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Application Deadline: 11 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 11 January 2023 Source link

Application Deadline: 11 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 11 January 2023 Source link

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 4 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 4 January 2023 Source link


The Consultant is expected to contribute to the design of the Youth strategy providing the systematic and structured approach, methodological guidance, overall process facilitation, data analysis, drafting and quality assuring of relevant parts of the Strategy. The methodology approach should be in line with the existing legal and methodological framework (MiPRO and/or other relevant strategic planning methodology). The process ought to respect principles of sustainable development and social inclusion and to fully mainstream gender equality.  The Consultant will work in close cooperation with local working groups for strategy development and under the supervision of ReLOaD2 project team.

Considering the above, the Consultant is expected to perform the following concrete tasks:

Task  1: Develop detailed working plan and extensive methodology for Youth strategy development,

Task 2: Facilitate strategic planning process and guide the local working groups for strategy development,

Task  3: Compile inputs, draft/re-draft strategy document and provide quality assurance.

More specifically, the Consultant will be expected to perform the following:

Task 1: Develop detailed working plan and extended methodology for Youth strategy development

Under this task, the Consultant will:

  • Review existing/expired Youth strategy in respective LGs and all other documents relevant to the task that will be provided by the ReLOaD2 project team;
  • Develop a detailed methodology for developing Youth strategy;
  • Propose a detailed work plan outlining the approach and the timeline of the process. The work plan will be submitted to ReLOaD2 for approval.


The ReLOaD2 project team will establish communication between the Consultant and LG representatives. The Consultant will maintain constant communication and cooperation with LG representatives gathering inputs from the LG representatives on all relevant aspects of the detailed methodology and workplan. ReLOaD2 project team will oversee the process, provide feedback, suggestions for adjustments and will approve final version of methodology and workplan.

It is envisaged that this task will be delivered by February 6, 2023 and the level of effort of the Consultant will not exceed 2 expert days for each LG.


Task 2: Facilitate strategic planning process and guide the local working groups for strategy development

The Consultant will be responsible to coordinate and facilitate the strategy development process, in line with best practices in the development area, through provision of inputs and guidance to LGs for setting up local working groups for strategy development and conducting stakeholders’ analysis thus ensuring that all relevant stakeholders will be included in working groups.

In line with the methodological approach and ReLOaD2 project team instructions, the Consultant will serve as the main focal point for strategy development to local working groups and LG representatives. He/She will provide direct guidance to the local working groups, aiming to ensure efficient and effective planning process and the highest possible quality of the final strategy document.

In close cooperation with the LG representatives, the Consultant will lead the local working group for youth strategy development (including regular meetings preparation, action planning, tasking, etc.) and facilitate the required number of meetings and workshops. This will include but will not be limited to:

  • Introductory meeting,
  • Several workshops on:

1. data compilation and analysis for developing situational analyses,

2. identifying focuses, setting strategic objectives and vision,

3. setting priorities, identifying measures, key strategic projects and indicative financial framework,

4. monitoring, reporting and evaluation,

  • Validation of programming part of the strategy with the respective LGs,
  • Workshop for finalization of strategy document,
  • Validation of draft strategy document with the respective LGs and proposing actions for next steps.

It is envisaged that this task will be delivered by March 6, 2023 and the level of effort for each LG is: Bihac – 9 days, City of East Sarajevo – 8 days, Gacko – 7 days, Goražde – 8 days and Prijedor – 9 days.


Task 3: Compile inputs, draft/re-draft strategy document and provide quality assurance

Based on inputs from local working groups, the Consultant will compile inputs and prepare the draft strategy document. It is important to note that the Consultant will be ultimately responsible for the overall drafting and revision of the Youth strategy document, improving parts of the document, as needed, and providing overall quality assurance, based on the inputs from LG and ReLOaD2 project Team.

The Consultant is required to ensure coherence of the overall strategic document, as well as vertical harmonisation with the higher-level strategic documents when applicable. Consultant will provide guidance and advice in defining priorities, measures, key projects and indicative financial framework for achieving identified strategic development goals, including setting relevant indicators.

It is envisaged that this task will be delivered by April 3, 2023 and the level of effort for each LG is: Bihac – 8 days, City of East Sarajevo – 7 days, Gacko – 7 days, Goražde – 7 days and Prijedor – 8 days.


The entire service will be delivered in the languages of BiH people.  




Deliverables / Outputs

# of Days per Task

Due Date



Task 1. Develop detailed working plan and extended methodology for Youth strategy development
•           Documents reviewed
•           Working plan and methodology for Youth strategy developed and approved by ReLOaD2 project team

2 days

6 February 2023



Task 2: Facilitate strategic planning process and guide the local working groups for strategy development
•           All envisaged meetings and workshops completed;
•           Required consultation processes concluded;
•           Task 2 report approved by ReLOaD2 project team

Bihac – 9 days, City of East Sarajevo – 8 days, Gacko – 7 days, Goražde – 8 days and Prijedor – 9 days.

6 March 2023



Task 3: Compile inputs, draft/re-draft strategy document and provide quality assurance
•           The Youth strategy fully developed and coherence of the document ensured;
•           The Strategy document quality assured, validated and approved by the LG representatives and ReLOaD2 project team;
•           Service report approved by ReLOaD2 project team.

Bihac – 8 days, City of East Sarajevo – 7 days, Gacko – 7 days, Goražde – 7 days and Prijedor – 8 days.

3 April 2023


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The Consultant is expected to contribute to the design of the Youth strategy providing the systematic and structured approach, methodological guidance, overall process facilitation, data analysis, dra...


In 2020, UNDP launched implementation of the Strengthening the Role of Local Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina Project, Phase 2 jointly financed by the Government of Switzerland and Sweden. The overall goal of the second Project phase is to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina through empowered, gender responsive local communities (mjesne zajednice-MZs) that facilitate active citizen engagement in public life, stand for people-centered performance of local governments and catalyze democratic transformation at the local level. The Project's implementing strategy is empowerment of local communities, with changes envisaged at system level (improvement of the local government regulatory framework, rulebooks and practices, emerging policy and regulatory changes at the higher level) and behavioural level (change in attitude, perceptions within communities; change in traditional gender roles and stereotyping, pro-active engagement in local public life, restoration of trust in government and hope that change is positive etc.). A combination of these transformations is a pre-requisite for durable changes once MZs become agents of local change. In doing so, the Project places MZs and their communities at the centre of its work, while also relying on a broad range of relevant stakeholders to sustain and expand Project results and increase democratic accountability.


The key Project stakeholders are 41 LGs[1] and 199 local communities-mjesne zajednice.


[1] Banja Luka, Bihac, Bijeljina, Brcko distrikt, Breza, Centar Sarajevo, Citluk, Doboj, Goražde, Gracanica, Gradacac, Gradiška, Ilijaš, Jablanica, Kljuc, Kotor Varoš, Laktaši, Ljubinje, Ljubuški, Maglaj, Modrica, Mrkonjic Grad, Nevesinje, Olovo, Pale FBiH, Petrovo, Rogatica, Rudo, Sanski Most, Tešanj, Teslic, Trebinje, Trnovo, Višegrad, Visoko, Vitez, Vlasenica, Vogošca, Zavidovici, Zenica, Žepce.

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In 2020, UNDP launched implementation of the Strengthening the Role of Local Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina Project, Phase 2 jointly financed by the Government of Switzerland and Sweden. The ov...

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 9 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 9 January 2023 Source link

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 10 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 10 January 2023 Source link

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Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 10 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 10 January 2023 Source link

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 10 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 10 January 2023 Source link

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 4 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 4 January 2023 Source link

Introduction : Country:  Bangladesh

Description of the Assignment: Digital payments are an essential part of Bangladesh’s journey towards the developed nation status by 2041 and have propelled the country’s COVID-19 response to a large extent. The payments ecosystem has seen tremendous growth due to the onset of MFS and Digital banking. Digital payment of bills and fees has also seen massive uptake among citizens and a number of FSPs providing these services.

  The overall objective of the assignment will be the following:

  • Analyze the existing data flow and contribute to make a unified dataset for analyzing transaction data by data preprocessing, cleaning, and modeling
  • Generate an exploratory data analytic report on tableau for Ekpay
  • Perform AI/ML based data analysis, Data visualization reports using Tableau 

Period of assignment/service (if applicable): 80 working days within 5 months

UNDP Bangladesh is seeking proposals from individual consultants for the provision of hiring IC Consultants as described in the above-mentioned subject. Please note that this procurement process is being conducted through the new online tendering system of UNDP. Applicants who wish to submit a proposal must be registered in the system. Kindly register by visiting the link below and follow the instructions provided in the user guide in the document attached: using the profile you may have in the Quantum portal. In case you have never registered before, follow the Supplier Portal Registration Link to register a profile in the system. The Supplier User Guide has been uploaded to the following link: Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgot password feature in case you do not remember the password or the  username from the previous registration. The supplier webinar is now available in the following link: https://www.undp.

Individual Contractor UNDP-BGD-00065 org/procurement/business/resources-for-bidders. Please note that all required documents can be found on UNDP Quantum Platform under negotiation reference: UNDP-BGD-00065

Interested experts with questions regarding the registration in Quantum should send them in writing to:, and copying the reference UNDP-BGD-00065 in the subject line. Please note, Proposals

will not be received through email. Once, any applicant is registered in the system, any request for clarification must be sent in writing via messaging functionality in the portal. UNDP will respond in writing, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry.



Bangladesh Country Office

To know details and for apply, please click the UNDP Procurement Notice link below:



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Introduction : Country:  Bangladesh Description of the Assignment: Digital payments are an essential part of Bangladesh’s journey towards the developed nation status by 2041 and h...

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 10 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 10 January 2023 Source link

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 4 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 4 January 2023 Source link

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 9 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 9 January 2023 Source link

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago
Application Deadline: 12 January 2023

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Application Deadline: 12 January 2023 Source link