannot bring in enough natural light through a window or skylight. 3. Air currents will move in a straight line unless diverted. If you have a back door or window aligned directly with your entrance door, the house will leak its vital ch’i. The end result is that it is hard for occupants to save their hard earned money. Corrections for this floor plan

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Attract Health – Wealth With a Simple Hand Powered Radionics Device

Simple Hand Powered Radionics Device The Age of Aquarius has given us several gifts, plus a new paradigm for healing. Some of the gifts are the Internet, Science of Radionics and the Laws of Quantum Physics. The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us we live, move and have our being within an infinite, intelligent ocean of thinking energy. It is called the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the Quantum Ocean. There is no time. No past present nor future only the NOW! There is no space. No length, width or depth. Only the HERE! Therefore we live in an infinite timeless HERE-NOW point, called the Mind of God. The Laws also tell us that ALL is energy and thoughts are things. What we think about we attract into our lives. We can recreate our present reality with our thoughts and intentions. The Science of Radionics is the science of attracting and moving energies long distances without any physical means. We can attract energy out of the Quantum ocean and into our auras and into our lives. There are three working principles that make a radionics device work. You need a power source, a desire, intention or wish in the form of s symbol and a target, where you want the energy to go. It does not matter whether it is a $5000 electronics radionics device of a simple hand powered radionics device like the one I am giving you. They all work on the same principle and I prefer to keep mine simple and inexpensive. You also need a playing field, a matrix, a grid where the energies can do their work. My simple hand powered radionics device uses an equilateral triangle inscribed within a circle and drawn on a piece of card board. It also has 3 smaller equilateral triangles at the apexes of the large triangle. My photo is of one I made of copper and put on wood because I use it every day. But a piece of cardboard will work. You can copy mine and use it. Here’s how it works: Place the fingers of your left hand on the left hand triangle. Place the fingers or your right hand on the right hand triangle. Place a symbol of your wish or desire on the upper triangle. I have over 100 powerful radionics symbols. I will send you some that you may find useful, free. Now sit comfortably and relax with fingers on the triangles. Take a deep breath through your nose and visualize and feel the Life-Force, that surrounds us and sustains us, flowing into your nose in golden streams of energy. Powerful visualizations work powerfully. We live and move within an infinite ocean of life force energy called the Quantum Ocean or the Mind of God. It is there for our use. Now visualize and feel the energy flowing out of your body through your left hand onto the matrix. Your Left hand is your power source. Do this 3 times and you will have powered up your simple hand powered radionics device. Ready to go. Now look at the symbol you have placed on upper triangle and take a deep breath through your nose. Visualize the energies that the symbol represents (health, wealth, love etc) flowing out of the Quantum ocean, Mind of God (which is all around you), into the symbol and into your nose and aura filling every cell of your body Do this 3 times also. That’s it for this session. Do as often as you like. This is simple, inexpensive and powerful. God created simplicity and man complicated it. You have used the power of your mind (all is really mind. God’s mind and your minds as as part of God’s mind), to charge your simple hand powered radionics device. You have used the power of your mind to attract Life-Force from your environment and charged your device. You have used the power of your mind to draw the energies you want out of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, through the symbol and into your aura. What energies you carry in your aura inundate every cell in your body. You will now start to attract into your life health, wealth, love or whatever energy of the symbol you have chosen into your physical life. You can use any set of symbols you like. Runes, astrological, magical, homeopathic, Bach Flower Remedies etc. or just write one on a piece of paper. It will work.! Don’t ever pooh pooh the simplicity of how God’s Mind works. We are extensions of God’s Mind. Only those who want to keep us under control make things complicated, so we won’t understand what they are doing. Come ye out from amongst them. The simple hand powered radionics device exists in the Quantum ocean. it has always existed there just like Edison’s light bulb, Marconi’s phone and the Wright brothers air plane. I simply reached in with my mind and pulled it out onto the physical plane to share with you. Start to think like a God. What one man/woman can do another man/woman can do. Source by Ellis Peterson

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Health is Wealth – Do You Agree?

I agree whole-heartedly with the saying “Health Is Wealth”. If a person is not healthy then he or she will find it very difficult or even impossible to enjoy life, even though he or she may be very rich. If I am asked to choose one from two of the following things, which will I prefer: health without wealth, or, wealth without health? Without hesitation I will choose the former. There is no doubt. Wealth is generally associated with how much money a person has, that is, how rich he is. An uncle of mine is very rich. He has just about everything anyone can hope for, and some things no one dares to hope for. That is how rich he is. He lives in a huge mansion guarded by huge dobermans and sophisticated burglar alarms. He has expensive cars, furniture, paintings and other rich man’s toys. Well, he has everything except good health. Everywhere he goes he carries with him a bag of medicine. He has to take pills everyday for his weak heart, diabetes and hypertension. He is about sixty years old and has spent his life accumulating wealth. Without doubt he has succeeded in becoming very rich. However he has also succeeded in becoming very unhealthy too. He laments about his lack of health and says that how he wished that he was young and healthy again. Unfortunately, he cannot regain his health again. This example of wealth without health is not what I want to follow. It is ridiculous to have so much material wealth but being unable to enjoy it. What is the use of money when one has to take so much medicine everyday just to stay alive? How can one enjoy life when one’s body is weakened by disease and pain? No wonder my uncle laments so. Health without wealth is far better. That is what I have now. I do not have to worry even a bit about what I can eat or do. I eat and do what I like because my body is healthy. Of course I do not abuse it by taking drugs or overexerting myself. I take good care of my body. In that way I stay healthy. With health I can go about my work with joy. If I become rich, then that is fine. Then again, I may lose my riches, but that is all right too. I can always do the things I enjoy whether I am rich or not. I can play games, swim in the sea, climb hills, eat delicious fruits and appreciate the things of this beautiful Earth. This is indeed wealth – to be healthy and joyous. Source by Ashley Wong

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Who will win today Match?

Sri Lanka and Afghanistan face off against each other in the first Super 4 match of Asia Cup 2022 in Sharjah on September 3. This is the first time both these teams will play each other in the Asia Cup. Afghanistan beat Sri Lanka by 8 wickets in the first match of the campaign on August 27.   The Afghans were the first team to make the Super 4s after winning back to back games. Sri Lanka made it through from group B after defeating Bangladesh by two wickets in a close encounter. The Tigers thus became the first team to be eliminated from the tournamentAsia Cup 2022 will be hosted by Sri Lanka in UAE. A total of 13 matches will take place during the tournament. India is the defending champions of the tournament, which won the title back in 2018 by defeating Bangladesh in the final. India has also won the most 7 Asia Cup titles so far. Sri Lanka comes next with 5 titles while Pakistan has won 2 titles.Speaking about the format, this Asia Cup will be played in the 20-20 format as this is the year of the T20 World Cup. During the group stage, each team will play one match against the teams in their group.   The top 2 teams from both groups will qualify for the super four round. During the super 4 round, each team will play one match against the other. The top two teams will qualify for the final which will be played in Dubai on September 11

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