Five Steps to Improving Your Health and Wealth

Any time you are setting goals to improve your health and wealth, there are five steps that are crucial to your success. People can and do have success without implementing these steps, but I have found that kind of success to be random and sporadic. If you want sustained success and a happier life you must take what has been sporadic and make it systematic.

1. Identify WHAT you want – start with the end in mind and have a very clear picture of what you want. For example, if you want $1 million in net worth that would be the end in mind.

2. Decide WHEN you want it – without a time frame there is no way to tell if you are on track. The time frame has to be realistic. If you want $ 1 million in net worth within one year’s time and you currently have a $50,000 net worth, that may not be realistic.

3. Determine HOW you will accomplish it – every plan needs a strategy and tactics for it’s accomplishment. You must be able to determine through manageable steps whether you are on track or not. If your goal of $ 1 million in net worth is a 10 year goal and in the first three years you increase your net worth to $150,000 is that enough. Based on the HOW is that enough to get you there.

4. Now ask the question, WHY do I want this? – Too often the WHY question is never answered. Without the why, your wealth goal may just be a dream.

5. Do it now! – I am sure you have heard that before, but it bears repeating. Any plan to increase your net worth or improve your health is worthless unless you take immediate action.

Now, once you completed these steps you can repeat them as necessary. Don’t forget to review your overall goal and the steps you have committed to regularly. Then you can monitor your progress and make adjustments to the plan as necessary.

To your health and wealth.


Source by Gregg Goodmanson

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