Terrorism – The Murderer’s Psychology

Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

After continuing Carl Jung’s research in the unknown region of the psychic sphere, I discovered that the unconscious that produces dreams is wise and saintly, while there is a wild conscience in the human psychic sphere that causes craziness to the human conscience.

Jung didn’t see everything that I saw because I trusted the wise unconscious, whereas he was afraid of it. He believed that the unconscious could bring craziness to the human conscience, besides trying to help it become completely developed. His conclusion was contradictory but he was afraid to continue looking for answers, so he decided to stop, which was a very wise solution for him, with the knowledge he possessed in his time.

I could continue his research after exactly following his steps and I can therefore explain to the scientific world about the psychology of the murderer, the crazy terrorist who tortures and kills his victims.

The murderer is completely dominated by the wild side of his psychic sphere, which means that he or she is a wild, cruel and evil animal without feelings. This person feels pleasure in terror and finds calmness in despair. This nature is demoniac: this person is very dangerous and violent.

However, these people are very good actors and pretend that they are humans…

This is another point the psychologists missed out for so many years and this is why they could not understand the unique possible cure for schizophrenia and psychosis. The crazy murderer is a very good actor! This person is a hypocrite without dignity who works like a common human being in many points, to reveal his or her evil nature in only a few moments and only to a few people: to the victims.

The actor has to lose one’s mask in order to be cured from craziness and stop being a murderer, but one never agrees to do so. This is a very painful surgical operation in the psychic sphere.

Therefore, we must pay attention to any sign of craziness that may appear in our behaviour and treat our psyche before it is too late. We must pay attention to every point of everyone’s behaviour if we wish to understand who he or she really is at all times.

The point for humanity that is afraid of terrorism and doesn’t know how to give an end to its existence is psychotherapy for everyone from the first days of their lives. In the beginning of their adolescence, everyone should learn how to interpret their dreams with the correct scientific method and thus prevent depression, craziness and suicidal tendencies before they have the chance to appear in their human conscience.

Terrorists can be cured, but their psychotherapy is very long and painful, especially because they never cooperate with their doctor. Our world can be corrected and reconstructed after the terrorist’s destruction, but the terror victims cannot recuperate their self-confidence after suffering a terrorist attack.

We must put an end to terror and violence forever by teaching and curing the new generations before the craziness inherent in their psychic sphere has the chance to invade the conscious part.

After the invasion and destruction of the human conscience, there is only a monster without feelings left in place of the human being. Without a human conscience, the human being is a crazy terrorist.

If we wish to put an end to terrorism forever, we have to teach the truth to our children and help them build a better world in the future. Today, we cannot simply eliminate terror from our world and we never will if we are not serious.

As urgent actions are required to put an end to the continuation of the terrible situation of humanity that is constantly threatened by terrorism, we must adopt a very serious attitude and completely transform the way our world functions. We must also provide the basic conditions of life to everyone and teach them how to fight craziness; otherwise, the same routine will occur continuously and we will never put an end to our despair.

We must combat terrorism before it appears and also while it is governing our world, with the unconscious’ wisdom and with our work.

Source by Christina Sponias

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