Have you ever thought about what causes a guy to fall in love? Do you wonder why guys never fall in love with you? Would you like to know how to make a guy fall in love with you? Are you ready to take control of your love life? The secret to winning a man’s heart is understanding how men think about love. This introduction to male psychology will help explain what causes a guy to fall in love so you can start working towards making a guy fall in love with you!
1) Friendship lies at the heart of every lasting relationship. Love isn’t simply about physical attraction. Love really isn’t about having something in common with a guy or connecting over common interests either. True love is about being so comfortable with another person that you’re able to be yourself with them. True love is about being able to share your own feelings and about being able to understand his. True love is about appreciating the company of another person under any circumstance, in times of happiness or sorrow, in times of ease or strife. For a man, true love is all about intimate friendship, and so the best way to make a guy fall in love with you is to learn how to be his friend.
2) All men want to fall in love with a woman they admire and respect. We’re not talking about beauty or appearance here, we’re talking about ambitions. Guys are naturally ambitious creatures. No man wants to be insignificant. They are driven towards accomplishment, towards achievement, towards success. Men want to win every game they play, and no game is more important for a man than the game of life.
Consequentially, men tend fall in love with women who have a passion for success. This doesn’t have to be material success. Your ambition could manifest itself as a desire to raise a wonderful family or a desire to make the most out of life. If you take your own ambitions seriously, a man will draw inspiration from you, and the deep level of admiration associated with inspiration is one of those things that causes a guy to fall in love.
3) Stand behind your principles. Defend what you believe. Although your submission may turn a man on, only respect can cause a guy to fall in love. If you are strong as a woman, men will draw strength from your strength, and the feelings of empowerment you give them will endear you to them more than anything else you can offer. They won’t just look up to your or think of you as their equal, they will think of you as an ideal to aspire to, as someone they need to prove themselves worthy of. It’s a need to be a better man that really causes a man to fall in love, and if you can inspire him toward greatness by setting an example of greatness, you can win his heart forever.
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