September 2022

Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Are You An Adult Bully?

There has been much in the news of late about children who have committed suicide due to being bullied. The tragedy is life-long for the family and perhaps for those who did the bullying. Bullying, however, doesn’t stop in childhood. Those who were bullies as kids often continue their pattern of oppression into adulthood. Signs You Are a Bully You make fun of someone. You call them names, sneer at them or make derogatory remarks. You “accidentally” spill drinks on people or cause them to drop papers, supplies or belongings. You post embarrassing photos of another on social networking sites. You twist the truth or tell out-right lies about someone. You campaign to make someone look bad or incompetent. You post anonymous comments on forums that you would never attach your name to. Someone embarrasses you or does something you don’t want him to do and you “get even.” What to Do about It Many bullies lack empathy. This type is not someone who would be reading this article. If you are a bully and are reading this, then you are someone who is at least open to change. The following require honest reflection. You first need to realize that what you are doing is harmful. If you want to know how harmful, imagine yourself being the victim of the behavior you are doing. Imagining this is probably not difficult. You most likely have numerous events in your own life in which you were bullied by peers and maybe even your parents. Recognize that your desire to harm another has to do with your need to feel more important than or better than another. This means you are insecure. You have little sense of your own gifts and talents. Your believe your only recourse is to harm someone else to make you feel better. When you feel that impulse to put someone down just stop and take a deep breath. You need to break this habitual pattern. It is important for you to get in touch with how you are feeling. Did something happen in which you felt the need to make yourself look more important or better than another by bullying? Notice how old you feel when you want to bully. Simply take a moment to ask yourself, “How old do I feel?” This information gives you the age at which you were wounded in a way that resulted in your acting out your anger, fear or insecurity by harming another. Do something proactive to heal yourself. This could be a therapist, healing prayer or another method to assist you in healing yourself. You deserve healing and others deserve to be safe. Source by Cathy Chapman, Ph.D.

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Top Ten Feng Shui Benefits of Water Fountains

Feng Shui is an ancient art developed in China more than 3,000 years ago. Feng means ‘wind’ and Shui means ‘water’. Wind and water for Chinese bring good health. It is a complicated field of knowledge that shows how to balance the energies of any given place to provide good health and good fortune to people occupying it. Here are the top ten water fountain Feng Shui cures: Electricity & Water: A water fountain operates through an electric water pump. It is said to promote wealth in the traditional Chinese culture where water was crucial for the growth of the rice. Electricity (power) brings sparking activity and change. Water is one of the five elementary components of the ancient Chinese art and harmony doctrine of feng shui.   Moving Objects: ‘wind and water’ are the primary essence in feng shui which is both present in a fountain. The cascading water and circulating air around is active CHI which signifies abundance. Chi should always be able to move freely through any space in order to help us to be in balance with the elements surrounding us.   Living plants or objects- plants and flowers represent life and growth. When integrated with a fountain they produce new energy in the house and helps in the circulation of the energy already present there. Sound- the sheer sound of flowing water attracts people and draws them towards the source for marvelous sensory experience. Chimes and bells when added into a fountain make it enticing for Chi and customers. Objects solid and heavy- likes stones and statues that are used to decorate a fountain prevents positive Chi from leaving, promoting health and well being. Objects that shine- crystal balls, mirrors and candles make any interior bright and attract positive energy. Many fountain models come with under water light placed in the frame area providing delightful colors to the water and draws life, happiness and positive Chi. Colors- red means ‘happiness and strength’. It gives a promise of good fortune. Purple, pink and plum are relatively fortunate colors. Green and blue-green promote tranquility. These colors are easily incorporated into your fountain. To draw in harmony and happiness you may put a red bird figurine, rose quarts, or green plants. Bamboo flutes- for stability, growth and safety you may lay out a small bamboo flute diagonally on a rock or use a hallow bamboo water spout through where the water could flow.   Ribbon, fringes and fragrance- Using mist fountains allows integration of aromatherapy and water fountain. If not using a mist fountain, it is still possible to have fragrance in the form of aromatherapy essential oils placed in a container with some rocks, or an incense cone artistically positioned on a shell or a scented candle. Your creativity may be put to practice as far as this category is concerned because it is applicable in many ways to increase the flow of positive energy.   An ancient Chinese term “bagua” means “eight areas” (“ba”=eight, “gua”=area ) and Feng Shui bagua is a map or chart that relates the various areas of your life to the 8 sections of your living space. Your fountain must be placed in the gua or area you wish to enhance People who practice feng shui believe that their quality of life depends on how the positive energy flows in the area which they stay. If matter and space are arranged correctly harmony with the environment is attained in the home, relationships, health, wealth and other aspects in life. Source by Amy C.

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Fitness Is Wellness and Wealthiness in Health

Working out is daily routine to improve on fitness, also to loose weight and an activity to engage in for fun and a means of someones personal lifestyle. Your body goes through a variety of motions and emotions, however that is not when you are working out, it is usually at different times and exercising helps in adjusting to a more quality lifestyle, sometimes it is not hard to notice these differences so a lot of people find the time and effort to be healthy. These ways of healthiness includes proper nutrition or else it would defeat the purpose of being fit, it is obvious to your body that the way you treat it, is the way it treats you, such as maintaining strength in muscles which improves respiration and agility. There are a lot of activities and nutrition nowadays for a certain standard of living, it is simple as joining and gym and eating healthy. A doctor would recommend having a balanced diet, which means choosing the right amount proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals. The self worth of fitness allows for a natural accordance to pleasure, it is a stepping stool for life’s achievements, and getting the chance for some excitement. People can exercise whenever they choose whether it is morning or evening, also some gyms are open 24/7. There are different types of programs on a DVD to buy that can be done at home, if you decide to join a gym then there are concepts involved such as aerobics, yoga or a personal trainer for weight lifting. With fitness it is a natural supplement, it helps the body internally and externally, it has a conventional meaning for overall satisfaction. It should be a fixture in everyone’s lifestyle, that begins from growing up healthy to become mature and wealthy adults. Working out supports a personal interest and extends to the demands of overcoming challenges and corresponds with energy and the flow of exhilaration. It is usually affordable, twenty to thirty dollars per month or to buy your own equipment to use at home and there are a different types to choose from. It is also good to have an experts advice to bring consistency and to motivate the approach toward fitness. Coordinating fitness towards wealth and not just health, might not seem like a solid argument because someone can be less fortunate and healthy as well as a rich person being unhealthy. However it is basic human nature to want to be both wealthy and healthy and by increasing the perseverance for each corresponds to get the necessary success for both. The potential to achieve extends to other areas that help to build on a personal demand to grasp that concept in a fulfilling attitude. Therefore the inner feeling that being fits gives allow for much growth in a career to stimulate wealth. These should go hand in hand to satisfy ones own presence, that include happiness, love and new aspirations that flourish into a better tomorrow. Source by Dexter Josephs

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

The True Purpose of Self Development Or Arete

Personal Development dates back to the Greek philosopher Aristotle. In those days, Personal Development was a quest to reach “arête” which means, Personal Excellence. Arête, or personal excellence, was sought in order to attain Eudaimonia, commonly translated as “happiness.” Times have changed but the common desire to attain happiness has not. And what was true in Aristotle’s day is still true today. The surest way of attaining happiness is through Personal Development. Definition of the term Personal Development. Personal Development means exactly what the words implies, developing our personal resources to its full potential. Seems easy enough to understand yet, it is probably one of the least understood term. For most people, Personal Development means learning new tricks of gimmicks to get what we want. That’s not Personal Development. At best, it’s an insincere form of behavior and in its worst case scenario it’s just plain deceit. The objective of Personal Development is arete or personal excellence which can be found in the character of the individual and not simply in a form of superficial behavior that the individual can adopt. In other words, Personal Development is a quest to develop and optimize one’s original resources to make the individual more effective, better equipped to face life’s challenges and better apt to reach the objectives necessary to attain the state of self-fulfillment, self-satisfaction and happiness. True Personal Development increases a person’s worth. It belong in the realm of personal character and not simply in the person’s behavior. Personal Development aims to build in and build up Aristotle’s basic virtues such as: courage, temperance, generosity, friendliness and magnanimity. Now I know that this is not exactly what people seek when they are involved in Personal Development. Mostly they seek quick fixes and slick approaches to acquiring money and material success. No wonder that after years of practicing so called Personal Development principles no lasting changes have been observed. Does that means that the teachings of Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar et al are not worthy? Of course not. However we are all guilty of hearing what we want to hear. Jim Rohn says something to the effect that, if you want to succeed, work harder on yourself than you do on your job and you’ll succeed. He said, work harder on yourself… he did not say learn some slick tricks. He did not say learn this formula and apply it. He said, “Work on yourself.” To work on yourself means improve who you are as an individual. Improve your character. Be a better person. Develop the basic virtues of courage, temperance, generosity, friendliness and magnanimity among others. How can a virtue be developed? The best way to do that is by raising it in the hierarchy of personal values. We tend to protect more what we value most since losing it would cause considerable pain. So, by raising that virtue in our esteem it will increase in importance in our eyes and will be better protected and practiced. It can also be done by emulating someone that we admire and who demonstrates that virtue prominently. Emulation is a power tool that can be used with great effectiveness. Whether we know it or not, we are highly influenced by those that we respect. That characteristic can be used consciously or unconsciously and naturally, it’s a lot more effective when we use it deliberately. Personal Development also means self-transformation. Learning something but not changing who we are is useless. Knowledge is only effective when it is used. Years ago I would go to motivational seminars. We would get all hyped up and get back home ready to turn the world upside down. Sadly, the feeling would only last a few weeks at most. Positive permanent changes do not come easy. Our brain is quite resistant to changes. It is said that the brain is like a muscle and that analogy is especially true as far as personal transformation is concerned. It is not easy to sculpt and transform a muscle. It takes work and dedication. The same applies to acquiring new and more empowering habits and behavior. Alexis Carrel author of Man the Unknown said something to the effect that, the transformation of man is not an easy task for he is at the same time the block of granite and the artisan who must, through powerful blow of the hammer, sculpt and fashion the masterpiece that he wants to become. Source by Dr. Raymond Comeau

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Manifest Prosperity in Today’s Economy

Can we really manifest prosperity in today’s economy? After all, when you “tune in” to watch the news, what you hear can very easily leave you feeling hopeless, not hopeful! YES, we absolutely can manifest prosperity in any economy and this is how to do it. It’s all about your focus, how you feel and your intent… YOUR MINDSET. Centering your attention We want to be “tuned into” what we are focused on manifesting, keeping a positive attitude (feeling good always) and a firm belief that our desire will come to fruition. This is our key to manifesting anything! As we are changing our thoughts and our mental vision, we are changing our reality. Thought is energy and thoughts change the balance of energy around us, and that brings changes into our lives. Personally, I limit the amount of time that I listen to the news each day because I know that when I place my focus on what I’m hearing, I have now made a shift in my mindset which means that my focus is off of what I want to be “tuned into”. I do not want to delay what I am seeking to manifest by shifting my focus on anything else. To attract into your life what you are requesting does take focus and action. Law of Attraction is like a magnet in that what you send out into the Universe is attracted back to you. Your feelings begin to resonate with the Universe. Feeling good As we hold onto a vibration of feeling good, we become brighter and lighter and people will feel it! You feel it and it feels great!! These two revelations changed my world: How you feel is what you attract and the Universe is full of abundance… not lack! The Universe is constantly changing, evolving and it is NOT stagnant… This is GREAT news! Your situation at this very moment is just that… it’s for the moment and YOU have the POWER to change it… Remember: abundance, abundance, abundance. The Universe desires for each one of us to have abundance in EVERY area of our lives: Money, health, wealth, happiness, love… EVERYTHING Prosperity during adversity I encourage you to read Napoleon Hill’s book: Think and Grow Rich. This book was written in 1937 and is one of the best-selling books of all time. Napoleon Hill said: “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” This book is proof that in any economy, you can be prosperous as it was written during the great depression. Napoleon Hill and many others that you will read about in his book believed in Law of Attraction. Also proof that when you stay focused on what you desire, you can achieve it. The mind is very powerful! My desire for you is that you receive the very best that is yours by Divine design! You deserve the best and the Universe is just waiting for you to manifest all that you have ever wanted. So, begin telling the story of how you want your life to be with continual affirmations; making room for all the abundance that is yours. Source by Alice Hocker

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Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Multiculturalism, Culturism, Diversity and Dr. Putnam

Multiculturalism holds that we should celebrate our differences. Culturism suggests that we celebrate our unity. In the history of the world every tribe, nation and group has thought it wise to emphasize their unity. But multiculturalists have the strategy “celebrate diversity” as a radical new idea. Robert Putnam has recently put the two sides to a test. Robert Putnam is the author of the wonderful book Bowling Alone. In this work this Harvard political scientist employs sociology to investigate the concept of “social capital.” Social capital is a measure of cultural connectedness. This would include networks with other people as well as access to understanding the language and skills involved in getting ahead. Those without social capital are not woven into the social fabric of society. In Bowling Alone he finds that social capital is rapidly dwindling amongst Americans. This means that they trust less and have less in common with their fellow citizens. They volunteer less, vote less, and are generally less involved in their communities than ever. Bowling is up, bowling leagues are down. Americans are increasingly bowling alone. Putnam found social capital to be associated with health, wealth, and low crime rates. In his earlier study of Italy he found that social capital even explained the ability for democracy to emerge. Putnam’s recent study on diversity involved nearly 30,000 people in 41 communities. He found that the more diverse neighborhoods are the less social capital they create. People in diverse communities volunteer less, give to charity less, vote less and work on less community projects. The simple fact is that people do not trust people they share little in common with. As President Clinton’s Secretary of Labor Robert Reich pointed out, the rich do not want pay taxes to help the poor when they do not see any commonality with them. Putnam said, “It would be unfortunate if a politically correct progressivism were to deny the reality of the challenge to social solidarity posed by diversity.” These findings were not racial. Putnam said those in diverse communities “distrust their neighbors, regadless of the color of their skin.” Ethnic tensions did not arise so much as a general civic malaise. Some have argued that diversity helps economically, many have argued against that conclusion. But all agree, as Putnam says, when it comes to social connections between people, diversity “brings out the turtle in all of us” he said. Culturism does not hope or expect diversity to be eliminated. Anyone who does is silly; diversity will always be a welcome part of America. But if we do not stress our unity, we may lose our conntection to our fellow Americans altogether. This may undermine our sense of connection, political action, and sense of trust we might otherwise feel with our neighbors and those less fortunate. In the end, Putnam’s Italian studies show that emphasizing multiculturalism over culturism may even undermine our ability to have a sustainable democracy. Source by John K. Press

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160,000 Australia Migration Visas for Skilled Labours and Families

Opportunity Detail Gender: Male Female Level Non-Degree /Short program Number of Opportunity:160000 Medium of Instruction: English Opportunity ID58077 Funding Type: Partially Funded Self-Funded Opportunity Description The Government of Australia currently introduced 160,000 migration visas for knowledgeable labor and household reunification. The Law Council of Australia organized Australia’s 2022/23 Migration Program. The Law Council regarded that the application need to be giant adequate to tackle the existing capabilities scarcity in the market and to rebuild populace boom in the post-pandemic. As properly as, the application have to tackle the household migration backlogs adequately.The 2022/23 Migration Program’s predominant motive is to increase the country’s monetary restoration and force nice social concord results in the post-pandemic environment. This migration program’s composition is as follows: 1: Skill (109,900 places): This range of locations is to enhance the economy’s productive potential and fulfill the expert labor scarcity in the labor market. This movement consists of talent shortages in regional Australia as well. According to the Law Council, in phrases of composition in the Skill stream, the Australian Global Talent visa was once no longer handy to all professional migrants, and the pathway did now not tackle talent shortages in semi-skilled labor. So, the pathway ought to continue to be desirable and choice for skilled and proficient migrants thru reform in modernizing the occupation lists, enhancing the transition from transient talent visas to everlasting residency, and comforting range of the standards for transient expert visas. Family (50,000 places): This wide variety of visas is allotted for Australian residents to reunite with their household contributors from remote places and supply them with pathways to citizenship. This move is on the whole made up of Partner visas. The Law Council considers that allocation to the Partner visa sub-stream ought to continue to be at the figure. It would allow all purposes to be processed expeditiously. The Council additionally finds that the Department must act to arrest the growing backlog in Parent visas.Special Eligibility (100 places): This quantity of visas is for human beings who practice below specific circumstances, along with everlasting residents returning from abroad. Details Deadline: 30 June 2023Location: Australia Organization: The Australian Government Gender: Male/Female Funding Type: Self-funding and partially-funding Degree: None Number of Visas: 160,000 Eligible Countries: N/A Application Duration: 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 Language Required: English Fields of Study: None Benefits Skilled migrants and family participants of Australian Citizens can advantage from the 2022/23 Migration Program streams. Successful candidates can live, work, travel, and find out about in Australia after being granted unique kinds of visas. Eligibility Requirements For data and small print involving the eligibility standards for visa types, please go to the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs website’s legit website. Visa Streams Details These three streams of migration application planning have been introduced as section of the Federal Budgets for the fiscal years 2022 and 2023. Please examine the distinctive statistics about the streams as follows: Skilled Visa class and numbers Employer-sponsored: 30,000Skilled Independent: 16,652Regional: 25,000State/ Territory Nominated: 20,000Business Innovation and Investment: 9,500Global Talent (Independent): 8,448Distinguished Talent: 300Skill Total: 109,900 Family Visa Category and numbers Partner: 40,500Parent: 6,000Child: 3,000Other families: 500Family total: 50,000 Special Eligibility: There are one hundred locations for these who are in unique circumstances. 2022/23 Migration Program Visa Categories According to the 2022/23 Migration Program, nomination allocation of States and Territories are reachable in accordance to the following visa categories: Skilled – nominated (subclass 190)Skilled Work Regional (Provisional Subclass 491)Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP) State and Territory Nominated Visa Allocations The 2022/23 Migration Program visa allocation for the Australian States and Territories is nominated as follows: Skilled Nominated (Subclass 190) Visa Australian Capital Territory: 800New South Wales: 7,160Northern Territory: 600Queensland: 3,000South Australia: 2,700Tasmania: 2,000Victoria: 9,000Western Australia: 5,350 Total: 30,610 Skilled Work Regional (Subclass 491) Visa Australian Capital Territory: 1,920New South Wales: 4,870Northern Territory: 840Queensland: 1,200South Australia: 3,180Tasmania: 1,350Victoria: 2,400Western Australia: 2,790 Total: 18,550 Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP)Australian Capital Territory: 10New South Wales: 260Northern Territory: 15Queensland: 235South Australia: 70Tasmania: 10Victoria: 170Western Australia: 40 Total: 810

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Secrets of Core Energy Meditation

In this article, I’ll describe my journey into the secrets of Core Energy Meditation. I’ll describe the roots and development of this technique so you’ll understand how and why it works. This information will help you use Core Energy Meditation to realize what your soul truly desires-whether that is health, wealth, love, or some other powerful possibility. The more you know about something, the more you believe in it, and the better it will work for you. Core Energy Meditation is designed to: Relax your body and boost your energy, Release negative emotions and increase your positive feeling, Clear and focus your mind, and Strengthen your sense of spiritual connection, authentic possibilities, and life purpose. Core Energy Meditation empowers you to shift your state of being and it gives you skills that will help you in all areas of your life. These include the ability to relax, concentrate, observe and detach from limiting thoughts and feelings, visualize, feel, and sense your inner guidance. As you develop these skills, you’re better able to know “who you are,” “what you’re here to do,” and how to manifest that in the world now. Core Energy Meditation is rooted in the energetic anatomy of qigong, the philosophy of Taoism and Kriya Yoga, the latest research in physics, biofeedback, and HeartMath, and my interactions with countless teachers and students. From this complex web, Core Energy Meditation emerged as a universal and comprehensive system for personal growth and spiritual development. It is the most powerful transformational tool that I have found. Beginnings My journey with Core Energy Meditation began in the summer of 1984. I had just graduated from St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia and I was inspired by the idea of going on a backpacking trip out west. I was definitely a city-boy and hadn’t done anything in the way of backpacking and had never been beyond the Mississippi. For the month of August that year, I took a trip by car and foot through Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and Wyoming. I explored the Canyonlands, the Grand Canyon, and Yellowstone National Park. What struck me most on that trip was the clear spacious sky (you can see for miles in that part of the country), the quiet, and the stillness. I absorbed those three qualities during that month. I can remember quite distinctly what I felt as I sat on the plane flying home. I had an overwhelming feeling of contentment. I was completely peaceful, my mind was still, and I felt no attachment to anything. I was free. Out of that transcendent experience three things came clear: 1. I discovered that such a state was possible, 2. I found that I needed to take a break from my busy-ness to arrive at that state, and 3. I wanted to stay in that state and find ways to reproduce it, deepen it, and expand it. Coming back from my trip, I was in a new position of readiness to learn and grow. I was on the lookout for how to make that transcendent experience a part of my life. About a week after I returned a continuing education catalog arrived in the mail. Browsing through it, I came upon a class called T’ai Chi, a teacher named Andrew Heckert, and Secret #1. Secret #1 I began T’ai chi that Fall of 1984. In T’ai Chi I learned to relax deeply and sense my internal energy. I began to learn about energetic anatomy and about daily practice. I discovered that, by doing something a little every day, I could learn a completely new skill and shift my life experience. I learned the first secret of mind-body training-the lower dantian, an energy center in my lower abdomen. T’ai chi taught me to focus on the lower dantian as a way to re-orient and develop my awareness. I learned to practice lower dantian breathing and to be more present and aware internally and externally. I discovered that the lower dantian was part of an intricate set of energy centers, accupoints, and paths or meridians that circulated life-energy throughout my body. T’ai chi recognizes three main energy centers, the lower dantian or Body Center ( in the lower abdomen), the middle dantian or Heart Center (in the center of the chest), and the upper dantian or Mind Center (in the center of the brain). T’ai chi focuses on the abdominal energy center, the Body Center, to build presence and vitality. I pursued the study of T’ai chi and the related practice of qigong meditation for the next twenty-five years. Through these practices, I learned to be aware of my posture and let go of tension. I learned to sense, gather, move, and store vital energy. I learned Secret #1: lower dantian breathing. Secret #2 In 1998, a book called “The HeartMath Solution” was published. Though I had been exposed to heart-centered training in other disciplines, HeartMath hit the nail on the head. In HeartMath I discovered extensive research and solid practices for training the power of the heart. HeartMath research demonstrates that the electro-magnetic energy field of your heart is by far the strongest field generated in your body. It is up to 5000 times stronger than the field generated by your brain. Furthermore, by generating core heart feelings in the space of your heart, you can dramatically shift your experience to the positive. Core heart feelings such as appreciation, gratitude, and trust bring your heart, your physiology, and your brain into synergy, so that your whole system works together. Your brain waves slow down, your heart-rate becomes more coherent, your respiration deepens, your digestion and immune response improves, and you have a general sense of positivity and well-being. You can learn to self-generate this state and use it to release negative emotions and solve challenges in your life. Focus on your Heart Center with core heart feelings enables you to shift your energetic vibration to a positive state at will. This is Secret #2. Secret #3 In 1994,

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Medical Research Results For Sun Ancon Chi Machine

Flinders University, Adelaide (part of Australia’s Department of Health, Faculty of Health Sciences School of Medicine) developed a medical research project starting June 15, 2000, at the request of Hsin Ten Enterprise Australia. The project was meant to look into the benefits of the Chi Machine, especially for those suffering from Secondary Lymphoedema and Venous Oedema, but the results also showed an improved condition of the people with no medical problems participating in the research. The project was lead by Professor Neil Piller, one of the world’s leading lymphologists, who has presented and published over 300 works and is strongly committed to education and awareness programs. He was assisted by a team of highly professional people during the clinical trial including: Ms Amanda Moseley (Research Officer) – Mr Adrian Esterman (Biostatistician and Clinical Epidemiologist) Associate Professor Colin Carati (Anatomist) – Mr Brian Bridger (Bio-medical Engineer) Dr Jack Walsh (Vascular Surgeon) – Dr Stephen Birrell (Surgeon). Secondary Lymphoedema of the legs affects 30% of people after surgery and radiotherapy. Venous Oedema affects 5% of the adult population. Both result in swelling, discomfort and can interfere with the quality of life. Conventional treatment is expensive and ongoing, with little patient control. There is no good cure for either condition. The goal of the study was to find and test the effectiveness of a treatment that would be convenient, affordable, effective and able to empower sufferers. Venous Oedema Patients: The participants were both male and female with an average age of 59 years. Over 50% of them had problems in both legs due to varicose veins, vascular disease and previous (not active) deep vein thrombosis. Secondary Lymphoedema Patients: The participants were both male and female, their lymphoedema being predominantly caused through cancer surgery related to bowel, cervical, prostate cancer or melanoma. Over 45% had lymphoedema in both legs. Both groups generally continued other treatments at the same time such as support stockings, massage therapy, laser therapy and simple elevation. What the study consisted of: a) Patients were recruited through advertising and out-patient clinics. b) Trial included 20 normal participants. c) Machines were taken home and used for 3 weeks using the following regime: -5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the afternoon for the first 2 days; -8 minutes in the morning and 8 minutes in the afternoon starting the 3rd day through the 7th; -12 minutes in the morning and 12 minutes in the afternoon starting on the 8th day through the 21st. d) Objective measurements were taken weekly and one month follow up post treatment. Some 2,000 data bits were collected from each patient before, during and after each visit. What measurements were taken and how: a) Questionnaires: People were asked how their legs felt and how this affected the quality of their life. b) Tonometry: The hardness of the tissue was measured. c) Perometry: The leg circumference and fluid volume was measured. d) Bioimpedence: The body composition and the fluid within the legs were analyzed. e) Lymphoscintigraphy: The lymphatic system function was evaluated. f) Blood pressure, pulse, blood test, blood flow were measured. RESEARCH RESULTS: Benefits people can expect to receive from using the Sun Ancon Chi Machine are listed below. Results for people with no medical problems: 1. A slight reduction in fluids to the limbs. The group with normal healthy legs experienced a reduction of 1.52 oz/ 45 ml in fluids over the 3 week period. 2. A reduction in weight. The group with normal healthy legs lost an average of 1.32 lb/ 0.6 kg over three weeks. This is a significant amount over such a small period. 3. A reduction in percentage body fat. Results for people with secondary lymphoedema due to lymph damage and those with venous oedema through venous insufficiency: 1. A significant reduction in limb volume and circumference. Extra-cellular fluid for the group with secondary lymphoedema fell over the three week period. At the one month follow up the fluids had risen but were not back to their original levels. 2. A significant loss of oedema fluid from the limbs. The group with venous oedema experienced a reduction of 14.87 oz/ 440 mls in leg fluid over the three week period. Although fluid levels had increased at the one month follow up, they were not back to their original levels. 3. A significant loss of weight. Average weight loss for the group with venous oedema was 3.19 lb/ 1.45 kgs over the three week period. This remained stable at the one month follow up. Of those with secondary lymphoedema, average weight loss was 1.10 lb/ 0.5 kgs and this remained stable at the one month follow up. 4. A reduction in percentage body fat. 5. An improvement in lymphatic drainage. Lymphoscintigraphy showed a marked improvement in lymphatic function. 6. A significant improvement in subjective symptoms. Most participants reported a reduction in pain, tightness, heaviness, skin dryness, limb size difference, cramps, pins and needles, burning feeling and temperature difference. 7. A satisfaction with the treatment and an improvement in the quality of life. Most participants (88%) were satisfied with the treatment regime. There were definite improvements with the feeling of control participants had over their condition, their range of movement, the positive impact they experienced with daily life, and an increase in their ability to exercise. RESEARCH  SIGNIFICANCE: The conclusion of Professor Piller and Flinders Medical University after analyzing the complete data is that used on a frequent basis, the Chi Machine has great potential in health maintenance and disease management for those who suffer from Secondary Lymphoedema and Venous Oedema of the legs. Taking into account the high cost of traditional treatments for secondary lymphoedema and venous oedema, the Chi Machine is a cheap, effective and convenient alternative. For people without any medical conditions, the Sun Ancon Chi Machine offers a way to lose weight and body fat without the need to pay for gym memberships or to undertake impractical, strenuous exercise regimes. CONCLUSION: The extensive research undertaken by Flinders University illustrates

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Health Enhancing Behaviors

Health is wealth and there is no substitute to health. If a person is healthy, then everything seems sweet but if health is disturbed then the sweetest thing will look bad. A healthy person can enjoy every aspect of life and praise the beauty of nature, whereas a sick person cannot enjoy anything about life. Everyone likes to remain healthy and enjoy life, but many people are unable to enjoy life because of health problems, the health problems arises when a person fails to take care of his/her health in way it is required, resulting in distress and illness. Health is nature’s gift, and health can be improved by following some small measures. Healthy body leads to healthy mind, and healthy mind leads to positive thoughts, and positive thoughts leads to ideas that bring positive change in the world and make world a better place. So to remain healthy is very important, not only for individual but for whole society. Following are some health enhancing behaviors, which can help people in leading a healthy life: Early to bed and early to rise “Early to bed and early to rise; makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” It is a very famous quote and is taught widely in nursery Rhymes to children in order to strengthen this habit from very early age. It is a known fact that six hours sleep is mandatory for human mind and body to get required rest. The night is made for rest and day for working. Sleeping early and waking up early in the morning is the key to lead a healthy life, when a person gets a good six hours sleep at night, then the body and mind remain fresh all day and a person’s performance increases every day. Lack of sleep is the cause of unrest and makes a person tired all day; similarly sleeping more than required i.e., more than six hours also cause tiredness. Sleeping early and rising early is a basic health enhancing behavior. Daily Exercise Human body operates like a machine, when the machine remains idle for a long time, it gets rusted and its performance declines. Similarly muscles of human body require movements to work properly. Exercise is very important health enhancing behavior; it keeps muscles strong and increases the stamina, thus helping a person to work more without getting tired. The best time to do exercise is early in the morning. Exercise keeps the body healthy and strong. People who exercise daily are less likely to get sick very often. Eating Properly Avoid Junk Foods Taking care of what people eat is very important, as the food directly affects the metabolic and digestive system and it is the only source of energy for the body to work properly. Eating proper food with right amount of calories, proteins and vitamins at the right time is very important in keeping mind and body healthy. Vegetables, fruits and meat etc contains all the vitamins, calories and proteins required by a body so eating them at the right time is a good health enhancing behavior. Over eating and under eating both are dangerous, similarly eating more and more junk food can cause diseases. Excess of everything is dangerous and excess of food is very dangerous as it directly affect the stomach. Eating vegetables, fruits and meat with bread or rice is a healthy nutrition, and it is a key to lead a healthy life. Junk foods and over eating is very dangerous for health so to avoid them as much as possible is a key to lead a healthy life. Stop Smoking The worst thing a person can do to his health is smoke cigarettes; in taking smoke into lungs is nothing but stupidity, cigarette’s smoke contain all the pollution and germs required for lungs cancer, so to remain healthy and avoid lungs diseases, it is essential not to smoke cigarettes. Health is a God’s greatest gift to mankind, but to remain healthy is totally dependent on the person, a person can be very healthy if he/she follows the above stated health enhancing behaviors, whereas failure to follow the proper health enhancing behavior can cause diseases and distress leading to unhealthy life. If the person is unhealthy, then he will be in stress and tension all the time and will cause trouble to himself/herself and people around. Unhealthy people are the cause of trouble for themselves and others. So rather than a constant pain to others, it is wise to follow these health enhancing behavior in order to lead a healthy life and to help others. Source by Maaz Syed

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