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Month: October 2022

The Psychology of Color in Clothes – Wear Red to Signalize Active and Focused Energy

Red is full of emotion. It is the most active of all colors. It is the color of fire. Speed is the energy of fire. Its time is in the absolute present, with no future or past. Likewise, red symbolizes immediateness, vitality, assertiveness and strength. It also means transformation. When red energy dominates, nothing will remain the same. Just as fire will melt and transform tough steel into every form required, red symbolizes action and results. This is the energy we are tapping into when we use if for our clothes. It has its negative side, it can appear overpowering and aggressively dominant. We need to take care when applying red to our dress, and make sure we are on its positive side. There are various shades of primal red: these are orange-red, pure-red and a bluish-red. Not all shades suit everybody. A person who has very dark hair will look exceptional wearing pure or bluish red. Ash blonds and brunettes will also look very good in these hues, but need them to be slightly softened, otherwise they will be too overpowering. Redheads and those with reddish highlights in their hair, or blonds who have golden highlights and probably freckles, will look far better wearing orange red. This matches their own warm complexions. For business, too much red could be over-dominant. However, accents can be very effective for signalizing assertiveness and making you feel more energetic. This can be added by way of ties, belts, scarves, T-shirts or pullovers. Since this hue likes to be all dominant, it looks better when worn with only one other color.Black is its friend, since they are both dominant colors. When wearing these colors, you will express both dominance and focused energy. Dark blue and red are very powerful for business. Blue expresses trust and reliability, red action and performance. Men could wear a red tie with a white, gray, or blue shirt in combination with a suit. Women could wear a pullover or jacket in this vibrant color, or even just as a powerful accent in jewelry or scarves. For all other occasions, you can enjoy the freedom of wearing as much of this color as you feel comfortable with. If you hardly ever wear it, add something to your wardrobe. Try wearing the color at home during your spare time: a red T-shirt or training suit. Wear it consciously, as an energetic reminder to achieve a goal or task on any particular day. Let red keep you on track and make you feel vitally alive. Source by Doreen Richmond

Happiness Psychology – 3 Great Tips to Increase Happiness in Your Life

Happiness has long been a part of human life. However, it is only in recent years when psychologists actually started looking at happiness from an academic standpoint. Now, people want to know how happy we are, what makes us cheerful and how it affects us as a person. That is basically what happiness psychology is all about. Also known as positive psychology, the study of happiness has brought forth a lot of important questions. The study also reflects the growing number of people who would rather find out the key to happiness than to earn a lot of money. Read on to find out more about happiness psychology and what makes us happy. Happiness Psychology Tip # 1: Self-Esteem Issues According to studies, happy people are those who do not have a lot of insecurities. They possess a good amount of self-esteem. They appear to be more confident and generally have a good head on their shoulders. In effect, most unhappy people might have issues that they still need to deal with. Perhaps this is the time to confront said insecurities and finally have a chance at happiness. If you feel like something is missing from your life, it could be that you’re not completely whole in your personality yet. Take a good look at yourself and see what areas you need to work on. Hopefully, this will help you become happier. Happiness Psychology Tip # 2: New Experiences Happy people tend to seek out new and exciting experiences. They don’t like to be bored for long and so gravitate towards whatever’s out there. If you want to make yourself happier, why don’t you try taking this path? People tend to adapt quickly to their environment. While an admirable skill, it does have the tendency to make everything a routine. We start taking things for granted and find ourselves becoming unhappy in the process. Seek out new things and start engaging with people, and you’ll find your spirits lifting up! Happiness Psychology Tip # 3: Meditation Meditation can indeed boost happiness. This practice actually increases the flow of positive emotions in our system and enhances blissfulness and satisfaction. It’s all about finding your inner peace and channeling that same contentment out into the world. Try to meditate at least ten minutes before you start your day and you’ll find it easier to slide into a good mood. Happiness psychology need not be more complicated than it really is. Sometimes, you just have to allow yourself to be happy. Source by Michael Lee

How to Use Female Psychology to Get My Ex Girlfriend Back in My Life

Often when men try to get an ex girlfriend back in their life, they go about it the wrong way. Either they do what they think will work based on their own male psychology, or they don’t even think, but just act. When you are going through the pain of a break up, it is easy to find yourself acting out of desperation rather than logically thinking through each move. If it is important to you to get her back, then you need to understand a little bit about how the female mind works and then act accordingly. What is it that makes a woman attracted to a man? Why might she be attracted to you one day and the next lose interest? What can you do to renew her attraction to you and get her back in your life? First you must understand that men and women are very different in what attracts them. Have you ever seen a beautiful woman on the arm of a less than attractive man and wonder how he ever got to be with her? The answer is simple. While men are mostly attracted by physical appearance, women are more attracted by men’s behavior. This is fortunate for you because although you can’t very easily change your appearance, it is possible for you to change your actions. So, what behaviors are women attracted to and what behaviors will get them interested in you again after a break up? There are behaviors that are turn offs and behaviors that are turn-ons. To get her back you need to stop any turn off behaviors you may be doing and start some turn on behaviors. The first turn off behavior is actually a common progression in many relationships. In a new relationship, guys usually show off a bit, act very confident and competent. After a relationship moves past the initial stage, both partners become more comfortable and this can lead to a change in behavior. Men often stop acting as cool and confident and may even begin to show insecurity or indifference to the relationship. This is a turn off to women and must be stopped. Instead show enthusiasm for life and be confident again. Be careful not to overdo this because too big of an ego and false confidence are turn-offs for women. The next negative behavior is pushing your ex to get back with you. This can get annoying to the woman, especially if she’s already told you it’s over and you keep asking her to give you another chance. Guys sometimes think that women are “romantic” so declaring your love for them will help win her back. Unless she has convinced herself that she wants you back too, this will not work; it will only push her farther away. What you have to do is convince her that she does want you back, but not by arguing and persuading. You need to convince her that she wants you back by your actions. She has to come to the conclusion on her own that she wants you back. And she’s only going to do that if you change your behavior. This brings us to the turn on behaviors. The first is to give her some space. It may be difficult, because it may feel that by giving her space you are giving her the opportunity to meet someone else and forget about you. Be honest with yourself: by not giving her space she will feel more driven to get away from you and meet other people. By giving her space you are taking the pressure off her and allowing her some freedom. This is OK. Next, you need to focus on your own life. Get interested in other things, go out and spend time with your friends. Get busy enjoying your life. Go out with other girls if you like. It is a good thing to introduce a little bit of jealousy and curiosity at this point. If she calls, don’t rush to answer. Let it ring or go to voice mail and call her back the next day. Tell her that you’ve been busy and didn’t have a chance to get back to her the day before. This will show her that you are engaging in life and are not spending your days mourning your old relationship. Through all this it is important to maintain a friendly relationship with your ex. Be kind to her. Kindness is one of the behaviors women are most attracted too. Especially after a breakup, treating her with kindness and respect will show your character. Plus, if you are nice to her it will show her that you still care. To get your ex girlfriend back in your life, you need to understand what behaviors women find attractive and recognize things you are doing that may be a turn off for her. Don’t act complacent or insecure and definitely don’t push her to get back with you. Stay friends with her and be kind to her; kindness and chivalry go a long way. You also need to show her that you are still your own person with your own interests. Persevere. By using female psychology, it is possible to get your ex girlfriend back in your life. Source by Ruthie Dawe

What Next – Psychology As A Career

When after six long hard years I finished my Open University degree in psychology I thought at last I can be a psychologist and do exciting things. Well that is what I thought anyway. As it happened at the time my UK businesses were going down the river (mainly thanks to the Thatcher incompetence years) and the future looked pretty bleak. I had while doing the O.U. degree took some other short courses in Stress Management and psychotherapy. So I opened a little stress clinic for private clients. This was OK too but not very fulfilling. At the same time for several years I taught A-Level psychology at college’s through-out the Midlands. (During all this time I studied for my MSC and PhD in Denmark.) So I asked myself a serious question – why not go overseas and work -get out of sinking Britain for a while. Since those days I worked in research in South America (Ecuador), Borneo, with orang-utans, a lecture in Russia to Moscow University, talks in Poland, and many other adventures. One day in between all this back in England I applied for a post in China at a University to teach Cultural Studies and School Psychology, low and behold they wanted me. That was four years ago now. I have since moved to another University in Wuhan, Central China and taught five courses in psychology there. In the last year I came to Shanghai, did a little English teaching to start with but then met a nice woman who was a Chinese psychologist and she introduced me to my present post. I now work for a large Chinese company as their foreign expert in psychology and counseling. I train new counselors towards their license and work as the Clinical Director of the EAP department. (Employment Assistance Program). Here we provide counseling to companies staff and management. My job is to control the marketing and the quality of service by supervising the counselors on staff. I am a true working psychologist and while I enjoyed teaching I am more interested in actually dealing with people everyday and have over the years counseled many hundred clients myself. I still work on research and publish my papers regularly – so far this year twelve, most published world-wide. When I look back to the years of hard-work at the O.U. and the countless papers I thank heaven I did it. My degree gained late in my 30’s released me to a new life and a new adventure everyday. A psychology degree prepares you for more than you realise, working with animals (comparative psychology) working with Human Resources (psychometrics & personality) working with clients (abnormal & health psychology) working in Social research (social psychology) and many many other areas. Something I will never regret. Source by Stephen F. Myler

Psychology of Persuasion – Instant Persuasion Using Trends and Passions

It’s easy to influence people if you know how to apply the psychology of persuasion. In this article, I’ll show you some instant persuasion strategies to persuade prospects to become buyers – utilizing current trends and their passions. Ready to use the power and psychology of persuasion to sell more products and get what you want from others? Read on… Instant Persuasion Using Trends If you can associate your product with the hottest trend, then you’re bound to achieve great success. When a well-known international Olympic event takes place, you will notice sponsors associating their product with the occasion. You’ll see them paying handsomely to have the right to claim that their product is the “official shoes” or “official drink” of that Olympic event. This psychology of persuasion is effective because of the law of association. You associate your product with something that’s currently hot or in-demand. You don’t have to pay an expensive price to associate yourself with the trends though. You can simply put information about the trend in your sales message that associates it with the product. For example, you can say something like: “If Mr. ABC mentors you, you’re on your way towards becoming the Harry Potter of life coaching.” Associate yourself, your company, your product or service with the current hottest trends. Some websites will notify you when new trends or stories emerge. They include: news.google.com news.yahoo.com msnbc.com cnn.com cnet.com In order to save time, you may subscribe to their RSS feeds so you may be alerted automatically when buzz-worthy stories arrive. Instant Persuasion Using Passions Your friend loves magic, and you’re selling a course about how to earn money on the internet. You can incorporate the 2 themes together so your material can be associated with their passion. You can say something like “This Houdini internet marketing course allows you to magically escape the rat race by teaching you step-by-step how to earn big profits online at the shortest time.” Again, this persuasion technique associates your product with your prospect’s passion. It’s important to build rapport with him first, and of course, know his values so you’ll have a clue on what his passions are. To know his values, you can ask questions like: “What’s most important to you about (attending this event, buying this course, etc.)” “What do you value in a (business, car, etc.)?” Now that you know how to apply the psychology of persuasion using trends and passions, how will you use this knowledge to succeed in your ventures? Here’s a tool you can use to predict the potential popularity and origin of a trend: http://www.google.com/trends Source by Michael Lee

Interesting Facts About Ragdoll Cat Psychology

Ragdolls are perfect indoor cats; but that is it – they are not the type to chase mice or other stuff a regular cat should do. This doesn’t mean however they don’t like to smell the fresh air from time to time; just be careful not to leave them unsupervised as outside their typical environment are pretty helpless – they can get lost, can be stolen easily (they really love strangers, especially the smelly ones), get hit by a car or worse, scare the crap out of your dog. They learn very fast what should and shouldn’t do; this doesn’t mean however they are always doing what they should – they know it’s wrong but keep on doing it. Ragdoll cats can easily be accustomed to travel or wear a collar, especially if thought from a young age. Ragdolls are maybe the most sociable cats. They are very attached to their owner and people in general and usually enjoy the company of other cats. Of course, there are exceptions (my cat being one of them – she really hates all non human species). As true family cats Ragdolls enjoy being with kids, just not the kind that tortures them continuously Young Ragdoll kittens are usually quite active while older ones are rather well-tempered, calm partners. Often Ragdolls like to fetch tossed toys, others prefer a combination of a game of hide and seek and tag with you. They are always happy when you spend some time playing with them. Ragdolls often answer in their soft low voice when called. Their sounds are very expressive and sometimes you think they answer you back. If you need a lovable and ever trusting pet, then Ragdoll cat is definitely a good choice. They are the perfect combination between a dog, a cat, and maybe the small baby you don’t yet have. Source by Iulian His

Design Psychology: Fabrics

From a riot of color in bold chintzes to the gentle rustle of taffeta, fabrics influence our mental attitude in many subtle and not so subtle ways. Playful patterns make us smile, while mixing prints and solids can present a paradox of dynamic energy. No matter which effect you’re looking for, you’ll want to choose the right fabric colors, patterns, and textures to reflect your interior design plan. Emotional Factors Fabrics make impressions on all of our senses. For instance, tactile pleasure is strongly reinforced by the softness of fabrics. The touch of a fabric suggests wealth (silk), formality (damask), or informality (burlap). Our hearing is enhanced in rooms with an abundance of noise-absorbing fabrics. The colors and textures of fabric affect our sight, and some fabrics also influence our sense of smell, offering scents that may be pleasurable, cooling, or annoying. Fabric colors even modify our perceived sense of taste. Fiber and Texture Fiber is what gives substance and texture to fabric, and may include such things as reeds, grasses, animal hair, or even plant seeds. When shopping for any type of woven fabric, look for a high thread count for softness and durability. Wool is the environmentally-favored choice for carpeting. It’s natural, renewable, fire and soil resistant, and long-wearing. For furniture upholstery and window coverings, cotton is the natural fabric of choice. Fabrics also reinforce the degree of formality in a room. Rough-textured fabrics say “picnics,” while soft textures whisper “formal dinners.” Cotton damask, toile (sheer linen and silk cloth), chintz (which is never out of style, just out of popularity from time to time), and soft chenille speak of formal, traditional spaces. Regardless of the look and feel you’re seeking for your home, the careful use of fabric textures, colors, and patterns should be a large part of your overall design plan. Copyright c. 2014 Jeanette J. Fisher. All Rights Reserved. Source by Jeanette Joy Fisher

Norton Psychology Ebook Reader

The Norton psychology reader is a popular book that has Gary Marcus as its editor. The book has become a bestseller of sort. Now you must be wondering what does the reader has that makes it so special. For anyone who wants to understand about the mind and its behavior, the “Norton Psychology Reader” is a perfect place to start. The book informs the readers about the biological basis of the emotion as well as the psychological basis of the culture that ranges from the nurture offered to a person as well as the nature of intelligence. The book includes selection of some of the best works done by some of the leading scientists in the area who have a knack for writing, like Joseph Ledoux, Steven Pinker, Oliver Sacks, Robert Sapolsky and Antonio Damasio. The book also features the work of some top-notch journalists who have an uncanny knowledge of psychology, like Natalic Angier, Sylvia Nasar and Daniel Goleman. Basically the book offers the best views on the subject of psychology. The book has been edited by Gary Marcus, the noted psychologist from the New York University. It is an unparalleled guided tour through human mind using the modern scientific techniques and tool. The book is a perfect companion to an introduction to psychology course which is filled with insights offered to a layman reader in an easily accessible manner. The book is now available in the form of an e-book, which can easily be downloaded from the internet. You can get this eBook directly from the publisher by paying its cost or you can download it free of cost from the various websites that offer a free download of the Norton psychology ebook. If you are someone who is really interested in psychology, you should definitely read the norton psychology eBook or the printed edition of the Norton psychology reader. Source by Amit Verma

Getting Him to Love You – Male Psychology 101

Do you find getting him to love you difficult? Do you ever wonder what you’re doing wrong? Have you given up finding that perfect man? Well, don’t give up just yet. There are still a few things you might not know about love, men and relationships. Some men have a hard time recognizing the difference between true love and animal lust. They see a pretty face, a sexy body and think they’re in love when, in truth, their sex drive has simply taken over. Once that sexual impulse has been satisfied, they move on. So how can you jump that sexual hurdle and get to the real heart of the matter? Well, if love automatically followed lust, it would be a simple matter of slipping on that sexy dress, pouting your sultry lips and bagging both heart and libido in one svelte swing of your hips. But, alas, the heart is a tad more complicated than that. So start by discovering his soft spots. Once you’ve sparked that initial attraction, be receptive as he opens up and gives you a glimpse of the man he is. Be supportive, interested and curious about what makes him get up in the morning, what makes him happy, and what grates his nerves. Be careful of excessive critical judgments or negative comments. While you may have a strong opinion about a particular portion of his life, don’t attack or condemn it. Though you may only be trying to show your intellect or strength, more likely than not, you’ll only succeed in closing him off. If he senses you’ll criticize him every time he admits a fault or weakness, he’ll walk away from the date feeling diminished and frustrated. Slow down, slow down and slow down. Just because you may have set a particular timeline for meeting, dating and marrying the man of your dreams doesn’t mean he’s working within that same mindset. Give him time, give him space and give him the chance to realize on his own how great his life is when you’re around. Of course this can be difficult when you really want to be with him all the time and your every thought revolves around him, but the more you forcefully pull him to you, the more you’ll end up pushing him away. The whole “where is this relationship going?” is a difficult question to bring up. Not only is it putting pressure on him, but you may not be happy should he give you an honest answer. So back off just a bit and let the love take care of itself. If you play it right, getting him to love you will be easy and he’ll be the one pushing for a more serious relationship. Source by Tina L. Jones

Decode Female Psychology – How To Guess What’s On Her Mind

Is female psychology a mystery to you? Are you interested in understanding the games they play and why? Do you wish you knew how the female mind worked? If you just want to decode female psychology so you can better interpret her meanings, I’m here to help. It is often said that men and women come from two different places, Mars and Venus, the land and the sea, the earth and the moon, whichever you prefer, most agree that the two sexes are very different in just about every way. Some of the major differences, aside from the obvious physical ones, include actions, words, and reasoning. Women tend to be more emotional and can take even small things very personal. Style, flirtation, and games When she wears sexy clothes she really wants you to check her out and make comments but has to pretend she doesn’t. I like to call this a ‘no win situation.’ If you don’t look or say anything she will be genuinely upset and if you do she gets upset too. The comments make her feel good about herself and let her know you think she’s hot but she can’t let on that she appreciates it or she will seem conceited. The way to handle this situation is to definitely take notice, at least the anger she displays is only for show. The latter has far longer lasting repercussions. Flirting can have the same affect. Go ahead and flirt with her whether she reciprocates or not, I promise she really does appreciate it. One of the oldest and best tricks in a woman’s arsenal is playing hard to get. And most men will admit a little chase is always fun. She needs to feel like she’s in control so men are typically always the ones to approach women. Keeping you at arm’s length Another move women tend to make to show they’re in charge is dictating when and what you do. No in a straight-forward way but in a more subtle and cunning way. Things like breaking dates at the last minute and taking an extra hour to get ready just so you have to wait are all things women do to keep in control of the relationship. Flirting with other men is another way women feel like they are making sure you know exactly what you’ve got. Just play along and show some appreciation and even a little jealousy from time to time, it will go a long way to keeping her happy. I know this may all seem a little silly to you but, again, I reiterate, men and women are VERY different. What makes her happy may not even seem sane to you but it’s just the way it is. If you want, or need, to learn more about how to approach women and decipher what they are actually saying, I have just the thing. Source by Alyssa Curtis