Health Enhancing Behaviors

Health is wealth and there is no substitute to health. If a person is healthy, then everything seems sweet but if health is disturbed then the sweetest thing will look bad. A healthy person can enjoy every aspect of life and praise the beauty of nature, whereas a sick person cannot enjoy anything about life. Everyone likes to remain healthy and enjoy life, but many people are unable to enjoy life because of health problems, the health problems arises when a person fails to take care of his/her health in way it is required, resulting in distress and illness. Health is nature’s gift, and health can be improved by following some small measures. Healthy body leads to healthy mind, and healthy mind leads to positive thoughts, and positive thoughts leads to ideas that bring positive change in the world and make world a better place. So to remain healthy is very important, not only for individual but for whole society. Following are some health enhancing behaviors, which can help people in leading a healthy life: Early to bed and early to rise “Early to bed and early to rise; makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” It is a very famous quote and is taught widely in nursery Rhymes to children in order to strengthen this habit from very early age. It is a known fact that six hours sleep is mandatory for human mind and body to get required rest. The night is made for rest and day for working. Sleeping early and waking up early in the morning is the key to lead a healthy life, when a person gets a good six hours sleep at night, then the body and mind remain fresh all day and a person’s performance increases every day. Lack of sleep is the cause of unrest and makes a person tired all day; similarly sleeping more than required i.e., more than six hours also cause tiredness. Sleeping early and rising early is a basic health enhancing behavior. Daily Exercise Human body operates like a machine, when the machine remains idle for a long time, it gets rusted and its performance declines. Similarly muscles of human body require movements to work properly. Exercise is very important health enhancing behavior; it keeps muscles strong and increases the stamina, thus helping a person to work more without getting tired. The best time to do exercise is early in the morning. Exercise keeps the body healthy and strong. People who exercise daily are less likely to get sick very often. Eating Properly Avoid Junk Foods Taking care of what people eat is very important, as the food directly affects the metabolic and digestive system and it is the only source of energy for the body to work properly. Eating proper food with right amount of calories, proteins and vitamins at the right time is very important in keeping mind and body healthy. Vegetables, fruits and meat etc contains all the vitamins, calories and proteins required by a body so eating them at the right time is a good health enhancing behavior. Over eating and under eating both are dangerous, similarly eating more and more junk food can cause diseases. Excess of everything is dangerous and excess of food is very dangerous as it directly affect the stomach. Eating vegetables, fruits and meat with bread or rice is a healthy nutrition, and it is a key to lead a healthy life. Junk foods and over eating is very dangerous for health so to avoid them as much as possible is a key to lead a healthy life. Stop Smoking The worst thing a person can do to his health is smoke cigarettes; in taking smoke into lungs is nothing but stupidity, cigarette’s smoke contain all the pollution and germs required for lungs cancer, so to remain healthy and avoid lungs diseases, it is essential not to smoke cigarettes. Health is a God’s greatest gift to mankind, but to remain healthy is totally dependent on the person, a person can be very healthy if he/she follows the above stated health enhancing behaviors, whereas failure to follow the proper health enhancing behavior can cause diseases and distress leading to unhealthy life. If the person is unhealthy, then he will be in stress and tension all the time and will cause trouble to himself/herself and people around. Unhealthy people are the cause of trouble for themselves and others. So rather than a constant pain to others, it is wise to follow these health enhancing behavior in order to lead a healthy life and to help others. Source by Maaz Syed

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Improve Men’s Health And Wellness With Customized Health Awareness Bracelets

Men’s Health Week is celebrated every year during the week ending on Father’s Day – a time when the importance of men’s health and wellness is discussed more widely. International Men’s Health Week is challenging men to get proactive and make their health a priority. It is a time to pay men more attention and discuss their health-related issues. During this week many organizations and individuals step forward to conduct various awareness programs bringing attention to preventive measures to be taken, such as check-ups, testicular cancer education, and more. The Monday of Men’s Health Week is called Blue Monday – it’s a time when anyone can promote men’s health engagement and show their interest in health improvement. Improvement of men’s health and wellness will be focusing mainly on issues that any individual can face. People mark this special day by wearing blue ribbons and any other related accessories to support the cause. The most commonly used accessories include ribbons, silicone bracelets, caps and T-shirts. The purpose of blue ribbons and bracelets is to create awareness about prostate cancer and other diseases. While everyone is aware of various health concerns such as diabetes, osteoporosis, family health, workplace accidents and more, there is one more important issue that also needs attention and it is that men are much more likely to become victims of homicide. People who belong to certain groups such as health clubs, high school clubs, sports clubs and more prefer wearing bracelets to help spread awareness about men’s health. Most common messages on the bands include “Health is Wealth”, “Wellness First”, and “I Am Healthy”. Recently, these products have become something much more than a fashion accessory that can be customized as per the customer’s choice and can carry any printed messages on the outside and also on the inside of the band. They are available in various types, sizes, colors and styles and are 100% customizable. Some of the most adorable message types include embossed, ink filled, screen printed and Dual layer. Each type has its own unique features. Users can add text, logos or clipart to their silicone bands. Since bracelets look attractive, they catch people’s attention with ease. Not only will they help you spread a message but will also turn you into a real fashion icon. They can also be worn by all age groups from small kids to older people, without any gender barriers. Silicone bracelets are emerging as a proven and innovative technique among various organizations for their marketing activity, product promotions, event ticketing, live concerts, awareness programs, fundraising and many more. Source by Billie Jean Bateson

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Vikings Used Rune Songs For Healing

The focus of my articles is to study the runes as they relate to health, well-being and protection. The position I have taken, as a 21st Century Rune Master, is to bring the Runes into the 21st Century, to use and not go back to the Viking Age (Mentally or emotionally.) Going back in time to use magic, runes, energies is fraught with danger and usually contains lost of unwanted baggage. But we must still understand the past, so that we can learn and not make the same mistakes in the Now. Many of the Runes our Ancestors used, were grouped into nine rune songs. Four were dedicated to health and protection. For preventing illness and childbirth. The remaining five rune songs are for Victory, Magic, Speech and Spirit. Many of the rune healing secrets are contained in the ancient Norse, Icelandic and Irish sagas; In Celtic and Germanic legends and the old English poem Beowulf. I will touch slightly on only a few. Runic healing miracles such as found in the Icelandic saga of Glum the Murderer, tells the story of a woman whose close relative had been killed. She took the corpse and laid him gently in the cart, then took him home and cleansed and bandaged his wounds, marking them with runes. When she finished he started to speak. Do you recall in the movie “Conan”, when the wizard painted runes on the dead body of Conan? He too came back to life. These short articles I write are intended as beacons, as pointers to show you the way to find more articles on the subject. Use my key words to surf the net. In the Saga of the Men of Vapnfjord, it tells of a doctor or healer called Thorvard. He was considered the best healer in the area. He spent seven nights healing the badly wounded Thorkel, using his runic skills. Thorkell was healed and Thorvard was given a horse and a silver bracelet. Quite a fee. In the Gretta Saga, Gretta is wounded and Gangrene started to set in. His brother illugl treated him with runes. He watched him day and night, taking care of nothing else. Gretta was healed. In the Sago of King H Rolf, a runic healing also takes place. King Hrolf had received two wounds in his arms and lost an eye. Queen Yrea healed him. In the tale of Egil and Asmund, we learn about Viking surgery. Egil had lost a hand in a fight and a dwarf dressed the stump. The dwarf made Egil a sword that had a hilt in the form of a socket so he could use it. Later Egil met an old giantess, who had kept his hand and had it wrapped in “Life herbs.” She told Egil she wanted to try and graft the hand back on his arm. She took off the socket, deadened the arm and trimmed the stump. She put “Life-Herbs on it wrapped it in silk and sang her Rune Song. Three days later Egil had complete use of his hand and arm. Our ancestors had impressive medical knowledge using runes and herbs. I will not put the rest fo the rune songs here in my article for all to see. The magic in the healing runes is the price that has been paid by the seeker. The price for diligence, persistence and willingness to seek out for oneself. Free gifts have no value. Unless there is a hidden cost that has been paid. Email me for my free Runes Newsletter. Source by Ellis Peterson

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The God of Wealth – Tsai Shen Yeh

Eventually, this god was divided into a group of gods. Apparently, the root cause for the separation was the division of rich Chinese officials into two groups – military and civilian. So, Tsai Shen Yeh was also divided into two groups. Sometimes for security, people would worship both at once: a military commander and civil dignitary. One of the most revered military gods of wealth was Guan Yu. Another one was Guo Ziyi – a famed military leader and nobleman. According to legend, the goddess Zhi Nu foretold his glorious fate, which was long life and prosperity as a heavenly spirit. Zhi Nu is the “heavenly weaver” who weaved the night sky; she is the prophetess and patroness of lovers. Ever since she foretold his fate, Guo Ziyi began to receive honors and rank, and became a very successful warrior. His sons and in-laws also obtained high ranks, and one of his sons even married a princess. The Chinese also venerated Zhao Gong-min as a military and civilian god of wealth. He was offered sacrifices by the Chinese on an altar placed on the north terraces of homes. The main civil god of wealth was Bigan. This god had a real prototype – an honest and noble sage who tried to influence a petty and cruel ruler. Despite the threat of the death penalty, Bigan continued to defend his beliefs. Then the infuriated ruler said: “I heard that the heart of a sage has seven openings. I want to make sure!” He ordered that Bigan’s chest be split and that his heart be removed. Since then, this martyr started to be revered by the Chinese for his faithfulness and steadfast beliefs. It’s hard to say how Bigan became a god of wealth. He was very popular among the people. His name was sworn to when buying goods as a promise to pay, which could have given birth to the belief that this person’s spirit will help increase honest wealth. Any Tsai Shen Yeh god of wealth would typically have a wife, Tsai-mu (“Mother of wealth”) and be followed by the god of coins – a man called Liu Hai. Liu Hai was an official, who did not become rich, and led a modest and dignified life. According to legend, he miraculously eliminated greed – he lowered his belt with a gold coin into a well where a “greed-toad” lived. The toad grabbed the coin with its mouth, and Liu Hai pulled it out, as the frog could not open its greedy mouth. Therefore, the god of coins was sometimes depicted standing on a toad. The gods of wealth were also represented as dragons made of coins, as coin-spitting dragons, horses that bring treasures, and wonder trees that grow coins – just shake the tree, and the coins will fall like autumn leaves. If you wish to bring wealth to your own home, you can obtain an image of Tsai Shen Yeh (gods of wealth), and place it in the Health and Family zone, which lies on the east side of your home or any of its rooms. Source by Jakob Jelling

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Law of Attraction – 3 Ways to Attract Money With Your Cell Phone

There is one device that most people carry around with them all day long and that device is a cell phone. In this article I will discuss three ways that you can use your cell phone to speed up the manifestation of money in your life by using the law of attraction. The law of attraction states that “like” thinking attracts “like” experiences. What you think about you bring about. Here are some ways that you can use your cell phone to manifest more money into your life experience. 1. Most cell phones have a digital background that you can customize. It is usually called the “home screen” or “background”. One thing you can do to solidify a wealth mindset is to change your background picture to something that denotes money. You can set your background to show a picture of a $100 dollar bill or a wad of cash, or something else that makes you think of money. That way every time you receive a phone call or check your phone to see what time it is you will see pictures of money and this will train your subconscious mind to be comfortable with large amounts of money and allow the law of attraction to work for you. 2. Set calendar reminders to remind you on a daily basis that you are wealthy and that money flows to you easily and frequently. You can choose whichever particular affirmations that you prefer. These reminders will pop up throughout the day and encourage you to either maintain the wealth frequency that you are already on or change your vibration if you are having a tough day. 3. Set your ring tone to a song that you really enjoy and really makes you feel good. You should also try to make it a song that actually references something positive about “having money” in the lyrics. This is a great thing to do because over time it will program your subconscious mind to use the law of attraction to bring more money into your life. Every time your phone rings you will be reminded that you have money and you will hear a song that makes you feel good. Then when you go to answer your phone you will see a picture of money on your background. Source by Jay Wigginz

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Strengthening the Immune System – Change Those Negative Thoughts

Your body has an amazing and complex system which assists you in fighting disease. It is also sensitive to what you think, feel and imagine. It doesn’t matter if your thoughts are about what has happened in the past, what is currently happening or what you fear will happen. The thoughts and emotions that make up your everyday life, change the chemical makeup of your body. If the cells fighting infection in your body decrease, you will be more susceptible to illness. It the cells increase, you are better able to fight off infection.  Happy thought…happy feeling… greater ability to avoid infection. Angry thought…the chemicals to fight off bacteria and viruses decrease. Joyful thought…better ability to stay healthy.  If you are someone who thinks sad, angry or negative thoughts most of the day, you are weakening your immune system. The chemicals in your body which fight off infection can be clinically shown to decrease. Changing what you think is one of the most crucial ways to stay healthy. The pleasant emotions coming from positive thoughts can produce an overall feeling of well-being. When you continually rehash a negative message, “You are so stupid,” feelings of unworthiness, anger, despair surface. These feelings cause a chemical  reaction in your body making it more likely to get a cold if someone sneezes on you. How do you change your thought patterns? Have thoughts that are life-enhancing to replace those that are life-depleting. Is it easy? No, but it is simple. First, you need to “catch” yourself involved with the thoughts you don’t want. As you pay attention to your thoughts, you will “catch” yourself more quickly. Second, substitute pleasant and positive thoughts for the negative thoughts. For this step, have an internal “file” of pleasant thoughts to refer to. The most powerful substitutions are positive events in your life. Select a few of them and say to yourself, “When I have negative thoughts, I’m going to remember the colors in the sunrise when I was in Hawaii.” It doesn’t matter what the event, just so it is positive. If you find it difficult to find good memories, do a mental activity which will break your current negative thought pattern. You can repeat multiplication tables, name an animal for each letter of the alphabet or say a prayer. Just find something different to fill your mind. Yes, it will take time to change the habit of negative thinking, but it has great benefits. Your immune system will be stronger and you will be happier. Source by Cathy Chapman, Ph.D.

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Indoor Water Fountains – Essential Home Decor That Spells Serenity

“To see a fountain in your dream represents great joy renewed pleasure and/or increased sensitivity. You are experiencing an outburst of positive emotions. Perhaps you are entering into a new relationship or a new phase in that relationship.” A reference from the dream mood dictionary talks about what it means to have dreamt about a water fountain. You see for yourself how positive an effect the fountain has on you when you just dream about it. Now imagine having an indoor fountain of your own; how enticing an idea is that? That’s right, indoor water fountains are readily available in the market today for those who are in search for some in-house relaxation and hydrotherapy. Everyone is in search of peace of mind these days because human life has become more of a mechanical life with no time to spend on the essential caressing that your body and mind needs. Your body works 24 hours a day 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Of course, you relax your body by sleeping but when you add on the element of sounds of flowing and bubbling water or the sight of the sparkling water droplets or just the feel of the cool breeze that brushes past you in the presence of an indoor water fountain the sleep that you gain truly exports you to relaxing haven. Indoor fountains bring in the positive chi of the element of water in our houses. The water element when positioned correctly according to the famous Chinese art of interior decoration ‘Feng Shui’ (pronounced as Fung Shway) is known to bring with it prosperity, harmony, health, wealth and a noticeable improvement in career amongst the members of that house. There are innumerable variations in the indoor water fountain models available in the market. Now with the advent of the World Wide Web you needn’t even travel to stores in search of the apt fountain for your interior decor. There is no limit to the number and different types of indoor water fountains available online. Certain fountains may also be designed to be special Feng Shui water fountains for that extra touch of astrological magic to your homes. With these specially designed fountains you are sure to experience a positive makeover of your life and that of your family member’s as well. Indoor fountains also serve as a humidifier that adds adequate moisture to the air in the surroundings. It also is known to emit negative ions that effectively purify the air in the room. These negative ions tag foreign particles like dust, smoke and other suspended particles and tactfully direct them out of the room. The natural sounds created by the falling sparkling droplets of water ensure a soothing effect to your mind just before you are about to retire. Source by Amber Liddell

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Chinese Astrology Revealed Using Four Pillars of Destiny Method

One of the oldest forms of astrology is the type practiced by the Chinese that stretches back for many centuries. Chinese Astrology is extremely complex and difficult for the normal person to grasp deeply. Therefore most people simply focus on the characteristics of the animals in the Chinese Zodiac based on one’s birth year. The twelve animals in the Chinese Zodiac are, in order, the rat or mouse, the ox or cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep or lamb, monkey, rooster or chicken, dog, and pig. But a Chinese Astrology reading conducted by an expert would go much deeper than explaining the traits of animal and delve into one’s birth month, day, and hour. In fact, the most popular form of Chinese Astrology readings are based on the Four Pillars of Destiny. The Four Pillars of Destiny originated and was popularized during the Tang Dynasty in China. It focused on leveraging a person’s Chinese Zodiac for the core of the reading. Then a significant evolution occurred during the Song Dynasty that uses the day stem instead of the year branch in predicting a person’s fortune, health, wealth, life, and marriage. Today, the modifications that the Song Dynasty applied to Chinese Astrology is the foundation of the Four Pillars approach for the Chinese. As one can imagine, a reading that applies the Four Pillars of Destiny method that takes into account birth hour, day, month, and year is much more detailed and accurate than a generic reading based solely on birth year. Yet it is this same daunting level of complexity that prevents the general populace from grasping and embracing the intricacies of the Four Pillars of Destiny method. Next time, learn to look beyond the basic rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig of the Chinese Zodiac when understanding one’s true Chinese Astrology reading and fate. Source by Groshan Fabiola

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Quantum Astrology is Energy Astrology

Quantum Astrology The new Age of Aquarius with it’s paradigm of Quantum Physics is no less than a wake up call to man kind. Only a fool would not admit that the world is in chaos. Wars, hunger disease etc. Why? Because man kind, as a whole has left the path of spirituality and turned a blind eye to his Divine Destiny. The Divine Destiny of all mankind is and has always been becoming less bestial and more God like. The Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics tell us that the world as we see and experience it, is in fact a a projections of the thoughts and emotions and actions of the mass mind of humanity. The mass mind is the sum total of every mind on the planet. This is what is meant by “The All” or We are all One.” We are connected by our thoughts and feelings. The majority of mankind is dumb and ignorant of why things are the way they are. Even if they knew, they would not or could not change it. I write these articles for the 5% of humanity, which is conscious. The 5% who act as the yeast within the loaf of bread, called Humanity. The good news, is that this 5% of Conscious Humanity is enough to keep the rest of Humanity from sinking below a level of consciousness that would result in destruction of Man kind. This has happened before, during the Atlantean, the Hyperperbeon and the Mu periods. There is no guarantee that Humanity will survive this latest dip into bestiality. We need to get back on track. We need a road map, a blueprint that will help us all become more conscious. We have one, the new paradigm of the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics has given us one. These Laws tell us that we are all individual souls in the Mind of God. The infinite Soul. We blink out of the Mind of God into the Quantum Ocean where we experience life. It is our Life Experiences that determine where we are individually or massively raise our levels of consciousness and become more God like or drop down lower and lower. Everything around us has it’s equivalent, Divine Blueprint in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. There is a Divine Plan, a Divine Blueprint of how we should live our lives to become more conscious. It is the Science of Astrology. The whole galaxy, as well as our Solar System runs smoothly because they follow their Astrological time clock. Man has forgotten that he has built within himself his own Astrological time clock. There is a right time in our lives to do anything we want as long as we follow this clock. The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us there are a million things we can do and have and million things we cannot do nor have. Our individual Astrological clocks will tell us what they are and when we can expect them. Our individual Astrological clock is built into our individual Solar charts. It is time for us to wipe off the dust from our Astrological Solar chart. Time to follow our individual Divine timing factors. By doing this will do many more things consciously. As we do things more consciously, we will become more conscious. As we individually become more conscious, humanity will rise out of the depths of bestiality once more into the light. Source by Ellis Peterson

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Hiring Psychics for Psychic Readings

Psychics are gaining more and more popularity in recent times, particularly because of the recession; several people are consulting psychics in order to know what is coming in the future. These advisors are busier than ever. Apart from the conventional type of psychics, now the more experienced and skilled people are required for the increasing demand of the online psychic business. These advisors are very much needed in this online industry while it grows by leaps and bounds. There are millions of people from all around the world consulting psychics in order to find out the main cause of their problems. Psychics are helping a lot of people by advising and providing perfection solutions to their customers’ problems such as love and relationship, health, wealth, career and lots more. Because of the increase in the demands of the online customers, now, several leading websites are hiring experienced and skilled psychics in order to provide psychic reading services and other services to the online customers. These psychics are specialized in various things such as psychic readings, psychic medium work and psychic tarot readings, soul mates, earth changes, spirit guides, horoscopes and numerology etc. If you think that you have psychic powers or abilities and have experience in this field. You could join any of the leading psychic website. However, in order to join the leading psychic website, you should have a computer and internet connectivity, telephone line, experience proof, good in communication in English and Bi-lingual could be an advantage. However, you should be above 21 years world for providing psychic services to the online and telephone customers. Generally, there will be a test or examination when you apply or after you apply for psychic profession. Once if you have passed those tests, you could start providing services to the online customers and telephone customers from all around the globe. Source by Jessica N King

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