September 2022

Attract Health and Well Being Rune Yoga Stadhagaldr

Rune – Yoga – Stadhagaldr Stadhagaldr is a magical system of Runic Postures. Gestures and Postures are used in every Magical practice. The Aim of Stadhagaldr, runic postures is to allow you to control your body through posture. You can control your thoughts through Song, control of breath and emotions. Also raising consciousness and becoming more aware of your self and the world around you. The pioneers of Stadhagaldr are the early 20th Century Runemasters, F.B. Marby, S.A. Krummer, and Karl Spiesberger. They developed a system of Runic Yoga that harnessed the streams of power of the Universe, which is now referred to as the Quantum Ocean or Mind of God. Marby spoke of the Quantum Ocean when he said, “The inner space of the Earth is a vast, but contained, zone of tranquil space that radiates energy. The material Earth’s space is the Physical matter of the planet.” The Quantum Ocean is an infinite ocean of intelligent, thinking energy where everything exists in the form of energy. Our physical Earth is one of the manifestations of an energy pattern within the Quantum Ocean. The Rune Magician, Sorcerer and Wizard knows how to receive and send patterns of energy from the Quantum Ocean to any place on Earth regardless of DISTANCE. They become antennas for the reception and broadcast of Runic Energies. They can draw into themselves certain Runic forces or combination of forces by using proper Runic postures and Runic sounds. By becoming aware of these Runic forces the Rune Magician, Wizard and Sorcerer can guide them consciously and help with the evolution of the their ancestral soul. The Runes are Universal Creative Energies and their first effect is on the transformation and healing of the individual practicing Rune Yoga, Stadhagaldr. Guido Von List has presented us with an Armanen set of Runic Yoga exercises. They are very powerful and effective because they only use 18 Runes. It is very difficult to find good information on Guido Von List’s Runic Yoga exercises. The Knights of Runes is a good source for this information. Email me for free runes newsletter. Source by Ellis Peterson

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Annual Forecast & Feng Shui Remedies for 2008 – Yang Brown Earth Rat Year – Snake Sign

If you were born in the Year of Snake or Serpent (1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001) as per Chinese Astrology Horoscopes, know your Destiny in 2008 in your Career/Business, Health, Wealth, Harmony, Love and Studies. Be aware of your strengths and be warned of the negative energies that you may have to face, to plan your strategies well ahead. Get to know the Feng Shui Enhancers and Cures that can help you, too. Annual Forecast & Feng Shui Remedies for 2007 : Year of Yin Red Fire Pig – Snake Sign (Chinese Zodiac) The Chinese Zodiac Astrology is ancient, interesting, accurate and loved by millions across the world. The Chinese Zodiac is based on cyclic concept of time : a cycle of 12 years, repeated again and again. The 12 Years are associated with 12 Celestial Animals : Rat (or Mouse on Mongoose), Ox (or Buffalo or Bull or Cow), Tiger, Rabbit (or Hare or Cat), Dragon, Snake (or Serpent), Horse, Goat (or Sheep or Ram), Monkey, Rooster (or Hen or Cock or Chicken or Phoenix), Dog and Pig (or Boar or Hog). The animal names occasionally differ with the Oriental Country they originate. The Chinese Yearly Horoscopes are basically built around these 12 Animal Signs. Your Chinese Astrological Zodiac Animal Sign is directly based on the Chinese Lunar Year of Birth that you were born. The Chinese New Year is mobile and could start anywhere between 21st January and 20th February, depending upon the year. If your Date of Birth falls into any of the following Chinese Lunar Years, then, because you are born in the Year of the Snake (or Serpent), you are symbolically identified by your Celestial Animal, the “Snake (or Serpent)” : From 04 Feb 1905 to 24 Jan 1906 From 23 Jan 1917 to 10 Feb 1918 From 10 Feb 1929 to 29 Jan 1930 From 27 Jan 1941 to 14 Feb 1942 From 14 Feb 1953 to 02 Feb 1954 From 02 Feb 1965 to 20 Jan 1966 From 18 Feb 1977 to 06 Feb 1978 From 06 Feb 1989 to 26 Jan 1990 From 24 Jan 2001 to 11 Feb 2002 In Chinese Hsia Calender, 2008 is the 4705th year and significantly, is also the fifth year of the New Feng Shui Land Luck Cyclic Period 8. The forthcoming new Chinese Lunar Year is from 7th February 2008 to 25th February 2009. The next Chinese New Year, Ji Chow, the Yin Brown Earth Ox will begin on 26th January 2009. Enjoy the Annual Forecasts and learn about the suggested Feng Shui & Crystal Remedies that you may need for the coming “New Lunar Year 2008 : Wu Zi, Year of Yang Brown Earth Rat” : CAREER A good year with a lot of professional luck. The wage earners will earn promotion and pay raise and gain influence with helpful people surrounding them. Some of you will make a career switch or a company change successfully. Some others will launch their own business venture with the help of willing mentors. There will be excellent progress either ways but your health and bad interpersonal equations will be the stumbling blocks. Avoid arrogance and be humble. There will be many a green-eyed person waiting to back-stab you. Take all your colleagues and subordinates along with you and maintain the team spirit always. Display the statues of Monkey on Elephant or Money Frog on Elephant along with the Great KuanKung. Carry three of the Rising Dragon Coins with you. The entrepreneurs will flourish in a feverish pace and initiate many expansion plans. To expand and/or diversify, seek partnership. Avoid disagreement with partners. Negotiation and not confrontation should be your motto. Reward your loyal employees. Insulate yourself from internal politics. Make efforts to build a harmonious inner office structure. Stay away from scandals. Install a Brass Five Element Pagoda Tower to keep away disputes and disharmony from spoiling your opportunities. MONEY Abundant wealth luck this year, some from unexpected sources. Right time for making good investments – both short term and long term. When you are investing for the long term and in large values, seek the advice of competent professionals. To increase your luck for right investments, install the statue of Frogs Trio or Frogs Duo. Windfall luck exists, but unstable. If you trade regularly in the stock markets, carry a set of 3 Nanbu Windfall Luck Coins with you. Avoid being a spendthrift or your impulsive buys will land you in a loss like situation. Chances of financial loss due to theft is high. Strengthen the security measures and install a Brass Five Element Pagoda. Many of you will lose money because of your friends. Do not indemnify anybody on any loan this year. You are also unlikely to recover any money lent out. HEALTH Overload of work will lead to depletion of vital reserves which in turn damages your physical and mental health. Bad moods and depressions will frequent you. Rest and relaxation should be given importance. Drive slowly and safely. Accidents leading to fractures may occur. While the males should watch out for problems in nervous and respiratory systems, the females should be alert against uterine and gynecological diseases. Cut out raw, cold and canned food. Avoid adventurous sports like mountain climbing, speed boating, water skiing, scuba diving or parachuting. Install a Brass Five Element Pagoda Tower at home and take a set of 3 Sau Health Coins always with you. Some of you might feel eerie or surreal energies surrounding you. If the feeling persists for longer periods, replenish your spiritual energy and install the exclusive Sacred Geometry Yantra for shielding you from negative entities. LOVE An excellent year for the weddings bells to ring. Singles will get good proposals – choose with care and settle down. Take care of your health during the time of marriage. The married will enjoy the conjugal bliss. Be wary of third party intrusions and nip any extra marital affairs in the

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Is Technology Causing Your Child’s Obesity?

My regular readers know I grew up in the 70’s and we did not have game-boys and DS’s, let alone iPhones, Wii’s or X-Box gaming systems. We played outside and did whatever we could to play for “five more minutes” when mom called us in for supper. We must ask ourselves, in today’s society, are video games making kids fat? Let’s explore this topic. There are three types of kids: 1. Those focused on sports and not really interested in video gaming. 2. Those focused on sports who spend some of their downtime gaming. 3. Those without an interest in sports who spend all of their free time gaming, to the point where they don’t do anything else. To clarify, by the term “sports” we are including traditional non-required sports (baseball, football, volleyball, soccer, etc), cheer, dance, gymnastics, swimming, cycling, running, weight lifting and any other team or solo program that provides exercise for a period of time of 30 minutes or more, daily or at least three times a week. This does not include mandated classes such as gym or PE class. So what is the connection between video gaming and obesity in children? A typical child spends eight hours a day in a classroom. Perhaps thirty minutes in gym class. Outside of that thirty minutes, the only time a child has to be active and exercise his or her body is after school hours or on the weekends. If they are not involved in an activity that allows them to move their body, they become very sedentary and as time passes, the weight gain begins. The dietary habits of children are not the best. We all know that. Chicken nuggets, burgers, french fries, ice cream, mac and cheese, pop tarts and juice boxes or sodas are the main staples of the childhood diet plan. Unless of course, your parents are focused on health and wellness and then the diet plan shifts to a healthier one, which will usually, also include exercise and activity. If a child is spending the majority of their time sitting, either in school or at home in front of a TV or gaming console, plus eating foods heavy in starches and sugars, how is he or she expected to have a healthy body? It’s just not feasibly possible. Add to that the issues we experience in our society with ADD and ADHD. Perhaps those issues are related to inactivity and poor diets? We didn’t have ADD and ADHD in the 70’s. Kids burnt off excess energy and ate healthier meals. Fast food was a treat, not an everyday occurrence. Obesity and focus issues were not as prevalent as they are today. All of this is occurring simply because people are not taking personal responsibility for themselves and for passing these lessons onto the next generation honey-boo-boo. The great thing about all of this is that we can change things easily. We get to CHOOSE how we treat our body. Parents who complain about their child not eating anything but fast food or crap need to take a step back and look at this from an objective stance instead of as a victim. I have yet to see a child get in a car, go to a fast food restaurant and buy themselves a happy meal. The parents have taught them about this food, taught them to eat poorly and pushed them off to be occupied by video games instead of engaging with their child and forming a bond that will allow them to grow and expand to become a beneficial member of society. Yes, I said it. I believe that kids who are not taught about self-respect and personal responsibility have a higher chance of being obese and in victim mode as adults. They become a drain on society through health care programs, social aid programs and even disability payments that would be unnecessary if they choose to treat their body as a temple instead of as a trash bin. The cycle begins in childhood. Advances into the teenage years and on to adulthood. As parents, we are totally responsible for not only teaching our children the value of being self-respectful and fueling our body and mind with healthy nutrient dense food and thoughts, but showing them the value by each of us LEADING by example with our own mind and body. The next time your child asks to eat their fast food in front of the video game console, take a moment and step back to evaluate the situation. Ask yourself how you can make a different choice. A choice that will impact your child’s life immediately, for decades to come and even on into future generations. Be self-responsible. Be self-loving. Be self-respectful. Make a difference. Choose to live differently. Choose to teach those around you by leading by example. Be happy! Live life to the fullest! You deserve to have it all! Source by Caryn Gottlieb FitzGerald

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Secrets to Generate Profitable Business Ideas

Business if done carefully may provide you with the riches that you are dreaming of, but if you are careless about it, then you might fall into debt. Therefore, it is very important to find business ideas to increase your income. It can be a difficult process in sorting out the perfect ideas for your business, but with some efforts and spending time on the research, you may actually come up with ideas that will suit your business. Putting yourself as a customer will make you understand the needs of the people, and therefore, will provide you with better ideas for the growth of your business. One of the most important ways to find business ideas is, understanding the customer. Customers are the main source of your business, as without them, there will be no business. Your business idea should satisfy the desire of the customer and not what you think might be important for the customers. Try to find out the need or desire of the customers. Often, the owners have a tendency to act according to their ideas, and later on, they find that their customers don’t want the products that they are offering. So spend some time in understanding your consumers, their needs or desires, and plan accordingly. To develop a perfect business idea, passion is very important. Passion here is not being obsessed about your products. Passion means showing interest in what you are doing. If you don’t have passion in what you are doing, something which doesn’t motivate you to work, then it will be very difficult to give your time and energy to make your business successful. It is also very important to understand the type of competition you are in, to develop a perfect business idea. If you don’t have any idea about the competition, then your competitors may take the advantage. You will be investing more in the competition of pricing, instead of finding plans to grow your business. By knowing your competitors, you will be able to spend quality time in developing plans for your business. Knowing yourself is the most important factor in developing plans for your business. You should know your strengths and weakness. You should be willing to give what it takes to achieve success. Many businessmen due to their unwillingness to spend their time, energy and money have failed in developing plans for the growth of their business, and thus, have failed in their business too. Try to avoid distraction that may cause hindrance like your personal financial situation and you will be able to focus on developing plans for the growth of your business and earn more income. Source by Ben Prince

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Discovering Your Idea of Wealth

Usually, when people think of being wealthy, they think of money. They would love to win the lottery and have more money than they ever dreamed. For them this would be wealth… or they think it would be. Wealth and prosperity mean different things to different people. If you want to acquire wealth you need to know what it means to you. Different Ways to be Wealthy I remember reading an article years ago about how a program to encourage people to have smaller families failed in India. Whoever was in charge of encouraging people to have smaller families had a poster developed. There were two pictures. One picture was a family with many children living in what some would call a poor house with just the necessities. The other was a family with two children and many luxuries. You might think this was a great way to portray the positive effects of a smaller family. The difference was in the values of the people who viewed the poster. Instead of saying, “Look what we can have if we only have two children,” the response was, “Look at that poor family with only two children.” What You Need to Feel Wealthy Whether or not you feel wealthy depends upon your personal values. Some people want a large family. Others desire to help the world through their actions. Still others want the security of a job that brings in a great deal of money. There are those who feel wealthy as long as they have the freedom to do what they most want in life. I know a man in his 50s whose deepest desire, ever since he first road a surfboard as a young teenager, was to follow the biggest waves across the planet. He also loved to teach. Being a teacher in a high school was ideal for him. He saved his money all year long and spent his summer’s surfing in various parts of the world. That is wealth for him. Huge lottery winners often say that winning was the worst thing that happened to them. All that money did not give them what they most wanted. The key is knowing what it is you most desire. What will you have that let’s you know you have achieved true wealth for you. It isn’t usually money. It’s what money can buy… providing for yourself and your family, going surfing every summer until you can’t keep your balance on the board, home, cars… security. Money may be the vehicle to what you really want. It also may be an impediment. Discover your deepest desires and how to achieve them and you will have found true wealth. Source by Cathy Chapman, Ph.D.

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Women – How To Attract Norse Valkyries To Protect Home and Children

Women attract Valkyriesn. This website is about using the runes, which are Universal Creative Energies to create health, wealth, love and protection. This particular article is about Protection. Protection that Valkyries provide through the powerful ALGIZ RUNE. We all have the desire for increase. Odin the All Father wants us to have increase. The Universe wants us to have increase. We all would like more food, clothes, better shelter, luxery, beauty, love, knowledge, pleasure, more life. The Runes can provide these. For these difficult politically correct, multi-cultural society times what is most important is PROTECTION. You need Valkyries to protect your home, car, children and possessions. Freya is the Queen of the Valkyries. She is the Norse Goddess of love, fertility, beauty, magic and battles. Freya The Valkyrie is blond, blue-eyed and beautiful. She travels in a chariot driven by cats. She resides inFOLKVANG and collects one half of the bravest vikings slain in battle. The other half goes to Odin in Valhalla. Valkyries wear scarlet corslets and carry shields and spears. All Valkyries can shape change. Many take the form of blue herons or swans. Valkyries are also called Swan Maidens. If you could capture and hold a Valkyrie while she is in swan form, you could extract a wish from her. Valkyries in the Sagas and Eddas. Valkryie Brynhild —– Byrnie of Battle Valkyrie Sigrun —– Victory Valkyrie Skogul —– Rager ValkyrieThruor —– Strength Valkyrie Geirahod —– Spear of Battle Valkyrie Gunnr —– Battle Valkyrie Goll —– Battle Cry Valkyrie Rota —- Turmoil Valkyrie Gondul —–She-Were-Wolf I named only nine Valkyries. You can look up more if you like. Valkyries usually ride to battle nine at a time. Valkyries are Odin’s messengers and when they ride light flashes off of their armor and causes the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights). How-To Attract Valkyries for Protection. The Laws of Quantum Physics now tell us that there is an intelligent, infinite ocean of energy called the Quantum Ocean. Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in this Quantum Ocean. There is no time there. No past, present nor future. Only the NOW! The Runes, the gods/goddesses of the North, the Valkyries, Asgard, Valhalla all exist there NOW! All you need is a methodology on how to attract these Valkyries out of the Quantum Ocean and into your life NOW! The Rune Symbols are the methodology. Each Runic Symbol on the physical plane is a key to a Runic Energy in the Quantum Ocean. By looking at, meditating upon, breathing-in a Runic Symbol you make a connection through the Laws of Mental Radionics with that Runic Energy or god/goddesses in the Quantum Ocean. Example: if you meditate on Rune FA you attract the Runic Energy of wealth out of the Quantum Ocean and into your aura. Etc, etc, etc for each rune. Rune ALGIZ is the Rune Associated With the Valkyries. It is one of the Runes of Protection. When you look at, meditate upon or breath in Rune ALGIZ you attract the protection of the Valkyries into your life. Rune ALGIZ Breathing-In Ritual. Sit quietly in your favorite chair. This ritual was designed for the Asatrurer who wants to work alone from their home. Relax. Breath deeply and softly. Now, look at the ALGIZ Rune in your lap. (Cut this Rune out at the bottom of this page.) When you look at this ALGIZ Rune you make contact with the Valkyrie energies in the Quantum Ocean. Take a deep breath and intone: “I am now inhaling the Runic energies of the Valkyries out of the Quantum Ocean and into my aura.” Visualize the Valkyries pouring out of the Quantum Ocean and into your aura. Do this three times. Breathe in. Visualize. Breath out. You will now have the Runic energies of the Valkyries in your aura. You won’t actually have Valkyries in your aura. Just the protective energies of the Valkyries. All is energy until it is projected onto the physical plane. What ever energy you carry in your aura you can project out into your world. What Do You Want To Do With This Valkyrie Energy? Protect your home? Protect your vehicle? Protect youe loved ones (even if there is a distance of thousands of miles). Example: Your Home. While you are sitting there quietly with your aura filled with Valkyrie energy visualize: A Valkyrie in front of your home, resplendent in her shining armor, spear butt on ground, shield on arm facing outward in a defensive position. Take your time and pour your mental energy into the Valkyrie visualization. What you are doing is taking this formless, intelligent energy in your aura and manifesting a Valkyrie on your front lawn. She will not be visible to the naked eye. But she will be there in full battle dress on the etheric energy level of your lawn. Sensitives will be able to see her. All evil will feel her presence. Now, do the same thing for both sides and rear of house. Take a deep breath and as you are breathing out visualize the Viking energy in your aura manifesting as a Valkyrie on your lawn, sides and back of house. Three times. There are four directions which means a total of twelve Valkyrie visualizations. Relax and be assured that the Valkyries are there protecting your home. To make the Valkyrie Protection Ritual more powerful pick four names (from the list above) and assign one name to each of your four Valkyries. Personalize your relationships with your Valkyries. Also visualize a powerful red ALGIZ Rune painted in the middle of each of the Valkyries shields. Brynhild on front lawn. Sigrun in back yard. Thruor on left side of house. Gunnr on right side of house. These are the four I use. Talk to them. Ask for their protection. Thank them. They are just as real as you and I, even though you cannot see them. The energies that these Valkyries project will be felt by all who

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7 Wealth Secrets

Money is power; it can be a vital source of happiness and a paramount entity for some people. The gurus can give you hundreds of secrets to becoming wealthy. But, the catch to the “get rich soon” equation is simply a law of attraction. On the contrary, some people ruin their lives by becoming hungry for money that results in destroying and harming themselves and others. Although, a healthy monetary asset is essential to survive in the world, which also demands a comprehensive understanding of how the money game operates. We leave you with 7 wealth secrets that will enhance your income: Acceptance: Firstly, to understand the game, it is vital that you acknowledge the universal truth, which is to acquire heaps of money. Once the mindset changes, you can strive to make your first million. Setting smaller and achievable goals can help you get focused. Don’t be Negative about it: Secondly, try not to utter phrases like “I am poor”. Picturing yourself to be rich can attract a lot of resources. It is vital to have an empowering mindset, which says; through my mental capacity and hard work I can achieve any task. The first person to convince in this situation would be you. Taking your own wealth as a responsibility: For instance, by creating wealth and jobs for others, you would create some for yourself. Not only that, you are also responsible for your family, stakeholders, and employers. A positive contribution to the society is only possible when you simultaneously have more than one income stream. Find a mentor: Stick with like-minded friends and family members who are equally passionate about wealth. Searching for an industry mentor is probably the best thing you could do. By far some of the best teachers of life lessons are these mentors. Making excellent friends allows you to create an aura of success around you. Make an outstanding use of all the resources that you have: Time is a virtually the best resource, it is an incalculable asset. Time is everywhere, you have a lot of it, but how do you spend it? Financial resources are secondary when we talk about time, therefore we must not waste it. You can make principles for smart time management. If you work well in the morning, then allocate it to the time-consuming tasks. Make a habit of saving: Rest assured, the money that you earn will not last, so it is better to start investing in stocks, property, and gold. Hiring a team of financial advisors can be an option later on. Make money flow from various sources: Further, having more than one source of income would be a preeminent task. Once you have started to pay your bills and taxes, then you can focus on reinvesting the money into investment schemes. Opportunities would start to flow in your direction, with plenty of options as a backup. By applying the rules mentioned above, you can achieve a sound financial independence. The law of attraction only works if you do. It clearly states that you can bring positivity in your life by focusing on positive thoughts. Likewise, remember, “What you seek is seeking you”. Source by Rameez Qaiser

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Health and Wellness Tips With A Long Fitness Life

Your health is your wealth. A healthy man is a wealthy man, literally. You may think of a tycoon who owns so much material wealth but their health troubles them. What is the point of all the material wealth if you cannot enjoy it? The money spent on doctors could have been channelled in other better avenues. Similarly, ever thought of how quick an employee gets replaced at work? You probably fell ill or a colleague passed on. The job vacancy goes up no sooner than the bad news leaves your mind. Therefore, it is important that you take care of your health. It is with this in mind, we have noted down these health tips. There are simply recommendations. We are free to do more or less, as per what we desire. 1. Drink Water This may sound cliché but it is very important. Top of the list in good health tips to practise is staying hydrated. The human body functions mainly on water. Take a person who is fasting, they can do away with food but they are allowed to take water. Water keeps you alert and keeps your body functional. At times, people have headaches simply because of dehydration. However, most people are quick to take paracetamol tablets. It is recommended that you take between 6 – 8 glasses of water every day. Stay hydrated and you definitely will remain rejuvenated. 2. Work out Among daily health tips that we should not compromise is working out. Now, you don’t need to have a gym membership. Life is not as complicated. We all want to have the gym membership but what if you don’t? You can simply buy a skipping rope and put in the cardio at home. Get a comfortable pair of trainers and have a morning or evening run. If that’s too much, walk. If you own a pet, this can be ideal timing for you to bond. 3. Meditate The career woman today has so much going on in her daily activities. She ought to be a wife at home, mother and deliver at work. It is very easy to lose yourself when so much is expected of you. Among the health tips for women would be embracing meditation. Most people say they don’t have time for such but if it is important, you find time for it. Take time alone and just get lost in your positive thoughts. Visualize or even take part in yoga. You take control of your emotional health particularly which is very important. 4. Sleep well Sleep is a very debatable subject. Some people prescribe 8 hours of sleep while others prescribe 6 hours. In the same line of thought, you hear of very successful people who sleep for 4 hours and are very functional. Therefore, my recommendation is sleep well. It is not the quantity but quality of sleep that counts. If you sleep for 10 hours and it’s a noisy place, you won’t rest well. You can however sleep for 2 hours in a very serene environment and get up very energetic. It is the quality that counts, not the quantity. A power nap in the afternoon is said to keep one youthful. I don’t know how true it is but there could be truth to it. What I know is that when you feel sluggish in the afternoon, a power nap goes a long way. There is no point of dragging through your tasks yet you can just sleep for ten minutes and be rejuvenated. However, do not be a serial afternoon sleeper and call it a power nap. That is outright laziness. 5. Eat well Among the good health tips to practise on a daily is your diet. Having a balanced diet is very important. Your body will not lack anything. Similarly, with food it is the quality and not quantity that matters. You may eat so much but your body will only take up what it needs. That roast beef can be very tempting but your body will only take up the amount of protein needed. Just have the appropriate serving for you. What is not used up ends up being fat in your body. 6. Laugh more As absurd as it sounds, this is the easiest good health tip you can utilise. We live in a world where everybody is focused on getting things done. People no longer savour the taste of good food. People can’t smell well brewed coffee. It is sad. People’s moods are at an all time low. To avoid this, just afford a good laugh each day. Find humour in the little things. If laughing is tedious, smile. You never know who you will smile at and they will have a great day just because of your smile. 7. Socialise Perhaps you are wondering what this means? In the office setting, people don’t necessarily socialise. Everyone is doing what brought them there and are quick to head home as soon as they are done. Not many people would say they are close to their colleagues. We don’t know what challenges our colleagues may be facing at home. Similarly, people don’t know if you have challenges. It is a great daily health habit to socialise especially with your loved ones. Make time to be with your family. This is perfect to get away from the hustle of making a living. Through family and loved ones, you get to appreciate what life has to offer. You count your blessings and just soak in each moment. Leading a healthy lifestyle is an option each of us can make. It can be challenging however, since not many people appreciate healthy living. Or maybe they do, they are just not willing to put in the work. Therefore, be the agent of change. You can exemplify what healthy living is like. If you don’t practise any of the above daily healthy habits, there is hope. Just practise with one. Increase your water intake or just

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Rune Meanings Rune-LAF Calms Emotions

RUNE-LAF is a rune symbol for THE SEA, it calms the emotions. Calm your emotions by combining the Ancient Wisdom of the Runes with the power of Quantum Physics. This is the fourteenth rune that will continue you on the road to health, wealth and happiness. The sea and water are synonyms for our EMOTIONS. Our emotional natures. Besides our physical and mental bodies we also have an emotional body. I hope by now that you have been practicing the RUNIC BREATHING MEDITATIONS. If you have then the energies that are coming to you from the Quantum Ocean are already starting to change your life for the better. What is a rune meditation? There are thousands of books written about meditation techniques. But the most important question you must ask yourself is why do you want to meditate? For what reason? What do you want to accomplish? Life is a series of events that pass upon our consciousness in sequential order. Each event is an energy relationship. When you leave your home in the morning and stop for coffeee … that is an event. What is happening? You have just placed your self (energy unit) in another energy unit, the coffee shop. There will be an energy exchange and a relationship (third energy) set up because of the meeting. During the day many of these energy events will have very little effect upon you. But some will. Some may even change your life. Meditation is an event. When you are sitting very quietly in your chair and you breathe softly and reach out with your mind and touch something. You cause an energy exchange. So be careful who and what you touch in your meditations. Passive meditation is very dangerous. Because you leave yourself wide open. Your castle is left unguarded, the porticulus is down. Any strange energy can come along and attack you. Runic Meditation is good and safe. Since the runes are untainted Universal Creative Energies — you will be reaching out and touching the Mind of God, so to speak. All the energy exchanges between you and the Runic energies will be very beneficial. You can pick and choose on a daily basis which energies you want to touch. What energies you want to manifest in your life. It will be a runic transfusion. RUNE-LAF. Runes have been around for a long time. Well before the Viking Age. And even well before man used language on this planet. They are creative energies. Non-verbal energies. The secret to attracting your desires in life is to get these energies inside your aura. They will then attract into your life what you desire. Each individual rune opens a door to the realms of creation. (Quantum Ocean). RUNE LAF’s primary funciton is to help you CALM YOUR EMOTIONS. Since LAF is the Rune of the Sea, the Vikings used to paint it on the bow of their dragon ships to calm the sea. Other Rune LAF meanings: Rune of the Sea-Rune of Life-Origianl waters-Clams the Etheric Body-Life is a Continuous Process of Initiation How does RUNE-LAF calm your emotions? Many of life’s illnesses come through emotionally charged thoughts. Negative emotions punch holes in our etheric body. This causes illnesses. Rune-LAF fills you with an energy from the Quantum Ocean that can be called the energy of “Original Waters.” They dissolve those negative emotions and start to heal and add strength to your emotional body. It helps you attract Emotional Self-Control . This increases your powers. To have calm positve emotions does not mean you have to become a sweetness and sunshine goody two shoes. No!. The key to conscious life is for you to control your emotions and not let them control you. Learn to use your anger, fear, self-assertiveness as powerful positive energies in your life. Source by Ellis Peterson

Rune Meanings Rune-LAF Calms Emotions Read More »

Health Insurance- an Umbrella for The Rainy Days

Health is wealth. This is one side of the coin. The other side is that you need wealth to recover from bad health. No one can foresee an illness and sudden medical emergencies. A person finds himself/herself in deep waters when such a contingency arises. This is because medical bills are exorbitant and paying them without insurance is next to impossible for most people. Prescription drugs, hospital bills, maternity care, etc involve considerable monetary expenditures. Many people who did not take insurance for a rainy day have landed in debt due to improper health care management. Uninsured medical care can not only be financially taxing but may also spell doom in a family. This is the reason why more and more people are opting for the protective cover of health insurance to ensure health and financial security. Health insurance helps to provide protection against the possible health problems that could happen in the future. The insured person needs to pay a ‘premium’ periodically. The process of availing health insurance requires filling up of an application form. You need to provide some documentation about your finances. You can cover the health insurance needs of the entire family, including dental care, eye care, doctor visits, emergency care, prescriptions, etc. Health insurance costs are rising day by day. It is becoming increasingly difficult for people to afford health insurance. However, it is not possible to forgo it. There are some affordable solutions. People with low income can qualify for a Medicaid program. They need to visit the local Division of Family Services office to get an application. How to avail a cheap health insurance? The costs of health insurance plans vary. So, a thorough research is essential before you choose a particular plan. It is a smart idea to find out how long the insurance company has been in business. Make sure that the company yo select is licensed in your state. The medium of Internet provides a good platform to search for cheap insurance plans. You can compare numerous plans before you select one for you. Source by Darlene Kaitlin

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