Health Insurance- an Umbrella for The Rainy Days

Health is wealth. This is one side of the coin. The other side is that you need wealth to recover from bad health. No one can foresee an illness and sudden medical emergencies. A person finds himself/herself in deep waters when such a contingency arises. This is because medical bills are exorbitant and paying them without insurance is next to impossible for most people. Prescription drugs, hospital bills, maternity care, etc involve considerable monetary expenditures. Many people who did not take insurance for a rainy day have landed in debt due to improper health care management. Uninsured medical care can not only be financially taxing but may also spell doom in a family. This is the reason why more and more people are opting for the protective cover of health insurance to ensure health and financial security. Health insurance helps to provide protection against the possible health problems that could happen in the future. The insured person needs to pay a ‘premium’ periodically. The process of availing health insurance requires filling up of an application form. You need to provide some documentation about your finances. You can cover the health insurance needs of the entire family, including dental care, eye care, doctor visits, emergency care, prescriptions, etc. Health insurance costs are rising day by day. It is becoming increasingly difficult for people to afford health insurance. However, it is not possible to forgo it. There are some affordable solutions. People with low income can qualify for a Medicaid program. They need to visit the local Division of Family Services office to get an application. How to avail a cheap health insurance? The costs of health insurance plans vary. So, a thorough research is essential before you choose a particular plan. It is a smart idea to find out how long the insurance company has been in business. Make sure that the company yo select is licensed in your state. The medium of Internet provides a good platform to search for cheap insurance plans. You can compare numerous plans before you select one for you. Source by Darlene Kaitlin

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What Is A Good Niche For Internet Marketing

Selecting your niche is the most important first step for any content creator. You want your audience to view you as an authority on the topic, so being specialized helps a lot. But which niche should you pick? That’s what this article will help you find out. Not having a niche, will keep your audience very confused about what it is that you’re actually doing. If you keep your audience confused nobody will buy from you. Just think of the niche you select today as your future audience, who will be the people you will want to talk to, market to and sell to. From my past experiences after blogging in numerous different niches, I can definitely say: The idea of a best niche is an illusion. The article adds up some of the most beneficial niches are evergreen ones which include health, wealth and relationship. These niches will never dry out as long as humans exist, the products and services in these niches will be forever in demand. But if your focus is just on an evergreen niche, you’re focusing on the wrong thing. There is an exception to evergreen niches – The Entertainment niche. Consider gaming as an example, with kids earning thousands every month without even selling anything, just through advertising fees. This article will help you in finding the right niche for you. Selecting a niche is not as easy as choosing what to eat for breakfast, it’s really a big decision.There are no quick fixes and overnight successes in any niche, you have to work behind it to make it successful. The article highlights why people start blaming their niche when the going gets tough and when they do not see any positive results. The most repeated mistake people do is that they focus on broader niches. Health, Fitness and weight training are examples of broader niches. Try picking out as many sub – niches as you can. For Example: Exercises only using dumbbells is a really good and specific niche. The niche you select must be as specific as possible, a niche that you don’t mind researching daily and it must have products to review. Research your niche daily by reading blog posts/ articles, watching videos and following social media accounts. People mostly buy from experts in their niche and not from discouraged hobbyists. So when you establish a niche you have to come up with lots of good content so that you are recognized as an authority in your sub-sub-sub-niche. It has been proven that product reviews are the best method to make sales. This is mostly applicable to affiliate marketing. Some key points to follow to be successful in any niche: Try picking something very, very specific that generates interest among the audience. Develop a personal interest and research daily to be up to date in your niche. Generate a lot of free content for the selected sub-niche to reach expert status. Create product reviews consistently to succeed in affiliate marketing as well. Source by James Pierce

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How to Make Quality Decisions

A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided. ~ Tony Robbins Making quality decisions is a cornerstone for living a quality life. Of course, we all know that. But knowing and doing are two different things. I know I shouldn’t have dessert tonight, but… And I know I should exercise every day, but… And I know I should save that money instead of going out for dinner, but… Those are all relatively simple decisions, but they are ones we struggle with every day because we really haven’t made a quality decision to give up sugar, get healthy, or save toward retirement. Quality decisions require corresponding action. Without follow-through, your ‘decision’ is just wishful thinking. Studies show that we make at least 70 decisions every day. That’s more than one every fifteen minutes. If you struggle with deciding what to have for breakfast or where to go for dinner (a big issue in our house), how much more are you struggling to make good life choices? Of course, a lot of those ‘decisions’ operate on auto-pilot. We do today what we did yesterday, order the same food in restaurants (yes, it’s still a decision), or ignore health issues because we don’t want to call the doctor or (heaven forbid!) take pills. Every decision you make however, from your breakfast menu to retirement planning, your career or where you will live, impacts the rest of your decisions. They stack, one upon another, to create the life you now have… and the life you will have next month, next year, next decade. Here’s something to think about. Do you like your life right now? Do you usually feel peace and contentment, optimism and a sense of control? If you don’t, it’s because of the decisions you made yesterday, last week, or even months and years ago. Here’s the good news. You can change your decisions! If you’re reading this, you still have choices. So how do you improve your decision-making skills and follow through? I’m glad you asked. Get wisdom. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom (Prov. 4:7). There are two levels of wisdom, spirit-guided and human reasoning. Jesus told His disciples to ask and they would receive. James 1:5 says if you lack wisdom, ask God… and it will be given to you. Remember Solomon? When he was about to be made king of Israel, God asked him, “What shall I give you?” Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge. God replied, “Because this was in your heart… wisdom and knowledge are granted unto you. And I will give you riches, and wealth, and honor… (2 Chron. 1:11-12). Wisdom is a wealth builder, the first step in a quality life. Take the time to pray and ask for God’s wisdom and direction. Seek peace. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts… (Col. 3:15) The Amplified Bible says that peace should “act as umpire continually”. Are you peaceful with the decision you are about to make? Quality decisions are usually not made under pressure. They take time and thought. The Bible tells us to seek peace and pursue it (Ps. 34:14). Peace doesn’t mean the decision or the action required will be easy. You may not even know how to proceed. But, if you’re not peaceful, it’s not God. He can give you a sense of peace even if you don’t have all the answers yet. Until you find a place of peace, the best ‘decision’ is to wait. Fear not. The LORD is on my side; I will not fear… (Ps. 118:6). “Will not” is a choice, a decision. You can let fear, doubt, dread, trepidation, turmoil and uncertainty run your life… or you can choose to “be strong, fear not” (Is. 35:4). Jesus told Jairus (who had just been told that his daughter died), “Fear not, believe only.” Fear is the enemy of wisdom and peace. It leaches your faith and determination. Fear and its emotional partners are tricks of the devil to keep you chained to your past circumstances. If you are going to make a quality decision and move forward, you will have to fight off those mental attacks. Be patient. Let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. (James 1:4) Patience has two roles to play in good decision-making. First, don’t move too quickly on important decisions. A little time of waiting is always wise. Use patience to test your decision. Does it still feel peaceful? Do you have a sense of calmness and wisdom in your choice? You’ve heard that it’s always best to postpone major purchases (or even minor ones!) for at least 24 hours. That is just as true with other decisions. Impulse buying or decision-making can prove to be unwise. Be patient and contemplate your options before moving forward. The second component of patience comes after the decision. Once you’ve made a choice, there is often a time of testing. The universe – and the devil – want to know if you’re serious. Have you noticed that when you decide to give up sweets, your spouse wants to stop for ice cream, your co-workers bring donuts, and the cookie isle in the grocery store calls your name! Stay strong. Stand your ground. God will work out the details if you will be patient and trust Him. Consider the future. This one doesn’t really belong in a spirit-based list for quality decisions. After all, Jesus said, “Take no thought for the morrow… ” (Matt. 6:34). He was trying to demonstrate to the crowd that God always has a plan and He always takes care of His kids (you and me). However, it’s also important for us to consider the impact of today’s actions (aka decisions). If you spend every penny you make and more, where will you be financially in six months or a year? If you eat everything

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Why New Years Resolutions Fail

Well, its now 2008. A year full of promise, a year filled with love, health, wealth, fitness, joy, happiness and anything else you might wish for. This is the time of year that people all over the world decide to change their lives forever. It’s the time for resolutions, New Years Resolutions that is. A time of year when everyone, everywhere believes their wishes and dreams will come true. So, how are your new year’s resolutions going? According to a survey (conducted by Franklin Covey) of New Year’s resolutions of over 15,000 people, the top 3 resolutions for 2008 are: 1. Get out of debt or save money 2. Lose weight 3. Develop a healthy habit (like regular exercise and/or healthy eating) Sound familiar? Well the same survey also found that 35% of people break their resolution by the end of January, but wait it gets worse. Out of all those New Year’s resolutions, 78% fail to come to fruition. That’s right 78% fail!! That doesn’t give you much hope does it? So, why do all these perfectly good resolutions simply fall by the wayside, year after year? It is the same reason that every goal, from giving up smoking to getting to work on time has never occurred. We fail to plan, and failing to plan is planning to fail. How can you possibly expect to get from your current position to your destination (whatever that might be) if you have never ever been there before? That is simply asking for all sorts of problems, leading to frustration and motivations issue. In order for a plan to work there are a few key areas which need to be addressed. 1. Write it down!! Your goals should be reinforced EVERYDAY, so put them somewhere you can see them (maybe on the fridge or on your bedside table). This will form a constant reminder and reinforce your goal in your mind. 2. Inform others. Make sure you inform others of your goal. This works for two reasons. The first is that you need to be accountable by someone other than yourself. Secondly and more importantly is the support and motivation of having family and friends behind you all the way. This last point cannot be emphasized enough; the value of support in the pursuit of any ambition has been researched and widely recognized as integral to reaching your goal. 3. Change your thinking, attitude and beliefs. Your thinking, attitude and beliefs are extremely important as they affect the decisions you make and things you do or don’t do. A goal is nothing without a need, desire or emotional reason behind it. You can be told what to do, why to do it and even shown how, but no one can make you do it if you don’t want to. Do you want it, really want it? 4. Education or knowledge. At this stage, you have written down your goals (you know exactly what you want and when you want it), you have set in place a support and motivation network (point 2), you have strong desire and need to achieve your goal, but do you know how to get that goal. The plan might mean that you have to buy a book, magazine, DVD, or hiring someone to help you out like a dietician or a personal trainer. Source by Craig Wyllie

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4 Steps To Become Successful With Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is one of best ways to start with to begin making money online. When promoting an Affiliate Offer, you simply recommend a product that provides value to others. This doesn’t require a lot of effort to set everything up. You can do it by directly promoting the Affiliate offer or send the traffic to your Squeeze Page first to build up your list. You can setup the whole funnel in less than an hour to get ready to start sending visitors to your offer. I’ve seen many Affiliate Marketers (especially newbies) fail because promoting Affiliate Marketing products require some steps to be taken. If you skip one or more steps, the odds of people buying your recommended Affiliate Products becomes lower. This is why in this article I will highlight the 4 main steps needed to make you a successful Affiliate Marketer. Each of these steps is essential and all successful Affiliate Marketers take each of those steps into account. Choose Your Niche This is the first and most important step to take into account. I can easily say that if this step isn’t done correctly, everything else almost won’t matter. You need to choose a niche that is proven to be profitable and with high demand. This will definitely increase the odds of other people buying your products or Affiliate Products that you recommend. Not all niches are the same in term of demand and profitability. This is a very common mistake most marketers do. They think that they can just go ahead with any niche and start promoting right away. Most proven profitable niches are Health, Wealth and Relationship. However, there are many other niches that are profitable and with high demand. There are five main factors to consider when choosing your niche: Passion: It is far better to choose a niche that you’re passionate about. This is help you on continuing to take actions after each failure. Loving what you do is a great weapon to have to make your business successful. However this by itself isn’t enough because you need to choose a niche that’s profitable as well. Evergreen: When you choose a niche ask yourself “Is it evergreen?” If you don’t know what an evergreen is, it means niche that is always demanded and never gets old. Wealth, health and relationship are great examples of evergreen niches. That’s because at all time people look for ways to make money, become healthy and find relationship or maintain it. Whatever niche you choose, it’s far better that it’s evergreen to keep profiting from your products not only for a certain amount of time. High Demand: This is the most important factor to consider for product creation. The niche should be on demand by others in order to make sales. No matter how great your product is, if not highly demand, it will barely make few sales but not a sustainable business that you may maintain and scale up. Specific: Choosing a broad niche isn’t going to bring you targeted traffic. This is because you didn’t make it clear which segment your chosen niche is. For example if you make a product and only indicated that it’s about wealth, this is a wide topic to talk about. Because wealth could be Internet Marketing, Forex, Real Estate, Physical Business and the list goes on. By only indicating that it’s about wealth, you’ll get traffic from all these segments and most won’t need what you provide. However, if you specified it’s about Affiliate Marketing, then more targeted people will see your offer and you’ll more likely make sales and get sustainable income online. Digital Product: When choosing a niche ask yourself “Can I make a Digital Product out of it?”. Some niche or products are highly demanded but can’t make Digital Products out of it. For example T-Shirts are highly demanded, people buy T-shirts every day. However, if you make a Digital Product about it will it be as much demanded? Who wants to watch or read about T-Shirts? People like to wear them. But Affiliate Marketing is a product that can be is high demanded if done as Digital Product. Build Your Platform This step is a great way of marketing yourself and becoming an authority. Using this step, other people see your work and know that you know what you’re talking about, not just someone who’s only willing to promote products to make sales. There are four great platforms to use: WordPress: Every successful Internet Marketer nowadays have a domain with WordPress installed on it. WordPress is an easy to use website creation tool and mostly the easiest way of creating websites nowadays. It just requires some steps to make your website ready to be live. You can create many type of webpages using WordPress, one of the most common one is a blog. Internet Marketers create a blog to create content that provide value to others and may also promote products. Facebook: Who doesn’t know Facebook? This website is ranked second with and has more than one billion active users. You can take advantage of this huge platform by creating a page creating content that gets you tons of visitors who may turn to your ongoing customers. Your content will be ranked high because of the power of Facebook online. People like searching for Facebook Pages related to their needs and this creates a huge opportunity that you may take advantage of. YouTube: YouTube is the most popular video website on the planet, with visitors watching around 6 billion hours of videos monthly. The great things about videos is that they create more engagement than text or audio. People enjoy watching videos and they learn more on video tutorials than reading reports or blog posts. This is a huge opportunity for you to keep creating valuable videos on regular basis. This helps you to rank your videos higher and thus get more visitors to watch your videos. Tumblr: This is another Social Media platform

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Dream It and Do It

Sometimes life robs us of our dreams and we end up feeling empty and discouraged. The most common areas of dreams getting derailed are: health, wealth, love, ambition, spiritual development and family. With losses like these, confusion, frustration and fear can monopolize one’s mind when their dreams come crashing down. There may be times when all of our energy has been invested in a particular outcome, only to have it Sometimes life robs us of our dreams and we are left feeling empty and evaporate. This could create a sense of having hit a wall with nowhere to turn. This disheartening state is an ideal time to receive some spiritual insight through a psychic reading. Psychic guidance can be instrumental in helping one to move forward and create a new vision for one’s life. There are always alternate dreams available if one is simply willing to expand their perspective, open their mind and trust in their soul’s wisdom. How does one learn to trust in their soul’s wisdom? Let’s look to mother nature for that answer. Nature has patterns and rhythms that are both subtle and profound as do our lives. In the cycle of life, the fall leaves drop from the colorful trees. This shedding of what is no longer needed precedes wintertime. The winter is then followed by spring where seeds are planted for new beginnings and this then leads to summer growth and harvest and a new cycle begins. Our lives resemble these unending cycles of life, but in a wider sphere of context and existence. We may be in the spring of our life financially, yet in the winter of life regarding our health. The hardest phase of life to deal with is the winter of the soul. At this point, one may feel as though they are doing all they can to live their dreams but, the intended results are not yet shown on the outside.However, rest assured there is growth and strengthening happening deep inside on a soul level. This place of emptiness is where one enters the great unknown. From this void, life can become full again. Courage, fortitude and faith to move forward can be discovered within. Like seeds being planted in spring that offer new hope, our souls can inspire us. We can learn how to release that which is no longer serving oneself, just as the trees drops their leaves in the fall. The key is to not run away, but rather to listen deeply inside to the voice of the innermost heart. This voice is always calling each of us home to our unique path and purpose. No one else can fulfill our personal destiny. Most importantly,remember to keep an open mind and don’t give up on believing that a new dream can emerge from the rubble of your shattered hopes, goals and visions. Trust in the infinite wisdom of your soul’s nature and in your ability to navigate through the challenges that come. Dream again and dream big! You can do it. Source by Liah Howard

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Government of Ireland Master and PhD Scholarships

Opportunity Details Degree: Master PH.D Language Requirement: Not Required Fields of study: Any Opportunity Type :Fully Funded Duration1 To 4 Years Gender: Male Female Language of Instruction English Opportunity ID9754 Application Fee Required: No Opportunity Description Scholarship overview Applications are now open for Government of Ireland Postgraduate scholarships. The Government of Ireland offers Postgraduate Scholarships to outstanding students to conduct their own research in their chosen area of interest. It is a unique national initiative in the Irish research landscape that opens other channels for funded postgraduate education in the Irish eco-system. The scholarship program is managed by the Irish Research Council. Proposals that address new and emerging fields of research or those introducing creative, innovative approaches and proposals that advance fundamental understanding is achieved by integrating information, techniques, tools and perspectives from two or more disciplines are welcomed. Details of Ireland Scholarship Application Start: Sept 8, 2022 Application closing date: 20 October 2022 (16:00 Irish Time) Supervisor and referee deadline: October 27, 2022 Research office endorsement deadline: November 3, 2022 Result: End of March 2023 Award Start Date: September 1, 2023 Location: Ireland Levels of study: Masters & PhD Type of program: research Discipline: Any The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Program is distinct from other funding options for postgraduate study in Ireland and works in conjunction with them. Its features include: Individual, renowned honors in the applicant’s name for outstanding research; A selection procedure that is impartial and uses international, impartial expert peer review; Funding for all academic fields, from zoology to archaeology; Awards for non-directed, bottom-up research, excluding those supported by our strategic funding partners. Duration of scholarship: Research master degree: 1 year Structured research master degree: 2 years Traditional doctoral degree: 3 years Structured doctoral degree: 4 year Benefits of Scholarship: Selected candidates will receive: Annual stipend of 18,500 Euros Tuition fee contribution (max 5,750 Euro/year) 3,250 Euro per year for Direct Research Expenses Eligibility? All applicants for these scholarships should meet the following requirements: It is open to applicants from both European Union and Non-EU member states. Have a first calls/upper second class honors bachelor’s degree or equivalent; Must not have had two previous unsuccessful applications to this program, including to its strategic partner’s theme; and In the event of applying for a research master’s, must not currently hold, or have previously held, a Council scholarship. Innovative proposals for degrees on offer addressing new and emerging fields of research or those introducing creative approaches are welcomed. Interdisciplinary proposals are also recommended as the programs places a great value on integration of several aspects of education/research. Note: Majority of scholarship will be awarded to those who are nationals of European Union member states and a proportion of scholarship will awarded to those who are not resident or nationals of European Union members. Selection process The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Program is strongly competitive and an objective selection process using international, independent expert peer review chooses the successful applicants. Application process: Eligible applicants can read the terms and conditions of the scholarship carefully to ensure they meet all the eligibility criteria and then apply online. Apply Now Application Form Supervisor Form Application Guide For more details, please visit the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship (GOIPS) & official call of scholarship.

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University of Melbourne Graduate Research Scholarship 2022-2023

Opportunity Details Degree Master Language Requirement: TOEFL IELTS No. of Opportunity 600 Fields of study Various Fields Opportunity Type :Fully Funded Gender: Male Female Language of Instruction English Opportunity ID2824 Application Fee Required: No Opportunity Description The University of Melbourne in australia offers around 600 graduate research scholarships for domestic and international students to study at university of Melbourne. Domestic and international students who have applied or are currently enrolled in a research course can apply for Graduate Research Scholarships to pursue a Master’s by research and doctoral degrees at the University of Melbourne. Scholarships are merit-based and cover tuition fees and a stipend for living costs. Applications opening date: 1 Jan 2022 Applications for Admission deadline: 31 October 2022 Total award value: Full tuition fee and up to 110,000 dollar Fields: All study areas Number of scholarships awarded: 600 Benefits of Australia Graduate Research Scholarships: Tuition fees for Master by research degree (2 years) and Doctoral degree (4 years) Living expenses of $32,000 per year, including paid sickness, maternity and parenting holiday $2000 Allowances for students who move in from  places out of victoria and 3000 dollar for students moving from outside Australia International students will also be provided with Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) Who can apply: Is an Australian or International student Have applied or are currently admitted to a research degree (Master’s or Doctoral) at Melbourne University. Entry Requirement for Melbourne University:  Have at least a four year Australian Bachelor’s degree or overseas equivalent with over 75%. Have done your final year research project or component. Meet English language requirements: studied a bachelor’s degree in the last two years in English or have TOEFL, IELTS, Pearson Test of English, Cambridge English Advanced Meet School-specific Requirements How to apply: New students who have applied for a research course (Master or Doctoral) before the related course deadline,  will be taken into consideration automatically for the Scholarships. But if you have been offered or are currently admitted in a graduate research course, you must complete and submit the online application form before the related course deadline. A scholarship application notification will be sent to you within 7 days. If you have not applied yet, find your course and check the eligibility if you can apply before the course and scholarship deadline. Apply Online Selection criteria Scholarships are merit-based, and they will be awarded to students based on their academic achievements, relevant professional experience, publications, completion of the same level degree as the research degree Scholarship that the student is applying for, and the Students’ research skills. For more details about this scholarship please visit the University of Melbourne. 

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Important Tips for Weight Loss

Anahita Ulfat Video In a recent seminar at the local gym, I met with professional health experts. I had the opportunity to talk on various health topics. Losing weight requires persistence. This article is a summary of the recent seminar; I attended. 1. Weight loss is not about calories It seems stupid to check out your calorie chart after every 5 minutes. People are looking at their spoons while counting the number of calories. For God sake, quit this habit. It is dangerous to your long-term health. We achieve good health by committing to good healthy habits. Healthy habits contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Bad habits lead us to famous diseases and health problems. Wait a minute. I mentioned the topic of “bad habits”. What are bad habits? Ignoring your feelings is a bad habit. Your body cannot communicate with you directly. The only communication method is the sensational one. Your body gives the message through the immune system. When you are tired, you feel pain in the body. But, you have to go to the party. So, you neglect the message, and you do not take rest. Your body says it is thirsty. You give it some snacks. Your body needs exercise but, you are watching Television. It is the start of an unhealthy life. If you want to be wealthy, study wealth and richness. If you want to be happy, study the art of happiness. If you want health, adopt a healthy lifestyle. 2. Early to bed, Early to rise I hope you have heard this poem. It is a good rhyme with some good advice. Early risers are more likely to perform better. Sleep well at night for 8+ hours. Wake up fresh in the morning. Do the exercise. Start your day with a healthy breakfast. In just 21 days, you will be able to see the positive change. 3. Do not take the stress, Make a gratitude journal Gratitude journals are great. If you have ever used one, you will know the positive feeling. We all are blessed with many things in life. Good health, smiling heart, great friends, beautiful home, greenery and birds are indications of this beautiful world. When we are complaining, we become blind. We are unable to see the bright future. Our physical body responds to our thoughts. If you are stressed, your body will show signs of weakness. If you are happy, your body will respond to pure, healthy vibrations. Weight loss is a mind game. It is a good mathematics question. You must solve the question in your mind before; you can solve it on the paper. Losing weight is not difficult. Motivate yourself. Health, wealth, and happiness are interconnected. You cannot separate health from wealth. These three components are necessary to succeed in any part of life. These tips are important for you to lose weight. You can read hundreds of tips on dieting. But, if you are not following the basic rules, you will not make any progress. You make progress by taking inspired action. Inspired action and motivation will always help you succeed. Thanks. Source by Jenny J Robert

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Max International – Health and Wealth is the Promise, What’s the Reality?

Max International came on the scene just under three years ago with two key products – MaxGXL and nFuze. Founder Steven K. Scott, known for his American Telecast company that has winning product introductions including Total Gym and Deal a Meal, brought together some heavyweight network marketing specialists to launch the world’s first over-the-counter glutathione accelerator – a supplement that helps the body increase production of this super anti-oxidant. So is MaxGXL and Max International just another ‘me-too’ organization, or does it offer something unique in the marketplace? As head of my own advertising agency for more than 20 years, I have worked with a number of organizations and have developed key ‘brand’ measurables that can help determine the difference between winning companies and those that will fall by the wayside. A key factor is differentiation – why would I want to work for, or be a customer of a given organization as opposed to another company. 1. Barrier of entry: what’s to stop ‘copycat’ companies from bringing similar products into the marketplace at a cheaper cost? In the case of Max International, the two key products are based in science and are backed up by patents pending that ensure these products will remain uniquely positioned in their own category for almost two decades. In other words, no other company is offering products that match the benefits of MaxGXL. It’s like the big pharmaceutical companies that can literally ‘own’ market categories until their patents expire. 2. How strong is the market? The wellness industry is in hyper growth with predictions it will top the $1 trillion sales mark this year, up from $600 million worldwide four years ago. Even poor products can perform well with this kind of consumer trend, so a well-marketed product that delivers on its promises is certain to flourish. 3. What are the trends? Everyone knows that the aging baby boomers are driving markets these days, and a product that meets this group’s desire to stay young will see favourable revenue growth. Positively impacting this trend is a poor economy that is forcing thousands to seek alternate streams of income, such as network marketing. There is a lot more to the story, but I believe Max International is uniquely positioned to undergo extreme growth in the years ahead. In a recent interview with the company’s CFO, former Wall Street lawyer Joe Voyticky, I was told he expects the company to become the first-ever Fortune 500 company with annual sales topping $1B. These factors should put Max International at the forefront of a burgeoning network marketing industry. Before making the leap into network marketing, people may want to consider how they will approach their new business. Diversification through varied marketing techniques, including Internet marketing, can help savvy marketers leverage product strength into multiple income streams. Source by Gordon Green

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