Kabul, Afganistan

Day: 28 September 2022

Establishing Mental Health and COVID Immunity – A Vital Scripture Decoded

“‘A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the LORD; it is holy to the LORD” Lev 27:30. How is this verse relevant to mental and physical health, particularly regards coronavirus Immunity? After reading its decoded translation further on, we shall see just how relevant and vital this verse is in defeating COVID. There is also a practice technique we can use to get started. But first some clarifying context regards literal ‘church’ tithing and ‘biblical’ tithing – there is a big difference, they are not one and the same, as we shall see. For while many religions refer to the Bible, the Bible is not referring to any religion or rituals. The Bible, in all its wonderful magnificence, consists of 66 books and 40 authors. An instructional Manual on the science of mind, it presents coded wisdom on how humans can grow and develop spiritually in all aspects of mind/body/soul; volumes of advance knowledge in how to use our mental faculties positively for health, happiness and creativity, to include rapid immune response to coronavirus and foreign antigens entering the body. Heavily coded, biblical syntax is not presented as ‘reading material’ as such – like a novel — rather as study material for decoding and ultimately lived through the mind/body consciousness for optimal well-being, mental peace and free-flowing exuberant love. Thus, literal interpretation of biblical syntax does not fully serve the evolution of the soul as intended by these divinely inspired authors. In forgoing scripture study and its content assimilation into consciousness, we ignore opportunity of consciousness development beyond the born-into state of carnal primitive mind, settling instead for soundbites and memory referencing of others’ literal interpretations as opposed to direct revelation through our own Teacher awareness within. The word Religion comes from the Latin Re-ligare: ligare means to bind, thus adding ‘re’ means to re-join, re-bind or link human and divine, while ‘church’ esoterically translates: mind/body. No other person can achieve this ‘re-bind’ — of divine experiencing within — for us. In essence, the nature of God is pure consciousness: instantaneous all-knowing vibrational love-silence which we’re each designed for coming upon through natural meditative means. Silence is golden, yes, in that, by mind encountering vibrational love-silence it becomes healed, whole: an alchemy of base metal to Gold. The fact is, at birth, our mental processes are uploaded in carnal conditioning from past lives: the deeper mind is operating under subconscious law. A level of programed soul-noise which has corroded the mind’s mechanisms leaving divine silence with no means through which to reflect within the mind/body physiology; thus, at birth, ability of spiritual discernment is not immediately to hand. This carnal or ‘worldly’ corrosion is known scripturally as the ‘veil’ of spiritual ignorance In the context of ‘veil’ – causal of divine silence-wisdom being muted — the purpose of the biblical tithe becomes strikingly obvious, as we shall see. Tithing is not about giving money over to others Many have been led into believing that tithing is giving over one tenth of our earnings — of accumulated wealth — unto some church or religion. This is totally not true. The Bible’s meaning of tithing is far from giving money over to others in this way. As clarified earlier, ‘church’ means mind/body. In this context, the word ‘tithe’ has been hugely misinterpreted, presented solely to mean, giving to a physical ‘church’. Many also use ‘tithe’ and ‘ten percent’ in the same sentence, as two separate actions. The word ‘tithe’ is Hebraic for ‘tenth’ or ten percent. Thus we cannot say we’re tithing ten percent of something. Being one and the same, grammatically speaking, this makes no sense whatsoever. Tithing, as presented in scripture, is totally not about giving money, goats, grain or physical land over to anyone. There is no ‘commandment’ to this effect. Framing it otherwise is a man-made concept. So, what is scriptural tithing? The Bible, as mentioned, is primarily about the science of mind — guidance on how to maximize the mental faculties to their highest potential both spiritually and morally. To this outcome – while allegorically presented — it deals with the integration of subconscious reactive thought patterns, the ‘veil’, the reclamation of dormant consciousness thereby come upon the submerged potential of our Being, biblically referred to as entering the promised land. Due to this suppressed mental state, man is said to use only a fraction of his full mental/creative potential. This fraction of ‘usable’ mind is understood to be near one tenth thus leaving a valuable resource of ninety percent of consciousness untapped, thereby undeveloped. At practical level, this controlling tenth dynamic ensures the other nine-tenths of consciousness potential remaining submerged and out of spiritual commission — thus conscious awareness is through the inherited subconscious patterns. ‘Tithing’ is a coded expression for surrender of this ‘in use’ tenth: surrender of the mental processes assimilating the subconscious content under law. Thus, to expand the conscious capacity of mind — eliminate subconscious content — we must surrender or tithe the controlling subconscious mind-sets and thought patterns held in place by deep residual stress. Tithing thus at another level is also surrendering of stress — the fruits of the lower intellect — to God, in silence meditation. Surrendering the tenth is symbolic of gaining 0 – completeness — of multiplying 10 to gain 100 thus triggering the law of multiplication. In other words, by surrendering the conscious 10% portion of mind, it increases one hundred fold to 100%, thereby expansion of consciousness and full mental capacity. So, whether we say 10 or one tenth, doesn’t really matter, for both attract 0: both make one tenth into 10, or 10 into 100 [percent] meaning the fully integrated soul. By giving within — meditation — we receive within consciousness Breaking free of this subconscious law [of mind] thus lies in TITHING WITHIN, surrendering the born-into conditioned ego/intellect — the one tenth — thereby redemption of the submerged nine-tents, redemption

Health Insurance Review

The cost of health insurance for an average family is enormous but necessary in many cases. Each individual’s needs are different, and even by reading health insurance reviews it can all be very confusing and frightening. Opinions of different health insurance companies vary wildly by state, and the choices in some states differ from others. If you have never had to buy health insurance before the terminology can be quite difficult to under stand too. The Affordable Care Act has been implemented, not just to control skyrocketing health care costs, but to attempt to improve the quality of health care also. Reforms under the Affordable Care Act have stopped some of the worst abuses by the health insurance industry and have given Americans new rights and benefits. Already more children get health coverage, the lifetime and annual limits on care have ended, and those under the age of 26 can remain covered by the parents’ health insurance. There’s still a long way to go for these very necessary changes, but right now, people still have to go through the hassle of finding health coverage appropriate for their own needs and the biggest question for an average family is cost. If there are pre-existing conditions for any of the family member, insurance can be denied, although there is a move to stop that practice by 2014. Finding health insurance today may often start by looking at insurance reviews online, and the best way to do this is to narrow it down by looking at reviews for your state – otherwise it is even more confusing. It is essential to have some form of medical insurance – over 60% of bankruptcies in this country are due to people being unable to pay medical bills. Women face even larger challenges when it comes finding an individual insurance plan. Premiums are higher than men with identical coverage, and exclude coverage for pregnancy which has to be purchased separately.  Before you look at any health insurance reviews, decide how much debt you can manage comfortably if you should have a serious illness or injury. The higher the deductible you can bear the better, it will reduce the premium but you may end up paying for all your own medical bills, the actual insurance will cover you in the event of a serious illness. If you have lost a job but are expecting to start another where there is an employer-sponsored plan, simply buy short-term insurance. Another choice may be catastrophic health insurance, which comes in two forms comprehensive and supplemental. A comprehensive plan offers coverage comparable to more traditional health care plans, with a high deductible and relatively low monthly cost. A supplemental plan acts as a supplement to other insurance plans you might have. A good insurance agent will keep abreast of all the health insurance reviews and knows exactly what is available in your state, and knows which companies to avoid. He will discuss your particular needs and those of your family, and discuss your financial situation and then suggest the best health care policies to fit your needs. Reading health insurance reviews online may give you a little information, but there is no substitute for in depth knowledge and personal service. Source by Jim Monk

Health Benefits of Eating Breakfast – Reasons For Eating Breakfast

The health benefits of eating breakfast extend throughout your day, making it the most important meal of the day. Consuming a good, hearty breakfast is like priming a pump, to help your body get ready for a full day’s worth of activity. Not only does the first meal of the day heat up your metabolism to better burn calories, studies show that the effects of this “jump start” help keep the metabolism working at a higher rate throughout the day. Blood sugar levels rise up and remain higher longer, instead of having a quick drop off that might be generated by eating just high sugar content breakfast snack foods. Skipping this important meal does you no good at all. You will be hungry sooner, eat more later, and not have the good energy to function efficiently. Additional health benefits of eating breakfast include an increased ability to use your brain, an excellent idea for those younger ones who need to pay attention at school. Some dieters have found that they have better success by flipping their food intake, having dinner for breakfast and typical breakfast foods for dinner. The higher caloric intake at the breakfast meal allows the body to function better all day, and the impact of a good breakfast helps the body become less hungry at later meals. The body can burn off the higher calorie levels all day long, instead of having food sit idle at night, turning into fat with inactivity. Calories burn faster in the morning, following the breakfast meal, and the body metabolism slows down near nighttime. Being able to eat more food is another of the health benefits of eating breakfast. You can actually eat more with a good balanced breakfast followed by a moderate lunch and lighter dinner. People who skip breakfast eat more snacks during the day, and have heavier meals later. It is easier to incorporate protein, fiber and fruit into typical breakfasts. Breakfast eaters exercise more because they have the energy to do so, making personal fitness a by-product of eating healthy breakfast meals. Tangible health benefits of eating breakfast include a boost in concentration, energy and productivity levels. Eating high fiber breakfast foods like cereal, fruit, grains, nuts, and yogurt are lower calorie than snack foods like doughnuts or sweet rolls. They give you needed bulk in your diet, last longer, help you feel full and less hungry longer. High protein breakfast foods like eggs, milk, and meats are good breakfast foods, but watch out for the fats like butter and cream cheese. Always take fats in moderation. Eating breakfast will improve your overall nutrition, and help reduce the risk of heart disease and regulate cholesterol. Breakfast is important to body metabolism by breaking the fast of sleep time; long term fasting does not allow you to produce the enzymes needed to metabolize fat to lose weight. Extensive studies on this topic have been done by researchers at the Cleveland (OH) Mayo Clinic and Harvard University/Massachusetts General Hospital. Source by Wendy Pan

Wine and Health – An Introduction

The use of wine and our strong convictions of its health benefits, abstainers and teetotalers notwithstanding, are probably as old as wine itself dating back to the first civilizations in the ancient world. In Mesopotamia ca. the third millennium BC, the Babylonians believed wine to have medicinal and therapeutic effects and it was considered so pure and free of contaminations that it was preferred-along with beer-over water. In Ancient Egypt more than two thousand years BC, wine also became a common ingredient in “prescription drugs” for curing a variety of ailments. The drugs were formulated using other ingredients too, such as water and particularly those derived from medicinal plants. And stories abound from the Far East where the Chinese would lace wine with animal parts to concoct drugs to cure just about any ailment. Even Hippocrates, the father of medicine who had a keen sense of physiological and metabolic reactions in the human body not only used wine as a prescription drug in Ancient Greece but also pioneered it into an antiseptic for treating wounds. The link between wine and its medicinal and therapeutic benefits grew stronger through the various eras and Middle Ages up to modern times. So compelling was the link that following the decreasing death rate of convicts and migrants who were treated with wine aboard Australia-bound ships in the early part of the nineteenth century, it spawned the founding of vineyards and wineries by British doctors throughout the rest of the century. Many such wineries have grown into global businesses responsible for some of the largest wine outputs in the world. For example, Lindemans and Penfolds were founded in the early 1840s by Drs. Henry J. Lindeman and Christopher R. Penfold, respectively. But as wine became integral to religions from Biblical times and the evils of alcohol took root into societies, wine, its health benefits, and its sociological impacts became very controversial and spawned the anti-alcohol temperance movement in colonial America. In 1916, federal health authorities removed alcohol from the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), “the official public standards-setting authority for all prescription and over-the-counter medicines and other health care products manufactured or sold in the United States.” Then in 1920, the Volstead Act was enacted under the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution making the manufacture, sale, importation, and distribution of alcohol illegal which lasted until 1933 when the Twenty-first Amendment was ratified to repeal National Prohibition. During Prohibition, consumption of alcohol and homemade wine for personal use was still allowed though each state and often towns or counties were left to implement further control according to local needs. Wine for sacramental and medicinal uses was also exempt. In Canada, provinces had already started implementing prohibitory laws in 1917. Much research on the health benefits of wine has been documented particularly since the nineteenth century. But the temperance movement had been strong and gained renewed momentum in the 1980s in advocating the evils of alcohol on public health. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), a now very influential organization, was first founded in 1980. Then during Ronald Reagan’s first presidential term in the 1980s, First Lady Nancy Reagan launched the “Just Say No” drug awareness campaign which naturally included alcoholic beverages. Senator James Strom Thurmond, whose daughter was killed by a drunk driver in 1993 and whose wife later became addicted to alcohol, was a long-time, staunch anti-alcohol advocate. He led the offensive responsible for implementing (in 1988) the now-familiar warning on labels of all wines sold in the U.S. The ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, now the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, or TTB) text reads as follows: GOVERNMENT WARNING: (1) According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery and may cause health problems. But there was a major turnabout in 1991 when French scientist Dr. Serge Renaud made public his theory of the French Paradox which observed that the French suffer a relatively low incidence of coronary heart diseases (CHD) which is the major cause of death in industrialized countries despite having a diet relatively rich in saturated fats found in, for example, eggs, dairy products and particularly cheese, and meat. Renaud’s work catapulted sales of red wine in the U.S. and a renewed interest in the health benefits of wine when CBS aired its French Paradox TV segment on 60 Minutes that same year. The French Paradox, the countless epidemiological studies and laboratory studies and experiments, such as those by renowned Kaiser-Permanente cardiologist Dr. Arthur Klatsky make a strong case in asserting the J- or U-shaped relationships between the consumption of alcohol and mortality rate. More specifically, these have demonstrated that moderate alcohol consumption resulted in a lower mortality rate compared to abstainers and teetotalers or heavy alcohol drinkers. As well, moderate consumption has also been linked to a lower morbidity (disease) rate. Moderate consumption is generally defined to represent 14 g of pure alcohol (ethanol) per day which can be obtained from 148 mL (5 fl oz) of twelve-percent-alcohol wine-careful with that “two glasses a day” guideline-or from 355 mL (12 fl oz) of five-percent-alcohol beer or from 44 mL (1½ fl oz) of forty-percent-alcohol spirit. And to enjoy and maximize the health benefits of moderate drinking, consumption must be daily and not averaged out by, for example, drinking seven times the recommended amount at one Saturday-evening party, and should be part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle including regular exercise. As of 1999, wine destined for the U.S. market could then be labeled by TTB approval with a directional health-related statement directing consumers “to consult [their] family doctor about the health benefits of wine consumption” or to request the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) and Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) published Dietary Guidelines for Americans “to learn the health effects of wine consumption.” But Senator