Kabul, Afganistan

Day: 22 November 2022

Why Non Organic Food is Bad For Your Health

I’ve been writing about the benefits of eating organic food for months. I’ve focused on why this food is so essential to healthy living and how it makes us sparkle inside and out. One thing I haven’t focused on is why your everyday non-organic food is so BAD for our health. I decided to go online and check out the ingredients that can be found in the food that many people consume on a daily basis. It is more important than you think to read the ingredients that are in your food. Chances are if you can’t read the label, you probably shouldn’t eat it. Here some are examples of popular foods and products along with their surprising ingredients. This is sure to make even the biggest skeptics think more about switching to pure organic food. Remember, you can feel comfortable that the food you are eating is safe when you switch to organic and you don’t need a chemistry course to translate the ingredients! Gum, Instant Coffee, Tea, Pudding, Gelatin Desserts, Non-Dairy Creamers All of the above could contain an additive known as acesulfame K that caused cancer in laboratory animal testing. This is an artificial sweetener that is better known as “Sweet-One” or “Sunette”. Aspartame has also been known to cause mental retardation if the phenylalanine reaches a toxic level in the blood. Bread, Canned/Bottled Drinks, Crackers, Cereal, Butter, Potato Flakes, Shortening, Seasonings, Soup Bases, Candy, Pet Food, Baked Goods and much more… The above contain BHT and BHA, antioxidant chemicals that are used as preservatives in foods containing fats and oils. They keep the fat from oxidizing and turning rancid. These chemicals could contribute to the development of cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer and the state of California have publicly recognized BHA as a likely carcinogen. Meat Sodium Nitrite and Nitrate are found in meat to preserve freshness. Meat containing these chemicals can be a huge contributor to illness when cooked at high temperatures. Nitrate coverts to nitrite that in turn transforms into nitrosamines when it fuses with other compounds under high heat and this can cause cancer. Chips and other snack foods: Jif Peanut Butter, Tide Detergent, Crest Toothpaste, Folgers Coffee Always check the ingredients! Olestra can be found in the foods and products above. Would you jump off a cliff if your friends told you to? Then you should also say no if they offer you anything containing Olestra. This disgusting additive is used as a fat replacement and is terrible for your health. It causes diarrhea because it sticks itself to all of the essential vitamins and minerals in your body that are used to help protect you from cancer, heart disease and blindness. Once it has clung itself to your vital nutrients, it flushes them out. As if this is not enough, Olestra is the gift that keeps on giving since it also inhibits your body’s ability to absorb more vitamins. Talk about getting yourself malnourished over night! Fruits and Vegetables, Juice, Soybean Oil, Sugar, Meat including chicken, beef and pork I can’t stress enough how important it is to buy organic produce to avoid pesticides. Pesticides build up in your system and are toxic. They prevent your body from releasing waste and block the absorption of nutrients. Many say that there may possibly be a link between pesticides and the increased cases of autism that have occurred over last few years. Quorn-Brand and Some Other Meat Substitutes: This product contains mycoprotein, that may sound healthy but it’s not. It is mold. That’s right, mold with added chemicals to make it look and taste like meat! The creators claim that it is a mushroom product but in fact it’s mold that is grown in large tanks of liquid. They glamorize it a little stating that it undergoes “fermentation”. Seriously, who in their right mind would even consider turning this fowl product into “food”, never mind sell it for a profit? If you want real protein without the meat, organic beans are a great way to go. There is a huge variety and many different ways to prepare them. Soda I define soda as liquid trash. Soda may taste interesting, but is it that good that we should risk our lives to drink it? There is hardly anything natural about it and the high-fructose corn syrup rots our teeth. Many brands of soda contain sodium bicarbonate and citric acid (not the natural kind found in fruit, etc.). These chemicals together can change into a carcinogen under heat or light. I think I’ll stick to water. I saved the best for last… Propylene Glycol and Ethylene Glycol can be found in… Cosmetics, Food Seasonings, Lotions, Hand Sanitizer, Hair Color, Massage Oils, Hair Gel and Hairspray, Popcorn, Deodorant, Mouthwash, Medicine, Lubricants, Baby Wipes, Toothpaste, Pet Food, Salad Dressing, Cake Mixes, Soda, Sour Cream, and Fat-Free Ice Cream. These chemicals contribute to the following: Infertility Birth Defects Nerve Degeneration Heart Problems Brain, Liver and Kidney Abnormalities Metabolic Problems Propylene Glycol is also used in anti-freeze, electronic smoke machines, hydraulic fluid and as a solvent for pills (most notably Diazepam). So, why go organic? I think the question here is, why not? Learn more about the value of organic food on these television networks: Food Revolution on ABC Fridays at 9:00 p.m. EST Future Food on Planet Green Tuesdays at 10:00 p.m. EST Source by Frank Bilotta

A Healthy Eating Plan You Can Live With

The problem with most diets is they make us feel deprived. We always think about what we can’t have and what we are missing out on. It doesn’t serve us to try and diet this way. We end up obsessing about food, and become tempted to cheat, which can derail our healthy eating plan and cause us to gain instead of lose extra weight. What we need is a healthy eating plan that leaves us satisfied and happy. Here are some dos and don’ts to help you live with a healthy plan. Don’t Skip Meals Unless you have a healthy eating plan that calls for replacing the calories of a meal with a shake or snack bar, don’t skip meals. Fasting and starving yourself is physically and mentally difficult. If anything, you will want to eat more (of the right kinds of food) not less. Eat foods that are satisfying in small amounts throughout your day, and turn that food into fuel for your daily activities. Your healthy eating plan will allow you to eat until you are full. Do Plan Meals Your healthy eating plan allows for a great deal of variety of tastes, flavors, and textures. Plan your meals ahead and give your healthy plan structure and consistency. We are less likely to cheat if we have structured meals and don’t need to “grab something” to eat on the go. If you are going to be away from home, take a healthy snack along to curb your appetite until you can eat your regular healthy meals. Don’t Buy on Impulse When you go to the supermarket, have your list in hand and stick to it. Your healthy eating plan allows you to get creative and cook fabulous meals that are healthy and good for you. Don’t blow it by grabbing anything that looks good in the store. Chances are you’ll regret it later. Don’t go to the market hungry either as this can escalate cravings and the desire to buy on impulse. Don’t Try To Do It On Your Own It is difficult to stick to a healthy eating plan; but if you try to do it all on your own, you can be setting yourself up for failure before you even begin. Enlist the help of a friend, spouse or partner, or co-worker. This support system will help keep you honest, and give you someone to confide in. If your person is also trying to do the healthy plan, it can be a great way to support each other. Plan menus, shop, eat and work out together. A little friendly competition can’t hurt either. Don’t Weigh Every Day It can be very discouraging to see that scale stay at the same number day after day. Healthy weight loss on a healthy eating plan will have you losing about 1-2 pounds weekly. So, give yourself a break and weigh in once a week or once every two weeks. Celebrate the successes of your healthy eating plan, and reward yourself by sticking to it for another week. Source by Kate Trillin

How to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

What will one get out of healthy living? Just a longer life expectancy, a stronger immunity system, lesser risks to life-threatening diseases-basically a sound mind and body. It is needless to say that choosing this way of life brings about a lot of life-changing benefits. Want to know how to lead a healthy lifestyle? Here are some of the things you need to do: Eat Healthy Food One of the main factors that cause an unhealthy lifestyle is unhealthy foods. Such foods also increase the risk of acquiring heart diseases. Avoid food that is full of unhealthy fat: trans and saturated fat-these will cause one’s cholesterol level to rise and thus increasing the risk of getting cardiac diseases. Sweets, junk food, soft drinks, sugary juices should be taken minimally. It is advisable to increase white meat such as fish, vegetables, fresh fruits and fresh juices in one’s diet. Make a habit of eating whole foods instead of processed ones. Eating healthy is the first step to living healthy. Exercise Healthy living would not be successful without any physical activity. Most people nowadays have no intention of exercising-thinking that it is not worth the time. But exercising to achieve a healthier life does not need to be a full-scale work out. Even small activities such as taking a stroll or walking one’s pet, biking to a nearby destination, doing daily chores such as cleaning the house, gardening and/or mowing the lawn and can make a difference. However, for best results, it is advisable to go to the gym two to three times a week or exercise at least thirty minutes daily. Go offline At least once or twice a week, keep away from technology. Being online keeps people from moving; and sedentariness can be very unhealthy. Instead of playing video games or chatting with people on Facebook, do something fun and active with one’s family or friends. Go outdoors, play ball games, have a backyard barbeque cook out, play catch, go to the spa, take a swim-anything that will be enjoyable and does not involve the use of modern technology. This will not only keep one moving and active, but it will also help one improve his/her social skills. Socializing and enjoying the company of others will improve one’s self-confidence and personality per se. Remember, living healthy does not only include a fit body, but also a sound mind. Get Healthier Habits From the word itself, “lifestyle” means way of life; routine. Living healthy does not stop at eating healthy, working out and socializing-but one must also have healthier habits and/or hobbies as well. It is advisable to avoid drinking alcohol and smoking-if one is unable to rid oneself of the habit completely. Make it a habit to get enough sleep. It is the body’s way to re-charge itself-just like how a battery does. Practice positive thinking and avoid being anxious. How to lead a healthy lifestyle? Simple. Have a sound mind and body. Source by Lisa S Scott

5 Top Tips For Kid-Friendly Healthy Lunch Ideas

Making sure our kids eat healthy food has, rightly so, become a national obsession and I am sure, like most parents, you want healthy lunch ideas to help your kids be motivated, full of energy and reaching their true potential. There are some really outstanding reasons for making sure our kids eat healthy and here are two of the most important. 1. Studies have shown that kids that eat a healthy lunch are more motivated at school and basically do better. This is what we all want for our kids and it is great that we have the power as parents to easily make this happen! 2. Childhood obesity is a growing problem in North America – 5 million youths aged 6-17 are clinically obese. By introducing your kids to healthy eating early on, you are gifting them with a life full of health! Of course there are many other reasons which I won’t list. I assume if you are reading this you are already convinced of the value of providing healthy food and snacks for your family! So what are some tips for helping you provide healthy meal options for your children? 1. Well first of keep healthy snacks lying around the house. Kids are natural grazers and if they do not have healthy snacks available they will sneak in unhealthy options. In fact, I would suggest that you have a cupboard cleanse and try to remove any unhealthy snacks, so the kids can’t see them and you are not tempted to “give in” at a stressed moment. *Some great healthy snack tips are: – Humus and vegetable sticks – Salsa and re-fried beans mixed together to create a great snack or a dip for toasted pita triangles – Toasted pita triangles and low fat ranch dressing – Sweet and crispy vegetable slices like carrot and red pepper All of these are quick, easy to make and keep in the fridge ready for when you need them. 2. Another key healthy eating idea is making food that is easy for your kids to eat AND easy for you to make. You are very likely a busy person, so don’t overstretch yourself, there are many great quick, easy options available. * Easy Tip: Wraps are easy and kids love them. Try adding a few new ingredients this way. My favorites are baked tofu, peanut butter and snow peas wrap and turkey breast, mozzarella, cucumber, avocado and alfalfa sprouts wrap. Both mix ingredients kids will have tried before and new ones. Try swapping peanut butter for cashew or almond butter for variety. 3. Try and prepare as much in advance as you can. It is unlikely that you are able to come home from work and put 100% effort into your kids meals or prepare masses of food first thing in the morning. So, pick a time when you can give it your full attention and prepare a few days in advance. Some things like sauces and dips will keep for a while, so work out when is a good time for you to get your cooking mojo on! When you can cook, is also a great indication of what type of lunches to make. If you really only have free time on the weekends for anything complicated, choose things that will keep and need very little extra preparation first thing in the morning. * Top Tip: Many meals are freezable, which is a good tip for after school meals. Cooking a large casserole, soup or stew and distributing into bags for the following week is always a great idea. For school lunches, try getting your ingredients ready a few days before. Cooked chicken and turkey breast will keep for 3-4 days. Also you can make any dips like ranch dressing 3-4 days in advance. Tuna mayo will also keep, but I suggest that you keep it well sealed as it can make your refrigerator smell! 4. Try to keep your child involved in the healthy eating process whenever possible. If your child hates sweet things (unlikely but sometimes it happens!) do not force them, look at savory lunches instead and vice versa. You want to introduce your kids to new types of food and food experiences and this can be an enjoyable process for everyone. Picking things they really can’t stand will be like hitting a brick wall every meal time. 5. A good tip to get kids started with new food experiences is to use portion control. Mix a small amount of the new food together with something you know they like and slowly introduce a variety of food this way. Just remember it is OK for your little one to not like everything, I know I don’t and I am sure you are the same! For example, if try adding avocado and celery to a tuna mayo salad. Great healthy lunch ideas that your kids will love are easy to find if you follow these rules: Keep it simple, don’t overstretch yourself, get your little one’s input and introduce things slowly. You will be a family full of healthy eaters in no time! Source by JR Holt