November 2022

Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

A List Of Healthy Foods To Eat

Finding a list of healthy foods to eat is not as easy you would think. There are a lot of amazing foods in the world that can increase your well being and make you look amazing. It is just about finding them. What is healthy food? Healthy food is food that is healthy. Now that might sound oversimplified but that is what it is. You can generally tell what food is healthy and what food is not. Fruit and vegetables are the obvious choice. The problem is that every corner seems to be filled with a fast food joint. This makes making the healthy choices a little bit harder. Why fruits and vegetables? They may seem dull to eat but they are the “bread and butter” of healthy foods. You could make a list of healthy foods to eat right now by simply visiting the fruits and vegetables section of any supermarket. Why is this? Fruits and vegetables contain all the vitamins that your body needs on a daily basis. This includes vitamins A, B, C, D and E. They all serve different areas of the body. On top of this they are also very low in fat. So you are eating food but not storing anything. The low quantity of carbohydrates that they are made of is burnt of quickly throughout the day. Celery for example is in fact considered a negative calorie food. You actually lose weight eating it. What else is healthy? To be completely healthy and find a list of healthy foods to eat, you are however going to need more than just fruits and vegetables. Carbohydrates and proteins are the base of any meal. Breads, cereals, rice and pasta are all excellent carbohydrates. The wholemeal choice is always the best option. Proteins are essential for muscle repair and include meat, poultry, fish and eggs. Of course the right kind of meat must be chosen. Chicken breast is an excellent choice, along with turkey and tuna. When eating eggs it is always best to keep the egg yolks to a minimum. A ratio of 1 yolk to 3 eggs is ideal. Milk, yoghurt and cheese are excellent sources of calcium which greatly benefits your bone strength. The low fat choice of both is also recommended. What about fats? The right kind of fats in the right quantities is absolutely essential. Sweets and fried food generally do not fit in to this category. Fish oil and nuts are rich a source of healthy fats including Omega-3. How much do I Eat? This really depends on your daily activity level. To lose weight, carbohydrates and fats should be restricted to a low amount. Weight maintenance can be done simply by making the healthy choices and avoiding junk food. Can I ever eat junk food? At the end of the day, we are all human and it is impossible to suppress cravings for junk food for the rest of your life. So you certainly can eat junk food but only once in a while. For example you could reward yourself for a week of healthy eating by going out of a meal. This is fine as long as you are back to healthy eating the next day. Where can I find a complete list of these healthy foods? This is a basic overview of a list of healthy foods to eat. There are many guides available that can help you with this and actually do provide you with a list of healthy foods to eat. They can be very affordable and well worth the money. Source by James Paz

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Healthy Food Choices – How to Avoid Heart Disease, Diabetes and Obesity

There is now strong evidence that carbohydrates are the baddies in the war against obesity, heart disease and diabetes. So where does this leave the well established theory about saturated fat and how it not only increases our weight but is also responsible for heart disease? In a nutshell research is now telling us to do the opposite to what we have been told to do in the past in order to stay healthy. Back in the 70’s when the treatment of cholesterol became popular; doctors took a very simplistic view believing that dietary saturated fat led to body fat. You only have to look around you to see that the eating recommendations that occurred as a result of this theory have had devastating effects upon our health and the prevalence of diseases such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Saturated fat was once blamed for heart, cholesterol and obesity problems and we were encouraged to eat less meat and more carbohydrates (e.g. bread, cereals). But now multiple studies are revealing that this was all wrong! One such 2010 study reviewed the evidence around this subject (Astrup, A. et al, Am J Clin Nutr:2011 Jan 26) and found that “replacing saturated fat with carbohydrates does not reduce the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), and may even increase the risk”. (Dairy Nutrition News April 2011) The fat that we do need to be concerned about is Trans fat that is found in margarine. The risk of coronary heart disease does is increased with the intake of Trans fatty acids. Trans fats have been made by a heating process that changes the chemical structure of the fat to make it solid but soft. As noted in a previous article, Trans fats are commonly found in commercially produced products especially bakery items. As well as containing damaging Trans fats processed products such as breads, cereals, pastries, pasta etc. have other health related issues. Because these foods are nutrient poor, a person consuming these foods on a regular basis is likely to be deficient of the important antioxidants. We know that these antioxidants are important for overall health, but they are also significant in the fight against heart disease. This is because it is not the amount of LDL (bad) cholesterol that is the problem, but the oxidation of the LDL cholesterol. As evidence comes to light about the effects of oxidized LDL, and the problems associated with excess carbohydrate intake, we will no doubt see the list of ingredients in products such as bread, muesli bars and cereals, modified to ensure the continuing sales of these products. Some companies are already adding protein, vitamins and minerals to their products, in the hope that the public will perceive them as “a healthier food choice”. An example of this is new cereals that are coming out with added protein. Given that proteins primarily come from animal sources and that cereals are carbohydrates, the reality is that this will make little difference to our health. For good health my advice is to: Stick to a fresh, whole food diet. This means avoiding processed carbohydrates such as breads, pasta, processed cereals, pastries and cakes. Aim to achieve the ratios of 40% carbohydrate (including vegetables & some fruit), 30% protein and 30% good fats with each meal. Good fats should include olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, rice bran oil to name but a few. Adequate fat will reduce inflammation in the body. Protein sources should include eggs, meats, fish and small amounts of dairy and nuts. If you are vegetarian you may need to assess whether you are getting adequate protein and consider using a protein shake. Ensure you are getting adequate antioxidants such as vitamin E and C as this is another key to avoiding heart disease and the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. And if a product says “low fat” read the label carefully as you will more than likely find that it has had sugar added to enhance the flavor was lost when the fat was removed. By adhering to a fresh, whole food diet, much like that eaten by our ancestors, you will achieve better control of your weight and the markers of heart disease and diabetes. Source by Vivienne C Savill

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Healthy Foods to Eat on a Budget

If you are on a tight budget, finding healthy foods at the grocery store may seem like a challenge, but there are healthy and economical choices in every aisle of the store. As tempting as all that junk food out there may sound, it really can be cheaper to eat food prepared at home. And with a little imagination and experimenting with herbs and spices in the kitchen, it will taste better as well. The first key to healthier eating is to have more healthy foods available to eat at home. So stop going to the drive-through and don’t buy any more pre-packaged, over processed foods that you probably have in your kitchen now. Get yourself organized by creating a meal plan and a grocery list for the foods you need to prepare those meals. The next step is to go to your local grocery store and start buying whole foods that you can prepare at home with whatever kitchen resources you have there. Increasing your consumption of whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables, will actually make your food selections in general much simpler. If the foods you are chosing contain more than 5 ingredients and include a lot of unfamiliar, unpronounceable items, you may want to reconsider buying them. Counting calories, carbs, or fat grams won’t be as necessary when you select foods that are more a product of nature than a product of industry. Finding healthy foods to eat at the grocery store is pretty simple. They are found in the “fresh food” sections like the produce and refrigerated meat and fish departments. The frozen and dry aisles also contain good healthy foods, although there are many unhealthy distractions there as well. Healthy foods you should have available at home to cook with include whole foods (food in its most natural state), fruits and vegetables, dairy products (low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese and eggs), seafood, lean cuts of pork, beef and chicken, naturally sweetened whole juices and lots of water. The kind of foods to avoid include refined grains (white flour or white rice), refined white sugar, any form of corn syrup and anything out of a box that contains more than 5 ingredients. Making the switch to eating healthy food does require a change in mindset, along with some imagination and preparation. It will help to make a weekly meal plan, and from that a good, organized grocery list to take to the store with you. This will help keep you focused and cut down on the number of trips you make to the grocery store. Source by Blake Bowie

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Eating Healthy On A Budget

Think eating healthy on a budget is impossible? Many people believe that cutting back on food costs means that you can’t buy healthy food anymore. Some people even convince themselves that healthy weight loss is not possible unless they spend a lot of money. But eating healthy on a budget as well as healthy weight loss is not only possible, with a little planning you can cut food costs and still eat healthy food. Here are a few tips to make it easier for eating healthy on a budget. Plan your weekly food menus with healthy eating recipes and make a grocery list with those items before you shop. This saves you time in the store and can save you a lot of money because you are less likely to buy on an impulse. Stock your fridge and cupboards with healthy foods, and to keep costs down, stay away from extras like soft drinks, chips, baked goods, and other high-calorie items. Children and sometimes even spouses are usually the ones asking for junk food. Remember, food choices are a big factor in what determines the health of you and your family. Buy more water or milk instead of soft drinks when shopping and you’ll save money. You can still enjoy your favorite soft drinks at a sporting event or night out. For healthy weight loss just make it a diet soda. Buy fruits in quantity when they are in season and freeze any extras. Just wash the fruit well, dry thoroughly, then freeze in plastic zipper bags. While lean meat and seafood are a great source of protein, they can get expensive. To cut your costs, use beans a substitute for meat on a few occasions. Beans are very economical and makes eating healthy on a budget really simple. There are several varieties of beans and preparing them in a crock pot and making a salad turns into an easy meal. Another great way for eating healthy on a budget is brown-bagging your lunch. It takes a little more time, but with the right food choices, it is both healthier and less expensive. Peanut butter is also great for those on a budget and almost everyone likes it. Use it for sandwiches along with jam instead of expensive lunch meat. For healthy weight loss try adding sugar free jam because it has a lot fewer calories and fat than regular jam but still tastes great. If you eat foods that have a high content of water like watermelon, salads and even sugar free gelatin, they are inexpensive, ideal for healthy weight loss and work perfect for eating healthy on a budget. It easy to fall into a rut of eating the same unhealthy and expensive foods. But once you take back control by planning your weekly food menus with healthy eating recipes, you can enjoy a nice variety of meals again. Eating healthy on a budget can be as simple as just making different choices. Copyright © 2006 All Rights Reserved. Source by Gary Gresham

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Why Does Our Body Need Healthy Food?

In the present fast-paced lifestyle, we hardly have any time to devote to prepare extensive healthy meals to nourish ourselves and our families and therefore, we end up consuming highly processed food, which are laden with oil and sugar, and containing such chemical additives that are strictly not intended for human consumption. Eating healthy food will charge you with loads of energy and also make you feel great from within. Healthy foods boost our body’s immune system and help us in developing resistance to infections by combating disease producing pathogenic organisms that happen to enter our body. Healthy food aids in living longer and keeps your brain working more efficiently as a result of which you become more attentive and mentally sharp and alert. A healthy diet can address or prevent certain diet and nutrition related diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol and heart ailments, cancer, high blood pressure and obesity. By not eating a healthy diet, it can result in the manifestation of several symptoms which can clearly be identified by your outer appearance such as adult acne, dry skin, mouth or tongue ulcers, dark circles, or anemia. Other common symptoms which indicated that your body is suffering due to want of a healthy diet include bad breath, constipation, poor digestion, irritability, frequent headaches and a feeling of depression, poor memory, fatigue, sleep disorders, etc. In other people, not eating a healthy diet can also cause menstrual problems, diarrhea, development of asthma or other forms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, gallstones, polyps, mental illness or simply result in osteoporosis. Source by Jared Lee

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

A Guide to Weight Loss Part 2 – 5 Healthy Food Tips to a Weight Loss Diet

In continuation of my previous article on A Guide To Weight Loss Part 1, these next 5 tips will focus on the food aspect of your diet meals. Try incorporating these few tips and see how much weight you can lose within a two month period. Remember, if you want to lose weight, you have got to know how nutrition for your body really works. So read the 5 tips below. 1. Pita Bread If you ever taken pita bread? You can try adding salad to pita bread and include it into your must-have dish. 2. Stuff Vegetables Examples of stuff vegetables can be Zucchini or capsicum. They contain low fat and offers a perfect solution to your healthy meals. You can mix some minced chicken or fish with these stuff vegetables to create new varieties. 3. Cut Down Hidden Fat What are the ways to cut down those hidden fat? This is simple. While you are stir-frying, try using chicken stock instead. This should be able to reduce your consumption on those hidden fat. 4. Get Extra Iron. To add more iron into your meals, simple alternatives can be adding alfafa and mung beans. This should be able to boost your iron levels. 5. Good cooking and healthy eating begins with learning about nutrition and how to prepare healthy recipes. Not excuse in not learning about nutrition if your ultimate goal is to lose weight fast. Start learning about the nutrition aspects and try out making your own healthy meals. Who knows, maybe you will be able to sell these healthy recipes in future. I hope that these 5 tips to a healthy weight loss diet will be effective for you as it is for me. Hope you manage to learn some healthy tips from this article. Source by Jerome Andrews

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Is Pizza a Healthy Food?

One question that always bothers every pizza lover that is whether it is good for health or not. The latest studies have proved that pizzas are really good for your health. Read on to get more information. Pizza is one of the most favourite foods for most of the people in the UK. Are you in a dilemma to eat pizza or not? Don’t worry. From this article you can get some (scientific) useful information regarding the consumption of pizza in your day to day diet. Mostly pizza can be made with wheat. There are 2 components in wheat called ‘bran’ and ‘endosperm’. These components are highly rich in antioxidants. This antioxidant has the stuff to prevent cell damaging in human bodies. For which, it inhabits a process called oxidation. This antioxidant has the ability to reduce the partials which cause cell damages. Cell damage is a main reason for the formation of certain diseases like cancer and heart problems. Therefore there is nothing wrong in taking pizzas occasionally. Human body has been created with the support of antioxidant defences naturally to fight against free radicals. After a long run, it may overrun. If you add antioxidant contents in your diet, it will be helpful for you to fight back perfectly. Consider dough variety, temperature of baking and baking time of pizzas. Don’t hesitate to ask these things at your favourite pizza huts. Dough has been used for baking pizzas now a day. This dough has to be made as antioxidant rich therefore wheat has been added. But some other pizzas are not made with this wheat dough. No one makes pizza dough only with wheat flour but everyone uses refined-flour dough. There is huge difference in the taste between the two whole-wheat flour dough and the refined flour dough. When the flour is refined, some ingredients like bran and endosperm are mostly taken form them. You can get only the taste not nutritious in wheat free dough pizzas. When the pizza makers increase the baking time from 7 minutes to 14 minutes, the dough can boost the antioxidant contents up to 80%. The temperature can be fixed from 204 C to 285 C to raise the antioxidant level up to 60%. The pizza makers can extend the time taken for fermentation from 18 to 48 hours, then the antioxidants will be raised automatically. To conclude, if these tips are followed by the pizza makers perfectly, there is nothing wrong in eating it often. The other factor that stands in the way of pizza as a healthy food are its toppings. You can use tomato sauce but excessive usages of cheese do become a problem as cheese is a high fat food. But if you use reduced fat cheese, spinach and low-fat turkey sausage on the dough, a pizza could be called as a healthy food. Source by Victor Thomas

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Delicious Healthy Food

Most mothers face the trouble of feeding healthy food to the kids. Spinach and greens are toughest nut to crack. Here are two yummy recipes. 1. Soupy Noodles: serves four Ingredients: Tomatoes – 4 Bottle gourd: half of a small one Carrots: two. small and tender Spinach – 8 leaves (remove the stems) Onion – one Garlic: half round ( 8-10 cloves) Cloves -2 Salt and pepper to taste. Whole cumin seeds. ( jeera) – one table spoon Noodles*: 400 gms ( instant or other) Directions: • Peel onion, garlic, bottle gourd and carrots. • Wash spinach thoroughly. • Wash all the other vegetable including tomatoes. • Chop the vegetables in small pieces, around one to two inches. • Place all the vegetables and the cloves in a pressure cooker. • Add 250 ml water. • Close the lid of the pressure cooker and when it starts to whistle, put the gas flame to low. • Keep it for ten minutes. • Meanwhile cook the noodle or boil the noodles as per the instructions. • In case of instant noodles, it is just two minutes; while other noodle might take longer and require draining of water. • Add flavouring and spices as provided with the instant noodles. • In case of other noodles, drain the water after boiling and add salt, red chilli sauce and vinegar as per taste. • Once the noodles are done, put these aside. • Turn off the gas, wait for the steam to dissipate. • Open the pressure cooker lid carefully. • In case using a steel blender, blend the hot vegetable thoroughly; in case using a mixer, grinder or plastic blender wait for the vegetables to cool, then blend thoroughly. • Take a large sieve and strain these blended vegetables through it. • Use a stapula to crush and push the vegetable through the strainer. • Take a large pan and combine noodles and blended (and strained) vegetables in that pan. • Roast the cumin seeds on the hot girdle ( tawa). • Crush these roasted seeds into powder. ( I put these on chakla and roll rolling pin i.e. belan over these). • Add this powder to the noodle and soup mixture. • Add salt and black pepper to the soupy noodles. • A very nourishing, absolutely non fattening food for the winter evenings is ready. #While serving in the bowls, this soup can be garnished with boiled eggs. *Instead of noodles, pasta/ macaroni can be used. 2. Taco for tiffins: Two tacos Ingredients: Whole wheat flour: 100 gms Warm water: 200 ml Salt: a pinch Ajwain*: a pinch Purified butter/ ghee: one tablespoon For filling: Potato – one boiled Cheese – 50 gms grated Green peas – 50 gms boiled Fenugreek (Methi) green leaves – two sprigs, (washed and very finely chopped) Salt and pepper for seasoning Oregano – a pinch Sandwich spread – optional Directions: Add flour, salt, ajwain and purified butter in wide plate/ pan. Slowly add warm water to knead and make soft dough. Make 2 balls out of this dough. Put a iron girdle on fire. Roll out the dough balls in wide circular pancakes. (size of a quarter plate) Cook these pancakes on the hot girdle one by one, turning it over, when one side is done. Mash together, the potato, cheese, pea and fenugreek leaves. Add salt, pepper and oregano. Spread a thin layer of sandwich spread over the pancakes, one by one. (optional) Spread the vegetable, cheese mash also on the pancake/ taco. Roll the taco and use toothpick at the ends to keep it closed. Grill these rolled tacos in the grill plate of waffle maker. Serve hot with green chutney or sauce. # For filling any dry cooked vegetable can be used, e.g. cauliflower, cabbage, carrots etc. or scrambled eggs can be used. *Ajwain is also called carom, Carum copticum/Trachyspermum copticum/Trachyspermum ammi, or bishop’s weed. Source by Charu Narang Thakur

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Healthy Eating Kids – Getting Your Kids to Eat Healthy Food

It’s important to start healthy eating early. If you leave the mission of getting your kids to eat healthy food too late, it will be more difficult to change the habits they’ve learned. On the other hand, if you’ve always insisted that you have healthy eating kids in your household, then you’ll find the task of keeping your children on the straight and narrow path of eating healthily a much easier task. Start with making sure that you have healthy food in your fridge and larder. You can’t teach your kids to eat a healthy diet if they’re surrounded by candy, chocolate and fizzy drinks. Remember that children are a perceptive bunch and they will quickly pick up on any discrepancy between what you say and what you do. Get your children to help you choose the fruit and vegetables at the supermarket or grocery store. The sense of involvement is important. After all, if your kids have helped to choose the food they’re eating, they will feel more included and are more likely to want to eat it. Also if there’s something they simply won’t eat, no matter what, then getting them involved in the purchase decision will at least save you having to waste food at a later stage. Encourage your children to drink plenty of water. Low fat milk is also good. And fruit juice is healthy but can mount up in the calorie stakes if they take to drinking too much of it. If your children do develop a taste for freshly squeezed orange juice, buy one of the inexpensive hand squeezers and let them squeeze their own juice. This will start a healthy eating habit for your kids and will also slow down the pace they drink the juice – squeezing a liter of juice by hand will take a long time! Eating together as a family more regularly is a good way to bring up healthy-eating kids. The fact that you are all sitting down together for a meal rather than picking a quick snack on the way to somewhere else will make meal times more of an occasion. This will almost certainly cause you to plan what your family is eating more carefully. And as soon as you start thinking about the food that you’re eating, you’ll find that the whole family starts to eat more healthily. Source by Trevor John

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Healthy Food For the Heart – 2 Sensible Choices

One of the most important things to do in order to stay healthy is to take care of your heart and finding healthy food for the heart isn’t all that hard to do. More and more people are coming to the realization that they need to take steps towards finding healthy food for the heart. In today’s world of fast food restaurants, PlayStation 3 and personalized scooters we’re worrying less about our heart health and more about whether or not Paris Hilton is dating some guy named Paris. However, this is a lifestyle that many people are now moving away from as they attempt to find healthy food for the heart in order to lower cholesterol, prevent stroke, lower the chance of heart disease and prevent heart attack. Here are some examples of heart healthy foods that are easy for you to incorporate into your everyday diet. Oatmeal is a healthy food for the heart that many of us grew up on. Your grandmother loved it your mom likes it a lot, and sooner or later you will learn to enjoy a good old-fashioned bowl of oatmeal in order to keep your heart working properly well into old age. Oats are packed full of minerals, vitamins and cholesterol-lowering fiber. Even the FDA has jumped on the oats bandwagon allowing for health claims about this product like its ability to reduce your risk for heart disease to be placed on packaging of products that contain oats. This healthy food for the heart can be served warm and combined with things like strawberries, bananas and blueberries to add fiber, minerals and additional vitamins. You can also utilize oats instead of bread crumbs when making dishes like meatballs, meatloaf or poultry breading. If it was good enough for Popeye’s heart its good enough for yours. The next healthy food for the heart is something that we all grew up watching our cartoon hero ingest in extraordinary quantities while looking out for the well-being of that fair maiden Olive Oil. Spinach with its uniquely dark color brought on by photochemical, minerals and vitamins is a great disease fighting foods that can help you keep your heart healthy and provide many of the daily nutrients that you need. Several ways in which you can utilize spinach include placing it in pasta, pizza, stews and even soup. After defrosting and removing the liquid from a box the spinach it can be chopped and then placed in with cooked dishes. Another use for this healthy food for the heart is as a potato topper. Take steamed spinach, a little olive oil, some lemon, mix with garlic and presto, you have a low-fat potato topper. In your search for healthy food for the heart oatmeal and spinach can be two great additions to any diet. By utilizing these two foods any individual can make significant strides towards their own heart health and in today’s world of fast food, eating a heart healthy diet will help you live longer and avoid disease Source by Greg Meggs

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