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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 14 October 2022

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Application Deadline: 14 October 2022 Source link

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Posted 2 years ago

The UN Secretary-General established the UN SDG Action Campaign to inspire people and organizations from all backgrounds and every part of the world to take actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, while holding decision-makers to account for progress society-wide. The UN SDG Action Campaign is hosted and supported by UNDP and is based in Bonn (Germany) with a lean team that marshals rapid support for new initiatives as opportunities arise and provides partners with on-demand strategic creative services that inspire local SDG action.

The UN SDG Action Campaign is working closely with cities and local governments to showcase how they are actively contributing to implement Agenda 2030, accelerating transformative action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals for all, and everywhere.

Within this context, the UN SDG Action Campaign is seeking to recruit a Planning and Capacity Development Analyst to maximize UNDP efforts to support local and regional governments innovating SDG local action.

Local and regional governments are already responsible of over 65% of the SDG targets, most of them linked to basic service provision from water, sanitation, mobility, climate action, health or education. Cities and territories are playing a big part on the implementation of SDGs, that are becoming a new tool for strategic planning and budgeting in the mid to long-term. The planning and capacity development analyst will support UNDP Country Office working with municipalities around the world to exchange experiences, generate knowledge about the latest local development trends and collect data about city innovation to upscale and replicate such innovations. The Analyst will also ensure that the experience generated by the Global Mayors Challenge is shared, upscaled and communicate worldwide.

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The UN Secretary-General established the UN SDG Action Campaign to inspire people and organizations from all backgrounds and every part of the world to take actions to achieve the Sustainable Developm...


Malgré le développement rapide du traitement antirétroviral (ARV), les personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) restent confrontées à des obstacles pour accéder au traitement en Afrique subsaharienne. Parallèlement, les systèmes de santé luttent pour fournir des soins à un nombre croissant de patients sous TARV. En 2015, l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) a recommandé la mise en place de modèles différenciés d’accès aux traitements ARV pour des PVVIH stables. Cette recommandation est basée sur des expériences positives de stratégies mises en place au niveau des formations sanitaires telles que l’espacement des visites cliniques avec un accès direct du patient à la pharmacie pour la distribution d’ARV, ou des groupes de traitement ARV menés par des agents de santé au sein de la structure. D’autres stratégies plutôt communautaires ont aussi été pilotées comme les groupes TARV menés par des patients ou la distribution des ARV dans les postes de distribution communautaire gérés par les réseaux des PVVIH.


Au Congo le taux de prévalence du VIH chez les adultes de 15 à 49 ans est de 3,87% (Spectrum 2022) avec un nombre estimé de 106.834 personnes dans le pays qui vivent avec le VIH. Les besoins non couverts en dépistage du VIH restent très importants et seulement 29,95 % des adultes et enfants éligibles au traitement ARV y ont accès. La proportion des malades qui ont pu atteindre la suppression de leur charge virale n’est pas connue. En outre le pays a enregistré une proportion cumulée des perdus de vue de l’ordre de 6,11% (1802/29487) pour 2021 (Données rapports de progrès).


Dans le cadre de la riposte à cette épidémie, le gouvernement congolais a entrepris des mesures pour faciliter l’accès à la prévention, aux soins et au traitement de l’infection à VIH, par la sensibilisation de la population, l’institution de la gratuité des différentes interventions, l’équipement des formations sanitaires pour le suivi des patients et par le renforcement des capacités du personnel soignant.  Ainsi depuis 2021, le pays s’est engagé à mettre en place des stratégies novatrices visant à améliorer, la prévention incluant le dépistage VIH, la rétention et l’observance aux TAR (Auto test, PrEP, approche « Mère Mentor », dépistage communautaire et Point de dispensation communautaire (PODI) d’ARV).


Pour le cas des PODI, une stratégie nationale de mise en place a été élaborée et validée par les parties prenantes en Avril 2021.  Avec l’appui du financement du Fonds mondial de lutte contre le Sida, la tuberculose et le paludisme, un projet pilote a été initié afin de mettre en place deux PODI d’ARV, un (01) au CTA de Brazzaville et un (01) au CTA de Pointe Noire. A ce titre et conformément à la stratégie nationale deux associations communautaires ont été identifiés afin d’assurer la gestion de ces PODI. Afin de permettre auxdites associations d’assurer une gestion efficace du PODI, il est prévu de renforcer leurs capacités sur les aspects de planification, de gestion des patients et de suivi évaluation et rapportage pour des expériences réussies.


A cet effet, le Programme National de Lutte contre le SIDA et les IST du Congo, sous financement du Fonds mondial de lutte contre le Sida, la tuberculose et le paludisme, recrute un consultant national qui travaillera en étroite collaboration avec les parties prenantes.

Dans le cadre de cette mission, le Consultant sera plus particulièrement engagé dans l’élaboration des modules de formation, la formation du personnel des associations lors de 2 ateliers et la revue des outils mis en place dans le cadre de la gestion des PODI

Objectif général

Il s’agit, dans le cadre de la mise en place des PODI à Brazzaville et à Pointe Noire, de renforcer les capacités des prestataires des PODI et des sur l’organisation et le fonctionnement des PODI pour une gestion efficace et un suivi adéquat des patients sous ARV.


Objectifs spécifiques

1.  Elaborer un manuel de formation des prestataires des PODI ;

2. Formaliser des modules de formation sur la mise en place des PODI portant notamment sur

Organisation des équipes

  • Approvisionnement et distribution des ARV,
  • Le soutien à l’adhérence par les pairs,
  • La Recherche des patients qui manquent un rendez-vous,
  • Les Services d’information, orientation et dépistage VIH,
  • L’Education thérapeutique,
  • Organisation de groupes de support,
  • Accompagnement social,
  • Remplissage des outils,
  • Rapportage.

2. Organiser un atelier de formation au bénéfice des prestataires des PODI et des CTA

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Malgré le développement rapide du traitement antirétroviral (ARV), les personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) restent confrontées à des obstacles pour accéder a...

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago

The UN Secretary-General established the UN SDG Action Campaign to inspire people and organizations from all backgrounds and every part of the world to take actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, while holding decision-makers to account for progress society-wide. The UN SDG Action Campaign is hosted and supported by UNDP and is based in Bonn (Germany) with a lean team that marshals rapid support for new initiatives as opportunities arise and provides partners with on-demand strategic creative services that inspire SDG action with an engaged community of activists and concerned individuals.

The UN SDG Action Campaign is working closely with cities and local governments to showcase how they are actively contributing to implement Agenda 2030, accelerating transformative action to  achieve the Sustainable Development Goals for all, and everywhere. The UN SDG Action Campaign, together with the office of UNDP in Rwanda are supporting the City of Kigali to implement the Rainwater Harvesting and Smart Waste Management project in Mpazi and Busanza settlements, one of the winners of the 2021 Global Mayors Challenge.

Within this context, the UN SDG Action Campaign is seeking to recruit a Project Monitoring and Evaluation Officer to support the implementation of the Global Mayors Challenge in Kigali.

The project is addressing the issue of affordable water and smart waste collection in the two recently upgraded neighborhoods, one located in the informal settlement of Mpazi ravine sub-catchment area, Gitega Sector Nyarugenge District, and another in a resettlement of Busanza, populated by people who formerly lived in Kangondo, Nyarutarama.  

In order to afford the high cost of water provision, while improving sanitation services, the project focus on promoting the use of rain water collected and distributed into house units, to be used as an alternative affordable water source in addition to commercial (WASAC) water provision. The project also include a new system of waste collection, directly collected from households through segregated waste bins, improving the living conditions of residents.

The project comprises interventions in the two sites located in Mpazi and Busanza and are focused on constructing rain harvesting systems and smart waste collection systems. The works will include construction of underground rain water reservoirs with its water distribution mechanism into the already identified buildings, one for each site ( Mpazi & Busanza), and also installation of seven stations of smart waste collection bins in total.

The Project M&E Officer will support the UNDP and City of Kigali to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Kigali Global Mayors Challenge Project.

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The UN Secretary-General established the UN SDG Action Campaign to inspire people and organizations from all backgrounds and every part of the world to take actions to achieve the Sustainable Developm...


The UN Secretary-General established the UN SDG Action Campaign to inspire people and organizations from all backgrounds and every part of the world to take actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, while holding decision-makers to account for progress society-wide. The UN SDG Action Campaign is hosted and supported by UNDP and is based in Bonn (Germany) with a lean team that marshals rapid support for new initiatives as opportunities arise and provides partners with on-demand strategic creative services that inspire SDG action with an engaged community of activists and concerned individuals.

The UN SDG Action Campaign is working closely with cities and local governments to showcase how they are actively contributing to implement Agenda 2030, accelerating transformative action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals for all, and everywhere. The UN SDG Action Campaign, together with the office of UNDP in Rwanda are supporting the City of Kigali to implement the Rainwater Harvesting and Smart Waste Management project in Mpazi and Busanza settlements, one of the winners of the 2021 Global Mayors Challenge.

Within this context, the UN SDG Action Campaign is seeking to recruit a Project Engineer to support the implementation of the Global Mayors Challenge in Kigali.

The project is addressing the issue of affordable water and smart waste collection in the two recently upgraded neighborhoods, one located in the informal settlement of Mpazi ravine sub-catchment area, Gitega Sector Nyarugenge District, and another in a resettlement of Busanza, populated by people who formerly lived in Kangondo, Nyarutarama.

In order to afford the high cost of water provision, while improving sanitation services, the project focus on promoting the use of rain water collected and distributed into house units, to be used as an alternative affordable water source in addition to commercial (WASAC) water provision. The project also include a new system of waste collection, directly collected from households through segregated waste bins, improving the living conditions of residents.

The project comprises interventions in the two sites located in Mpazi and Busanza and are focused on constructing rain harvesting systems and smart waste collection systems. The works will include construction of underground rain water reservoirs with its water distribution mechanism into the already identified buildings, one for each site ( Mpazi & Busanza), and also installation of seven stations of smart waste collection bins in total.

The Project Engineer will support UNDP and City of Kigali in supervising on-site construction works for the project, and will liaise with contractors and report the construction work and quality.

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The UN Secretary-General established the UN SDG Action Campaign to inspire people and organizations from all backgrounds and every part of the world to take actions to achieve the Sustainable Developm...

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 12 October 2022
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Application Deadline: 12 October 2022 Source link

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 15 October 2022

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Application Deadline: 15 October 2022 Source link

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 14 October 2022

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Application Deadline: 14 October 2022 Source link

Application Deadline: 14 October 2022

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Application Deadline: 14 October 2022 Source link

Application Deadline: 14 October 2022

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Application Deadline: 14 October 2022 Source link

Application Deadline: 16 October 2022

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Application Deadline: 16 October 2022 Source link


Applications for this vacancy MUST be sent with the relevant attachments (Cover Letter & CV) to the following email address:   Only applications received at this email address will be accepted.  Kindly indicate the following reference on your application:  # ASG, RBAS.


UNDP works in nearly 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion.  We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience, in order to sustain development results.


UNDP is working to strengthen new frameworks for development, disaster risk reduction and climate change.  We support countries' efforts to achieve the new Sustainable Development Goals which will guide global development priorities for the next 10 years.


RBAS covers 17 Country Offices (with the 18th located in the occupied Palestinian territory) and one Regional Service Centre, located in Amman.  Across the region, UNDP helps countries build and share their own solutions to urgent development challenges, supporting coalitions for change and connecting individuals and institutions so they can share knowledge, experience and resources.  As countries develop local capacity, they draw on the people of UNDP and our wide range of regional and global partners.  The regional priorities include democratic governance and peace building, sustainable development, reducing inequalities, disaster and conflict risk reduction, climate change and the advancement of women, among others.


The Regional Director is the leader of UNDP in the region as well as a member of UNDP’s corporate leadership, and as such, serves as a role model for corporate values, behaviors and substantive skills.

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Applications for this vacancy MUST be sent with the relevant attachments (Cover Letter & CV) to the following email address:   Only appli...

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 14 October 2022

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Application Deadline: 14 October 2022 Source link

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 14 October 2022

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Application Deadline: 14 October 2022 Source link

Application Deadline: 14 October 2022

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Application Deadline: 14 October 2022 Source link